THONG TIN VE LU~N AN TIEN sl 1 Ten d~ tai lu~n an Chat IU(1ngtranh tung cua KiJm sat vien Viin KiJm sat nhtin dan cap huyin t{liphien toa xet xu hinh Slf theo yeu cnu ciii each tilphtip if Viit Nam hiin nay 2 Nganh Ly luan va lich su nha mroc va phap lu~t 3 Mil sB 938 01 06 4 HQ va ten nghien cuu sinh Mai Th Nam 5 Khoa dao tao K31 (2015 2019) 6 Nglf(Yihurrng dan khoa hoc PGS TS Trinh Dire Thao TS Le Hiru Th~ 7 Ten CO sOdilO tao H9C vien Chinh tri quoc gia H6 Chi Minh 8 Tom tit cac k~t qua m.
THONG TIN VE LU~N AN TIEN sl Ten d~ tai lu~n an: Chat IU'(1ngtranh tung cua KiJm sat vien Viin KiJm sat nhtin dan cap huyin t{li phien toa xet xu hinh Slf theo yeu cnu ciii each til'phtip if Viit Nam hiin Nganh: Ly luan va lich su nha mroc va phap lu~t Mil sB: 938 01 06 HQ va ten nghien cuu sinh: Mai Th] Nam Khoa dao tao: K31 (2015 - 2019) Nglf(Yihurrng dan khoa hoc: - PGS TS Trinh Dire Thao - TS Le Hiru Th~ Ten CO' sO'dilO tao: H9C vien Chinh tri quoc gia H6 Chi Minh Tom tit cac k~t qua mrri cua lu~n an 8.1 Nhirng dong gop moi v~ hoc thu{it, Ii lu{in Nghien ciru sinh dii lam r5 co sa 1y luan v~ ch~t hrong tranh tung cua Ki~m sat vien Vien kiem sat nhan dan c~p huyen tai phien toa xet xu hinh SlJtheo yeu c~u cai each tu phap Vi~t Nam; xac l~p cac quan di~m va h~ th6ng giai phap bao dam ch~t 1uQ1lgtranh t\lng Clla Ki~m sat vien Vi~n ki~m sat nhan dan c~p huy~n t'ili phi en toa xet xu hinh SlJtheo yeu c~u cai cach tu phap Vi~t Nam hi~n 8.2 Nhirng ,iliJm mt(i rut tic cac kit 'l.uii nghien cuu, khiio sat - Lu~n an ke thua, tong hQ'P,danh gia ve cac cong trinh nghien CUukhoa h9C co lien quan d~ xay dvng, b6 sung, hoan thi~n ly lu~n ch~t IUQ1lgtranh t\lng Clla Ki~m sat vien Vi~n ki~m sat nhan dan c~p huy~n xet xu hinh SlJ.Trong do, xay dvng khai ni~m, phan tich d~c di~m, xac l~p cac tieu chi danh gia va cac ySu t6 dam bao ch~t IUQ1lgtranh t1)ng Clla Ki~m sat vien Vi~n ki~m sat nhan dan c~p huy~n t'iliphien toa xet xu hinh SlJ theo yeu c~u cai cach tu phap Vi~t Nam Lu~n an chi duQ'c mQt s6 gia tri tham khiw cho vi~c bao dam ch~t IUQ1lgtranh t1)ng cua Ki~m sat vien Vi~n ki~m sat nhan dan c~p huy~n t'ili phien toa xet xu hinh SlJ Vi~t Nam qua vi~c nghien cUu mo hinh tranh t\lng Clla Ki~m sat vien (Cong t6 vien) t'iliphien toa xet xu hinh su mot s6 nuac tren th@giai _·Lu~n an danh gia thlJc tr'ilng ch~t lUQ1lgtranh t\lng cua Ki~m sat vien Vi~n Ki~m sat nhan dan c~p huy~n t'ili phien toa xet xu hinh slJ theo yeu c~u cai cach tu phap Vi~t Nam Tu nhUng phan tich v~ co sa ly lu~n, thlJc tr'ilng, lu~n an xay dvng duQ'c cac quan di~m, d@xu~t h~ th6ng giai phap bao g6m nhom giai phap chung va nhom giai phap C\lth~ nh&m bao dam ch~t lUQ1lgtranh t\lng Clla Ki~m sat vien Vi~n Ki~m sat nhan dan c~p huy~n t'ili phien toa xet xu hinh SlJtheo yeu c~u clla cai cach tu phap Vi~t Nam hi~n a a a a a a NGUOI HUONG nAN PGS TS Trinh DtfC Thao TS Le Hfru Th~ NGHIEN cUu SINH Mai Thi Nam INFORMATION OF DOCTORAL THESIS Thesis Title: Litigation quality of Procurator of the district-level People's Procuracy at criminal trial in accordance with the requirements of judicial reform in Vietnam today Field of study: Theory and History of State and Law Code: 938 01 06 PHD candidate: Mai Thi Nam Training course: No.31 (2015 - 2019) Supervisor: - Prof Dr Trinh Due Thao - Dr Le Huu The Training institution: Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics Summary of the findings of the doctoral thesis 8.1 New academic and theoretical contributions a/the thesis The thesis clarified theoretical basis for litigation quality of Procurator of the district-level People's Pro curacy at criminal trial in accordance with the requirements of judicial reform in Vietnam; establishing the viewpoints and solution system to ensure litigation quality of procurator of the district-level People's Procuracy at criminal trial in accordance with the current judicial reform requirements in Vietnam 8.2 New points drawn/rom research and survey results _The thesis inherits, synthesizes and evaluates relevant scientific research works to build, supplement and improve the theory of litigation quality of Procurator of the district-level People's Pro curacy in criminal trial In which, developing concepts, analyzing characteristics, establishing evaluation criteria and factors to ensure the litigation quality of Procurator of the district-level People's Pro curacy at criminal trial in accordance with the judicial reform requirements in Vietnam The thesis points out some reference values for litigation quality of Procurator of the district-level People's Pro curacy at criminal trial in Vietnam through studying litigation model of the Prosecutors at criminal trials in some countries around the world _ The thesis assesses current status of litigation quality of procurator of the district-level People's Procuracy at criminal trial in accordance with the requirements of judicial reform in Vietnam From analysis of the theoretical basis and situation, the thesis has built up viewpoints, proposed a system of solutions including a group of general and specific solutions to ensure litigation quality of Pro curacy of the districtlevel People's Procuracy at criminal trial in accordance with the current judicial reform in Vietnam PHD CANDIDATE ON BEHALF OF SUPERVISORS Prof Dr Trinh Due Thao Dr Le HUll The Mai Thi Nam ... with the requirements of judicial reform in Vietnam today Field of study: Theory and History of State and Law Code: 938 01 06 PHD candidate: Mai Thi Nam Training course: No.31 (2015 - 2019) Supervisor:... Summary of the findings of the doctoral thesis 8.1 New academic and theoretical contributions a/the thesis The thesis clarified theoretical basis for litigation quality of Procurator of the district-level... in Vietnam 8.2 New points drawn/rom research and survey results _The thesis inherits, synthesizes and evaluates relevant scientific research works to build, supplement and improve the theory