... Phys Lett 67, 2810-2812, 1995 [24] G M Loiacono, D N Loiacono, T McGee, and M Babb, “Laser damage formation in KTiOPO4 and KTiQAsO4 crystals: Grey tracks,” J Appl Phys 72 , 270 5- 271 2, 1992 ... conduction band electrons rise to a certain degree, the energized electrons can excite electrons in valance band to conduction band through collisions with other valance band electrons and produce ... 60890203 and 10 676 023) and the Young Faculty Research Fund... seriously due to its exceedingly high temperature and pressure Assuming that expansion process is isentropic and onedimensional,
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 22:20
... 27 Penn A (1 974 ) Small electrical power sources, Phys Technol, 5, 114,1 974 Priya S., Inman D J (2009) Energy Harvesting Technologies, Springer, 2009, ISBN 978 -0-3 877 6463-4 Redstall ... are becoming more and more popular nowadays again as their prices are going down and the new potential applications have appeared due to recent developments in microelectronic and wireless technology. ... equipment (Penn, 1 974 ) and remote power stations (McNaughton, 1995). Fulfilment of the new paradigm Internet of Things (Luo et al., 2009) relating to the idea of ubiquitous and pervasive computing
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 08:20
Thermodynamics Interaction Studies Solids, Liquids and Gases Part 7 pot
... 43, n.d., 97 1 07 Kondepudi, D, Prigogine, I (1999) Modern Thermodynamics: From Heat Engines to Dissipative Structures, ISBN 0 471 973 9 47, John Wiley and Sons, New York, USA Landau, L D., ... m S Tm vkT III ( 37) In Eq. ( 37) , the subscripts 2 and 1 N are used again to denote the real and virtual particle, respectively. The Soret coefficient expressed by Eq. ( 37) contains two main ... proportional to particle size for colloidal particles [see numerous references in (Parola, Piazza, 2004)], and is practically independent of particle size for molecular species. By contrast, Duhr and Braun
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 08:20
Optoelectronics Devices and Applications Part 7 potx
... branches: on one hand, improving the 850nm VCSEL performance and, on the other hand, designing a 1.3 and a 1.55 μm VCSELs. 229 The Vertical-Cavity Surface Emitting Laser (VCSEL) and Electrical Access ... tunnel junction and a metamorphic mirror (Fig. 7) . A 232 Optoelectronics – Devices and Applications The Vertical-Cavity Surface Emitting Laser (VCSEL) and Electrical Access Contribution 7 metamorphic ... 1.55μm VCSELs, the top and bottom DBR were grown as 28 and 38 pairs of undoped InAlGaAs/InAlAs layers. And for the 1.3μm VCSELs, the top and bottom DBRs consisted of 33 and 50 layers respectively.
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 11:20
Optoelectronics Materials and Techniques Part 7 pptx
... 177 -1 87, ISSN 1862-6319 184 Optoelectronics - Materials and Techniques Sze, S M (2nd Eds.) (1985) Semiconductor Devices, Physics and Technology, John Wiley, ISBN 0- 471 -33 372 -7, ... 2007a, 2007b) and vinyl polymers bearing in the side chain the carbazole group functionalized with chiral moieties (Chiellini et al., 1 977 , 1 978 , 1980, 1984) have been investigated and ... 477 7- 478 2,... films were deposited on Si and glass substrates by vacuum evaporation method at different substrate temperatures (483, 553 and 589K) All the films were polycrystalline and
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 11:20
Sustainable Energy Harvesting Technologies Past Present and Future Part 7 ppt
... 27 Penn A (1 974 ) Small electrical power sources, Phys Technol, 5, 114,1 974 Priya S., Inman D J (2009) Energy Harvesting Technologies, Springer, 2009, ISBN 978 -0-3 877 6463-4 Redstall ... are becoming more and more popular nowadays again as their prices are going down and the new potential applications have appeared due to recent developments in microelectronic and wireless technology. ... equipment (Penn, 1 974 ) and remote power stations (McNaughton, 1995). Fulfilment of the new paradigm Internet of Things (Luo et al., 2009) relating to the idea of ubiquitous and pervasive computing
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 11:20
Waves in fluids and solids Part 7 potx
... stress, and tangential particle... Johnson, P A & Jia, X (2005) Nonlinear dynamics, granular media and dynamic earthquake triggering Nature Vol 4 37, No 70 60 (October 2005), 871 - 874 Karal, ... Ψ ( 17) By definition, ( Ψ ) 0 In equation ( 17) , the terms containing and Ψ are independently selected to satisfy the respective parts of equation ( 17) This results ... Media: Theory and Experiments 18 Will-be-set-by-IN-TECH and q = k −k is the scattering wave vector. If we now multiply Eq. (32) by S m S ∗ m and sum over the integer indices m and m , we
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 12:20
Aeronautics and Astronautics Part 7 pptx
... MIL-HDBK- 179 7, US Department of Defense, USA Mitchell, D.G., et al., (2004) Evolution, Revolution and Challenges of Handling Qualities, J of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, 27( 1), pp 12-28 ... and 2/rev and 3/rev components of hub vertical shear in airplane mode when flying respectively at 60 and 120 kts and 120 and 300 kts, giving an 1 in input in longitudinal cyclic and ... and the precision achieved in flight path control, MIL standard on fixed-wing aircraft (MIL-HDBK- 179 7, 19 97) introduced as metric a combination between these two metrics,... mode at 60 and
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 12:20
Electric Vehicles The Benefits and Barriers Part 7 potx
... Energy Vol. 29, pp. (369- 374 ). [...]... of production and storage of energy (Van Voorden at al., 120 Electric Vehicles – The Benefits and Barriers 20 07) Good properties of conventional ... focused on improving durability, architecture and cost reduction of fuel cell systems and stacks. As above said, in automotive sector, PEMFC and SOFC are the principal technologies studied. ... composed by fuel cell stack and the linked ancillaries: a blower for the air, a pump for the water and a fan for the cooling circuit (Fig 22). Dedicated micro– computer and software are used for
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 12:20
Nuclear Power System Simulations and Operation Part 7 potx
... Proceedings of Risk, Reliability and Societal Safety (ESREL), pp. 91-98, Taylor & Francis, ISBN 978 -0-415-4 478 3-6, Stavanger, Norway, June 25- 27, 20 07. Sarshar, S. (20 07) . Analysis of Error Propagation ... Software Systems, Proceedings of Risk, Reliability and Societal Safety (ESREL), pp. 83-90, ISBN 978 -0-415-4 478 3-6, Stavanger, Norway, June 25- 27, 20 07. Goradia, T. (1993). Dynamic Impact Analysis: ... passing of arguments and return values, usage of return values, system-wide limitations, and sequential issues. These methods complement each other. Understanding the failure and error propagation
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 13:20
Nuclear Power Deployment Operation and Sustainability Part 7 pdf
... functions, and kinds of equipment. The SFP is “L” shaped with the main body composed of two separate pools—the storage pool and the transfer area. The storage pool is 6.1 x 7. 6 x 7. 9 m deep and the ... about 70 Rad/hr. This item contained a small amount of special nuclear material and had to be handled and accounted for separately. A 200 l barrel of general dirt, corrosion products, and paint ... the HIC, and a filtration system in the HIC that separated and returned the water to the basin without the sludge (Croson, 20 07) . A similar system was used on the Dresden project and is detailed
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 15:20
Nuclear Power Operation Safety and Environment Part 7 pot
... boil-off in the core. Heating and melting may produce a severely damaged, partly molten core with relocated material and partly broken parts. Quenching of such a hot and partly degraded core is the ... NUREG/CR- 674 4, LA-UR-00-5 079 OECD (20 07) Nuclear Safety Research in OECD Countries Support Facilities for Existing and Advanced Reactors (SFEAR) NEA/CSNI/R (20 07) 6, ISBN 978 -92-64-99005-0 ... Besides, four partners work on the model adaptations to simulate SA sequences in BWR and PHWR 4 reactors: IKE and KTH for BWR, INR and AECL for PHWR. They write model specifications, and validate
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 15:20
Nuclear Power System Simulations and Operation Part 7 pot
... Proceedings of Risk, Reliability and Societal Safety (ESREL), pp. 91-98, Taylor & Francis, ISBN 978 -0-415-4 478 3-6, Stavanger, Norway, June 25- 27, 20 07. Sarshar, S. (20 07) . Analysis of Error Propagation ... Software Systems, Proceedings of Risk, Reliability and Societal Safety (ESREL), pp. 83-90, ISBN 978 -0-415-4 478 3-6, Stavanger, Norway, June 25- 27, 20 07. Goradia, T. (1993). Dynamic Impact Analysis: ... passing of arguments and return values, usage of return values, system-wide limitations, and sequential issues. These methods complement each other. Understanding the failure and error propagation
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 15:20
Supply Chain Management Pathways for Research and Practice Part 7 pdf
... 0,6 0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1 0 µ COSTM 0 .77 28 0 .77 22 0 .77 33 0 .77 23 0 .76 72 0 .76 72 0 .76 72 0 .76 72 0 .76 66 0 .76 72 µ W1PROFIT 0.929 0.9262 0.9 274 0.93 17 1,0000 0. 976 2 0.9622 0.9622 1,0000 0.9622 µ W2PROFIT ... 0 .76 66 0 .77 07 0 .76 55 0 .76 55 0.9834 0 .76 72 0 .77 47 0 .77 60 0.9536 µ W1PROFIT 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.95 07 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.9956 µ W2PROFIT 0. 573 8 0.5 670 0.5681 0.5681 0.1153 0. 573 8 ... S3PROFIT 0.6405 0.6405 0.6405 0.6405 0.91 87 0.91 87 0.91 87 0.91 87 0.91 87 0.91 87 µ S4PROFIT 0.6405 0.6405 0.6405 0.6405 0.9 175 0.9 175 0.9 175 0.9 175 0.9 175 0.9 175 µ S5PROFIT 0.6405 0.6405 0.6405
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 15:20
Behaviour of Electromagnetic Waves in Different Media and Structures Part 7 ppt
... 179 5-1801 (1998) [ 37] Q Wu, and X.-C Zhang, terahertz broadband GaP electro-optic sensor, Appl Phys Lett., Vol 70 , No 14, pp 178 4- 178 6 (19 97) [38] W L Faust, and C H Henry, Mixing of Visible and ... Munch, and X.C Zhang, Label-free bioaffinity detection using terahertz technology, Physics in Medicine and Biology (IOP), Vol 47, No 21, pp 378 9- 379 5 (2002) [7] S.P Mickan, D Abbott, J Munch, and ... W T Wenchebach, and P C M Planken, Design and performance of a THz emission and detection setup based on a semiinsulating GaAs emitter, Rev Sci Instrum., Vol 73 , No 4, pp 171 5- 171 9 (2002) [14]
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 19:20
Biosensors for Health Environment and Biosecurity Part 7 pot
... a clinical results conveniently and immediately to the physician. 5. Acknowledgment The authors wish to thank FAPESP and CNPq (Proc. 30 072 8/20 07- 7 and 3133 07/ 2009-1). 6. References Amatore, ... represents the imaginary part of admittance and Y’ the real part) , complex plane capacitance plot (C” vs. C’ where C” represents the imaginary part of capacitance and C’ the real part) , Bode impedance ... biosensor. Biosens. Bioelectron., 17, 201-2 07. Gueshi, T.; Tokuda, K. & Matsuda, H. (1 978 ). Voltammetry at partially covered electrodes. Part I. Chronopotentiometry and chronoamperometry at model
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 19:20
Recent Advances in Wireless Communications and Networks Part 7 pot
... of handoff: intra-technology handoff and intertechnology handoff (Lampropoulos... describes concepts, architecture and vertical handoffs in integrated WLAN and cellular networks 2.1 ... (Guidelines IMT2000, 19 97) , with the [...]... admission control and so on As a part of resouce management, joint call admission control tightly interacts with vertical handoff and QoS provisioning ... integrated WLAN and 3G cellular networks 192 Recent Advances in Wireless Communications and Networks 2.2 Vertical handoff In integrated networks, there are two types of handoff:
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 19:20
Risk Management in Environment Production and Economy Part 7 pptx
... involves re-grading and re- vegetation, removal and disposal of stored fuels and chemicals, structure tear down, removal of roads and ditches, capping of tailings, waste detoxification, and reestablishment ... 4.88 17 5.32 Accidents during construction and operation Shortage of machinery 4 .74 18 5.23 Government bureaucracy for obtaining licenses Poor management 4 .71 19 5.12 Boycotting Demand fall ... 24 4 .79 Unsufficient employement safety substances Accidents during construction and operation 4.39 25 4 .77 Pressure from the government inspectors Incrase of competition 4.38 26 4 .71 Employee
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 19:20
Superconductivity Theory and Applications Part 7 docx
... (76 ) For the gap parameter with line nodes from Eq. (76 ) one gets 0 0 2 NN (77 ) Thus from Eq. (75 ) one has 22 23 0 2 1 0 1 2 JNT T (78 ) Therefore, ... nonlocality, but the nonlocality and nodal behavior may be hidden by the impurity effects. [...]... Vol 73 , No 7, (13 April 2004) pp 16 57- 1660, ISSN: 13 474 073 Yogi, M; Kitaoka,Y; Hashimoto,S; ... Mechanisms Engineering 1 VECTOR JUL 14 2010 17: 33:09 STEP=1 SUB =1 TIME=1 FX ELEM=1458 MIN=.157E-08 MAX=.141E-03 157E-08 157E-04 314E-04 471 E-04 628E-04 78 5E-04 942E-04 110E-03 126E-03... Function
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 21:20
Advanced Radio Frequency Identification Design and Applications Part 7 pdf
... layer. [...]... (dB) 920 7. 4-j49 1. 87 920 920 920 13.8+j110 28.1+j288 93+j 677 1.88 1 .70 1.35 d (mm) f0 (MHz) 0.1 27 0 .78 7 1. 57 3.14 Table 4 Input impedance and gain of the OCSRR antenna ... Stutzman and G. A. Thiele, “Antenna Theory and Design, second edition”, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., pp. 43- 47 and p .71 , 1998 [11] W. L. Stutzman and G. A. Thiele, “Antenna Theory and Design, ... 20 07, pp. 174 9- 175 2, Hawaii, June.20 07. [4] W.G. Hong, W.H. Jung and Y. Yamada, “High Performance Normal Mode Helical Antenna for RFID Tags”, IEEE AP-S’ 07, pp.6023-6026, Hawaii, June 20 07
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 23:20
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