Unit 5– Lesson 1– A: My day (A1, 2)

Một phần của tài liệu Giáo án anh đủ bộ 6 (Trang 57 - 59)

I) Mục tiêu: 1/kiến th ức

Unit 5– Lesson 1– A: My day (A1, 2)


A/PHần chuẩn bị

I) Mục tiêu

1/kiến thức :

Sau khi hoàn thành tiết học, học sinh sẽ có khả năng: - Nói về các hoạt động hàng ngày.

- Hỏi và trả lời về các hoạt động trong ngày.

2/kĩ năng:

-núi được về cỏc hoạt động hàng ngày

II) Chuẩn bị:

- T: Soạn bài, tham khảo tài liệu, tranh hình minh hoạ. - Ss: Chuẩn bị bài mới theo nội dung tiết học.

B) Tiến trình tiết học:


S1: What time do you get up/go to school/have brackfast/do your homework? S2: I get up at [six o’clock]


Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

1- Revision(5) Guessing Game:

- T? Choose a time and complete the sentence:

Example Exchange: S1: IS it half past eight?

Teacher’ s activities Students’ activities It’s ... [ nine fifteen] ...

2- Presentation(15) Pre Teach

(to) do your homework (to) play games

Slap the board

go to school

S2: No, it isn’t. S3: Is it nine fifteen? S2: Yes, it is.

-Ss: Listen and write the new words in their books.

play game do your homework have breakfast get dressed Presentation Text A1 P. 52 Model Sentences:

Every day I go to school. She goes

Comprehension Questions A2 P. 53 a) – d)

? Read the text and answer the questions. ? Compare the answers with a partner. ? Give the answers before class?

-T: Remarks and gives the correct answers. a) She gets up every day.

b) Every morning, she goes to school. c) Every afternoon, she plays games. d) Every evening, she does her homework.

3- Practice(13) Substitution Drill Teacher:

Every day I get up at 6. I brush my teeth.

I wash my face.

- Ss: Listen to the Text. -Ss: Listen and write model sentences in their books.

-Ss: Read the text and answer the questions.

-Ss: Compare the answers with a partner.

-Ss: Give the answers before class -Ss: Listen and write the correct answers in their books.


Every day Nga gets up at 6. She brushes her teeth. She washes her face.

Teacher’ s activities Students’ activities

I get dressed. I have breakfast. I go to school. I play games. I do my homework. 4- Production(5) Survey

She gets dressed. etc

Một phần của tài liệu Giáo án anh đủ bộ 6 (Trang 57 - 59)

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