7380 natural disasters lesson plan

7380 natural disasters lesson plan

7380 natural disasters lesson plan

... they have done so, ask them to identify the natural disasters the story talks about If they don’t know the meaning, hand in a copy of the natural disasters chart Their job now will be to match ... several people I remember firefighters running all over the place carrying out their evacuation plan and taking people to an emergency shelter The following month, there was an earthquake...

Ngày tải lên: 27/08/2016, 14:38

4 71 0
Unit 9: Natural disasters. Lesson 4

Unit 9: Natural disasters. Lesson 4

... Australia is a cyclone Unit 9: natural disasters lesson (read) IV)homework Learn by heart the new English words Do the exercise 5b page 79 (text book) BE READY (WRITE) uNIT School: CHU VAN AN ... the same natural disasters The eruption of Mount Pinatubo is the world's largest ever volcanic eruption than 50 years volcanic eruption in more A tornado looks like a funnel Unit 9:...

Ngày tải lên: 24/06/2013, 01:28

14 2,9K 7
Period 55 - UNIT 9: NATURAL DISASTERS - Lesson 2 pptx

Period 55 - UNIT 9: NATURAL DISASTERS - Lesson 2 pptx

... - Bucket (n) :Thùng, xô aim of the lesson to Ss Then - Listen carefully - Canned food (n) thực introduce some new words : - repeat in chorus phẩm đóng hộp Checking technique : and guess its - ... leak (v) ; sữa chổ - Noughts and Crosses meanings Then copy dột - Play games ( group - Remark and give marks if Peg (n) : cáI chốt work ) - Door latch (n) Then c...

Ngày tải lên: 13/07/2014, 02:20

5 681 0
Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 10: Unit9 : Natural disasters Lesson 1 : Getting Started, Listen and Read ppt

Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 10: Unit9 : Natural disasters Lesson 1 : Getting Started, Listen and Read ppt

... thunderstorm : bão có sấm sét mưa to (visual) (n) delta : Châu thổ (translation) (just) in case : phòng khi, lỡ (translation) (n) highlands : vùng núi/vùng cao (example) (to) trust : * Checking: R.O.R ... 3.Prequestions: - Set the scene : Thuy are talking to her grandmother while they are watching TV a What are Thuy and her grandma watching? b Do they trust the weat...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 14:22

5 685 2
Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 10: Unit9 : Natural disasters Lesson 2 : Speaking docx

Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 10: Unit9 : Natural disasters Lesson 2 : Speaking docx

... cadles S 2: I agree with you Because there may ba a power cut S 1: I think we should fill all buckets with water as well S 2: What for? S 1: Because the water pipes may be damaged by the typhoon S 2: You’re ... (translation) * Checking: What and Where Check (√ ): Have Ss work in pars, check what preparations you think should be made for a typhoon (p.76) II While speaking: Compr...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 14:22

5 591 1
Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 10: Unit9 : Natural disasters Lesson 3: Listening ppsx

Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 10: Unit9 : Natural disasters Lesson 3: Listening ppsx

... Strikestruckstruck (v ): va đập, đánh Block (v) : (synonym) = hit (v) ngăn cản, chặn, hạn chế (explanation) *Checking: R.O.R Prediction: - Have Ss read the table about living ... worst natural disasters of the 20th century – d : The most disastrous earthquake in Japanese history, which occurred in 1923, damaged Tokyo and Yokohama and killed about 150.000 people –b : The ....

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 14:22

5 727 0
Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 10: Unit9 : Natural disasters Lesson 4 : Reading doc

Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 10: Unit9 : Natural disasters Lesson 4 : Reading doc

... (adj) abrupt : bất ngờ, đột ngột (n) shift : chuyển dịch, thay đổi (explanation) : có hình phễu (synonym) = sudden(a) Change of position (adj) funnelshaped (to) suck up (to) erupt : : (board drawing) ... text and check II While reading: T/F statements correction: *Key: a T b T c F  ….from Alaska to California d T e F  …in more than 50 years f T Complete the sentences (P....

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 14:22

5 659 1
Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 10: Unit9 : Natural disasters Lesson 5 :Writing pptx

Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 10: Unit9 : Natural disasters Lesson 5 :Writing pptx

... behave : cư xử,ứng xử (a) shelter : chỗ trú ngụ (translation) (explanation) What is this? It means “ a place of safety” (n) sky : bầu trời (visual) (a) circle : vòng tròn (visual) (adj) scared : sợ, ... sợ, sợ hãi (translation) suddenly : bất ngờ, bổng dưng (translation) All of a sudden = *Checking: R.O.R Complete he speech bubbles and match them with pictures: Picture...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 14:22

5 597 0
Unit 9: Natural disasters. Lesson 6: Language Focus

Unit 9: Natural disasters. Lesson 6: Language Focus

... Friday, April 14th 2006 • Unit nine: NATURAL DISASTERS Lesson 6: Langua ge Focus (pages 80, 81, 82) MATCHING TASK A a The city in Japan was struck ... November 1970 in Bangladesh Bangladeshthe worst natural disasters ofpeople , was was one of , which killed about 500,000 the 20th one of the worst natural disasters of the 20th people century The ... which is a small country, expo...

Ngày tải lên: 30/05/2015, 10:00

23 679 2
Unit : 9 Natural Disasters Lesson :3 GS-L&R

Unit : 9 Natural Disasters Lesson :3 GS-L&R

... A.Volcano (n ): B Snowstorm (n ): C.Typhoon (n) : D Earthquake (n) : 4 Her grandma Thuy Thuy: Grandma, it's the weather forecast on TV Grandma: Can you turn up the volume, Thuy? Thuy: Yes, Grandma ... Grandma: Don't forget to bring along a raincoat Thuy: But Grandma, the forecast says it'll be sunny Grandma: I never trust weather forecasts Thuy: You don’t miss a single one on T...

Ngày tải lên: 01/06/2015, 22:00

15 441 0
Giáo án Anh văn lớp 9 - Unit 9 Natural disasters - Period : 56 - Lesson 1: Getting started Listen and Read pot

Giáo án Anh văn lớp 9 - Unit 9 Natural disasters - Period : 56 - Lesson 1: Getting started Listen and Read pot

... of the - listen carefully lesson and some words : - Snowstorm (n) : heavy fall of snow especially with wind Listen and repeat , - Earthquake (n) : picture then guess its - Volcano (n) : picture ... scene : “ Thuy is talking to her => in weather grandmother while they are watching a weather forecast forecast on TV Now look at the book and listen...

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 21:20

5 3,5K 8
Giáo án Anh văn lớp 9 - Unit 9 Natural disasters - Period : 57 - Lesson 2 : Speak docx

Giáo án Anh văn lớp 9 - Unit 9 Natural disasters - Period : 57 - Lesson 2 : Speak docx

... Choosing possible answers : - Demonstrate - Ask Ss to work in pairs - Copy in their notebooks - Call on some Ss to explain their answers and give suggested answers : - Practice in pair + Buying ... - Door latch (n) door lock that can only be opened from outside with a key - Power cut (n) : the lost of the electricity supply to an area * Checking techniq...

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 21:20

4 944 2
Giáo án Anh văn lớp 9 - Unit 9 Natural disasters - Period 58 - Lesson 3 : Listen docx

Giáo án Anh văn lớp 9 - Unit 9 Natural disasters - Period 58 - Lesson 3 : Listen docx

... earth quake ) II / Listening : 10 Pre- listening : Introduce the aims of the lesson to Ss and some new words : - Listen carefully * Vocabulary pre- teach : - Repeat in chorus - Fixture (n) – translation ... glass : - Check the mirrors - Do not put your bed near a window + Earthquakes drill : - Stay inside - Sit under a strong table or do...

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 21:20

5 900 2
Giáo án Anh văn lớp 9 - PUnit 9 Natural disasters - Period 59 - Lesson 4 : Read doc

Giáo án Anh văn lớp 9 - PUnit 9 Natural disasters - Period 59 - Lesson 4 : Read doc

... Answers : 1.e , 2.d ,3.b ,4a ,5.c II / Reading : - Guess its meanings Pre- reading : Introduce the aims of the lesson and and give examples some new words to Ss * Vocabulary – Pre-teach : - Pacific ... (n) : Countries in the Pacific area - Copy down - Collapse ( v) : break down , falling to ruin notebooks - Abrupt (v) : Suddenly happen - S...

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 21:20

7 341 1
Giáo án Anh văn lớp 9 - Unit 9 Natural disasters - Period 60 - Lesson 5: Write ppsx

Giáo án Anh văn lớp 9 - Unit 9 Natural disasters - Period 60 - Lesson 5: Write ppsx

... friend 10 - Look at the book - Write individually (Ss can make changes and add more details - Call on some Ss to read the story loudly to the story to make it more interesting ) - Give suggested ... weather become good again ? - Ask Ss to turn back on page 79 and study the outline of the story with the guided words While – Writing ; and study the outline - Have Ss...

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 21:20

4 2,6K 4