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    • 2.1. Aims

  • During the past 4 years, I had reached valuable experience and knowledge in translation field. All the things that I have collected and trained from the teachers' lectures are shown in this graduation paper.

  • Translating this chapter 3 titled "A Governess at Thornfield" from the Book "Jane Eyre" will help people realize in life, there are loves that come easily,there are loves where lovers always walk on flower-strewn streets. And there are also loves that are long journeys to find happiness.

  • Moreover, through this graduation paper, I have the opportunity to practice and improve my translation skills to apply it better in other areas in the future.

    • 2.2. Objectives

  • After finishing my graduation paper, I can better understand the desire for happiness, overcome many difficulties to find it of women and especially the human warmth of the 19th century. Also, I can thoroughly understand the translation theory and enhance my translation skills through contacting with complex sentence structures and vocabulary that I have never seen in the learning process.


    • 3.1. Text Features

  • The book has 5 chapters. Because of time limitation, I decide to translate and analyze chapter 3-part 7,8,9 "A Thornfield" from the Book "Jane Eyre" which was written by Charlotte Bronte.

  • This part mainly focuses on a long journey to find happiness of a poor girl, without beauty, without possessions. The only inheritance is only a kind heart, rich in love and uprightness and frankness.

    • 3.2. Text Length

  • I decided on chapter 3 - part 7,8,9 "A Governess at Thornfield. The translated text has about 4,038 words.

    • 3.3. Text Organization

  • The book “Jane Eyre” by Charlotte Bronte is divided into 5 chapters:

  • Chapter I : A child at Gateshead

  • Chapter II : A girl at Lowood

  • Chapter III : A Governess at Thornfield

  • Chapter IV : A woman at Moor House

  • Chapter V : A wife at Ferndean Manor

    • 3.4. Text Source

  • The text is in the book “Jane Eyre” is a novel by Charlotte Bronte (1816–1855), published by Smith, Elder & Company of London, 1847, under the pseudonym Currer Bell.


  • In order to meet the aims and objectives of this graduation paper, I have used a number of methods based on various sources:

  • First, Using reference books and internet materials can provide me with a great source of information and help me gain a deep understanding of the natural sciences.

  • Secondly, referring to the findings of research from researchers around the world helps me build the theoretical foundation and list the difficulties in the translation process.

  • Thirdly, the method of analyzing vocabulary and sentence structure difficulties based on theoretical background helps me find out suggestions to give readers the best translation version.




  • Some researchers in the world have given many different views on translation definition as follows:

  • According to Catford , “Translation is the replacement of textual material in one language (source language) by equivalent textual material in another language (target language).” [1]

  • Nord said: “Translation is the production of a functional target text maintaining a relationship with a given source text that is specified according to the intended or demanded function of the target text.” [2]

  • Nida and Taber describes translation as “Translation consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closet natural equivalent of the source language message, first in term of meaning and secondly in term of style.” [3]

  • Peter Newmark said: “Translation is rendering the meaning of a text into another language in the way that the author intended the text.” [4]

  • Bell said: “Translation is the expression in another language (or the target language) of what has been expressed in another, source language, preserving semantic and stylistic equivalences”. [5]

  • Through the above ideas, I can express an opinion on the translation definition as follows:

  • Translation is the process of changing of the words written or spoken in one language (the source) into the words in another language (the target) that have the same meaning to convey original intent of messages of the author across linguistic, cultural and regional differences between source and target languages.


    • 2.1. Methods of Translation

      • Beside six types of catigories in the “Translation Theory” text book of Mr. Nguyen Manh Quang [6]. There are also eight methods, six principles of translation, and some rules of translation that I can apply in the translation process.

      • 2.1.1. Word-for-Word Translation

      • This is often demonstrated as interlinear translation with the TL immediately below the SL words. The SL word order is preserved, and the words are translated singly by their most common meanings, out of context. Cultural words are translated literally. The main use of word-for-word translation is either to understand the mechanics of the SL or to construct a difficult text as a pre translation process.

      • Example: She is beautiful and smart.

      • → Cô ấy thì xinh đẹp và thông minh.

      • 2.1.2. Literal Translation

      • The SL grammatical constructions are converted to their nearest TL equivalents, but the lexical words are again translated singly out of context. As a pre-translation process, this indicates the problem to be solved.

      • Example: He has a dark face.

      • → Anh ấy có khuôn mặt tối tăm.

      • 2.1.3. Faithful Translation

      • A faithful translation attempts to reproduce the precise contextual meaning of the original meaning within the constraints of the TL grammatical structures. It “transfers” cultural words and preserves the degree of grammatical and lexical "abnormality" in the translation. It attempts to be completely faithful to the intensions and the text realization of the SL writer.

      • Example: He was a fast as a kangaroo.

      • → Anh ấy nhanh như một con kangaroo.

      • 2.1.4. Semantic Translation

      • This method must pay more attention to the aesthetic value (that is, the beautiful and natural sound) of the SL text, compromising on “meaning” where appropriate so that no assonance, word-play or repetition jars in the finished version. Furthermore, it may translate less important cultural words by culturally neutral third or functional terms but not by cultural equivalents and it may make other small concession to the readership.

      • Example: I take the medicine twice a day.

      • → Tôi uông thuốc hai lần một ngày.

      • 2.1.5. Adaptation

      • This is the “freest” form of translation, used mainly for plays (comedies) and poetry. The themes, characters, plots are usually preserved, the SL culture is converted to the TL one, and the text is rewritten.

      • 2.1.6. Free Translation

      • This method reproduces the matter without the manner, or the content without the form of the original. Usually, it is a paraphrase much longer than the original a so-called “intra-lingual translation”, often prolix, pretentious and seemingly non-translated at all.

      • Example: Have a good time!

      • → Chúc vui vẻ!

      • 2.1.7. Idiomatic Translation

      • This produces the “message” of the original again but tends to distort the nuances of meaning by preferring colloquialisms and idioms where these do not exist in the original.

      • Example: Add fuel to the fire.

      • → Thêm dầu vào lửa.

      • 2.1.8. Communicative Translation

      • This method attempts to render the exact contextual meaning of the original in such a way that both content and language are readily acceptable and comprehensible to the readership. This translation is rather often news on radio or in newspapers. Sometimes communicative and semantic translation may coincide with each other.

      • Example: Don’t drink and drive.

      • → Đã uống rượu bia thì không lái xe.

    • 2.2. Principles of Translation

    • Although this is not a theoretical work, students may follow some guidelineson how to help themselves to evaluate their own work. Below are some general principles which are relevant to all translation.

      • 2.2.1. Meaning

    • The translation should reflect accurately the meaning of original text. Nothing should be arbitrarily added or moved, though occasionally part of the meaning can be “transpose”.

      • 2.2.2. Form

  • The order of words and ideas in the translation should match that in the original as closely as possible. This is particularly in the form and order of words. When in doubt, underline in the original text the words on which the main stress falls. In English, emphasis or main stress can be obtained through inversion of word order and using different structures such as: “No sooner...than”, “It is/was... that(who)...”, "Only by...”, etc.

  • Example: No sooner had he graduated than was he was on his way to America.

  • → Ngay sau khi anh ấy tốt nghiệp, anh ấy đến Mỹ.

    • 2.2.3. Register

  • Languages often differ greatly in, their levels of formality in a given context (say, in a business letter). To resolve these differences, the translator must distinguish between formal and fixed expressions.

  • Would any expression in the original sound too formal/ informal, cold/ warm, personal / impersonal if translated literally?

  • What is the intension of the writer or speaker? (to persuade/ dissuade apologize, criticize?). Does it come through in the translation?

  • Example: I’m sorry.

  • It’s my fault.

  • I own you an apology.

  • → All of them have the same meaning: “xin loi”.

  • 2.2.4. Source Language Infulence

  • One of the most frequent criticisms of translation is that “It’s doesn’t sound natural”. This is because the translator’s thoughts and choice of words are too strongly moulded by the original text. A good way of shaking off the SL influence is to set text aside and translate a new sentence aloud from memory. This will suggest natural patterns of thought in the first language (TL), which may not come in mind when the eyes are fixed on the SL text.

  • Example:

    • 2.2.5. Idiom

  • Idiomatic expressions are notoriously untranslatable. These include similes, metaphors, proverbs, sayings, jargons, slangs, colloquialisms and phrasal verbs. If the expressions cannot be directly translated, try any of the following.

  • a. Retain the original word, in inverted commas

  • Example: “Jazz” music.

  • → Nhạc jazz.

  • b. Retain the original expression, with a literal explanation in brackets.

  • Example: Tốt gỗ hơn tốt nước sơn.

  • → The good inner nature is always more important than the beauty of the outer flashiness.

  • c. Use a close equivalent

  • Example: Họa vô đơn chí.

  • → It never rains but it pours.

  • d. Use a non-idiomatic or plain prose translation

  • Example: Get off the ground.

  • → Khởi đầu suôn sẻ.

    • 2.2.6. Style and Clarity

  • The not change the style of the original. But translator in general should if the text is sloppily written or full of tedious repetitions, the translator may, for the reader's sake, correct the defects.

  • Example: Don’t gain the world and lose your soul, wisdom is better than silver or gold.

  • → Đừng đuổi theo quyền lực mà đánh mất đạo đức, cũng như trí tuệ đem đến cho bạn hạnh phúc chứ không phải là tiền bạc và vật chất.

    • 2.3. Rules of Translation

    • English sentences can be arranged and classical into seven patterns follows:

    • S + V ( Ex: I’m cooking )

    • S +V + A ( Ex: The lamp is on the table )

    • S + V+ O ( Ex: I love English )

    • S +V + C ( Ex: He is a policeman )

    • S + V + O + A ( Ex: I met you at the railway station )

    • S + V + O + O ( Ex: John gave his wife a gift )

    • S + V + O + C ( Ex: The company appointed him clerk.

      • 2.3.1. The Rule of Proximity

  • “Proximity” means “nearness” in English.

  • Rule: When modifying any item of language, the MODIFIER must be placed closely to that item even though the modifier is a single word, a phrase (P_group/V_ing (ed) group/Inf_group), or a clause.

  • Example: “Only he can speak English in class.”

    • → Chỉ có anh ấy có thể nói tiếng Anh trong lớp.

    • “He can speak only English in class.”

    • → Anh ấy chỉ có thể nói tiếng Anh trong lớp.

  • In English, mistakes caused by incorrectly placing the position of modifies are called misplaced modifies.

    • 2.3.2. The Rule of Parallelism

  • Rule: The speech elements of the same grammatical function must be performed in an only similar structural form.

  • Similar structural form may be a single word, a P_group, V_ing/ed group, Inf-group, or an S-group (clause).

  • More specifically, when sentence elements have the same grammatical function, a Noun must be parallel to Noun an Adjective parallel to an Adjective.



  • Translation plays an important role in our profession. It is a bridge that conveys messages from one language to another in a professional communication activity. In addition, translation also helps us enhance international understanding as well as cultural and social awareness. However, in the text, I met many vocabulary and sentence structures that confused me and encountered many difficulties in the translation process. Therefore, I will now analyze those vocabulary and structure in depth to propose the most suitable translation versions for the context of the text.


    • 1.1. Words with muti-meanings

    • 1.2. Words with no Vietnamese equivalent in dictionary



    • 3.1. Compound Sentences

    • 3.2. Complex Sentences

      • 2.2.1. Complex Sentences with Relative Clause

      • 2.2.2. Complex Sentences with Adverbial Clause

      • 2.2.3. Complex Sentences with Noun Clause

    • 3.3. Compound-Complex Sentences

    • 3.4. Sentences in Passive Voice

    • 3.5. Sentence with Dummy Subject



    • 2. SOLUTIONS


  • 1. Summary of Finding

  • 2. Suggestions

    • 2.1. Suggestion for Faculty of English

    • 2.2. Suggestions for students in Faculty of English


    • Dictionaries:

Nội dung

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING DUY TAN UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF ENGLISH GRADUATION PAPER DINH HONG DIEM AN ANALYSIS OF THE SUGGESTED TRANSLATION OF CHAPTER FROM THE BOOK “JANE EYRE” BY CHARLOTTE BRONTE, 1847 GRADUATION THESIS IN SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES DA NANG – May, 2021 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING DUY TAN UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF ENGLISH GRADUATION PAPER DINH HONG DIEM AN ANALYSIS OF THE SUGGESTED TRANSLATION OF CHAPTER FROM THE BOOK “JANE EYRE” BY CHARLOTTE BRONTE, 1847 Major : English for Translation and Interpretation Code : K23.701 Course : 2017 - 2021 SUPERVISOR: NGUYEN QUYNH CHI, M.A DA NANG – May, 2021 GRADUATION PAPER Supervisor: Nguyen Quynh Chi, M.A ACKNOWLEDGEMENT To complete this graduation paper, I have received a lot of helps and supports from many people who I am extremely grateful for First of all, I would like to expand my gratitude to my supervisor, Mrs Nguyen Quynh Chi for detailed guidance as well as his dedication and enthusiasm Without his assistance in every step throughout the process of this research, this graduation paper would have never been accomplished Secondly, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all my teachers at the Faculty of Foreign Languages, Duy Tan University for creating good conditions for me in valuable lessons and skills throughout the time I attended the academic year Thirdly, I also would like to take this opportunity to show my sincere thanks to my family and my friend for encouraging and supporting me a lot in all the time of doing this paper and in my life In addition, because of the limited knowledge, experience and time, the shortcomings in this graduation paper are inevitable Therefore, I expect to receive sympathy as well as help from teachers and friends Lastly, I wish all of you good health, happiness and success Sincerely, DINH HONG DIEM Student: Dinh Hong Diem Code: 2320311805 GRADUATION PAPER Supervisor: Nguyen Quynh Chi, M.A STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIP Except where reference is made in the text of the thesis, this thesis contains no material published elsewhere or extracted in the whole or in part from a thesis by which I have qualified for or been awarded another degree or diploma No other person’s work has been used without due acknowledgement in the thesis This thesis has not been submitted for award of any degree or diploma in any other tertiary institution Danang, May 27th, 2021 DINH HONG DIEM Student: Dinh Hong Diem Code: 2320311805 GRADUATION PAPER Supervisor: Nguyen Quynh Chi, M.A ABSTRACT This graduation paper is carried out with the aim of an analysis of the suggested translation of chapter "A Governess at Thornfield" from the book "Jane Eyre?" by Charlotte Bronte in 1847 The graduation paper provides a Vietnamese translation from the source text and analyzes the translated version of this graduation paper Besides, writer analyzes the vocabulary and complicated structures of the suggested translation version Finally, the difficulties in the translation and some essential solutions are suggested at the end of the graduation paper Student: Dinh Hong Diem Code: 2320311805 GRADUATION PAPER Supervisor: Nguyen Quynh Chi, M.A ABBREVIATIONS S : Subject V : Verb O : Object A : Adverb SL : Source Language TL : Target Language P1 : Paragraph p.1 : Page Etc : et cetera Ex : Example Student: Dinh Hong Diem Code: 2320311805 GRADUATION PAPER Supervisor: Nguyen Quynh Chi, M.A TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .i STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIP ii ABSTRACT iii ABBREVIATIONS .iv TABLE OF CONTENTS v CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.RATIONALE AIMS AND OBJECTIVES .2 2.1 Aims 2.2 Objectives .2 SCOPE OF STUDY 3.1 Text Features 3.2 Text Length 3.3 Text Organization 3.4 Text Source METHOD OF THE STUDY ORGANIZATION OF THE STUDY CHAPTER 2: THEORETICAL BACKGROUND DEFINITIONS OF TRANSLATION METHODS, PRINCIPLES AND RULES OF TRANSLATION 2.1 Methods of Translation 2.1.1 Word-for-Word Translation 2.1.2 Literal Translation .6 2.1.3 Faithful Translation 2.1.4 Semantic Translation Student: Dinh Hong Diem Code: 2320311805 GRADUATION PAPER Supervisor: Nguyen Quynh Chi, M.A 2.1.5 Adaptation 2.1.6 Free Translation 2.1.7 Idiomatic Translation 2.1.8 Communicative Translation 2.2 Principles of Translation 2.2.1 Meaning 2.2.2 Form .8 2.2.3 Register 2.2.4 Source Language Infulence 2.2.5 Idiom .10 2.2.6 Style and Clarity 10 2.3 Rules of Translation 11 2.3.1 The Rule of Proximity 11 2.3.2 The Rule of Parallelism .11 CHAPTER 3: SUGGESTED TRANSLATION 13 CHAPTER 4: ANALYSIS 40 VOCABULARY 40 1.1 Words with muti-meanings 40 1.2 Words with no Vietnamese equivalent in dictionary 42 PHRASAL VERBS 43 STRUCTURES 44 3.1 Compound Sentences 45 3.2 Complex Sentences 46 2.2.1 Complex Sentences with Relative Clause 46 2.2.2 Complex Sentences with Adverbial Clause .47 2.2.3 Complex Sentences with Noun Clause 48 3.3 Compound-Complex Sentences .49 Student: Dinh Hong Diem Code: 2320311805 GRADUATION PAPER Supervisor: Nguyen Quynh Chi, M.A 3.4 Sentences in Passive Voice 49 3.5 Sentence with Dummy Subject 50 CHAPTER 5: DIFFICULTIES AND SOLUTIONS 52 DIFFICULTIES .52 SOLUTIONS 53 CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS 54 Summary of Finding .54 Suggestions .54 2.1 Suggestion for Faculty of English 54 2.2 Suggestions for students in Faculty of English .55 REFERENCES 57 Student: Dinh Hong Diem Code: 2320311805 GRADUATION PAPER Supervisor: Nguyen Quynh Chi, M.A CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.RATIONALE Jane Eyre is a novel by Charlotte Bronte (1816–1855), published by Smith, Elder & Company of London, 1847, under the pseudonym Currer Bell, and is one of the most famous works of English literature In addition to delicately and deeply presenting the story of Jane's life, the work is both autobiographical and a silent dream of Charlotte Brontë herself The work also brings faith and hope to unfortunate lives through progressive ideas on religion, feminism, human rights and especially the warmth of humanity But the important contribution of this novel is the subtle combination of educational fiction with other novels such as psychological novels, Gothic novels, even silhouettes of detective novels The narrator is in the first person, creating a feeling of closeness and authenticity This is also a success and a great contribution to the line of educational fiction, one of the main genres of fiction born in England Indeed, I want to choose this topic to provide the valuable lesson to be learn is: “Experience will be a valuable lesson for you and you can find happiness on your own Don't rely on anything to find happiness or a good life, listen to your heart and find happiness for yourself.” Hence, chapter of the book “Jane Eyre” by Charlotte Bronte is the journey to Thornfield to become a tutor by accident, it can be said that this is the time to work to change Jane's life, she does not have to live under the torture of anyone, she is free And from there, she met her first and only love, Mr Rochester Mr Rochester, a seasoned man, his age was also on the other side of the mountain, but he was always looking for a true love, a passionate, longing heart like Mrs Jane and because he could not find it AGREE He Student: Dinh Hong Diem Code: 2320311805 GRADUATION PAPER 44 Supervisor: Nguyen Quynh Chi, M.A There are three meanings of this verb “look at” However, basing on the context, I think the second meaning is the best choice because it is suitable for the text’s context It means in Vietnamese as “nhìn” My Vietnamese version is as follows: → “Tơi dừng lại để nhìn chúng, nghĩ giây lát, giống cánh cửa nhà tù, che giấu bí mật xấu xa.” Example 3: “Suddenly there was a crash as the horse slipped and fell on the ice, bringing down its rider.” In Oxford Learner’s Dictionaries, the verb “bring down” is defined by some meanings: [1] To make somebody lose power or be defeated [2] To make somebody fall over I think second meaning is most suitable to the context of this sentence I decided to translate it in Vietnamese is “hạ gục” My Vietnamese version is as follows: → “Đột nhiên có tiếng va chạm ngựa trượt chân ngã mặt băng, hạ gục người cưỡi ngựa.” 3.STRUCTURES In the process of translating text from English to Vietnamese, I unavoidably have sentences with difficult and ambiguous structures Therefore, a thorough grasp of the grammatical structures in source language plays an important role in accurately and efficiently transferring the meaning of text into the target language In a passage, many clauses are used in a sentence Moreover, the author used too many single sentences and long sentences in a paragraph that was difficult to read and understand completely So I have to analyze its grammatical components to easily guess the meaning of the sentence and fully understand the meaning of the passage Student: Dinh Hong Diem Code: 2320311805 GRADUATION PAPER 45 Supervisor: Nguyen Quynh Chi, M.A 3.1.Compound Sentences A compound sentence made from two or more independent clauses that are joined by a semicolon or a comma followed by a coordinating conjunction such as FOR, AND, NOR, BUT, OR, YET, SO Example 1: I have always liked him, and I think he's a fair master to his servants The sentence is compound sentence with two independent clauses The first clause is: “I always liked him” The second clause is: “I think he’s a fair master to his servants.” The coordinating conjunction is: “and” My Vietnamese version is as follows: → “'Tôi mến ông ấy, nghĩ ông người chủ công người hầu mình.” Example 2: “I could get no further information from Mrs Fairfax about Mr Rochester, but instead she offered to show me round the whole house.” The sentence is compound sentence with two independent clauses The first clause is: “I could get no further information from Mrs Fairfax about Mr Rochester” The second clause is: “instead she offered to show me round the whole house.” The coordinating conjunction is: “but” My Vietnamese version is as follows: → “Tôi hỏi thêm thông tin từ bà Fairfax ông Rochester, thay vào bà đề nghị cho tơi xem tồn ngơi nhà.” Student: Dinh Hong Diem Code: 2320311805 GRADUATION PAPER 46 Supervisor: Nguyen Quynh Chi, M.A 3.2.Complex Sentences A complex sentence consists of a combination of one independent clause (main clause can stand alone) and one or more dependent clause that are joined together by a subordinating conjunction or relative pronoun 2.2.1 Complex Sentences with Relative Clause Relative clause is also called adjective clause They modify nouns or pronouns A relative clause can modify any noun in the sentence such as a subject, an objective of a preposition A relative clause begins with a relative pronoun (who, whom, whose, which, that) or a relative adverb (where, when, why) Sometimes the pronoun can be omitted Also, sometimes commas are required Example 1: “She was a little old lady, dressed in black, who seemed glad to have someone else to talk to, apart from the servants.” The first clause “She was a little old lady, dressed in black” is an independent clause The second clause “who seemed glad to have someone else to talk to, apart from the servants” is a relative clause that modified the first clause I realized this sentence is a complex sentence with relative clause and “which” is a relative pronoun My Vietnamese version is as follows: → “Bà quý bà nhỏ con, mặc đồ đen, vui có người khác để trị chuyện, ngồi người hầu.” Example 2: “I did not want to go into the dark house, where I would spend the evening quietly with old Mrs Fairfax.” The first clause “I did not want to go into the dark house” is an independent clause Student: Dinh Hong Diem Code: 2320311805 GRADUATION PAPER 47 Supervisor: Nguyen Quynh Chi, M.A The second clause “I would spend the evening quietly with old Mrs Fairfax” is a relative clause that modified the first clause I realized this sentence is a complex sentence with relative clause and “where” is a relative pronoun My Vietnamese version is as follows: → “Tôi không muốn vào nhà tối tăm dành buổi tối lặng lẽ bà Fairfax lớn tuổi.” 2.2.2 Complex Sentences with Adverbial Clause An adverbial clause is a dependent clause that acts as an adverb The whole clause modifies a verb, an adjective, or an adverb It tells when, where, why, to what extent, or under what condition An adverb clause begins with a subordinating conjunction, such as when, where, while, after, before, because, although, if, unless, so that, etc Example 1: “When I met you on the road to Hay last night, I almost thought you had put a spell on my horse.” In the sentence,“When I met you on the road to Hay last night” is a dependent adverb clause, and “I almost thought you had put a spell on my horse” is an independent clause The dependent adverb clause express an opposition to the previous idea in the independent clause, and it is being introduced by the subordinating conjunction “When” My Vietnamese version is as follows: → “Khi gặp cô đường đến Hay đêm qua, gần nghĩ cô bỏ bùa mê vào ngựa tôi.” Example 2: “Although the house was dark and frightening, with its big rooms full of heavy furniture, I was excited at being in a new place, and looked forward to my new life there, working for kind Mrs Fairfax." Student: Dinh Hong Diem Code: 2320311805 GRADUATION PAPER 48 Supervisor: Nguyen Quynh Chi, M.A In the sentence, “Although the house was dark and frightening, with its big rooms full of heavy furniture” is a dependent adverb clause, and “I was excited at being in a new place, and looked forward to my new life there, working for kind Mrs Fairfax” is an independent clause The dependent adverb clause express an opposition to the previous idea in the independent clause, and it is being introduced by the subordinating conjunction “Although” 2.2.3 Complex Sentences with Noun Clause A noun clause is a type of dependent clauses that functions like a noun in a complex sentence It can be a subject of a verb, subject complement, object of a verb, object of a preposition, an adjective complement It is usually introduced by the conjunction “that” It can also be introduced by other conjunctions like if, whether, who, where, when, what, etc Example 1: “I'd forgotten that I pay you a salary.” In this sentence, we have “I’d forgotten”is an independent clause with the verb “forgotten” It is followed by a noun clause that begin with a subordinating conjunction “that” The noun clause is a dependent clause that has the subject “I”, the verb “pay” and the object “you a salary” This noun clause is in the object position of the sentence, so, in this sentence, we have the subject “I”, the verb “pay” and the object “you a salary” My Vietnamese version is as follows: → “Tôi quên trả lương cho cô.” Example 2: “Soon I discovered what Mr Rochester meant when he said he had done wrong.” As you can see, the independent clause “Soon I discovered” has the subject is “I” and the verb is “discovered”, and then “Mr Rochester meant when he said he had done wrong” is a noun clause that start with WH-word Student: Dinh Hong Diem Code: 2320311805 GRADUATION PAPER 49 Supervisor: Nguyen Quynh Chi, M.A and it is the object of the verb “discovered” The noun clause has the subject “Mr Rochester” and the verb “meant” My Vietnamese version is as follows: → “Chẳng tơi phát ơng Rochester định nói ơng làm sai.” 3.3 Compound-Complex Sentences A compound-complex sentence is sort of like a mash-up of compound sentences and complex sentences It has at least two independent clauses and at least one dependent clause Example 1: “His leg was supported on a chair, but he made no effort to greet me when I entered.” In this sentence, there are two independent clauses “His leg was supported on a chair” and “he made no effort to greet me” that were linked by coordinating conjunction “but” Dependent clauses is “I entered” I realized that this sentence is a compound – complex sentence with “when” work as a subordinating conjunction and “but” work as a coordinating conjunction My Vietnamese version is as follows: → “Chân ông chống ghế, ông không muốn chào tôi bước vào.” 3.4 Sentences in Passive Voice To help the sentence be smoother and closer to the natural voice in translating text into Vietnamese, many sentences in passive voice in the source language are translated into active structures in the target language However, in some cases, the passive form in English is kept Example 1: “'She is paid to help the housemaid in her work, and always sews in one of those rooms.” Student: Dinh Hong Diem Code: 2320311805 GRADUATION PAPER 50 Supervisor: Nguyen Quynh Chi, M.A The passive form of this sentence is S + TOBE (WAS) + PAST PARTICIPLE + BY + O I translated it into Vietnamese as “được thuê I use “được” to express passive meaning because I think that the translation way is unsuitable for this context, so I decided to choose the version “được thuê” for my translation My Vietnamese version is as follows: → “Cô thuê để giúp đỡ người hầu làm việc nhà, may vá phịng đó.” Example 2: “I was welcomed by Mrs Fairfax.” Subject: I Passive verb phrases: was welcomed Obtional: by Mrs Fairfax My Vietnamese version is as follows: → “Ở đó, sau hành trình kéo dài mười sáu tơi, tơi bà Fairfax đón tiếp.” 3.5 Sentence with Dummy Subject As we know, a sentence usually has two components that are subject and verb except for some special cases In some cases, sometimes the subject does not mean anything So, in these instances, we need to use a ‘dummy’ or ‘empty’ or ‘artificial’ subject as a subject when there is no subject attached to the verb, and where the real subject is somewhere else in the clause There are two dummy subject used in English such as "It" and "There" Example 1: “'It's not easy to describe.” In this sentence, the pronoun “It” just stands before "is" to be the subject of the verb “is” and not related anything “It” is the dummy subject My Vietnamese version is as follows: → “Thật không dễ để miêu tả.” Student: Dinh Hong Diem Code: 2320311805 GRADUATION PAPER 51 Supervisor: Nguyen Quynh Chi, M.A Example 2: “There is something like magic in your face.” In this sentence, the pronoun “There” just stands before "is" to be the subject of the verb “is” and not related anything “There” is the dummy subject My Vietnamese version is as follows: → “ Có giống phép kỳ diệu khuôn mặt cô.” Student: Dinh Hong Diem Code: 2320311805 GRADUATION PAPER 52 Supervisor: Nguyen Quynh Chi, M.A CHAPTER 5: DIFFICULTIES AND SOLUTIONS DIFFICULTIES In the process of completing this graduation paper, I have received many of enthusiastic helps from everyone, especially, Mrs Nguyen Quynh Chi - my supervisor, who is willing to give me suggestions on how to shape research as well as valuable advice in order that I can finish this study successfully Moreover, I had the opportunity to practice and improve my translation skills through the vocabulary and grammar difficulties I faced while doing my graduation paper because of my limited knowledge First of all, I could not grasp all the specialized knowledge of natural science because I rarely translated materials in this field before Secondly, the text has many compound sentences, complex sentences and relative clauses with difficult structures that make it difficult for me to analyze Although I searched in dictionaries and grammar books, I still could not understand how to use those types of sentences thoroughly Therefore, I had to spend a lot of time researching and completing the suggested versions Thirdly, during the translation process, I was too attached to each word to translate without paying attention to the context of the sentence Therefore, I have to read more documents related to this field so that I can understand and guess the exact context of the original text Also, there are many specialized terms, words and phrases with no Vietnamese equivalent in dictionary, so it took me a long time to choose the meaning of a word and phrase to suit context of the text Finally, I found that there are many complicated sentences that are interconnected, so I find it hard to translate accurately and most understandable Student: Dinh Hong Diem Code: 2320311805 GRADUATION PAPER 53 Supervisor: Nguyen Quynh Chi, M.A SOLUTIONS In order to complete this graduation paper successfully, I have overcome many difficulties and challenges of the vocabulary and sentence structure that I encountered during the translation process Now, I will share some useful solutions that helped me complete this graduation First, before I start translating, I read the introduction of the book and then I skim the entire contents of the chapter I have chosen to translate to really understand the general content as well as grasp the main idea of the text to choose the appropriate translation Secondly, during the reading process, I noted words, phrases or terms that I have never met in the text After that, I looked up the new words in many different dictionaries such as, Oxford Learner's Dictionaries, Cambridge dictionary, TFlat dictionary, etc In case of some words or phrases that cannot even be found in the dictionary, I studied them through images and concepts on different websites like Google, Wikipedia so that I can understand and guess the exact context of the the original text Moreover, I also equipped myself with knowledge about the field I am translating through books, magazines, websites, television and internet In particular, when using the information on the internet, I need to be very careful about choosing the appropriate information Third, when the paragraph has so many complicated sentences linked together, I rearranged the sentence explicitly and analyze its components to understand exactly the meaning of the sentence Finally, I asked the opinion and advice of my supervisor - Mrs Nguyen Quynh Chi, who guided me enthusiastically to complete the best translation whenever I did not understand any of the words and sentence structures Student: Dinh Hong Diem Code: 2320311805 GRADUATION PAPER 54 Supervisor: Nguyen Quynh Chi, M.A CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS 1.Summary of Finding After finishing my graduation paper, I realized that this was an opportunity for me to practice and improve my translation skills There are many difficulties and challenges that I face in the translation process such as difficult vocabulary, specialized terms and complicated sentence structures Therefore, I spent a lot of time to look up the dictionary, searching for information on many websites and reading a lot of documents related to the field I am translating to determine the most appropriate definition of the context of the text Although there are many difficulties, it is a practical opportunity to help me enrich my knowledge not only in specialized knowledge such as translation ability, vocabulary and sentence structure analysis but also soft skills such as the ability to form the format text, present and solve problems In particular, through the process of translating this text, I have gained a lot of useful knowledge about the field of natural science as well as expanding the scientific understanding of our sleep In conclusion, this graduation paper has been completed with all my knowledge and I have gained a lot of valuable experience during the process of implementing it Therefore, I expect that Duy Tan University, my supervisor as well as all the teachers of the Foreign Language Department, who have taught me for the past four years, will appreciate what I have tried to accomplish this graduation paper Suggestions 2.1 Suggestion for Faculty of English Four years of studying at Duy Tan University have left me a lot of valuable experiences Not only the specialized knowledge but also the soft skills Student: Dinh Hong Diem Code: 2320311805 GRADUATION PAPER 55 Supervisor: Nguyen Quynh Chi, M.A throughout the time I attended the academic year help my career in the future Therefore, I am extremely grateful for that However, I also want to offer some suggestions for the Foreign Language Department as well as Duy Tan University as follows: Firstly, adding more specialized knowledge because the number of classes of specialized subjects is still quite small, not enough to meet the work in the future Secondly, the Department should open more classes that faculty abroad will directly teach to create new learning environments that help students have more opportunities to interact with native speakers as well as help students improve listening skills Moreover, students' English speaking skills are also more fluent Thirdly, organizing English seminar and English clubs for students to improve communication skill, teamwork skill as well as support answers to student questions to make language learning more effective The last, the school should arrange time, subject and schedule more suitable for students, organize additional classes in soft skills such as problem-solving, time management, team work or communication skills 2.2 Suggestions for students in Faculty of English Through this graduate article, I have the opportunity to practice and improve my translation skills to apply it better in other areas in the future Therefore, I would like to share some suggestions for all students of the Department of Foreign Languages at Duy Tan University Firstly, in the process of completing this graduation paper, I found that having a rich reservoir of vocabulary is the most essential for language learning in general and translation in particular Therefore, people should spend more time improving their vocabulary every day Moreover, during the Student: Dinh Hong Diem Code: 2320311805 GRADUATION PAPER 56 Supervisor: Nguyen Quynh Chi, M.A translation process, students often encounter with difficult sentence structures that make it difficult to translate Therefore, we need to build a solid knowledge based in grammar as well as practice regularly to improve translation skills Secondly, because we translate a lot of different fields, we need to practice skills of searching information on the internet, reading more books and documents related to different fields such as science and economics, culture, society to expand knowledge and help us translate the text exactly Thirdly, students need to actively participate in social activities of the faculty, school and activities of English clubs to practice listening and speaking skills and practice communication skills Moreover, regularly participating in group activities will help develop teamwork skills as well as problem-solving skills Hopefully, the above suggestions can help to improve the foreign language ability of foreign language students at Duy Tan University Student: Dinh Hong Diem Code: 2320311805 GRADUATION PAPER 57 Supervisor: Nguyen Quynh Chi, M.A REFERENCES Books: [1] Catford, J.C (1965), A Linguistic Theory of Translation, Oxford University Press, London [2] Nord, Christiane (2007), Translating as a Purposeful Activity: Functionalist Approaches Explained, St Jerome Publishing, Manchester [3] Nida, E.A., & Taber, C.R (1969), The theory and practice of translation, E.J Brill, Leiden [4] Peter Newmark, P (1988), A Textbook of Translation, Prentice Hall, Lebanon, Indiana, U.S.A [5] Bell, Roger T (1991), Translation and Translating: Theory and Practice, Longman, London and New York [6] Nguyễn Mạnh Quang (2016), Translation Theory, Duy Tan University, Departmen of Foreign Languages Dictionaries: Cambridge Dictionary by the Cambridge University Press, 1995 Oxford Dictionary by Oxford University Press, 1884 Longman Dictionary by Longman, 1978 Student: Dinh Hong Diem Code: 2320311805 GRADUATION PAPER 58 Supervisor: Nguyen Quynh Chi, M.A SUPERVISOR’S COMMENTS Student: Dinh Hong Diem Code: 2320311805 ...MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING DUY TAN UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF ENGLISH GRADUATION PAPER DINH HONG DIEM AN ANALYSIS OF THE SUGGESTED TRANSLATION OF CHAPTER FROM THE BOOK “JANE EYRE” BY CHARLOTTE BRONTE,. .. with the aim of an analysis of the suggested translation of chapter "A Governess at Thornfield" from the book "Jane Eyre?" by Charlotte Bronte in 1847 The graduation paper provides a Vietnamese translation. .. types of catigories in the ? ?Translation Theory” text book of Mr Nguyen Manh Quang [6] There are also eight methods, six principles of translation, and some rules of translation that I can apply

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