Unit 6 Lesson 1-A: Our House (A1, 2, 3)

Một phần của tài liệu Giáo án anh đủ bộ 6 (Trang 74 - 77)

D) Present Simple Tense

Unit 6 Lesson 1-A: Our House (A1, 2, 3)

2, 3)

A/PHần chuẩn bị

I) Mục tiêu

1/ kiến thức

Sau khi hoàn thành tiết học, học sinh sẽ có khả năng: - Hiểu nội dung bài khoá về nơi sống của Thuý. - Sử dụng một số từ vựng về chủ đề miền quê.

2/kĩ năng : miờu tả về nơi ở một nơi nào đú

II) Chuẩn bị:

- T: Soạn bài, tham khảo tài liệu, tranh hình minh hoạ. - Ss: Chuẩn bị bài mới theo nội dung tiết học.

B/ Tiến trình tiết học:



1. How old are you? a. yes, he does

2. What are those? b. yes, I do

3. What time is it? c. by bike

4.What time do classes start? d. It’s half past nine

5. What is this? e. It’s a stool

6. How do you go to school? f. they are chairs 7. Do you often get up at 6 a.m g. classes start at 7 a.m 8.Does Nam live in Town? h. I am five years old

What time is it? 11:20


Keys:1-h 2- f 3- d 4- g 5-c 6- 7- b 8-a It’s eleven twenty

It’s six o’clock


Teacher’ s activities Students’ activities

1- Warm up

- T? Use “There is a/ an.../ There are ...”

to talk about people or thing in and around

- Ss: Use There is..../ There are... to answer.

the classroom. 2- Pre- Reading Pre- Teach + a lake + a river + a rice paddy + a park + trees + flowers

- T: Reads new words.

- Ss: Listen and write new words in their books.

- Ss: Listen and repeat

Teacher’ s activities Students’ activities

- T? Read new word individual What and Where


a river a park a rice paddy

a lake flowers Open Prediction

- T? What is near Thuy’s house? Write 3 things in your books.

3- While- Reading

- T: reads the text A1 P. 62. - T? Read the text.

Ordering Vocabulary. P. 62.

- T: Reads the second “bubble” aloud. It’s beautiful here . There is a river and

....etc....near our house”. Matching

- T? Read the text again and guess the meaning of these words from the context and match. near a yard beautiful a hotel xinh đẹp khách sạn gần sân Comprehension Questions

- Ss: Read new word individual -Ss: Do as directed

- Ss: Listen and write 3 things in their books.( Guess)

- Ss: Listen and check their prediction - Ss:Read the text.

- Ss: Listen and order vocabulary. Answer Key:

a lake- 2 trees- 4 a rice paddy- 6 a river- 1 flowers- 5 a park- 3 - Ss: Read the text again and guess the meaning of these words from the context and match.

A1 P. 62 a) -f)

- T? Read the text again and answer the questions.

- T? Compare the answers with a partner. - T? Give the answers before class?

-T: Remarks and gives the correct answers. a) She is twelve years old.

b) She is a student. c) His name is Minh.

-Ss: Read the text and answer the questions.

-Ss: Compare the answers with a partner.

-Ss: Give the answers before class

-Ss: Listen and write the correct answers in their books

Teacher’ s activities Students’ activities

d) He is twenty years old. e) She lives in a house.

f) There is a lake, a river, a hotel, a rice paddy and a park near her house.

4- Post- Reading

Picture Drill P. 62 or P. 63

- T: Points to the river and asks: What is this?

- T: Points to the trees and asks: What are these?

- T? Practice asking and answering in pairs.

* Write ( A3 P. 63)

- Ss: Look at the picture and answer: It’s a river.

- Ss: Look at the picture and answer: They are trees.

- Ss: Practice in pairs: Example Exchange: S1: What is this? S2: It’s a [river] S1: What are these? S2: They are [trees] - Ss: Write A3 P. 63 III- Homework - Rewrite A3 P. 63 - Do exercises: 1/ P. 60; 2/ P. 61 ( in workbook) Ngày soạn: 02/ 11/ 2008 Ngày dạy: 05/ 11/ 2008 Tiết số 33

Một phần của tài liệu Giáo án anh đủ bộ 6 (Trang 74 - 77)

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