1. stuff /
stVf/ noun [uncount] the basic material or substance people use for making something: chất liệu
What stuff is this jacket made of? Cái áo vét này làm từ chất liệu gì?
Real life is the stuff of all good novels: Thực tế cuộc sống là nguyên liệu cho tất cả các cuốn tiểu thuyết hay.
the stuff of sth: the most necessary, important or typical part/feature of sth.
2. nickname /’
nIkneIm/ verb [transitive] to give someone a nickname: đặt biệt danh (cho ai)
They nicknamed her “the Squirrel.”
nickname noun [count] an informal name that your friends or family call you that is not your real name: biệt danh
3. trigger /’
trIgC/ noun [count] the part of a gun that you move with your finger to make the gun fire: cò súng
4. come a long way to improve a lot or make a lot of progress: có nhiều cải tiến
Computers have come a long way since the huge mainframes of the 1950s.
5. worn /
wc:n/ [adjective] something that is worn looks old and damaged because it has been used a lot: mòn
a pair of worn blue jeans
6. weather /’
weDC/ verb [intransitive or transitive] if something weathers or is weathered, its appearance changes because
of the effects of wind, rain, etc.: (làm cho cái gì) thay đổI hình dáng, màu sắc vì tác động của nắng, gió, mưa…
Wind and sun had weathered his face.
weather noun [uncount] the conditions that exist in the atmosphere relating to temperature, PRECIPITATION
(=rain, snow, etc.), and other features: thời tiết
7. sentimental /,
sentI’mentl/ [adjective] relating to emotions instead of reason: tình cảm
I kept the clock purely for sentimental reasons.
sentimentally adverb
sentimentalize /,
sentI’mentlaIz/ verb [intransitive or transitive] to think about or describe something in
a way that is emotional and not based on reason: viết, nói hoặc đối xử với ai một cách tình cảm
This book sentimentalizes the suffering of the disabled: Cuốn sách bi lụy hóa nỗi đau của người tàn tật
sentiment /’
sentImCnt/ noun [uncount] feelings of sympathy, sadness, or love that may seem inappropriate:
tình cảm
8. autograph /’
c:tCgra:f/ verb [transitive] if someone famous autographs a book, photograph, etc., they sign their
name on it: viết tên của mình (lên cái gì)
He was autographing copies of his latest novel.
autograph noun [count] a famous person’s name that they sign for someone else to keep: bút tích
My mother got Frank Sinatra’s autograph in the 1970s.
9. estimate /’
estImeIt/ verb [transitive] to say what you think an amount or value will be, either by guessing or by
using available information to calculate it: ước tính
It’s difficult to estimate the cost of making your house safe.
estimate /’
estImCt/ noun [count] an amount that you guess or calculate using the information available: sự
ước lượng, sự ước tính
According to official estimates, over 25% of carbon emissions come from the United States.
estimated adjective:
An estimated 300,000 people came to the demonstration.
10. signature /’
sIgnItSC/ noun [count] a person’s name written in a special way by that person: chữ ký
11. associate /’
CsCUsIeIt/ noun [count] someone you work with, especially in business: người cộng tác
a business associate
12. scratch /
skrAtS/ verb
1 [intransitive or transitive] to move something sharp against a hard surface and make a noise: cào xước
scratch at: I could hear the dog scratching at the back door.
scratch one’s head: suy nghĩ nát óc
2 [transitive] INFORMAL to write something very quickly and carelessly
13. fix /
fIxxks/ verb [transitive] to repair something: sửa
Jessica fixed my watch.
have/get something fixed: I have to get my car fixed.
14. right /
raIt/ [adverb]
1 exactly: ngay, thẳng
The wind was right in our faces: Gió thổi thẳng vào mặt chúng ta
2 immediately: ngay
I must answer that phone, but I’ll be right back: Tôi sẽ trả lời điện thọai nhưng tôi sẽ trở lại ngay
right away: ngay tức khắc
I want it typed right away, please.
3 correctly or accurately:
You did it right the first time.
4 in the direction of your right side:
Turn right at the corner.
15. off /
Of/ [preposition] not on something not on the top or surface of something, especially after being on it: xuống hoặc
ra khỏi (một vị trí trên cái gì)
falling off a ladder: ngã xuống từ một cái thang
The ball rolled off the table: Quả bóng lăn ra khỏi bàn.
16. unseen /
Vn'si:n/ [adjective] not seen or known about by anyone.
the unseen hand that holds the camera
unseen [adverb] without being seen by anyone:
He hid unseen under the desk.
17. pick /
pIk/ verb [transitive] to choose someone or something from a group: lựa chọn, chọn lọc
Out of all the girls he could have gone out with, he picked me.
pick up phrasal verb
1 [intransitive or transitive] AMERICAN to make a place clean and neat: dọn dẹp
2 [transitive] to lift something up and take it away: lấy đi
Pick up a pamphlet for me too.
3 INFORMAL to buy something.
a market where you can pick up some amazing bargains.
18. backpack /‘bAkpAk/ noun [count] a large bag that you carry on your back,
especially when you are going climbing or walking: ba lô
19. manage /’
mAnIdZ/ verb [intransitive or transitive] to succeed in doing
something, especially something that needs a lot of effort or skill: giải
quyết, xoay sở
I don’t know how you manage.
I don’t think I can manage a long walk today.
manage to do something: I managed to escape by diving into the river.
20. either /’i:
DC/ or /’aIDC/ used in negative statements referring to both of two people or things.
Jackie could play the piano and sing, whereas I couldn’t do either: Jackie có thể chơi piano và ca hát, còn tôi không
biết cái nào hết.
either of: I didn’t like either of the candidates: Tôi không thích ứng viên nào hết (2 ứng viên).
21. possession /p
C‘zeSn/ noun [count usually plural] something that you own: tài sản
Their family home and possessions were destroyed in the fire.
possess /p
C‘zes/ verb [transitive] FORMAL to own a physical object: sở hữu
They were all found guilty of illegally possessing firearms.
22. hardly /‘
ha:dlI/ [adverb] used for saying that something is almost not true or almost does not happen at all, and is
often used with words like “any” and “ever” : hầu như không
It hardly ever rains here in the summer: Ở đây hầu như không mưa vào mùa hè
Note: Hardly is not related to the word “hard.”
hard /
ha:d/ [adjective] difficult to do: khó
Some of the questions were very hard.
hard [adverb] using a lot of effort: cực lực
The Chinese team have worked very hard to get this far in the competition.
23. appreciate /
C‘prISIeIt/ verb [transitive never progressive] to understand the true nature of a situation, and realize
why it is important or serious: REALIZE: hiểu, nhận ra
I began to appreciate the difficulties my father had faced.
appreciate how/why/what etc.: Doctors are only now beginning to appreciate how dangerous this drug can be.
appreciation /
C,prISI‘eISn/ noun [singular or uncount] the ability to understand the true nature of a
situation, and realize why it is important or serious: sự am hiểu và thưởng thức
She shows little or no appreciation of good music: Cô ấy tỏ ra ít am hiểu hoặc không thưởng thức được nhạc hay.
24. unusual /
Vn ’ju:ZuCl/ adjective
1 different from other people or things in a way that is interesting, attractive, or impressive: đặc sắc, đặc biệt
The designers have chosen unusual color combinations.
2 not normal, common, or ordinary: lạ, khác thường
Residents should contact the police if they notice anything unusual.
– opposite USUAL
Vn’ju:ZuClI/ adverb
25. band /bAnd / noun [count] a flat narrow piece of cloth with the ends joined together to form a circle:
She wore a band around her hair.
a hat band
26. frame /
freIm/ noun [count] a structure that forms a border for a picture or mirror and holds it in place: khung
frame verb [transitive] to put a picture or photograph in a frame: đóng khung
That’s a nice photo – you ought to have it framed.
27. turn /
tE:n/ verb
1 [intransitive or transitive] to change the position of your body or head so that you are facing in a different
direction: quay (người)
She turned and smiled at me.
He turned his head and looked around the room.
2 [transitive] to make something move in a circle: xoay
Turning this wheel will start the machine.
turn on phrasal verb [transitive] to start using a piece of equipment by pressing a button or moving a switch:
Is your computer turned on?
turn off phrasal verb[transitive] to stop using a piece of equipment by pressing a button or moving a switch:
Will you turn the television off, please?
turn up phrasal verb [transitive] to increase the amount of sound, heat, or light produced by a piece of equipment
by pressing a button or moving a switch: vặn lớn hơn (âm thanh, sức nóng, ánh sáng…)
Add the mussels, turn up the heat, and leave them to steam until all are fully open.
— opposite TURN DOWN
28. screwdriver /’
skru:,drIvC/ noun [count] a tool used for turning
screws: cái
tua vít
29. screw /
skru:/ noun [count] a thin pointed piece of metal used for fastening one thing to another: đinh vít
30. whatever /
wOt’evC/ can be used as a relative pronoun (starting a relative clause that is the subject, object, or
complement of another clause):bất cứ cái gì
You can choose whatever you like.
31. mime /
maIm/ noun
[uncount] the use of only the movements of your body and face to tell a story or express yourself: diễn tả bằng điệu
a. [count] a play performed using mime: kịch câm
b. [count] an actor who performs using mime: diễn viên kịch câm
mime verb [intransitive or transitive] to tell a story or express yourself without words, using only the movements of
your body and face: diễn kịch câm
32. gesture /’
dZestSC/ noun [count] a movement that communicates a feeling or instruction: cử chỉ, điệu bộ
make a gesture: Ellen rose from the table, and they made the gesture of rising too.
33. substitute /’
sVbstItju:t/ noun [count] something that is used instead of something else: vật thay thế
We couldn’t get cream, so we used yogurt as a substitute.
a substitute form of energy
substitute verb [transitive] to use something new or different instead of what is normally used: thay thế
substitute something for something: You can substitute chicken for beef if you don’t like red meat.
substitution /,
sVbstI’tju:Sn/ noun [count or uncount] the action of replacing someone or something with
someone or something else: sự thay thế
The substitution was made just minutes before the end of the game.
34. toaster oven /’
tCUstC ’VvCn/ noun [count] a piece of electrical equipment used for making toast: lò nướng
35. drive someone crazy INFORMAL to annoy someone by doing something: làm ai phát điên lên
Will you stop that humming, you’re driving me crazy!
36. figure out phrasal verb [transitive] to be able to understand something or solve a problem: hiểu được hoặc nhìn ra vấn đề
We had to figure out the connection between the two events.
37. that /
DAt/ (adv) [usually in negatives or questions] MAINLY SPOKEN to a very great degree: tới mức đó, như thế, đến
Three years? I can’t wait that long.
38. ignore /
Ig’nc:r/ verb [transitive] to not consider something or not let it influence you: lờ đi
We had ignored the fact that it was getting darker.
39. heat /
hi:t/ verb
1 [transitive] or heat up to make something hot: làm cái gì nóng lên
Heat the oil gently in a large frying pan.
2 [intransitive] to become hot: nóng lên
Is the soup heating up?
heat noun [singular or uncount] the quality of being hot, or how hot something is: sức nóng
The firefighters were driven back by the intense heat and smoke.
40. burn /
bE:n/ (past tense and past participle burned or burnt) verb
1 [transitive] to damage or destroy something with fire: đốt
Demonstrators burned flags outside the embassy.
2 [intransitive] if a fire or flame burns, it produces light and heat: cháy
A fire was burning in the hearth.
burning adjective [only before noun] very important: rất quan trọng, cấp thiết
one of the most burning issues of the day: một trong những vấn đề nóng bỏng nhất hiện nay.
41. whoops /
wUps/ (interjection) dùng khi súyt bị tai nạn, làm vỡ cái gì…
Whoops! I nearly dropped the tray: Ối! Tôi súyt đánh rơi cái khay.
42. microwave /’
maIkrCUweIv/ noun [count] or microwave oven:
an oven that
cooks food very quickly by passing electricity through it, instead of by heat: lò vi ba
microwave verb [transitive] to cook food in a microwave.
43. invent /In’vent/ verb [transitive] to design or create something such as a machine or process that did not exist
before: phát minh
He invented the technique that allows scientists to examine DNA.
invention /
In’venSCn / noun [uncount] the act of inventing something: hành động phát minh, sáng tạo
invention of: Global communication was transformed by the invention of the Internet.
inventor /
In’ventC / noun [count] someone who has invented something or whose job is to invent things:
người phát minh
44. slipper /’
slIpC/ noun [count] a soft comfortable shoe that you wear in your house:
dép đi
trong nhà
45. itch /
ItS/ noun [singular] an unpleasant feeling on your skin that makes you want
SCRATCH it (=rub it with your nails): sự ngứa ngáy
itch verb [intransitive] if your skin itches, you have an unpleasant feeling that makes you want to SCRATCH it (=rub
your skin with your nails): bị hoặc gây ra ngứa
46. grid /
grId/ noun [count] a pattern of straight lines that cross each other to form squares: mạng ô vuông
streets laid out on a grid pattern
47. locate /
lCU’keIt/ verb [transitive] to find out the exact place where someone or something is: xác định vị trí
Locate a town on a map.
location /
lCU’keISn/ noun [count] the place or position where someone or something is or where something
Have they managed to pinpoint the location of the boat yet?
48. obvious /’
ObvICs/ (adj) clear to almost anyone: hiển nhiên, rõ ràng
The most obvious explanation is not always the correct one.
obviously (adv)
49. essence /‘
esCnts/ noun [singular] the most important part of something, usually the part that gives it its general
character: thực chất, bản chất
essence of: The essence of their argument is that life cannot be explained by science.
essential /
I‘sentl/ (adj) most basic and necessary: cốt lõi
essential services such as hospitals and public transportation
50. contradiction /,
kOntrC‘dIkSnIsentl/ noun [count or uncount] a difference in two or more statements, ideas,
stories, etc. that makes it impossible for both or all of them to be true: mâu thuẫn, sự trái ngược
contradiction between: He sees no contradiction between his religious beliefs and his membership of the party.
contradictory /,
kOntrC‘dIktCrI/ (adj) contradictory statements, information, ideas, or beliefs disagree with
each other and cannot both or all be true: mâu thuẫn, trái ngược
51. typical /‘t
IpIkl/ (adj) like most things of the same type: điển hình, đặc trưng, đặc thù
It’s a typical working-class community.
typically (adv)
52. process / ‘
prCUses/ noun [count] a series of actions that have a particular result: tiến trình, quá trình
Learning a language is a slow process.
process of: the complex process of legally changing your name
in the process: trong khi đang làm
I started moving the china ornaments but I dropped a vase in the process: Tôi bắt đầu dọn các đồ trang trí bằng sứ
nhưng đang làm thì đánh rơi cái bình.
53. materialism /
mC‘tICrIClIsm/ noun [uncount] the belief that money and possessions are the most important
aspects of human existence: sự quá thiên về vật chất, chủ nghĩa vật chất
54. evolve / ‘
IvOlv/ verb [intransitive] to gradually change and develop over a period of time: tiến triển, phát triển
evolve into: They’re hoping the trade talks might evolve into a political dialogue.
evolution noun [uncount] the way in which something gradually changes and develops: sự tiến triển
evolution of: the evolution of language
evolutionary (adj)
55. philosophy /
fI‘lOsCfI/ [noun, uncount] the study of theories about the meaning of things such as life, knowledge,
and beliefs: triết học
He studied politics and philosophy.
56. humor /‘
hju:mC/ noun [uncount] the quality that makes something funny: tính chất vui nhộn, buồn cười
a novel full of humor
humorous (adj) funny: vui nhộn
humorously (adv)
57. sole /
sCUl/ adjective [only before noun] the sole person or thing is the only one of a particular type: ONLY: duy nhất
She is the sole survivor of the crash.
58. corporation /
kc:pC’reISn/ noun [count] a large company or business organization: tập đòan
American tobacco corporations
59. contribute /
kOntrI’bjUSn/ verb [intransitive or transitive] to give money, goods, or your time and effort in order to
achieve something, especially when other people are also helping: đóng góp
contribute to: Many local businesses offered to contribute to the school rebuilding fund.
contribution noun [count] something that you do that helps to achieve something or to make it successful: đóng
contribution to: her major contribution to the peace process
make a contribution: Community police have made a very positive contribution to crime prevention.
contributor noun [count] someone who gives money, goods, or their time or effort in order to help to achieve
something: người đóng góp
contributor to: a major contributor to the campaign
60. bother /’
brVDC/ verb [transitive] to annoy someone by interrupting them when they are busy or want to be left alone:
làm phiền, làm lo lắng
I called your office because I didn’t want to bother you at home.
bother noun MAINLY BRITISH [uncount] trouble or difficulty caused by doing something when this is annoying but
not very serious: INCONVENIENCE: sự phiền phức, bất tiện
It will be an awful lot of bother going by bus.
61. think up /
TINk Vp/phrasal verb [transitive] to invent or imagine something, especially an excuse: nghĩ ra, sáng tạo
She’d have to think up a good reason for being late.
What stuff is this jacket made of? Cái áo vét này làm từ chất liệu gì?
Real life is the stuff of all good novels: Thực tế cuộc sống là nguyên liệu cho tất.
1. stuff /
stVf/ noun [uncount] the basic material or substance people use for making something: chất liệu