Unit 10: Hard to believe?
1. believe /bI’li:v/ verb [transitive] to think that a fact is true: tin
I don’t believe that she’s ever been to Hong Kong.
believe in someone/something to think that someone or something exists: tin là có
I’m beginning to think you actually believe in ghosts!
belief /
bI’li:f/ noun [count or uncount] a strong feeling that something is true or real: niềm tin
belief in: a belief in the existence of UFOs
believable /bI’li:vCbl/ (adj) seeming possible or true: có thể tin được
Their story is hardly believable.
2. superstitious
/,su:pC’stISCs/ (adj) believing in the power of magic or luck: mê tín
She’s a very superstitious person.
superstitiously adverb
superstition /,
su:pC’stISn/ noun [count or uncount] a belief that things such as magic or luck have the power
to affect your life: sự mê tín
The belief that breaking a mirror will give you seven years of bad luck is just a superstition.
3. bury /’
berI/ verb [transitive] (buries, burying, buried) to put something in the ground and cover it with dirt: chôn,
giấu (dưới đất)
There’s supposed to be treasure buried around here.
4. hockey /’
hCUkI/ noun [uncount] AMERICAN a game played on ice by two teams of six players. The players use long
sticks to try to hit a small round flat object called a puck into the opposite team’s goal: khúc côn cầu
5. rink /
rINk/ noun [count] a large flat area where people go to SKATE or play ICE HOCKEY: sân trượt băng
6. hall /
hc:l/ noun [count] a large room used for meetings, concerts, or other public events: phòng họp lớn, hội trường
7. fame /feIm/ noun [uncount] the state of being famous: sự nổi tiếng
Kundera achieved international fame while banned in his own country.
famous /’feImCs/ (adj) if someone or something is famous, a lot of people know their name or have heard about
them: nổi tiếng
He dreamed of becoming a famous actor.
8. line up phrasal verb [intransitive or transitive] to form a row or to put people or things in a row: xếp (cái gì) thành hàng
The books are lined up on a shelf above the desk.
All children must line up when the whistle goes.
9. baseball /’
beIsbc:l/ noun [uncount] a game played by two teams of nine players who get points by hitting a ball
with a BAT and then running around four bases: bóng chày
10. bat /
bAt/ noun [count] a long wooden object used for hitting the ball in games such as baseball and CRICKET: gậy
(đánh bóng chày)
11. rodeo /
rCU’deICU/ noun [count] a sports event in which people compete by riding wild horses or catching CATTLE
with ropes. cuộc đua tài của những người chăn bò (cưỡi ngựa, quăng dây)
12. court /
kc:(r)t/ noun [count] an area marked with lines where some sports are played, such as tennis and basketball:
sân (đánh quần vợt)
tennis/basketball/badminton court
13. step /
step/ verb [intransitive] to move by putting one foot down in front of the other: bước đi, giẫm lên
I stepped on the platform and started to speak.
step noun[count] a short movement made by putting one foot in front of the other: bước chân
take/move a step: I am too tired to take another step.
14. wipe /
waIp/ verb [transitive] to clean or dry something by moving a cloth or something soft over it: lau chùi
Let me just wipe the table before you sit down.
wipe noun [count] the action of wiping something to make it clean: sự lau chùi
Could you give the table a wipe before we eat?
15. park /
po:(r)k/ verb [intransitive or transitive] to move a vehicle into a place where you are going to leave it for a
period of time: đậu xe
Mary parked the car in the driveway.
parking space = parking spot = parking lot (America): bãi đậu xe
16. charm /
tSo:m/ noun [count] something that people believe brings them luck: vật hên
a good-luck charm
17. charm /’
pOsCtIv/ (adj) showing agreement or approval: đồng tình
We couldn’t be sure if her reaction would be positive.
18. magic /’
mAdZIk/ noun [uncount] the mysterious power that some people believe can make impossible things happen if
you do special actions or say special words called spells: ma thuật, phép kỳ diệu
They use magic as a way of getting revenge: Họ dùng ma thuật để trả thù.
magic (adj) able to make impossible things happen: (thuộc) ma thuật, có phép kỳ diệu
There’s no magic formula for a successful relationship.
19. groovy /’
gru:vI/ (adj) INFORMAL OLD-FASHIONED exciting, modern, and fashionable. This word was especially
popular in the 1960s: sôi nổi, hiện đại, hợp thời trang
a groovy hairstyle
20. rhythm /’
rIDCm/ noun [count] a regular pattern of sounds in music that you can show by moving, hitting your hands
together, or hitting a drum or other surface: nhịp điệu
They began moving together to the rhythm of the music.
rhythm and blues noun [uncount] a type of popular music that African American musicians developed from BLUES
and jazz. Rhythm and blues is often called R and B: nhạc R & B
21. wipe the smile off someone’s face to do something that stops someone from feeling pleased or satisfied with a
situation: làm tắt nụ cười
22. tap /
tAp/ verb [intransitive or transitive] to touch someone or something gently and move them slightly, or make a soft
knocking sound: gõ nhẹ, đập nhẹ
tap at/on/against: We could hear someone tapping at the door.
tap someone on something: I tapped him on the shoulder and he jumped.
tap noun [count] the action or sound of touching someone or something gently: cái gõ nhẹ, tiếng gõ nhẹ
I felt a tap on my shoulder.
23. set someone/something free: trả tự do
The hostages have been set free after 34 days in captivity.
24. facial /’
feISl/ (adj) on your face: (thuộc) mặt
facial injuries, facial hair
facially /’feISlI/ adverb:
Facially the two men were very different.
face /
feIs/ noun
25. proverb /’prOvE:b/noun [count] a short well-known statement that gives practical advice about life: SAYING: tục ngữ
26. given /’
gIvCn/ (adj)[only before noun] used for referring to a particular thing: PARTICULAR: cụ thể, nhất định (đã
được nói rõ)
They were to meet at a given time and place: Họ sẽ phải gặp nhau vào thời điểm và địa điểm nhất định.
27. recognize /’
rekCgnaIz/ verb [transitive not usually progressive] to know who the person is, or what the thing is
that you are seeing, hearing, etc. because you have seen, heard, etc. them before: nhận ra
I recognized the house from your description.
recognition /
,rekCg’nISn/ noun [uncount] the ability to recognize a person or thing: sự nhận ra
She looked at me without a flicker of recognition in her eyes.
recognizable /’rekCgnaIzCbl/ (adj) able to be recognized: có thể nhận ra
It is the most recognizable structure in the city.
recognizably adverb
28. express /
Ik’spres/ verb [transitive] to show a feeling on your face or give information by your behavior: biểu lộ, thể
The chairperson expressed agreement with a slight nod.
expression /
Ik’spreSn/ [count or uncount] the act of showing what your thoughts or feelings are by your
behavior or through art, music, etc.: sự biểu lộ
expression of: the expression of anger through violence
expressive /
Ik’spresIv/ (adj) clearly showing what your thoughts or feelings are, especially by your behavior:
diễn cảm
a wonderfully expressive face
expressively /
Ik’spresIvli/ adverb
expressiveness /
Ik’spresIvnCs/ noun [uncount]
29. subtle /’sVtl/ (adj) not obvious, and therefore difficult to notice: khó thấy, tinh vi, tinh tế
I detected a subtle change in his attitude toward us.
subtlety /’
sVtltI/ noun [uncount] the quality of being complicated, delicate, or difficult to notice, often in a
skillful or attractive way: sự tinh vi, sự tinh tế
There is no subtlety at all about his painting.
30. genuine /’
dZenjuIn/ (adj)
1 real, rather than pretended or false: thật
Morley looked at her with genuine concern.
2 honest, friendly and sincere: chân thành
Greg was a humble, genuine person.
genuine noun
genuinely /’
dXZenjuInli/ adv
I’m genuinely sorry for the problems I’ve caused you.
31. muscle /’
mVsl/ noun [count or uncount] a piece of flesh that connects one bone to another and is used for moving a
particular part of your body: cơ bắp
These exercises are good for your stomach muscles.
32. contract /’
kOntrAkt/ verb [intransitive] to become less or smaller: thu nhỏ lại, co lại, rút lại
The steel contracts as it cools.
contraction noun [uncount] the process of becoming smaller: sự thu nhỏ, sự teo lại
the contraction of cooling metal
33. wrinkle (up) /’
rINkl/ verb [transitive] to move part of your face, especially your nose, so that small lines appear on
it: nhăn, cau
to wrinkle (up) one’s forehead: nhăn trán
to wrinkle one’s brow: cau mày
wrinkle noun [count usually plural] a line that appears on your skin when you get older, or when your skin has been
damaged by the sun: vết nhăn
34. clerk /
klE:k/ noun [count] AMERICAN someone whose job is to serve people in a store. British shop assistant: nhân
viên bán hàng
35. grocery (store) /’
grCUsCrI/ noun [count] AMERICAN a small store that sells food and other goods: cửa hàng tạp
36. stereotype /’
sterICtaIp/ noun [count] a very firm and simple idea about what a particular type of person or thing
is like: kiểu mẫu, mẫu rập khuôn
He certainly doesn’t fit the stereotype of the emotional Italian: Chắc chắn anh ta không phù hợp với hình mẫu người Ý
lãng mạn.
stereotype verb [transitive often passive] to form a fixed idea about a person or thing which may not really be true:
stereotyping noun [uncount]: sự rập khuôn
37. document /’
dOkjUmCnt/ noun [count] a piece of paper or a set of papers containing official information: văn kiện,
tài liệu, tưliệu
Documents relating to his private life were stolen in the burglary.
document verb [transitive]: to prove or support something by documents: cung cấp tưliệu
a well-documented report: một báo cáo có tưliệu tốt
38. protective /
prC’tektIv/ (adj)[usually before noun] providing protection against something harmful or dangerous:
bảo vệ, bảo hộ
protective clothing
protect /
prC’tekt/ verb [transitive] to keep someone or something safe from harm, injury, damage, or loss: bảo
protect something/someone from something: The hat only partially protected his face from the sun.
protection /
prC’tekSn/ noun [uncount] the process of keeping someone or something safe, or the condition of
being kept safe: sự bảo vệ
protection from: The company filed for court protection from its creditors.
39. study /’
stVdI/ noun
1 [uncount] the process of learning about a subject by going to class and reading: việc học
Libraries are not used only for study.
2 [count] a research project that examines a problem or subject: nghiên cứu
The study showed a link between radiation leaks and cancer.
40. case /
keIs/ noun [count] a legal matter that will be decided in a court: vụ kiện
a civil case: vụ kiện dân sự
41. courtroom /’
kc:trUm/ noun [count] a room where legal cases are judged: phòng xét xử
42. mature /
mC’tjUC(r)/ (adj)behaving in the sensible way that you would expect an adult to behave. This is usually used
about children and young people: chín chắn, trưởng thành
He’s more mature than the other boys in his class.
opposite IMMATURE
maturity /
mC’tjUCrItI/ noun [uncount] the qualities and behavior that you would expect of a sensible adult:
sự chín chắn, sự trưởng thành
He hasn’t got the maturity to be a father.
43. think twice/again to carefully consider whether what you are planning to do is a good idea: suy nghĩ kỹ lưỡng
I’d think twice before buying that car if I were you.
44. assumption /
C’sVmpSn/ noun [count] something you consider likely to be true even though no one has told you
directly or even though you have no proof: giả định, cho rằng
assumption that: There is an assumption that all the people who live around here are rich.
assume /
C’sju:m/ verb [transitive] to believe that something is true, even though no one has told you or even
though you have no proof: thừa nhận, cho rằng
assume /
C’sju:m/ (that): I’m assuming everyone here has an e-mail address.
45. judge /
dZVdZ/ verb [intransitive or transitive] to form an opinion about something after considering all the details or
facts: đánh giá
judge something/someone on something: Universities are judged on their graduation rates.
judge noun [count] someone whose job is to make decisions in a court of law: quan tòa, thẩm phán
judgment or judgement /
dZVdgmCnt/ noun [count or uncount] an opinion that you have after thinking
carefully about something: ý kiến đánh giá
judgment about: It is still too soon to form a judgment about this.
46. take over phrasal verb [intransitive or transitive] to begin to do something that someone else was doing: đứng ra làm
tíêp, tiếp quản
Peter will take over as managing director when Bill retires: Peter sẽ lên làm giám đốc điều hành khi Bill về hưu.
47. approachable /C’prCUtSCbl/ (adj) someone who is approachable is friendly and easy to talk to: thân thiện, dễ gần
48. desperate /’despCrCt/ (adj) very worried and angry because you do not know how to deal with an unpleasant
situation: rất lo lắng
The missing man’s family is getting increasingly desperate.
desperately adverb
desperation /,
despC’reISn / noun [uncount]
49. bump /bVmp/ verb [transitive] to accidentally hit part of your body against something, making it hurt: đâm sầm vào
bump into something: As I turned around, I bumped into a filing cabinet.
bump noun [count] a hit or knock to a part of your body: sự va mạnh, sự đụng mạnh
She got a nasty bump on the back of her head.
50. spill /
spIl/ verb [transitive] to accidentally pour a liquid out of its container: làm đổ
spill something on/over something: I spilled coffee all over my desk.
spill noun [count or uncount] an amount of liquid that has accidentally fallen out of its container: lượng đổ ra
an oil spill
51. turn out phrasal verb [intransitive] to be discovered to be something, have something, etc.: hóa ra là
It all turned out to be a mistake.
52. pull over phrasal verb [intransitive] if a vehicle or driver pulls over, they stop by the side of the road: (xe, tài xế) ngừng
giữa đường
53. roar /
rc:r/ verb [intransitive] if a crowd of people roar, they all shout at the same time because they are angry or
excited: la, hét, gào
It was a performance that had spectators roaring in appreciation.
roar noun [count] the noise that a crowd of people make when they are angry or excited: tiếng la, tiếng hét
We heard the roar from inside the stadium.
54. scared /
skerd/ (adj) frightened or worried: sợ hãi
scared of: Louise is scared of flying.
scared to death (=extremely scared): sợ chết khiếp: I’m scared to death of having the operation.
scare verb [transitive] to make someone feel frightened or worried: làm (ai) sợ
I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.
scare noun [count] a sudden feeling of fear or worry: sự hốt hỏang
I had a little scare when I saw how much the bill was.
55. rough /
rVf/ (adj) not gentle: thô lỗ, cộc cằn
Don’t be so rough with her, James, she’s only a baby.
opposite GENTLE
56. hand over phrasal verb [transitive] to give something to someone by holding it in your hand and offering it to them: giao
cho, đưa cho
He handed the car keys over to Stella.
57. off (adv) leaving a place or going away from something: ra đi, rời khỏi
I’d never let an 11-year-old kid go off on his own.
He waved and drove off.
. to Hong Kong.
believe in someone/something to think that someone or something exists: tin là có
I’m beginning to think you actually believe in ghosts!. kiện,
tài liệu, tư liệu
Documents relating to his private life were stolen in the burglary.
document verb [transitive]: to prove or support something