The plural of compound nouns

Một phần của tài liệu A complete frech grammar for reference and practice (Trang 269 - 275)

Compound nouns are nouns that consist of two or more words expressing one thing. Some compound nouns are written as one word [entresol (mezzanine), portefeuille (wallet)], some are written as two words without a hyphen [sac poubelle (trashcan liner), petit ami (boyfriend)], and some are written as two words with a hyphen [pause-cafe (coffee break), stylo-bille (ball-point pen)].

Compound nouns written as one word without a hyphen form their plural regularly.

le passeport le pourboire

les passeports les pourboires

the passports the tips Except for two words which add -s to both elements le bonhomme1

le gentilhomme

les bonshommes les gentilshommes

Compound nouns written as two words

the fellows

the noblemen, gentlemen

Only nouns and adjectives can receive a plural sign. When prepositions, adverbs, pronouns or verbs are part of a compound noun, they remain unchanged in the plural.

a. Noun + noun or noun + preposition + noun - Both elements get a plural sign.

l'appareil-photo (m.) Ia boucle d'oreille le chou-fleur Ia montre-bracelet Ie radio-rev eil Ie sapeur-pompier Ia serviette-eponge le stylo-feutre Ie stylo-plume le wagon-lit

- Only the first element changes?

I'arc-en-ciel (m.) le chef-d'ceuvre Ie chemin de fer Ie coup d' ceil le cul-de-sac le curriculum vitae l'eau-de-vie (f.) le guet-apens Ia pause-cafe Ia pomme de terre Ie pot-de-vin Ie soutien-gorge Ia station-service le timbre-paste

- Only the last element changes.

I 'auto-ecole (f.) le camping car le tee-shirt le week-end

les appareils-photos les boucles d 'oreilles les choux-fleurs les montres-bracelets les radios-reveils Ies sapeurs-pompiers les serv iettes-eponges Ies stylos-feutres les stylos-plumes Ies wagons-lits

les arcs-en-ciel les chefs-d 'ceuvre Ies chemins de fer les coups d' ceil les culs-de-sac les curriculums vitae les eaux-de-vie Ies guets-apens les pauses-cafe les pommes de terre Ies pots-de-vin les soutiens-gorge les stations-service les timbres-paste

les auto-ecoles les camping cars les tee-shirts les week-ends

the cameras the earrings the cauliflowers the wristwatches the clock radios the firefighters the terry towels the felt-tip pens the fountain pens

the sleeping cars (on a train)

the rainbows the masterpieces the railroads the glances the dead ends the curriculum vitaes the brandies the ambushes the coffeebreaks the potatoes the bribes the bras

the service stations the stamps (on a letter)

the driving schools the motor homes the T- shirts the weekends l. le bonhornme de neige = the snowman

2. The second element does not change in these words since there is only one sky (arcs-en-ciel), one post office (tirnbres-poste), etc.

- No element changes.

le pied-a-terre le pot-au-feu le rez-de-chaussee le tete-a-tete

The Noun

les pied-a-terre les pot-au-feu les rez-de-chaussee les tete-a-tete b. Noun + adjective or adjective + noun

Both elements get a plural sign.

l'arc-boutant (m.) le beau-frere Ia belle-sreur le beau-fils Ia belle-fille le beau-pere Ia belle-mere le cerf-volant Ia chauve-souris le coffre-fort le cordon-bleu le grand-pere le petit-fils Ia petite-fille le proces-verbal le pont-levis Ia sage-femme But:

les arcs-boutants les beaux-freres les belles-sreurs les beaux-fils les belles-filles les beaux-peres les belles-meres les cerfs-volants les chauves-souris les coffres-forts les cordons-bleus les grands-peres les petits-fils les petites-filles les proces-verbaux les ponts-levis les sages-femmes

the small (occasional) lodgings the stews (beef)

the first floors

the private conversations

the flying buttresses the brother-in-laws the sister-in-laws

the son-in-laws, the stepsons


the daughter-in-laws, the stepdaughters the father-in-laws, the stepfathers the mother-in-laws, the stepmothers the kites

the bats the safes

the outstanding cooks the grandfathers the grandsons the granddaughters the tickets (police) the drawbridges the midwives

Demi and grand (if grand is followed by a feminine noun) do not change.

le demi-frere Ia demi-sreur Ia grand-mere Note:

les demi-freres les demi-sreurs les grand(s)-meres le grand-pere + Ia grand-mere = les grands-parents c. Adjective + adjective or adjective + past participle

Both elements vary.

le nouveau-riche le nouveau-venu le nouveau-marie le sourd-muet But:

le nouveau-ne

les nouveaux-riches les nouveaux-venus les nouveaux-maries les sourds-muets les nouveau-nes d. Verb+ noun (the verb never changes)

- The second element does not change.

l'abat-jour (m.) l'amuse-gueule (m.) le cache-nez le casse-crofite le coupe-papier le croque-monsieur le croque-madame

les abat-jour les amuse-gueule les cache-nez les casse-crofite les coupe-papier les croque-monsieur les croque-madame

the half-brothers, the stepbrothers the half-sisters, the stepsisters the grandmothers

the newly rich the newcomers the newly-weds the deaf-mute

the newborn babies

the lampshades the cocktail snacks the scarves the snacks the letter openers

the grilled ham and cheese sandwiches the grilled ham and cheese sandwiches

with an egg on top


le faire-part le gratte-ciel le grille-pain le lave-linge le lave-vaisselle le pare-brise le passe-temps le porte-monnaie le porte-parole le rabat-joie le reveille-matin le seche-linge

- The second element changes.

le couvre-feu le couvre-Iit l'essuie-glace (m.) le garde-fou Ia garde-robe l'ouvre-bolte (m.) l'ouvre-bouteille (m.) Ie pese-personne le pique-nique Ie remonte-pente le rince-bouche Ie serre-ti!te le tire-bouchon

A Complete French Grammar Ies faire- part

les gratte-ciel les grille-pain les lave-Iinge les Iave-vaisselle les pare-brise les passe-temps les porte-monnaie les porte-parole les rabat-joie les reveille-matin Ies seche-Iinge

les couvre-feux.

les couvre-lits Ies essuie-glaces les garde-fous les garde-robes les ouvre-boltes les ouvre-bouteilles Ies pese-personnes les pique-niques Ies remonte-pentes les rince-bouches les serre-tStes les tire-bouchons

the announcements (birth, wedding, etc.) the skyscrapers

the toasters

the washing machines the dishwashers the windshields the pastimes the wallets the spokespersons the killjoys the alarm clocks the (clothes) dryers

the curfews the bedspreads the windshield wipers the guide rails the wardrobes the can openers the bottle openers the (bathroom) scales the picnics

the ski lifts the mouthwashes the hair-bands the corkscrews - The second element does not change because it has a plural sign already in the singular.

Ie casse-noisettes le cure-dents Ie marque-pages le pare-chocs le porte-clefs Ie porte-serviettes le seche-cheveux.

Ie taille-crayons Ie tire-fesses le vide-ordures

les casse-noisettes Ies cure-dents Ies marque-pages Ies pare-chocs Ies porte-clefs les porte-serviettes les seche-cheveux.

les taille-crayons Ies tire-fesses (fam.) Ies vide-ordures

the nutcrackers the toothpicks the bookmarks the bumpers the key rings the towel bars the hairdryers the pencil sharpeners the skilifts

the garbage chutes

e. In compound nouns formed by an adverb + noun, or by a preposition +noun, only the noun gets a plural sign.

I' arriere-goiit (m.) l'arriere-grand-mere (f.) l'arriere-grand-pere (m.)

!'en-tete (m.) le haut-parleur le sous-marin le sous-sol But:

l'apres-midi (m.) le dessous-de-table le dessous-de-verre le hors-d' reuvre le sans-abri le sous-main

Ies arriere-gouts

Ies arriere-grand(s)-meres Ies arriere-grands-peres Ies en-retes

les haut-parleurs les sous-marins les sous-sols les apres-midi_

les dessous-de-table_

les dessous-de-verre_

les hors-d'reuvre_

les sans-abri_

les sous-main_

the aftertastes

the great-grandmothers the great-grandfathers the letterheads the loudspeakers the submarines the basements

the afternoons

the under-the-table payments, the bribes the coasters

the appetizers the homeless (persons) the desk pads

The Noun

f. When a compound noun is formed by two verbs, by a pronoun and a verb, or by a verb and an adverb, no element takes a plural sign.

Je couche-tard Je hold-up le laissez-passer le Jeve-tot un on-dit Je passe-partout Je rendez-vous Exercice 22

les couche-tard Jes hold-up les laissez-passer les leve-tot des on-dit les passe-partout Jes rendez-vous

Mettez les mots suivants au pluriel et traduisez-les en anglais.

the night-owls the holdups the passes the early risers rumors the master keys

the dates (social), appointments 261

I. un appareil-photo - - - - 2. Je stylo feutre - - - - boucle d'oreille - - - - 14.1a pomme de t e r r e - - - - 3. le timbre-poste - - - -

4.le t e e - s h i r t - - - - 5. Ia belle-sreur - - - - 6. Ia g r a n d - m e r e - - - - 7. Je croque-monsieur - - - - 8. Je lave-vaisselle - - - - 9. Je g r i l l e - p a i n - - - - 10. Je porte-monnaie - - - - 11. Je haut-parleur - - - - 12. Je r e n d e z - v o u s - - - -

Exercice 23 Traduisez.

1. the grandparents 6. the rainbows

15. le rez-de-chaussee - - - - 16. le beau-frere - - - - 17. le grand-pere - - - - 18.1e p e t i t - f i l s - - - - 19. le gratte-ciel _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 20. le tire-bouchon - - - - 21. le taille-crayons - - - - 22. le sous-sol _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 23. le hors-d'reuvre - - - - 24. un apres-midi - - - -

2. the alarm clocks 7. the masterpieces 3. the skyscrapers 8. the coffee breaks

4. the bookmarks 9. the can openers

5. the homeless 10. the hairdryers

Chapter 18

Problem Nouns

The following English nouns are difficult to translate into French since they have various equivalents which usually cannot be used interchangeably.

A. People

1. Gens(m.) is used for an undetermined number of individuals. It can be used with beaucoupde (many), peu de (jew) and Ia plupart des (most), but not with quelques (some), plusieurs (several) or a number.

Les gens etaient gentils partout.

Je ne connais pas ces gens.

D'oii viennent tous ces gens?

People were nice everywhere.

I don't know these people.

Les gens ages sont souvent tristes.

Where do all these people come from?

Old people are often sad.


les jeunes gens the young people, the young men

2. Personnes (f.) is used for a specific number of people, i.e., when a precise number is stated, or with expressions of quantity such as plusieurs, quelques, certaines, combien, etc.

II y a plus de six milliards de personnes sur Ia terre.

Plusieurs personnes ont ete blessees.


There are more than six billion people on earth.

Several people were hurt.

)es personnes agees les grandes personnes

senior citizens, elderly people the grown-ups, the adults 3. People (m.) is used for a nation and for the common people.

le people fran~ais (= les Fran~ais)

le people americain (= les Americains) un gouvernement du people, par le people et

pour le people

the French people the American people

a government of the people, by the people and for the people

4. Monde(m.) is often used after the expression il y a and generally preceded by du (never le), beaucoup de, peu de, trop de, tant de, etc., mostly referring to people at public or social events. Monde meaning people cannot be the subject of the sentence.

Est-ce qu'il y avaitdo monde a Ia soiree?

Il y avait peo de monde.

On ne pouvait pas passer, tant il y avait de monde!

Je connais beaocoop de monde.

II y aura trop de monde sur les plages.

Where there many people at the party?

There were few people.

One couldn't go through, there were so many people!

I know a lot of people.

There will be too many people on the beaches.

264 A Complete French Grammar Note:

- Grand-monde translates many people(= beaucoup de gens).

II n 'y a pas grand-monde dans Ia rue.

- Monde also means the world.

There aren't many people in the street.

le monde entier the whole (entire) world - Monde is part of the expression toutle monde (everybody).

Exercice 1

Traduisez les mots en italique.

1. People are buying less this year. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ achetent moins cette annee.

2. We need a room for two people. Nous avons besoin d'une chambre p o u r - - - - 3. Almost all the peoples of Europe have the same c u r r e n c y . - - - d'Europe

ont Ia meme monnaie.

4. There were very few people. II y avait _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

5. The Beauchamps are charming people. Les Beauchamp sont - - - - 6. There are too many people. II y a - - - -

7. How many people are there in your g r o u p ? - - - y a-t-il dans votre groupe?

8. Most people prolong the week-end. font le pont.

9. French is spoken by 160 million people. Le fran~Jais est parle p a r - - - - 10. There will be people on the roads. II y a u r a - - - sur les routes.

11. Some people are always dissatisfied. sont toujours mecontentes.

12. There are people who are selfish. II y a qui sont egolstes.

13. Let's go there tomorrow, there will be fewer people. Allons-y demain, i1 y a u r a - - - - 14. Many people visited this exhibition. - - - ont visite cette exposition.

15. I know that he knows many people. Je sais qu'il connait - - - - 16. We expect a few more people. Nous attendons un peu plus d e - - - - 17. Hundreds of people demonstrated. Des centaines de manifestaient.

18. The taking of the Bastille prison has become the symbol of the triumph of the (common) people.

La prise de Ia Bastille est devenue le symbole du triomphe - - - - B. an (m.)- annee (f.) year

jour (m.)- journee (f.) day

matin (m.)-matinee (f.) morning soir (m.)- soiree (f.) evening

The masculine form of each noun refers to the year, day, morning and evening as a unit of time. It is used with cardinal numbers, and after tous les and par. The feminine form stresses the duration of the time period and the events and activities taking place during this time period. It is generally used when a descriptive adjective modifies the noun, as well as after toute Ia (l' ).

Một phần của tài liệu A complete frech grammar for reference and practice (Trang 269 - 275)

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