Tài liệu Luyện thi Toeic: Listening bài 9 docx

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Tài liệu Luyện thi Toeic: Listening bài 9 docx

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UNIT 9: BY LAND AND BY SEA 3 LISTENING 1. by / baI/ (prep) used for showing how or in what way something is done. to travel by boat/bus/car/plane: đi bằng thuyền/xe búyt/xe hơi/máy bay to travel by air/land/sea: đi bằng đường hàng không/đường bộ/đường biển 2. rest / rest/ verb 1 [intransitive] to spend a period of time relaxing or sleeping after doing something tiring: nghỉ ngơi It would be nice to sit down and rest for a while. 2 [transitive] rest something on/against/in something to put something somewhere for support, especially a part of your body: đặt, dựa She rested her elbows on the table: Cô ta chống khủy tay lên bàn. rest noun [count or uncount] a period of time you spend relaxing or sleeping after doing something tiring: thời gian nghỉ ngơi take/have a rest: He took a short rest in the afternoon. 3. gypsy /’ dZIpsi/ noun [count] someone who does not like to live in one place for a long time but prefers to move around: thành viên của một dân tộc lang thang có nguồn gốc ở Châu Á, sống theo từng đoàn bộ hành: dân Gipxi 4. mail / meIl/ verb [transitive] 1 to send a letter, package, etc. to someone by mail. British usually post: gửi cái gì bằng đường bưu điện mail something to someone: Information is mailed regularly to all our members. 2 to send a message, document, etc. to someone by e-mail: gửi e-mail the mail the system for sending and delivering letters, packages, etc. to houses, offices, etc. British usually post: bưu điện by mail: bằng đường bưu điện All our goods can be ordered by mail. 5. return / rI’tE:n/ verb [intransitive] to go back to a place where you were earlier, or to come back from a place where you have just been: trở về One day she just walked out and never returned. return noun [singular or uncount] a situation in which you go back to a place or come back from a place: sự trở về return from: Harry had met Olivia shortly after his return from India. return to: Back at the hotel, John was packing for his return to London. on someone’s return (from/to something): On her return to England, she published an account of her travels. 6. end up phrasal verb [intransitive] MAINLY SPOKEN to be in a particular place or state after doing something or because of doing it: cuối cùng, rốt cuộc If you continue to steal, you’ll end up in prison: Nếu mày tiếp tục trộm cắp thì rồi cuối cùng mày sẽ vào tù. end up doing something: I ended up spending the night in the airport. 7. vacation / veI’keISn/ noun [count or uncount] AMERICAN a period of time when you do not work and you do things for pleasure instead. British holiday: kỳ nghỉ on vacation: She’s on vacation this week and next. take a vacation: đi nghỉ: Next year, we will take a vacation to see the Grand Canyon. 8. post / pWCUst / verb [transitive] 1 to put information or a message where the public can see it, for example on a wall: dán The menu and prices are posted outside the door. 2 BRITISH to mail a letter or package to someone: MAIL 9. hear / hIC(r)/ (past tense and past participle heard /hE:d /) verb [intransitive or transitive not usually progressive] to receive information about something: nghe nói họăc được thông tin về cái gì Have you heard? Lucy passed the bar exam. hear about: Did you hear about Jim’s party? hear of: We didn’t hear of his death until many years later. 10. pub / pVb/ noun [count] a place where people go to drink alcohol, especially in the U.K. and Ireland: quán rượu Let’s go to the pub for a drink. 11. hitchhike /’hItS,haIk/ verb [intransitive] to travel by asking other people to take you in their car, by standing on the side of a road and holding out your thumb or a sign: đi quá giang xe You should never go hitchhiking alone. hitchhiker noun [count] 12. spot / spOt/ noun [count] a particular area or place: nơi, địa điểm He showed me the exact spot where he had asked her to marry him: Nó chỉ tôi xem đúng cái nơi mà nó cầu hôn cô ấy. 13. for ages [plural] INFORMAL for a long time: rất lâu She’s lived here for ages. 14. freeze / fri:z/ (past tense froze /frCUz /; past participle frozen /’frCUzn /) verb [intransitive] to feel extremely cold: cảm thấy rất lạnh, chết cóng You’ll freeze if you go out in that thin coat. 15. suppose / sC’pCUz/ verb [transitive] to believe that something is probably true, based on your experience, your knowledge, and any other information that you have: cho là, tin rằng, nghĩ rằng suppose (that): I suppose she must be delighted about getting the job. supposed / sC’pCUzd/ (adj) [only before noun] believed or said by some people to be true, although you may not agree with this: được cho là, tưởng là The supposed begger was really a police officer in disguise: Người mà ta tưởng là ăn mày thật ra là một viên cảnh sát cải trang supposedly / sC’pCUzCdlI/ (adv) as some people believe or say, although you may not agree with this: cho là The house is supposedly haunted: Căn nhà này bị cho là ma ám. 16. conductor / kCn’dVktC(r)/ noun [count] someone on a train, bus, etc. who checks passengers’ tickets and collects money: nhân viên soát vé nam conductress /kCn’dVktrCs/ noun [count] MAINLY BRITISH OLD-FASHIONED a woman on a bus or train who checks passengers’ tickets and collects money: nhân viên soát vé nữ 17. point / pcInt/ noun [count] a particular place: nơi, địa điểm a point where three different countries meet 4 VOCABULARY: TRAVEL EXPRESSIONS 18. a one-way ticket allows you to travel from one place to another but not back again: vé đi một lượt — opposite ROUND-TRIP TICKET: vé khứ hồi 19. reserve / rI’zE:rv/ verb [intransitive or transitive] to make an arrangement so that something such as a room in a hotel or a seat in a theater is kept for you to use later: đặt (chỗ hoặc phòng ) trước Saturdays are busy, so it’s a good idea to reserve a table in advance. reservation / ,rezC’veISn/ noun [count] an arrangement by which something such as a room in a hotel or a seat in a theater is kept for you to use later: sự đặt trước Do you have a reservation? make a reservation: I’ve made a reservation for you on the morning flight. 20. pack / pAk/ verb [intransitive or transitive] to put your possessions into a bag, suitcase, or box so that you can take or send them somewhere: đóng gói pack suitcase: sắp xếp hành lý He was still packing his suitcase when the taxi came. clothes into a trunk: xếp quần áo vào hòm pack noun [count] a container, usually made of paper: gói, hộp a pack of cigarettes 21. take a picture: to produce a photograph using a camera: chụp hình I’ll stand over here, and you can take the picture. 22. get lost: not knowing where you are or how to get to where you want to go: bị lạc They decided to drive to New York and ended up getting lost. 23. lobby /’ lObI/ noun [count] the area just inside the entrance to a hotel, theater, or other large building: tiền sảnh 24. check in phrasal verb [intransitive] to go to a desk in a hotel, an airport, etc. and tell an official there that you have arrived: làm thủ tục vào khách sạn hoặc lên máy bay You must check in at least one hour before your flight. 25. check out phrasal verb[intransitive] to leave a hotel after paying the bill: thanh toán hoá đơn và rời khách sạn Joan had already checked out of the hotel. 26. aisle / aIl/ noun [count] a passage between rows of seats, for example in a church, theater, or airplane, or between the shelves of a supermarket: lối đi giữa hai hàng ghế 27. hand luggage / hAnd ’lVgIdZ/ noun [uncount] bags and suitcases that you can keep with you on an airplane: CARRY-ON luggage: hành lý xách tay 28. counter /’ kaUntC(r)/ noun [count] a long flat surface where customers are served, for example in a store or a bank: quầy You buy your tickets at the counter. 29. go around in circles to do something for a long time without achieving any results because you always return to the same problem that you cannot solve: làm việc gì rất lâu nhưng không có tiến triển 30. sense / sens/ noun [uncount] a good reason or a useful purpose: ích lợi There’s no sense in making people unhappy: Làm người khác không vui chẳng ích lợi gì cả. make sense 1 to be practical and sensible: khôn ngoan It would make sense to leave early: Hẳn là khôn ngoan nếu ra đi sớm. 2 to be easy to understand: dễ hiểu What you say makes no sense: Điều anh nói chẳng có nghĩa gì rõ ràng cả. 7 LANGUAGE IN ACTION: TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS 31. fill out phrasal verb [transitive] to add information such as your name or address in the empty spaces on an official document: FILL IN: điền thông tin vào đơn từ It took a long time to fill out the application form. 32. credit card /’ kredIt ko:d/ noun [count] a small plastic card that you use to buy things now and pay for them later: thẻ tín dụng 33. confirm / kCn’fE:m/ verb [transitive] to prove that something is true: xác định (là đúng) The announcement confirmed my suspicions: Thông báo đã xác định những nghi ngờ của tôi là đúng. confirmation / ,kOnfC’meISn/ noun [uncount] a statement saying that something is definitely true or accurate: sự xác nhận We are waiting for confirmation of our reservations. 9 READING 34. review / rI’vju:/ noun [count] an article in which someone gives their opinion of a play, book, art exhibit, etc.: bài điểm sách, báo a review of a new Broadway musical 35. unlikely / Vn’laIklI/ (adj) not likely to happen, not likely to be true: không chắc xảy ra, không có thật It’s highly unlikely that we’ll be invited. _ opposite LIKELY The most likely cause of the fire was a cigarette. 36. journalist /’ dZE:nClIst/ noun [count] someone whose job is to report the news for a newspaper, magazine, radio program, or television program: REPORTER: nhà báo an article by a leading sports journalist journalistic / ,dZE:nC’lIstIk/ (adj) relating to journalism or journalists: thuộc nghề làm báo a journalistic career journalism /’dZE:nClIzm/ noun [uncount] the activity of reporting the news for a newspaper, magazine, radio program, or television program: nghề làm báo I plan to study journalism at college. journal /’ dZE:nCl/ noun [count] a magazine containing articles relating to a particular profession: tập san a scientific journal 37. crew / kru:/ noun [count] the people who work on a ship, aircraft, etc.: thủy thủ đoàn a crew of seven men: một đoàn thủy thủ 7 người crew verb [intransitive or transitive] to be a member of the crew of a boat: làm thủy thủ của một chiếc thuyền Will you crew for me on my watch? Anh có muốn làm thủy thủ trên chiếc thuyền buồm của tôi không? 38. pet / pet/ noun [count] an animal or bird that you keep in your home and take care of: vật nuôi kiểng, vật cưng 39. reed /ri:d/ noun [count or uncount] a tall thin plant that grows near water. Its stems can be used to make things: sậy 40. purely /’ pjUrlI/ (adv) completely, or as the only issue or reason: chỉ là, hoàn toàn purely by chance: hoàn toàn do ngẫu nhiên 41. instead / In’sted/ (adv) used for saying that one person, thing, or action replaces another: thay thế cho It will take days by car, so let’s fly by car: Đi xe hơi phải mất nhiều ngày, thay vì vậy chúng ta hãy đi bằng máy bay. instead of: thay cho, đáng lẽ We sometimes eat rice instead of potatoes: Đôi khi chúng tôi ăn cơm thay cho khoai tây. 42. incredible / In’kredIbl/ (adj) surprising or difficult to believe: khó tin They all have incredible stories to tell. incredibly (adv) Incredibly, his wife did not know the truth. 43. lack / lAk/ noun [singular or uncount] a situation in which you do not have any or do not have enough of something you need: không có hoặc thiếu lack of: The game was canceled due to lack of interest. lack verb [transitive] to not have any or enough of something you need or want: thiếu He lacked the skills required for the job. lacking (adj) [never before noun] if something important or useful is lacking, it does not exist or is not available: thiếu lacking in: She seems to be totally lacking in common sense. 44. expertise / ,ekspE:’ti:z/ noun [uncount] special skill or knowledge that you get from experience, training, or study: kiến thức hoặc kỹ năng tinh thông trong một lĩnh vực nào đó We are amazed at his expertise on the ski slopes: Chúng tôi kinh ngạc trước tài năng lão luyện của anh ta trên các sườn núi trượt tuyết. expert /’ ekspE:t/ noun [count] someone who has a particular skill or knows a lot about a particular subject: chuyên gia, chuyên viên 45. entertaining / entC’teIniN/ (adj) enjoyable or fun to do: thú vị The book is short but entertaining. entertain /entC’teIn/ verb [transitive] to give a performance that people enjoy: (giúp ai) giải trí He entertained us for hours with his stories and jokes: Anh ta đã giải trí cho chúng tôi hàng tiếng đồng hồ bằng những chuyện kể và những câu đùa của mình. entertainment / entC’teInmCnt/ noun [count or uncount] performances that people enjoy: cuộc giải trí a place of entertainment entertainment business: The boy is making his mark in the entertainment business before he has even left school. 46. recommend / ,rekC’mend/ verb [transitive] to say that someone or something is good and worth using, having, or experiencing: giới thiệu, đề cử This hotel is highly recommended for its facilities. recommendation / ,rekCmen’deISn/ noun [count or uncount] recommendation for: recommendations for reform make a recommendation (to someone): The Bill incorporates recommendations made by the committee. 47. yet /jet/ (conj) despite something, used for introducing a word or idea that is surprising after what has just been mentioned: tuy nhiên, vậy mà They had plenty of time, yet she felt there was almost none. He looks cheerful yet somehow sad at the same time. 48. anxious /’ ANkSCs/ (adj) worried because you think something bad might happen: lo lắng anxious about: People are naturally anxious about these tests. anxiously (adv) anxiety / AN’zaICtI/ noun [uncount] a worried feeling you have because you think something bad might happen: sự lo lắng anxiety about/over: There was increasing anxiety over the outcome of the talks. 49. place / pleIs/ verb [transitive] (usually used in negative sentences) to recognize somebody / something and be identify them / it: nhận ra She has a foreign accent that I cannot quite place: Cô ấy có một giọng nói nước ngoài mà tôi không tài nào nhận ra. 50. muffled /’ mVfld/ (adj) a muffled sound is not easy to hear because it is blocked by something: bị nghẹt tiếng muffled voices from the next room: những tiếng nói bị nghẹt từ phòng bên vọng lại muffle /’ mVfl/ verb [transitive] to make a sound quieter and less easy to hear: làm giảm bớt âm thanh The trees muffle the sound of the traffic. 51. roar / rc:(r)/ noun [count] a loud noise made by something such as an engine or a storm: tiếng ầm ầm the deafening roar of the ocean roar verb [intransitive] to make a continuous, very loud noise: ầm ầm, gầm, rống Military planes and helicopters roared overhead. 52. fear / fIr/ noun [uncount] the feeling you have when you are frightened: nỗi sợ fear of: She eventually managed to overcome her fear of the dark. fear /fIr/ verb [transitive] to feel worried and afraid that something bad will happen or has already happened: sợ One person is still missing, feared dead. fearful /’ fIrfl/ (adj) frightened: sợ hãi fearful (that): We’re fearful that fighting will start up again. fearfulness /’fIrflnCs/ noun fearfully /’ fIrfli/ adv 53. refer /rI’fE:(r)/ verb [transitive] to mention someone or something when you are speaking or writing: nhắc đến refer to someone/something: She referred to the subject several times during her speech reference /’refCrCnts/ noun [count or uncount] a comment that mentions something or someone: MENTION: sự nhắc đến, sự ám chỉ reference to: The title is apparently a reference to the singer’s brother. reference point: a standard by which something can be judged or compared. 54. hang / hAN/ (past tense and past participle hung /hVN/) verb [intransitive] to be fixed so that the top part is held in position but the bottom part can move freely: treo hang on: The children’s coats were hanging on pegs behind the door. 55. life jacket / laIf ’dZAkIt/ noun [count] something you wear on a boat to make you float if you fall into the water by accident: áo cứu hộ 56. harness /’ ho:nCs/ noun [count] a piece of equipment, with straps and fastenings, used to control or hold in place a person, animal or object : đai A safety harness: đai an toàn 57. torrential / tc:’rentSl/ (adj) torrential rain falls hard and fast: (mưa) xối xả torrent /’ tc:rnt/ noun [count] a fast and powerful flow of liquid, especially water: dòng nước chảy mạnh rain falling in torrent: mưa như trút 58. emergency / I’mE:dZntsI/ noun [count] an unexpected situation involving danger in which immediate action is necessary: trường hợp khẩn cấp in an emergency: In an emergency, call this number in case of emergency: It's illegal to use the fire alarm except in case of emergency. emergency (adj) [only before noun] used or done during an emergency: dùng khi khẩn cấp the emergency exit: lối ra khi khẩn cấp 59. tight / taIt/ (adj) a tight voice or expression shows that you are nervous or annoyed: (giọng nói) lo lắng, khẩn trương He gave her a tight smile. 60. mess / mes/ noun [count or uncount] a situation in which a place is dirty or not neat: tình trạng bẩn thỉu hoặc lộn xộn Your room is a mess; please pick up your toys. make a mess of something: to make something look dirty or not neat. That wine has made a real mess of the carpet. mess verb [transitive] to make something untidy or dirty: làm cái gì dơ bẩn, lộn xộn Careful – you’re messing my hair. 61. wrong / rON/ (adj) not appropriate: không phù hợp It’s the wrong place for such a big industrial development. 62. mast / mAst/ noun [count] a tall pole that the sails hang from on a ship: cột buồm 63. murmur /’mE:mC(r)/ verb [intransitive or transitive] to say something in a very quiet voice: thì thầm, lầm bầm He was murmuring in her ear. murmur noun [count] a quietly spoken word or words: tiếng thì thấm, tiếng lầm bầm a murmer of voices from the next room: những tiếng thì thầm từ phòng bên 64. sink / sINk/ (past tense sank /sANk/; past participle sunk /sVNk/) verb [intransitive] to disappear below the surface of the water: chìm The ship sank off the coast of Newfoundland during a storm. 65. soak / sCUk/ verb [intransitive or transitive] to make something very wet, or to become very wet: ngấm qua The rain soaked our clothes. 66. waterline /’ wo:tC laIn/ noun [count] the highest point where water touches the side of a boat: vạch của mặt nước chạm vào mạn thuyền 11 LISTENING 67. exploration / ,eksplC’reISn/ noun [count or uncount] the act of traveling through a place in order to find out about it or look for something in it: hoạt động thăm dò, thám hiểm, khảo sát exploration of: Exploration of the solar system began in the 19th century. explore / Ik’splc:(r)/ verb [intransitive or transitive] to travel around an area in order to learn about it or to search for something valuable such as oil: thăm dò, thám hiểm explore for: companies exploring for oil explorer / Ik’splc:rC(r)/ noun [count] 68. setting /’ setiN/ noun [count] a set of surroundings, the place at which something happens: khung cảnh, môi trường a hotel in a charming mountain setting 69. out of something: used to show the reason why something is done: vì lý do I asked out of curiosity: Tôi hỏi vì tò mò thôi. 70. disguise / dIs’gaIz/ verb [transitive] [often passive] to make changes in the way someone looks so that other people will not recognize them: cải trang disguise yourself as/in something: The soldiers disguised themselves as ordinary civilians. disguise / dIs’gaIz/ noun [count or uncount] something that you wear to change the way you look so that people will not recognize you: đồ cải trang wear a beard as a disguise: đeo râu để cải trang 71. remarkable / rI’mo:(r)kCbl/ (adj) unusual in a way that surprises or impresses you: đáng lưu ý, khác thường The play has been a remarkable success. remarkably / rI’mo:(r)kCbli/ adv remark /rI’mo:(r)k/ verb [transitive] to make a comment or express your opinion about something: đánh giá, nhận xét “This is delicious,” she remarked to her host. remark / rI’mo:(r)k/ noun [count] a few words that give the facts or your opinion about something: COMMENT: đánh giá Ellen later regretted her remarks about his private affairs. 72. hardship /’ ho:(r)dSIp/ noun [count or uncount] a situation in which life is very difficult, usually because you do not have enough money: sự khó khăn, gian khổ Many students are facing financial hardship. hard / ho:(r)d/ adj 73. fabric /’fAbrIk/ noun [count or uncount] cloth, especially when it is used for making things such as clothes or curtains: MATERIAL: vải . something tiring: nghỉ ngơi It would be nice to sit down and rest for a while. 2 [transitive] rest something on/against/in something to put something. which something happens: khung cảnh, môi trường a hotel in a charming mountain setting 69. out of something: used to show the reason why something is

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