Maladies oculaires - part 7 potx
... III . Il peut s'agir d'une autre mutation que 1 177 8, comme 49 17 (36% des Leber né gatifs 1 177 8) et 1 370 8 (43% des Leber négatifs 1 177 8). Pathologies associées On constate parfois des troubles ... (ADNmt) à partir des leucocytes. La recherche d'une mutation au nucléotide 1 177 8 est réalisé par amplification PCR entre deux amorces nucléotidiques (nt 1 172 0 -...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 10:05
Maladies oculaires - part 1 potx
... occlusive arterial disease. New Eng. J. Med. 313: 70 9 - 71 5, 1985. Brunova B. [Eye manifestations in homocystinuria]. Cesk Oftalmol. 19 87 Jul;43 (4):2 67 - 70 . Burke JP, O'Keefe M, Bowell R, Naughten ... Injury 1983 Sep;15(2):143 - 4 Accueil | Photothèque | Annonces | Art | Histoire | Liens | Vue | Maladies | Chirurgie | Homepage | Nous écrire Maladies ocu...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 10:05
Maladies oculaires - part 3 potx
... 51: 52 1-5 24, 1938. Brown, D. G.; Hilal, S. K.; Tenner, M. S. Wyburn-Mason syndrome. Arch. Neurol. 28: 6 7- 6 8, 1 973 . Cohen Salomon Yves, Quentel Gabriel Diagnostic angiographique des maladies ... Neurochirurgie. 2001 May; 47( 2 -3 Pt 2):15 4 -7 . Ponce FA, Han PP, Spetzler RF, Canady A, Feiz-Erfan I. Associated arteriovenous malformation of the orbit and brain: a case of Wy...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 10:05
Maladies oculaires - part 2 pptx
... Throat Mon. 1 970 Apr;49(4):165 -7 1. Weltman G, Christianson RA, Egstrom GH. Visual fields of the scuba diver. Hum Factors. 1965 Oct ;7( 5):423 - 30. Photo Pr Bazex CHU Toulouse-Purpan Il existe ... Manifestations cutan é es CLAO J. 19 97 Oct;23(4):2 37 - 42. Wilmshurst P, Edge CJ, Bryson P. Long - term adverse effects of scuba diving. Lancet. 1995 Aug 5;346(8 971 ):384...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 10:05
Maladies oculaires - part 4 pptx
... moléculaire de 386.5. Sa dénomination chimique est [4,9(11) - pregnadien - 11bêta,17alpha,21 - triol - 3,20 - dione - 21 - acetate]. Le groupe 11ß - OH (région [A] sur le schéma), indispensable pour ... Ophthalmol 2001 Oct;119(10):14 17 - 36 Arch Ophthalmol. 2001 Oct;119(10):1533 - 4. Arch Ophthalmol. 2002 Jan;120(1):100 - 1. Arch Ophthalmol....
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 10:05
Maladies oculaires - part 5 pot
... Nov;119(11): 171 9 -2 1. Welch, R. B. Bietti's tapetoretinal degeneration with marginal corneal dystrophy: crystalline retinopathy. Trans. Am. Ophthal. Soc. 75 : 164 -1 79 , 1 977 . Wilson DJ, ... 19 97. Lumping or splitting? 'Ophthalmoplegia - plus' or Kearns - Sayre syndrome. Ann. Neurol. 1: 37 - 54, 1 977 . Berio A, Piazzi A . A case of Kearns -...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 10:05
Maladies oculaires - part 6 docx
... for Tay-Sachs disease. Adv Genet. 2001;44:34 9-5 6. Ekstein J, Katzenstein H. The Dor Yeshorim story: community-based carrier screening for Tay - Sachs disease. Adv Genet. 2001;44:2 97 - 310. ... functional gene encoding the G-M2 activator protein: localization of the pseudogene to human chromosome 3 and the functional gene to human chromosome 5. Genomics 14: 79 6 -7 98, 199...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 10:05
Maladies oculaires - part 8 docx
... phytanique - Riz blanc bouilli 100 g - Spaghettis cuits 85 g - Pain 60 g - Corn Flakes 85 g - Rice Krispies 35 g - Sugar Puffs 95 g - Weetabix 65 g - Crème au lait écrémé 120 g - ... Jun;(230):69 -7 5. Dalens H, Fauquert JL, Chatron P, Beaujon G. [Vernal keratoconjunctivitis in the child. Clinical and complementary study aprop...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 10:05
Maladies oculaires - part 9 ppt
... malformations. Hum. Molec. Genet. 8: 16 5-1 72 , 1999. Lorda-Sanchez I, Sanz R, Diaz-Guillen MA, Fernandez-Toral J, Heine-Suner D, Rodriguez De Alba M, Gonzalez-Gonzalez C, Trujillo MJ, Ramos C, Rodriguez ... Forrest S. Identity-by- descent approach to gene localisation in eight individuals affected by keratoconus from north - west Tasmania, Australia. Hum Genet. 2002 May;110(5):46...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 10:05
Maladies oculaires - part 10 doc
... 22, les duplications 4q+, 7q+, 9p+, 9p+q+, 13q+, 14q+, 22q+, les délétions 2p22, 4p - , 4del(q12q12.1), 4r, 5(q15q22), Dq - , Dr, 11q - , 13q - , 13r - , 18q - , 18r, des inversions péricentriques ... Genet. 6: 16 8-1 73 , 1994. Ishikiriyama, S.; Isobe, M.; Kuroda, N.; Yamamoto, Y. : Japanese girl with Krause- Van Schooneveld-Kivlin syndrome: Peters anomaly...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 10:05