I. The auxiliary etre is used to form the passe compose with the following intransitive verbs (most of which express movement or a change of state). On the list below, when possible, verbs are grouped by opposites for easier memorization, and irregular past participles are indicated in parentheses.
aUer venir (venu) arriver partir sortir entrer
to go to come
to arrive, happen, succeed to leave
to go out to enter, come in
to go up, get on (a train, bus, plane), get in (a car) monter
descendre to go down, get off(a train, bus, plane), get out of(a car), stay (at a hotel) naitre (ne)
mourir (mort)
to be born to die passer
to pass by, come by, go past, pass through, be (on TV) to stay
retourner tomber Note:
to go back, return (to a place) to fall
- Also conjugated with €tre are compounds of the verbs above, such as rentrer (to go home), devenir (to become), and revenir (to come back).
- The past participle of the verbs conjugated with €tre listed above agrees in gender and number with the subject.
Elle est nee. She was born. lis sont partis. They left.
aller to go je suis aile( e) tu es aile( e)
I went, I have gone, I did go you went
nous sommes alle(e)s vous etes allc~(e)(s)
il est alle he went ils sont alles
elle est allee she went elles soot allees
Mettez les verbes entre parentheses au passe compose.
1. Sa mere (rester) _ _ _ _ 3. Tout le monde (partir) _ _ _ _ _ 2. Marc et Clara (sortir) _ _ _ _ _ 4. Eve et Marie (rentrer) _ _ _ _ _
we went you went they went they went
5. Anna (revenir) _ _ _ _ _ 6. On (entrer) _ _ _ _ _
The Passe Compose Exercice8
Mettez les verbes entre parentheses au passe compose.
l. Notre voiture (tomber) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ en panne.
2. Ma grand-mere (mourir) I'annee derniere.
3. Moliere (naitre) en 1622.
4. Elles (aller) au the§tre bier soir.
5. Blandine (devenir) infirmiere.
6. lis (rester) a Ia maison.
7. Je [f.] (partir) de bonne heure.
8. Nous [m.] (rentrer) a minuit.
9. Elle (descendre) a ('hotel Ritz.
10. Vous [f.pl.] (monter) en haut de Ia Tour Eiffel.
Exercice9 Traduisez.
l. When did you arrive?
2. They did not go out together.
3. Where were you born?
4. We got off the train in Lyon.
5. I had to leave at noon.
Verbs that can be conjugated with etre or avoir
6. She returned to her country.
7. They got on the plane in the morning.
8. We stayed at home last night.
9. She became a lawyer.
10. Balzac died in 1850.
Six verbs among those conjugated with @tre in the passe compose (monter, descendre, sortir, rentrer, retourner, passer) are conjugated with avoir when they are used transitively, i.e., when a direct object follows them. In most of these cases, the meaning of the verb will change. When conjugated with a voir,
- monter and descendre keep their meaning (to go up, to go down) in some contexts (when followed by a place such as stairs, a street, etc., that someone goes up or down), but have a different meaning (to take sth up, to take sth down) in other contexts (when followed by an object that is being transported up or down)
- sortir, rentrer, retourner change their meaning to to take sth out, to take sth inside, to turn sth over
- passer means to spend (time), to take (an exam), to hand (sth to sb), and to have (a good day, a good vacation, etc.) Compare:
Intransitive use (conjugated with etre) Je suis monte au premier etage.
I went up to the second floor.
II est monte dans le taxi.
He got in the taxi.
lis sont descendus au sous-sol.
They went down to the basement.
Elle est descendue de l'autobus.
She got off the bus.
Elle est sortie de Ia salle.
She went out of the room.
Je suis rentre tard bier soir.
I came home late last night.
Elle est retournee dans son pays.
She returned to her country.
Le facteur est deja passe.
The mailman already came by.
Je suis passe a I' orange.
I passed through a yellow light.
Transitive use (conjugated with avoir) J'ai monte l'escalier.
I went up the stairs.
II a monte Ia valise au grenier.
He took the suitcase up to the attic.
lis ont descendu Ia rue.
They went down the street.
Elle a descendu Ie vin a Ia cave.
She took the wine down to the cellar.
Elle a sorti Ia poubelle.
She took out the garbage can.
J'ai rentre les chaises.
I took the chairs inside.
Elle a retourne les crepes.
She turned over the pancakes.
II a passe trois jours a Tahiti.
He spent three days in Tahiti.
Elle a passe l'examen bier.
She took the exam yesterday.
66 A Complete French Grammar Exercice 10
Est-ce avoir ou etre? Mettez Ies verbes entre parentheses au passe compose.
1. (descendre) Nous _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ia poubelle.
2. (descendre) lis a l'hOtel Hilton.
3. (monter) Nous le courrier.
4. (monter) Elle dans sa chambre.
5. (rentrer) A quelle heure _ _ _ _ _ -elles - - - hier soir?
6. (rentrer) Est-ce que vous Ia voiture au garage?
7. (retourner) Elle _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ en avion.
8. (retourner) Je I'omelette.
9. (sortir) Est-ce que tu Ie champagne du refrigerateur?
10. (sortir) Elle avec son mari.
11. (passer) lis a Ia tel e.
12. (passer) Nous devant Ia bibliotheque.
13. (passer) Je une nuit blanche.
14. (passer) Quand est-ce que tu I'examen?
15. (passer) -vous de bonnes vacances?
16. (passer) lis trois semaines sur Ia Cote d'Azur.
II. The auxiliary etre is also used to form the passe compose of all pronominal verbs.
s'amuser to enjoy oneself, have a good time je me suis amuse( e)
tu t'es amuse(e) il s'est amuse elle s'est amusee
Negative form
I enjoyed myself you enjoyed yourself he enjoyed himself she enjoyed herself
je ne me suis pas amuse( e) I didn't enjoy myself tune t'es pas amuse( e)
il ne s'est pas amuse elle ne s' est pas am usee Interrogative forms - with est-ce que
nous nous sommes amuse(e)s vous vous 1\tes amuse(e)(s) its se sont amuses elles se sont amusees
we enjoyed ourselves you enjoyed yourselftves) they enjoyed themselves they enjoyed themselves
nous ne nous sommes pas amuse(e)s vous ne vous 1\tes pas amuse(e)(s) its ne se sont pas amuses elles ne se sont pas amusees
est-ce que je me suis amuse( e)? did I enjoy myself?
est-ce que tu t'es amuse(e)?
est-ce que nous nous sommes amuse(e)s?
est-ce que vous vous 1\tes amuse(e)(s)?
est-ce qu'ils se sont amuses?
est-ce qu'il s'est amuse?
est-ce qu'elle s'est amusee? est-ce qu'elles se sont amusees?
- inverted interrogative form
The reflexive pronoun is placed before etre. As with most verbs, there is no inverted interrogative form in the first person singular.
t'es-tu amuse( e)? did you enjoy yourself?
s'est-il amuse?
s'est-elle amusee?
nous sommes-nous amuse(e)s?
vous 1\tes-vous amuse(e)(s)?
se sont-ils amuses?
se sont-elles amusees?
The Passe Compose
Irregular pronominal verbs
Infinitive Past participle
s'apercevoir aper~u
s'asseoir ass is
se conduire conduit
s'endormir endormi
se mettre a mis
se plaindre plaint
se sentir senti
se servir servi
se souvenir souvenu
se taire tu
Below is the passe compose of the verb s'en aller.
Passe compose je me suis aper~u(e)
je me suis assis(e) je me suis conduit( e) je me suis endormi(e) je me suis mis(e) je me suis plaint( e) je me suis senti( e) je me suis servi(e) je me suis souvenu(e) je me suis tu(e)
je m'en suis aile( e) tu t'en es aile( e) il s'en estalle
nous nous en sommes alle(e)s vous vous en etes alle(e)(s) ils s'en sont alles
elle s' en est allee elles s 'en sont allees
The agreement of the past participle of pronominal verbs
• The past participle of idiomatic pronominal verbs and of pronominal verbs with a passive meaning (see p. 48) agrees in gender and number with the subject
Elle s'est souvenue.
Elle s'est trompee.
lis se sont ennuyes.
Je me suis depechee.
She remembered.
She was mistaken.
They (masc.) were bored.
I (/em.) hurried.
Ces voitures ne se sont pas tres bien vendues. These cars didn't sell very well.
• The past participle of reflexive and reciprocal verbs agrees in gender and number with the preceding direct object.
Frequently, the direct object is the reflexive pronoun.
- The reflexive pronoun is a direct object with all those reflexive and reciprocal verbs which, when used non- reflexively, take a direct object (except when a direct object follows the reflexive verb).
Elle s'est reveillee.
Elles se soot comprises.
She woke up.
They understood each other.
(Je reveille mon pere.) (Je comprends rna mere.) - The reflexive pronoun is an indirect object (with which no agreement is made)
1. when a direct object follows the past participle Compare:
Elle s'est lavee. She washed herself
In the sentence above, no direct object follows the verb. The reflexive pronoun se is a direct object. Therefore, there is agreement of the past participle with se.
Elle s'est lave_les mains. She washed her hands.
In this sentence, a direct object, 'les mains', follows the verb. The reflexive pronoun se is now an indirect object. Therefore, there is no agreement of the past participle with se.
Elle se les est lavees. She washed them.
In this sentence, the preceding direct object is les (replacing les mains) and the past participle agrees with this pronoun.
2. with verbs which, when used non-reflexively, take an indirect object lis se sont ecrit_. They wrote to each other. (J'ecris a mon pere.) Elle s'est demande_. She wondered. (Je demande a rna mere.)
68 A Complete French Grammar Exercice 11
Ecrivez le participe passe du verbe entre parentheses. Faites l'accord si c'est necessaire.
1. lis se sont (ecrire) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ de longues lettres.
2. Elle s' est (souvenir) de son voyage.
3. Elles ne se sontjamais ( r e v o i r ) - - - - 4. lis se sont (serrer) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ la main.
5. Nous nous sommes (parler) - - - a Noel.
6. Elle s'est (tramper) d'adresse.
7. lis se sont (plaire) et ils se sont (marier) - - - -
8. Elles se sont (dire) au revoir.
9. Les portes se sont (ouvrir) a huit heures.
10. Elle s' est (plaindre) parce qu' elle s' est ( casser) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ le bras.
Exercice 12 Traduisez.
1. We had a good time at the party.
2. When did you go to bed last night?
3. At what time did you wake up this morning?
4. I didn't remember.
5. I broke my leg.
Exercice 13
6. She brushed her teeth.
7. They apologized.
8. Were you bored?
9. We didn't talk to each other.
10. She worried.
Votre ami(e) a fait un voyage pendant ses dernieres vacances. Formez des questions avec les elements donnes ci-dessous en mettant les verbes au passe compose. Ensuite posez ces questions a votre partenaire et notez les reponses.
1. Ou I tu I passer I tes dernieres vacances?
2. Quel jour I tu I partir?
3. Tu I se coucher I tard /la veille de ton depart?
4. Tu Is' endormir I tout de suite?
5. A quelle heure I tu I se lever /le lendemain matin?
6. Quand I tu I faire I tes valises?
7. Tu I prendre /l'avion?
8. A quelle heure I tu I arriver?
9. Combien de temps I tu I rester?
10. A quel hOtel/ tu I descendre?
11. Tu I rendre visite I quelqu'un?
12. Qu'est-ce que I tu I acheter?
13. Tu I rencontrer I quelqu'un I interessant?
14. Tu I se reposer /l'apres-midi?
15. Quand I tu I revenir?
Revision Exercice 14
Mettez les verbes entre parentheses au passe compose.
1. Je (suis) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ son conseil etje (reste) chez moi.
2. Je (suis) de~u(e) parce qu'il (ne veut pas) dire son nom.
3. Elles (font) un voyage en Afrique.
4. lis (doivent) payer une amende car ils (ne s'arretent pas) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ au feu rouge.
5. Elle (s'assied) sur un bane.
6. lis (vont) au Portugal.
7. II y (a) beaucoup de neige.
8. II (faut) une bonne heure pour y arriver.
9. Elle (tombe) amoureuse de son patron.
10. II (pleure) parce qu'il (pleut) - - - -
The Passe Compose
The uses of the passe compose
The passe compose is used in the following situations:
1. To express a past action which was completed at a precise moment [i.e., a specific (time of) day, date, month, year, etc.]
or within a limited period of time, frequently after expressions such as:
ce matin bier bier soir
Ia nuit derniere (= cette nuit) bier matin
bier apres-midi avant-bier I' autre jour
lundi I mardi, etc. dernier le week-end dernier Ia semaine derniere le mois dernier l'annee derniere l'ete dernier l'biver dernier il y a buit jours il y a six semaines il y a deux mois I ans tout a l'beure
le ... fevrier I mars, etc.
a ... beures quand ...
pendant (+time period)
Elle est arrivee il y a quinze jours.
Le reveil a sonne a sept heures.
Nous sommes alles au Japon l'annee derniere.
Cette guerre a dure trente ans.
J' ai vecu a Rome pendant cinq mois.
this morning yesterday
last night (evening hours) last night (night time hours) yesterday morning
yesterday afternoon the day before yesterday the other day
last Monday I Tuesday, etc.
last weekend last week last month last year last summer last winter
eight days ago ( = a week ago) six weeks ago
two months I years ago a little while ago
on the ... of February I March, etc.
at ... o'clock when ...
for [ + time period (which is finished)]
She arrived two weeks ago.
The alarm rang at seven o'clock.
We went to Japan last year.
This war lasted thirty years.
/lived in Rome for five months.
2. To indicate an action that happened only once, especially with verbs that express events which are generally not repeated, such as mourir (to die), naitre (to be born), se marier (to get married), avoir ... ans (to turn a specific age), etc.
Elle est morte des suites d'une longue maladie.
II est ne a l'hopital.
Mes parents ont divorce.
Mon fils a eu dix ans hier.
She died of a long disease.
He was born in the hospital.
My parents divorced.
My son turned ten yesterday.
3. To express an action which was repeated a specified (precise or approximate) number of times Elle est allee deux fois chez le medecin Ia semaine derniere.
J'ai essaye plusieurs fois de vous avertir.
She went to the doctor two times last week.
I tried to warn you several times.
4. To indicate an action of short duration, or a sudden occurrence or change of an action. The suddenness is often indicated by expressions such as:
soudain suddenly tout a coup suddenly Elle a ouvert Ia porte.
J'ai rencontre un ami en ville.
Soudain,j'ai eu peur.
Nous avons tout de suite appele !'ambulance.
immediatement immediately tout de suite right away She opened the door.
I met a friend downtown.
Suddenly, I got scared.
We called the ambulance right away.
70 A Complete French Grammar
5. To express a series of actions which took place successively, the previous one being completed when the new one starts.
Words like d'abord, puis, ensuite, apres, alors, enfin, may be present to make it clear that one action follows the other.
Jules Cesar a dit: ô Je suis venu,j'ai vu,j'ai vaincu. ằ D'abord, elle a achete un billet, et ensuite elle est partie.
Julius Caesar said: "I came, I saw, I conquered."
First she bought a ticket and then she left.
6. With depuis and ~a fait ... que in negative sentences to indicate an action or situation which has not taken place for a period of time up to the present
II n'a pas plu depuis des semaines. It hasn't rained for weeks.
7. With toujours and jamais for actions or situations that occurred repetitively in the past and continue to do so in the present J'ai toujours voulu etre hOtesse de l'air. I have always wanted to be a flight attendant. (And I still do.)
Je n'aijamais aime les chats. I have never liked cats. (And I still don't.)
Exercice 15
Traduisez. Then justify the use of the passe compose by adding: 'precise moment', 'limited time', 'specified number of times', 'successive actions', etc.
I. Suddenly, the weather changed. 8. The strike lasted four months.
2. First, she took a shower and then she got dressed. 9. I turned fifty the day before yesterday.
3. The weather was beautiful in September. 10. They went to a party last night.
4. We went to the library two times last week. 11. He was a firefighter for twenty years.
5. She had an accident this morning. 12. I have always liked languages.
6. I haven't slept for three days. 13. I have never believed that it was an accident.
7. They got married in the church. 14. When he saw the ghost, he was very afraid.
Exercice 16
Repondez aux questions suivantes avec des phrases completes.
I. Quand et ou etes-vous ne(e)?
2. Ou etes-vous aile( e) l'ete dernier?
3. Qu'est-ce que vous avez fait hier soir?
4. Etes-vous sorti(e) avec quelqu'un le week-end dernier?
5. A quelle heure etes-vous rentre(e) a Ia maison dimanche soir?
6. Qu'est-ce que vous avez pris comme boisson au petit dejeuner ce matin?
7. Qu'est-ce que vous avez mange hier a midi?
8. Est-ce que vous vous etes ennuye(e) samedi soir?
9. Avez-vous appris le fran~ais l'annee derniere?
10. Quels vetements avez-vous mis aujourd'hui?
11. Est-ce que votre arriere-grand-mere est toujours en vie?
12. Quand est-ce que vous vous etes detendu(e) pour Ia demiere fois?
Exercice 17
A friend of yours has just returned from France where he/she studied. Find out the following information about his/her stay. Write out the questions and answers.
1. When he/she left for Europe. 6. What he/she ate and drank on the first day.
2. In which city he/she lived. 7. Where he/she spent his/her Christmas vacation.
3. For how long he/she studied in France. 8. Whether he/she took the TGV.*
4. What courses he/she took. 9. Whether his/her parents came to France.
5. Whether he/she received good grades. 10. What they saw in France.
* TGV stands for train a grande vitesse, France's high speed train.
Exercice 18
Describe (using the passe compost) what you did last weekend. Use many regular, irregular and pronominal verbs in chronological order. When appropriate, add where, when and why you did (or didn't do) these things.
The Imperfect (1 'imparfait)
The imperfect is a simple past tense, i.e., it consists of one word only. Whereas the passe compose stresses momentariness and completion and presents past actions or states as finished at a specific moment or within a limited period of time, the imparfait emphasizes habit, continuity and duration. It describes repetitious, ongoing, non-completed past actions and situations that lasted an undetermined amount of time. Depending on the context, the imperfect can be translated into English by the past progressive form (I was working), expressing an action that was going on, by used to and would+ infinitive, indicating a habitual action, and by the simple past (I worked) when referring to actions with unlimited duration.
The formation of the imperfect
The stem of the imperfect tense of all verbs (except etre) is found by dropping the -ons ending from the nous-form of the present indicative. The imperfect endings are -ais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient.
parler to speak (nous parlons)
je parlais I spoke, I was speaking, I used to speak tu parlais
ill elle parlait fmir to finish (nous finissons)
nous parlions vous parliez ils I elles parlaient
je finissais I finished, I was finishing, I used to finish no us finissions
tu finissais vous finissiez
il I elle finissait ils I elles finissaient entendre to hear
(nous entendons)
j'entendais I heard, I was hearing, I used to hear tu entendais
ill elle entendait Note:
nous entendions vous entendiez ils I elles entendaient
- The endings -ais, -ait, and -aient have the same pronunciation. They are all pronounced [e).
- Verbs ending in -cer have a cedille under the c in all persons of the imperfect, except in the nous and vous forms, in order to conserve the sound [s]. In these persons, the cedille is not needed under the c since the following i makes the c sound [s].
commencer to begin je commen~ais
tu commen~ais
il commen~ait
nous commencions vous commenciez ils commen~aient