Unit 6 Lesson 3 B: In the city (B1,2,3,4,5,)

Một phần của tài liệu Giáo án anh đủ bộ 6 (Trang 79 - 82)

D) Present Simple Tense

Unit 6 Lesson 3 B: In the city (B1,2,3,4,5,)


A/PHần chuẩn bị

I) Mục tiêu:

1/ kiến thức

Sau khi hoàn thành tiết học, học sinh sẽ có khả năng:

- Nắm bắt và biết sử dụng một số từ vựng nói về khu phố, một số giới từ chỉ nơi chốn: on, in, near, next to...

Luyện các từ về chủ đề đất nớc. 2/kĩ năng

- Mô tả một cách đơn giản cảnh vật của một khu phố.

II) Chuẩn bị:

- T: Soạn bài, tham khảo tài liệu, tranh hình minh hoạ. - Ss: Chuẩn bị bài mới theo nội dung tiết học.

B) Tiến trình tiết học:

I/KIỂM TRA BÀI CŨ:(kiểm tra bài cũ tại phần warm up) II/DẠY BÀI MỚI

Teacher’ s activities Students’ activities

1- Warm up

- T: Asks some questions:

? Is there a park near your house? ? Is there a school near your house? ? Is there a lake near your school?

? Are there trees and flowers in your school?

2- Pre- Reading

- Ss: Answer:

Yes, there is. (No, there isn’t) Yes, there are. (No, there aren’t.)

- T? Look at the picture B1 / P. 65- 66 - T? What are there on the street? - T: Presents some new words:

+ a (book) store + a restaurant + a temple + a hospital + a factory + a museum + a stadium - T: Reads the new words

- T? Read the new words individual * Slap the board

nhà hàng

nhà máy hiệu sách bệnh viện


* True/ False Prediction Near Minh’s house ... a) There is a restaurant. b) There is a lake.

c) There is a hospital.

- Ss: Look at the picture B1 - Ss: Answer (in Vietnamese) - Ss: Listen and write new words in their books.

- Ss: Listen and repeat

- Ss: Read new word individual -Ss: Do as directed - Ss: Predict: Answer Key: a) T b) F c) T

Teacher’ s activities Students’ activities

3- While- Reading

- T: Reads the text B1 P. 65-66 - T? Read the text B1.

- T? Read the text and answer the statements are True or False.

- T? Compare the answers with a partner. - T? Give the answers before class?

-T: Remarks and gives the correct answers. a) F-He lives in the city

b) T c) T d) T e) F- ...hospital. f) F-Minh’s father works in a factory. - T: Presents some new words:

+ (to) work

- Ss: Listen to the text and check their predictions.

- Ss: Read the text.

-Ss: Read the text and answer the statements are True or False. -Ss: Compare the answers with a partner.

-Ss: Give the answers before class

-Ss: Listen and write the correct answers in their books

- Ss: Listen and write new words in their books.

+ a neighborhood.

* B2. Read Exercise B1 again. Then complete the sentences:

- T? Read the text B1 again and complete the sentences:

- T? Compare the answers with a partner. - T? Give the answers before class?

-T: Remarks and gives the correct answers. a) city

b) restaurant/ bookstore/ temple c) hospital

d) house/ store e) factory

4- Post- Reading

* Dictation

- T: reads the text B3 three times, asks students to write the words they hear in their exercise books. B3 P. 67 a) - d)

a) There are three museums in the city.

b) The bookstore is on the other side of the street. c) She walks along the river every morning.

-Ss: Read the text and complete the sentences.

-Ss: Compare the answers with a partner.

-Ss: Give the answers before class

-Ss: Listen and write the correct answers in their books

- Ss: Listen to the text and write the words they hear in their exercise books.

a) museum b) bookstore c) river

Teacher’ s activities Students’ activities

d) Children can’t play soccer on the street.

* Matching: in on near next to 50m Hue d) street X X X Le Loi

- T: Reads B4: Plays with words.

- T: Recalls prepositions and structures through B5- Remember.

- Ss:Listen and repeat. - Ss: Listen and remember.

III- Homework

- Rewrite B4 P. 67.

- Learn prepositions and structures by heart. - Do exercises: 1/ P. 62

2/ P. 63 (in workbook)

Ngày soạn :08/ 11/ 2008 Ngày dạy : 10 / 11/ 2008

Tiết số 35

Một phần của tài liệu Giáo án anh đủ bộ 6 (Trang 79 - 82)

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