CMOS VLSI Design - Lecture 6: Power potx

CMOS VLSI Design - Lecture 6: Power potx

CMOS VLSI Design - Lecture 6: Power potx

... dynamic power – Only justified when circuit sleeps long enough CMOS VLSI DesignCMOS VLSI Design 4th Ed. 7: Power 2 Outline  Power and Energy  Dynamic Power  Static Power CMOS VLSI DesignCMOS VLSI ... leakage negligible CMOS VLSI DesignCMOS VLSI Design 4th Ed. 7: Power 22 Solution ( ) ( )( )( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) t t tt tt 66 normal-V 66 6 high-V...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 10:20

29 590 0
CMOS VLSI Design - Lecture 3: CMOS Transistor Theory potx

CMOS VLSI Design - Lecture 3: CMOS Transistor Theory potx

... Saturation V g V s V d V gd V gs V ds + - + - + - CMOS VLSI DesignCMOS VLSI Design 4th Ed. 3: CMOS Transistor Theory 6 nMOS Cutoff  No channel  I ds ≈ 0 + - V gs = 0 n+ n+ + - V gd p-type body b g s d CMOS VLSI DesignCMOS VLSI ... µ p = 2 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 -0 .8 -0 .6 -0 .4 -0 .2 0 I ds (mA) V gs = -5 V gs = -4 V gs...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 10:20

19 838 0
CMOS VLSI Design - Lecture 1: Introduction ppt

CMOS VLSI Design - Lecture 1: Introduction ppt

... 1 s d g s d s d s d nMOS pMOS OFF ON ON OFF CMOS VLSI Design 4th Ed. 0: Introduction 12 0 V DD A Y GND CMOS Inverter A Y 0 1 1 0 A Y OFF ON 1 ON OFF CMOS VLSI Design 4th Ed. 0: Introduction 13 CMOS NAND Gate A B Y 0 ... OFF ON OFF 1 0 ON ON OFF OFF 0 0 A B Y CMOS VLSI Design 4th Ed. 0: Introduction 14 CMOS NOR Gate A B Y 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 A B Y CMOS VLSI...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 10:20

43 507 0
CMOS VLSI Design - Lecture 2: Circuits & Layout docx

CMOS VLSI Design - Lecture 2: Circuits & Layout docx

... pMOS pull-up network – a.k.a. static CMOS pMOS pull-up network output inputs nMOS pull-down network Pull-up OFF Pull-up ON Pull-down OFF Z (float) 1 Pull-down ON 0 X (crowbar) CMOS VLSI Design ... 13 CMOS Gate Design  Activity: – Sketch a 4-input CMOS NOR gate A B C D Y CMOS VLSI Design 4th Ed. 1: Circuits & Layout 14 Complementary CMOS  Complementary CMOS logic...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 10:20

45 648 1
CMOS VLSI Design - Lecture 4: Nonideal Transistor Theory pdf

CMOS VLSI Design - Lecture 4: Nonideal Transistor Theory pdf

... ox 2q 2q A A N t N C ε γε ε = = CMOS VLSI DesignCMOS VLSI Design 4th Ed. 4: Nonideal Transistor Theory 16 Body Effect Cont.  For small source-to-body voltage, treat as linear CMOS VLSI DesignCMOS VLSI Design 4th ... [Song01] CMOS VLSI DesignCMOS VLSI Design 4th Ed. 4: Nonideal Transistor Theory 23 Junction Leakage  Reverse-biased p-n junctions have some leakage –...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 10:20

32 1,5K 0
CMOS VLSI Design - Lecture 5: DC & Transient Response doc

CMOS VLSI Design - Lecture 5: DC & Transient Response doc

... = 6RC CMOS VLSI DesignCMOS VLSI Design 4th Ed. 5: DC and Transient Response 28 Delay Model Comparison CMOS VLSI DesignCMOS VLSI Design 4th Ed. 5: DC and Transient Response 29 Example: 3-input ... as long as you are consistent CMOS VLSI DesignCMOS VLSI Design 4th Ed. 5: DC and Transient Response 27 Inverter Delay Estimate  Estimate the delay of a fanout-of-1 inverte...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 10:20

36 739 0
Tài liệu Solutions for CMOS VLSI Design 4th Edition (Odd). ppt

Tài liệu Solutions for CMOS VLSI Design 4th Edition (Odd). ppt

... 500 - (50 + 65) = 385 ps; (b) t pd = 500 - 2(40) = 420 ps; (c) t pd = 500 - 40 = 460 ps. 10.3 (a) t cd = 30 - 35 = 0; (b) t cd = 30 - 35 = 0; (c) t cd = 30 - 35 - 60 = 0; (d) t cd = 30 - ... + 5) V DD = 0.73 V DD . 9.35 H = 500 / 30 = 16.7. Consider a two stage design: footless dynamic OR-OR-AND- INVERT + HI-skew INV. G = 2/3 * 5/6 = 10/18. P = 5/3 + 5...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 15:20

39 1,2K 5
Lecture 6 Quantum mechanical spin potx

Lecture 6 Quantum mechanical spin potx

... outline 1 Stern-Gerlach and the discovery of spin 2 Spinors, spin operators, and Pauli matrices 3 Spin precession in a magnetic field 4 Paramagnetic resonance and NMR Background: expectations pre-Stern-Gerlach Previously, ... of additional oscillating resonant in-plane magnetic field B 1 (t) for a time, t, such that ω 1 t = π 2 ,ω 1 = γB 1 (“π/2 pulse”) orients majority spin in xy-plane where i...

Ngày tải lên: 09/03/2014, 00:20

23 326 0
vlsi design course lecture notes ch6

vlsi design course lecture notes ch6

... 10 16 -1 0 18 cm -3 less highly doped regions generally labeled n/p (without the +) P P + + - group V element ion electro n n-type Donor free carrier B B + + - group III element hole p-type ... V GS -Vtn ECE 410, Prof. A. Mason Lecture Notes 6.18 nMOS Current vs.Voltage • Saturation Region (Active Region) –V GS > Vtn, V DS > V GS -Vtn • surface potential at drain, φ s...

Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2014, 11:04

31 1,6K 0
vlsi design course lecture notes ch12

vlsi design course lecture notes ch12

... delay for n-input R-C adder t n = t d (a 0 ,b 0 ⇒ c 1 ) + (n-2) t d (c in ⇒ c out ) + t d (c in ⇒ s n-1 ) first stage delay: inputs to carry-out middle stage (n-2) delay: carry-in to carry-out last ... 410, Prof. A. Mason Lecture Notes 12.11 Ripple-Carry Adders in CMOS • Simple to implement and connect for multi-bit addition – but, they are very slow • Worse-case delays in R-C Adders – ea...

Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2014, 11:04

34 600 0