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MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING THUONGMAI UNIVERSITY Mai Tien Tu THE STATE MANAGEMENT OF FOOD ADDITIVES BUSINESS IN VIETNAM Major: Economic management Code: 931.01.10 Summary Of Doctoral Thesis in Economics HANOI - 2022 The Thesis is Completed At Thuongmai University Supervisors: 1: Assoc.Prof PhD Ha Van Su 2: PhD Nguyen Hoa Referee 1: Referee 2: Referee 3: Thesis will be examined by Examination Board of Thuongmai University, at……………………………………………………… The thesis can be found at: - National Library - Thuongmai University Library LIST OF WORKS RELATED TO THE THESIS HAS BEEN PUBLISHED [1] Mai Tien Tu (2018), “The Factors affecting the state management efficiency in food additives business in Vietnam”, Economy and Forecast Review, No 24-August 2018, p .97-100 [2] Mai Tien Tu (2018), “Enhance the efficiency of state management of food additives business in our country today”, Economy and Forecast Review, No 27-September 2018, pp.79 -82 [3] Mai Tien Tu (2020), “Impact of the New-Generation Free Trade Agreement on food additive business in Vietnam”, Proceedings of the National Scientific Conference "Impacts of the Agreements" new generation of free trade to Vietnam's trade and investment", Science and Technology Publishing House, May 2020, pp.612-625 [4] Mai Tien Tu (2020), “Food safety management for food additives in Vietnam”, Journal of Asia-Pacific Economy, No 577-T11/2020, p 62-64 -1INTRODUCTION NECESSITY OF THE RESEARCH The food additives business is associated with the food additives market and the development of the food and beverage sector in Vietnam The current situation of Vietnam's food additives market with the abudant presence of food additives out of the permitted list or of unknown origin makes consumers skeptical and difficult to distinguish from food additives ingredients which are listed and have a clear origin Currently, there is a modest amount of researches on food additives business and state management of food additives business Meanwhile, the state management of food additives business in Vietnam recently shows that: the system of management documents from central to local levels is still lacking in detail and is not clearly linked to the actual object of management; the practice of organizing state management of food additives business is still inadequate… There are still many shortcomings in the inspection, examination and supervision of food additive trading activities, the handling of violations is lenient, lack of deterrence, and inspection facilities are still not enought equipped The shortcomings and limitations in theory and practice in state management of food additives business may hold back the development of the food additives market, negatively affecting the food additives business From the above reasons, along with the knowledge accumulated during the study process, the topic: “The state management of food additives business in Vietnam” was selected for studying LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Studies related to state management of the economy in general and some specific fields Stemming from the necessity of state management for the activities of the economy, the contents of state management of economy and business have received the attention of many authors such as: European Development Bank Asia (2003); Phan Anh -2Summer (2018); Ninh Thi Minh Tam (2020); Nguyen Thi Huong Giang (2020) 2.2 Studies related to state management of food additives business There are not many direct studies on state management of food additives business according to research by researchers Research works only focus on clarifying a number of aspects related to the State's management of this activity, some of which can be mentioned: Dam Sao Mai (2012); Neltner et al (2011); Nguyen Thi Thanh Huong (2014); Nguyen Anh Phong (2018, pp.18-21) 2.3 Inherited scientific values and research gaps From the research overview of the above works, it can be seen that, the authors focus on studying state management in general or state management in a specific field, however, there has not been any domestic or foreign research on state management of food additives business (while food additives and food additives business activities have a great influence on health as well as food safety problems in today's society) The PhD student realizes that there are still many gaps in research on this issue, but within the limits allowed, the PhD student focuses on some of the most urgent gaps that need to be researched in the current period: Research to systematize, interpret and supplement theories related to state management of food additives business through: (1) clarifying the specifics of the food additive business; clarify the contents of the concept, role and evaluation criteria for state management of food additives business; (2) clearly define the contents of the State's management to be approached in the direction of managing the "process" of trading food additives; (3) indicates the factors affecting the state management of food additives business Stemming from the context that food safety is a social hot spot, food additives play an increasingly important role in the development of the food industry, but these products directly affect the health of the community The PhD student realized that the state management of the food additive business is an issue that needs to be studied in depth -3This study aims to address the above gaps, focusing on 03 groups of management contents: management content related to business conditions; management contents related to food additives being traded; management content related to trade in food additives RESEARCH OBJECTIVES AND TASKS 3.1 Objectives of the study Proposing some solutions to improve the state management of food additives business in Vietnam to 2025 and the following years 3.2 Research mission (i) Systematize, interpret, and supplement theories related to food additive trading, state management of food additive business In which, focusing on clarifying the characteristics of the business activities of food additives; concepts, contents, criteria and factors affecting the state management of food additives business; (ii) Studying the experience of state management for food additive business of countries around the world (USA, EU and China) to draw lessons for Vietnam (iii) On the basis of the collected primary and secondary data, through data analysis and processing methods, the thesis analyzes and evaluates the current state of state management of the additive business food industry, the current situation of factors affecting the state management of food additives business; evaluate the successes, limitations and causes of limitations in state management of food additive business in Vietnam in the period 2011 - 2020 (iv) On the basis of theoretical and practical research results as well as the orientation and state management objectives for food additive business, propose solutions to improve state management of business food additives in Vietnam to 2025 and subsequent years RESEARCH SUBJECTS AND SCOPE 4.1 Research subjects The thesis studies on the theory and practice of state management for food additives business in Vietnam 4.2 Research scope 4.2.1 In terms of content -4Firstly, the approach of the thesis: State management of food additives business covers a lot of content from the production process, business process to the process of using food additives However, due to limited time and resources, the PhD student focused on researching state management of food additives business in the direction of managing the "business process" of food additives from a specialized perspective economic management Second, the content of state management of food additives business: The PhD student focused on researching a number of contents of state management of food additives business, including 03 groups of contents on management of food additives reason, specifically: (1) Contents of management related to the conditions for trading in food additives: conditions on business programs, conditions on trading items, conditions on establishments conducting business (2) Management contents related to food additives being traded: management of the list of food additives, management of origin for food additives, quality management and assurance Food safety in the business of food additives (3) Management contents related to commercial development activities for food additives business: management of distribution channels, management of trade promotion activities and management of competition activities in the food industry trade in food additives 4.2.2 In terms of location The thesis studies on state management of food additives business in Vietnam, conducting a survey in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, and Quang Ninh province 4.2.3 In terms of time -5The thesis studies the current state of state management of food additives business in Vietnam in the period 2011 - 2020 (this is the period of time when Vietnam implements 10-year socio-economic development strategies, with 02 medium-term plans (5 years) In 2020, is the time when Vietnam summarizes the implementation of the country's major strategies such as the Strategy for Import and Export of Goods for the period 2011 - 2020 and orientation to 2030 Ministries and sectors also carry out activities activities of summarizing, drawing from experience in performing tasks over a period of years ) Solutions and recommendations on state management of food additives business are applied for the period up to 2025 and the following years RESEARCH PROCEDURES AND METHODOLOGY 5.1 Research procedures The thesis is carried out according to a strict process from reviewing research works, determining the theoretical basis, analyzing the current situation to propose solutions to improve management 5.2 Research Methodology 5.2.1 Access to research The thesis is carried out with the following specific approaches: overall, practical, systematic, interdisciplinary, dynamic in state management of the economy 5.2.2 Methodology The thesis uses the method of dialectical and historical materialism of Marxism-Leninism and the thinking, viewpoints and lines of the Communist Party of Vietnam in order to achieve a systematic, dialectical, logical and historical approach of research content 5.2.3 Specific method Data collection methods (1) Secondary data: The thesis uses published data related to state management of food additives business in Vietnam to synthesize theory and analyze the current situation of food additives market and the current state of state management of food additives business -6(2) Primary data: The thesis collects primary data through survey method by questionnaire to add new, objective data sources to properly assess the status of state management of food additives business in Vietnam Primary data was collected through questionnaire and expert interviews Regarding survey sample size: The topic uses the formula to determine the minimum guaranteed sample size from the objective factor analysis of Hoang Trong and Chu Nguyen Mong Ngoc (2008) which is >= 5*m (m is the number of criteria asked in the survey form) In the thesis, the author analyzes the evaluation results from 446 survey questionnaires, of which: 321 questionnaires from business entities and 125 questionnaires from management subjects By means of random sampling, non-probability convenience, the author has selected the subjects to participate in the survey with the sample size as above which allows to perform quantitative analysis to ensure reliability, in accordance with the content requirements and resources for the thesis implementation Data processing method a Methods for processing secondary data: Methods of classification and systematization; Descriptive statistics method; comparative method; meta-analytic method; b Methods of primary data processing: The thesis uses Excel (2010) and SPSS 20 software to enter and encrypt data for analyzing and evaluating the contents of state management of food additives business in Vietnam Thesis analysis framework In addition to the methodology used throughtout in the thesis, the research methods are summarized in the header by the author in each chapter NEW CONTRIBUTIONS OF THE THESIS 6.1 In terms of theoretical aspect The thesis has systematized, explained and supplemented the theory related to state management of food additives business The thesis has clarified the characteristics of the business activities of food -7additives, which emphasizes the issue of food safety as well as the impacts on the health of the community if the additives are not used according to regulations Clearly define the concepts, contents, evaluation criteria and factors affecting the state management of food additives business as a basis to analyze and evaluate the state management of food additives business in Vietnam 6.2 In terms of practical aspect On the basis of the research framework, applying appropriate research methods, the thesis has analyzed and evaluated the current situation of food additive business activities, state management of food additives business in Vietnam Vietnam, thereby assessing the successes and limitations of state management for this activity in Vietnam On the basis of clarified theoretical issues, limitations and causes of the situation have been identified, along with forecasts on the business activities of food additives in the world as well as in Vietnam, the Points, orientations and goals in state management of food additives business in Vietnam to 2025 and the following years, the thesis has proposed 04 groups of solutions associated with the main causes, lessons from countries and organizations around the world in state management of this activity: perfecting the system of state management documents for trading food additives; perfecting and strengthening the organization and implementation of state management of food additives trading at all levels; strengthen inspection, examination and handling of violations in the state management of food additive trading; raise awareness of management levels, businesses and consumers about food additives and food additive business The research results of the thesis can be used as a reference for state management agencies in charge of business and food additives (Ministry of Industry and Trade, Ministry of Health, People's Committees at all levels ) perfecting the organization and implementation of state management of food additive business in Vietnam CONTENT OF THE THESIS In addition to the introduction, conclusion, list of references and appendices, the thesis is structured into chapters: - 11 entities to conduct business in food additives effectively and in accordance with the provisions of law b Contents of management related to food additives in business The State governs the list of food additives; origin of food additives; quality and food safety assurance in food additives business c Contents of management related to commercial development activities for food additives business The State manages the food additive distribution system, trade promotion and competition activities in the food additives business, thereby enhancing commercial development activities in food additives business 1.2.3 The criteria for assessing state management of food additives business Within the scope of the thesis, the PhD student uses the evaluation criteria of state management of food additives business in Vietnam, including: Criteria of suitability, fairness, management effectiveness and sustainability 1.2.4 The state management tools and methods of food additives business In order to ensure state management, the State uses legal tools and policies in terms of managing food additives business In addition, the State uses organizational - administrative methods; economic method; Methods of propaganda and education for management 1.3 THE FACTORS AFFECTING STATE MANAGEMENT OF FOOD ADDITIVES BUSINESS 1.3.1 Objective factors affecting the state management of food additives business This is a group of factors from the external environment or from the entities trading in food additives that affect the state management of food additives business, specifically: stability and socio-economic development; elements belonging to the business community dealing in food additives; consumer awareness 1.3.2 Subjective factors affecting the state management of food additives business - 12 This is a group of factors belonging to the management subject, including the policy system, the capacity of the management team and the application of technology in state management of the food additive business In addition to the above main factors, state management of food additives business is also affected by a number of other factors such as economic and political context, international cooperation activities and other factors conditions on physical foundations, conditions on nature - society 1.4 THE INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE AND LEARNINGS FOR VIETNAM IN STATE MANAGEMENT OF FOOD ADDITIVES BUSINESS Many valuable lessons can be learned from the experiences of developed economies with regulatory documents in the field of food safety and complete commercial business (European Union (EU), USA) or some countries with similar system of documents and policies to Vietnam such as China After studying the experiences of the above regions and countries, the author draws some lessons for Vietnam, specifically: First, it is necessary to study and consult more about the management by legal documents of developed countries, and limit the use of sub-law documents Second, the Government needs to achieve consistency in management from central to local levels, balancing vertical management and local government Third, it is necessary to clarify the criteria, business registration process, and make it public on the information channels of the management agency Fourth, it is necessary to clearly specify the forms of labeling on the packaging of additive products - 13 - CHAPTER THE SITUATION OF STATE MANAGEMENT OF FOOD ADDITIVES BUSINESS IN VIETNAM 2.1 THE GENERAL STATUS OF FOOD ADDITIVES BUSINESS IN VIETNAM 2.1.1 The situation of market demand for food additives in Vietnam Food additive business belongs to ancillary business, which cannot be separated from food production and trading, especially the food technology industry According to data from Vietnam Report (2020), the demand for food and beverages always accounts for about one third of the monthly spending of Vietnamese consumers This shows the food and beverage market development, which leads to the attention of input products such as food additives If in 2011, the market for food additives was valued at 1,160 billion VND, after 10 years to 2020, the market value for this product is 2,923 billion VND, an increase of nearly 2.5 times and is considered as a potential market - 14 - Source: Food Product Management Department, Food Safety Department, 2020 Table 2.3 Growth in demand for food additives in Vietnam in the period 2011 - 2020 2.1.2 The situation of food additives business in Vietnam According to the author's survey results for a number of food additives businesses, in the period 2011 - 2015, these businesses only traded about 120 different food additive products, but in the later period, especially in 2019 and 2020, it is possible to import more of these products because the Ministry of Health expands the list of permitted additives and has a more diversified import market Table 2.4 Structure of origin of food additives in Vietnam (Unit: %) Year Imported Domestic Unknown origin 2011 64,20 7,78 28,02 2012 65,90 7,36 26,74 2013 68,02 7,57 24,41 2014 66,52 8,36 25,12 2015 69,52 9,21 21,27 2016 71,91 8,37 19,72 2017 73,21 7,36 19,43 2018 72,07 7,78 20,15 2019 72,68 8,30 19,02 2020 74,86 8,86 16,28 Source: Food Product Management Department, Food Safety Department, 2020 - 15 2.2 THE ANALYSIS OF SITUATION OF STATE MANAGEMENT OF FOOD ADDITIVES BUSINESS IN VIETNAM 2.2.1 Analysis of the current situation of organizing state management for food additives business in Vietnam The Government performs the unified state management of food additives business in Vietnam on the basis of implementing legal documents adopted by the National Assembly; assigning the Ministry of Industry and Trade to be the focal agency performing the state management of business activities in general, assigning The Ministry of Health to be the agency implementing the specialized management of food additives in coordination with the Ministry of Industry and Trade 2.2.2 Analysis of the current state of state management of food additives business in Vietnam according to management contents a Contents of management related to conditions for trading food additives Regarding the business of food additives, it is necessary to meet the conditions specified in the Commercial Law 2005, the Enterprise Law 2014 Regarding the food additives, it is necessary to meet the prescribed conditions in the Law on Food Safety in 2010; Decree 15/2018/ND-CP; Circular 24/2019/TT-BYT Regarding food additives business entities, it is necessary to meet the conditions in Article 11, Decree 15/2018/ND-CP dated February 2, 2018 b Contents of management related to food additives in business First, managing the list of food additives The list of food additives which allowed to be used in the production, processing and trading of food is up to 400 substances according to Circular 08/2015/TT-BYT (compared to 275 substances according to the permitted list issued with Decision No Decree 3742/2001/QD-BYT) Second, managing the origin of food additives The Ministry of Health is allowing the use of 23 groups of food additives, including about 400 substances (including flavorings) in food processing However, only 5-10% of these items are produced in Vietnam, the rest are imported, including 30% of food additives originating from China - 16 Third, the quality management of food additives is prescribed in Article 17 from the Food Safety Law 2010 about conditions to ensure safety for food additives and food processing aids c Contents of management related to commercial activities in the business of food additives First, managing the food additive distribution system On the basis of the Commercial Law 2005 and guiding documents, the State manages the distribution system of food additives to ensure the development of the distribution system, supporting food additives businesses to quickly bring them to enterprises and individuals which are in need Second, managing trade promotion of food additives In order to execute management activities of trade promotion, the Trade Promotion Department from the Ministry of Industry and Trade cooperates with relevant units such as the Ministry of Health in trade-related activities Third, managing competition in the food additives business During the period 2011 - 2020, the Department of Competition and Consumer Protection performed its duty in regulating activities to combat unfair competition practices with 04 pre-litigation investigations related to food additives There are 03 cases with a total fine of VND 370 million 2.2.3 Analysis of the current the status of state management of food additives business in Vietnam in terms of some criteria The survey results show that in order to achieve requirements for the state management of the food additives business, the management subjects as well as the management objects need to perform synchronously towards 05 proposed criteria and in the coming time, the criteria that need improving are the effectiveness and sustainability of the management At the same time, it needs to maintain the effectiveness of the document system and the management agencies should be improved in a positive direction 2.2.4 Analysis of the current situation of factors affecting the state management of food additives business in Vietnam - 17 a Objective factors affecting the state management of food additives business in Vietnam Research results show that the factors of socio-economic stability and development; business community dealing in food additives; Consumers' perceptions all affect state management activities for food additives business in Vietnam b Subjective factors affecting the state management of food additives business in Vietnam The system of legal documents and policies related to food additives is said to be the most influential factor in the state management of food additives business in Vietnam, followed by the capacity of the team staff performing the state management of food additives business Finally, the application of technology in state management of food additives business has a lower influence than the above two factors 2.3 THE GENERAL ASSESSMENT OF THE SITUATION OF STATE MANAGEMENT OF FOOD ADDITIVES BUSINESS IN VIETNAM 2.3.1 Successes in state management of food additives business in Vietnam First, the state management agencies for food additives business in Vietnam is assessed scientific, ensuring both vertical and horizontal management Second, the management of food additives business conditions ensures efficiency, rationality and practicality, which is clearly shown through specific and detailed regulations on food additive trading conditions following the regulations of the State Third, the state management agencies have reviewed the additives being traded in the market according to the list of additives allowed to be used in Vietnam, as well as additives that are not allowed to be used but not banned from trading Fourth, the management of commercial development of food additives Commercial activities for food additives have got interested by the State management agencies with the guiding document system - 18 which is gradually being in completion to facilitate business entities in promoting the brand, image, building the distribution channel system and competing in the business of additives Fifth, the state management tools and methods for food additives business The results of the study show that the system of legal documents regulating food additives business has been gradually improved Besides, the management policies for food additives business have also been completed with coverage in business entities, commodities and commercial development activities related to food additives 2.3.2 Limitations and causes of state management of food additives business in Vietnam The limitations First, the structure of state management of food additives business still has many limitations in coordination and performance of assigned functions and tasks The flexibility in state management of food additives business by state management agencies under the Ministry of Health is not really good Second, Vietnam's business conditions are still not suitable and timely adjusted with international law in this field Third, state management of food additives Currently, one of the limitations for the management of food additives is the "ambiguity" in choosing the management according to the list of allowed additives or the list of additives allowed to be traded… Fourth, the management of commercial activities of food additives in Vietnam Regulations on advertising and commercial promotion of food additives are currently very lax, the continuous communication of cases of health hazards from food additives floating in the market without clearly stating the role of food additives leading to consumer misperceptions and “boycott” attitudes towards food containing additives (despite using the correct dosage) Fifth, the management tool and methods has not shown its directional role because there is no leading agency in this field to execute a strategy, plan or a project to develop a food additives business in Vietnam - 19 The causes The above limitations originate from the following reasons: First, the awareness of managers, business entities and consumers about food additives is still not high Second, the institutional and policy system for the management of food additives is still incomplete Third, the capacity of the management agencies has some limitations Fourth, the entities trading in food additives are very diverse, including businesses that are mostly legal entities, private enterprises and business households without legal status In addition, the awareness of food additives business entities is still not high Fifth, the rapid development of science - technology, business activities on technology platforms such as e-commerce platforms, social networks CHAPTER VIEWPOINTS AND SOLUTIONS TO INCREASE STATE MANAGEMENT FOR FOOD ADDITIVES BUSINESS IN VIETNAM TOWARDS 2025 AND THE FOLLOWING YEARS 3.1 VIEWPOINTS AND DIRECTIONS TO ENHANCE STATE MANAGEMENT FOR FOOD ADDITIVES BUSINESS IN VIETNAM TOWARDS 2025 AND THE FOLLOWING YEARS 3.1.1 Some forecasts on market demand and food additives business in Vietnam towards 2025 and the following years According to market research firm Global Market Insights (2019), the global food additives market will grow more than 4.5% per year from now until 2025 and will reach a 273 billion USD in 2025 BMI Research (2019) forecasts that Vietnam's food industry will achieve compound annual growth of 10.9% in the period 2020-2025 3.1.2 Perspectives on strengthening state management of food additives business in Vietnam to 2025 and the following years - 20 First, state management of food additives business is ensured to be carried out according to the principle of market economy under the management of the State, in line with international integration of trade in general and the food additive market in particular Second, state management activities for food additives business need to be unified and synchronized both horizontally and vertically from the central to local levels Third, state management activities for food additives business need to ensure harmony between consumers, business entities and management entities Fourth, state management activities for food additives business need publicity and transparency, thereby helping business entities easily access information related to business registration, food additive market 3.1.3 Objectives and directions to strengthen state management of food additives business in Vietnam by 2025 and the following years Objectives of strengthening state management of food additives business in Vietnam First, ensuring legal and reasonable food additives business activities in a fair and healthy competitive environment Second, ensuring strict management of food additives business Third, an important goal that the State aims to strengthen the management of food additives business from now to 2025 is to protect the health of consumers Table 3.1 Target on value and market share of domestically produced food additives Expected Expected Criteria 2015 2020 2025 2030 Market value of food 7000additives (billion 1.748 2.923 5000 8000 VND) Market share of 9,21 8,86 20% 25-30% domestically - 21 produced food additives (%) Source: PhD student synthesized from Report of Food Safety Department, 2020 Directions of strengthening state management of food additives business in Vietnam First, strengthening propaganda of necessary information and latest management documents on food additives and food additives business to management entities, business entities and consumers Second, state agencies at all levels need to continue to study and complete the system of management documents Third, improving the state management agencies for food additives business from the central to local levels to ensure close coordination, clear decentralization and consistency Fourth, completing the contents of state management, ensuring the comprehensiveness, in line with the pratice of the food additive market in Vietnam Fifth, the State needs to promote the inspection, examination and supervision of food additives business activities, thereby strictly handling violations of business entities, managers, ensuring stable business environment and healthy competition 3.2 SOME SOLUTIONS TO INCREASE STATE MANAGEMENT FOR FOOD ADDITIVES BUSINESS IN VIETNAM TOWARDS 2025 AND THE FOLLOWING YEARS 3.2.1 Completing the system of state management documents of food additives business First, it is necessary to clarify the provisions in Article 11 of Circular 24/2019/TT-BYT on product announcement for food additives Second, specific regulations on the list of additives can be traded, the list of prohibited additives Third, additional regulations on quality management and food safety assurance in the food additives business in Circular 24/2019/TT-BYT Fourth, unifying regulations in management documents on labeling and advertising activities for food additives - 22 Fifth, supplementing guidance on regulations on handling violations of food additive traders 3.2.2 Completing and strengthening the organization of state management of food additives business at all levels a Improving the capacity of the state management apparatus for trading food additives Reviewing the functions and tasks of state management agencies On the basis of the achieved results, in the coming time, the State needs to continue to improve the assignment of tasks and stipulate management responsibilities for agencies directly managing food additives such as the Ministry of Industry and Trade and consulting units The clear and reasonable assignment will help maximize the management efficiency of each individual and department and save costs and management time (2) Strengthening coordination in state management of food additives business (3) To step up training and fostering to improve the capacity of state management staff in the business of food additives; (4) Strengthening innovation and application of science and technology in state management of food additives business b Strengthening and perfecting contents of state management of food additives business (1) Improving management of business conditions for food additives The Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Planning and Investment and the People's Committee of the province assign relevant focal units to carry out regular inspection and supervision of trading food additives in order to detect and promptly handle violations in the process of making business registration, announcing products and conditions on traders and legal entities (2) Completing state management of food additives Strictly managing the registration of intellectual property rights for additive brands being traded in the market Regularly inspect and supervise to detect violations of trading fake goods, additives with - 23 unknown origin, additives not on the list of permitted use but not display product information yet (3) Improving state management of trade in food additives Controlling the advertising contents of food additives, promptly prevent and handle violations against the Circular No 09/2015/TT-BYT dated May 25, 2015 of the Ministry of Health on certifying advertising contents for special products, goods and services under the management of the Ministry of Health, the Law on Advertising and guiding documents Strengthening management of the food additives distribution system 3.2.3 Strengthening inspection, examination and handling of violations in the state management of food additives business First, it is necessary to finalize documents on assignment and coordination in inspection, examination, supervision and handling of violations related to food additive trading activities Second, state management agencies need to develop inspection plans in phases, years and quarters to ensure this activity is comprehensive and continuous Third, mobilizing resources in the process of inspecting and monitoring food additives business Fourth, strictly handling violations in food additives business 3.2.4 Raising awareness of management levels, enterprises and consumers about food additives business First, Implementing strictly Directive 08-CT/TW on October 21st ,2011 of the Secretariat on strengthening the Party's leadership on food safety in the new context Second, the management agencies need to closely direct the research and the State's regulations on the management of food additives business of civil servants and public employees Third, increasing awareness of state management tasks for food additives business Fourth, completing the responsible agencies for propaganda and education in order to improve the understanding of state agencies, - 24 business entities and consumers about the law of food additives business activities CONCLUSIONS The state management of food additives business includes many contents as prescribed following commercial law such as production business management, commercial business and consumer business However, the thesis has not studied all the contents, but only focused on some contents that are urgently needed to be studied in Vietnam and have not received the attention of scientists and economists such as: Managing business conditions for food additives, managing food additives (origin, quality, conditions to ensure food additive safety), managing commercial activities for food additives (management of distribution systems, management of trade promotion activities, management of food additives price) The contents of state management in production, trading, consumption of food additives are the next research direction for the author as well as for scientists being interested in this field Despite the efforts in the process of conducting research, due to time constraints, scientific research experience the author realizes that there are still some limitations and shortcomings that can be oriented in his next studies such as: (1) Building a research model through new and effective research tools and methods to accurately and objectively assess the status of state management of food additives business in Vietnam; (2) The system of information and - 25 data of food additives business and state management of food additives business needs to be collected more fully; (3) In order to comprehensively assess the state management of food additives business, apart from the collected secondary data, the survey taken by questionnaire, interview need to be more effective: survey tools need to be reviewed and evaluated many times; expanding the survey subjects such as officers and experts at customs offices, tax administration agencies ; consumers use food additives or products with ingredients that are food additives However, with the achieved results, the author hopes to help state management agencies have appropriate decisions and more effective management of food additives business in vietnamese market ... the food and beverage sector in Vietnam The current situation of Vietnam's food additives market with the abudant presence of food additives out of the permitted list or of unknown origin makes... business have received the attention of many authors such as: European Development Bank Asia (2003); Phan Anh -2Summer (2018); Ninh Thi Minh Tam (2020); Nguyen Thi Huong Giang (2020) 2.2 Studies... management of food additives business in Vietnam Vietnam, thereby assessing the successes and limitations of state management for this activity in Vietnam On the basis of clarified theoretical issues,

Ngày đăng: 23/02/2022, 07:08


