limitations of the study and recommendations for future research

treatment of cross-cultural characteristics in the teaching of speaking to grade 12a1 students of english in nam dan 1 high school in nghe an province = xử lý các yếu tố giao văn hóa trong giờ dạy nói tiếng anh

treatment of cross-cultural characteristics in the teaching of speaking to grade 12a1 students of english in nam dan 1 high school in nghe an province = xử lý các yếu tố giao văn hóa trong giờ dạy nói tiếng anh

... context of the study, data collection methods and analyses the data collected to answer specifically the research questions for the study It provides the detailed results of the instruments for data ... parts: The attitudes of the learners towards the target culture, the attitudes of the teachers and the students towards the importance of culture ELT, the attitudes of the learners and teachers towards ... English for the teacher and students at Nam Dan I high school 11 Aims of the study The major aims of the study are as follows: - To investigate the teachers' and students' attitudes towards the...

Ngày tải lên: 28/02/2015, 11:54

69 1,1K 2


... chapter, the researcher will give a summary of the important findings and present the limitations of the study as well as the recommendations for further research In a nutshell The instruments for ... observations Design of the study The thesis consists of three parts: Part A: INTRODUCTION This part includes the rationale, aims, scope of the study, methods and design of the study Part B: DEVELOPMENT ... on the other hand, look at the visible and invisible nature of constituting factors of culture The definition they put forth may be the most imaginative definition of all In their view, as for...

Ngày tải lên: 15/07/2015, 12:53

58 419 2
A contrastive analysis of linguistic and socio cultural features of words denoting male characteristics in english and vietnamese

A contrastive analysis of linguistic and socio cultural features of words denoting male characteristics in english and vietnamese

... of the WsDMC in English and Vietnamese will help explain the existence of the meaning and the usage of these words in contexts as well 1.4 RESEARCH QUESTIONS To achieve the purposes of this study, ... with, the study presents the introduction with an overview of the problem under investigation Then, the review of previous studies related to WsDMC and theoretical background The words shown in the ... and the ability to use these words today The concept of WsDMC and their linguistic and sociocultural features are still inaccessible to many of us This research tries to hit this target 2.2 THEORETICAL...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:31

13 930 0
b.a thesis a comparative study on invitations in english and vietnamese in terms of cross cultural perspective

b.a thesis a comparative study on invitations in english and vietnamese in terms of cross cultural perspective

... first parts of the thesis It is comprised of seven parts: (1) motivation for the study; (2) aims of the study; (3) research methods; (4) scope of the study; (5) significance of the study; (6) ... 20% Form Form Form Form Form Form Form 10 33% 17% Form Form Form 4.2 Results of data analysis 38 4.2.1 The choice of inviting forms in equal power settings Situation Figure 4.2.1.a Forms of inviting ... distance (D) of the speaker and the hearer, the relative power (P) of the speaker and the hearer (an asymmetric relation), and the absolute ranking (R) of impositions in the particular culture The situations...

Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 08:03

91 1K 4
báo cáo hóa học:" A promising method for identifying cross-cultural differences in patient perspective: the use of Internet-based focus groups for content validation of new Patient Reported Outcome assessments" potx

báo cáo hóa học:" A promising method for identifying cross-cultural differences in patient perspective: the use of Internet-based focus groups for content validation of new Patient Reported Outcome assessments" potx

... differently in the future and their suggestions provide some direction for refinement of the methodology Keep coding activities simple The complexity of the themes covered in this proof of concept study ... moderators tute for qualitative inquiry itself, and the process of understanding the thoughts, experiences and values of the customer IFGs and thematic analysis are additional tools in the professional ... inquiry to gather information • Were there differences in the numbers and types of probes used by moderators for the particular topic? • Were there differences in the number and types of supplemental...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 15:20

14 441 0
typical cultural features in english and vietnamese fables about philosophy of life a contrastive analysis = phân tích đối chiếu các đặc điểm văn hóa điển hình trong các truyện ngụ ngôn tiếng anh và tiếng việt nói

typical cultural features in english and vietnamese fables about philosophy of life a contrastive analysis = phân tích đối chiếu các đặc điểm văn hóa điển hình trong các truyện ngụ ngôn tiếng anh và tiếng việt nói

... fables The bear and the two travelers The farmer and the crane The farmer and his sons The father and his sons The Fox and the Goat The Hare and the Tortoise Hercules and the wagoner The hunter and ... of species They are the wolf” in The wolf and the lamb” or The shepherd and the wolf”; the hare” and the tortoise” in The Hare and the Tortoise”; the fox” in The Fox and the Goat”, the ... and the woodman The Lioness 10 The man and his wife 11 The raven and the swan 12 The salt merchant and his donkey 13 The shepherd and the wolf 14 The widow and the sheep 15 The wolf and the lamb...

Ngày tải lên: 28/02/2015, 11:54

49 1,1K 4
a study on english-vietnamese cross-cultural communication in table seating arrangements = nghiên cứu giao tiếp văn hóa anh - việt trong các cách sắp xếp chỗ ngồi

a study on english-vietnamese cross-cultural communication in table seating arrangements = nghiên cứu giao tiếp văn hóa anh - việt trong các cách sắp xếp chỗ ngồi

... arrangement The teacher stands in the front of the room and all the students‟ desks face the teacher Since all the students are facing forward and the teacher is in the front of the classroom, ... compare and contrast the use of different types of seating positions in various situations of the two cultures for the discovery of the similarities and differences in the ways English and Vietnamese ... pairs and activity zones Because of its limitations, the thesis should only be regarded as a preliminary study and the result is believed to be tentative and suggestive Description of the informants...

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2015, 14:22

57 1,1K 0
A survey on the attitude of teachers and students toward the integration of some cultural elements in the textbook New English file - elementary in speaking les

A survey on the attitude of teachers and students toward the integration of some cultural elements in the textbook New English file - elementary in speaking les

... present thesis is just a small contribution to the study of the what and the how of integration of teaching language and its cultural factors Due to the limit of time and scope of the study and other ... collect information and evidence for the study All comments, remarks, recommendations, and conclusions provided in the study will be based on the data analysis I.6 Design of the study This study ... Introduction, deals with the reason for the research and the aims, scope and methodology of the study The research questions are also raised in this part  Part B, Development, consists of the three following...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 08:55

59 672 2
An investigation into the influence of cross-cultural awareness on learning English verb tenses and aspects of 10th form students at Đong Son I high school, Tha

An investigation into the influence of cross-cultural awareness on learning English verb tenses and aspects of 10th form students at Đong Son I high school, Tha

... Besides, the study is also hoped to lay the foundation for further research into the issue within a larger scope Methods of the study To realize the aims of the study, the researcher uses a case study ... by the own way of Vietnamese Therefore, in this study of the influence of CCA on the learning of tense and aspect, the research focuses the analysis on the Accuracy – Inaccuracy category 11 For ... on the order of the actions The arrival of the train happened after the waiting and both the arrival and the waiting occurred in the past Apart from order of the actions, I consider the mood of...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 09:36

65 591 0
Vietnamese – English translation of Vietnamese cultural words in the book “Hanoi’s Ancient Features” by Tran Manh Thuong

Vietnamese – English translation of Vietnamese cultural words in the book “Hanoi’s Ancient Features” by Tran Manh Thuong

... implications for the translation of the cultural words Methodology 4.1 Research questions The thesis seeks answers for the following research questions: a What is the most typical type of equivalence ... Specifically, the study takes into consideration such major aspects as follows:  The most common types of equivalence  The possible reasons for the non – equivalence  Their translations Aims of the study ... the study The main aims of the study are:  To work out the most common types of equivalence used in the translation of Vietnamese cultural words  To draw out the common problems of equivalence...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2015, 19:52

4 729 5
Typical cultural features in English and Vietnamese fables about philosophy of life a contrastive analysis

Typical cultural features in English and Vietnamese fables about philosophy of life a contrastive analysis

... procedures used in the study The findings of the study are presented in the fourth chapter, Results and Discussions The final chapter presents a summary of the findings, limitations of the study as well ... Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 Rationale of the study 1.2 Aims and research questions 1.3 Significance of the study 1.4 Scope of the study 1.5 Organization of the study 1 2 3 Chapter 2: Literature View ... overview of the publications related to the topic of the research The methodology used in the study is presented in the third chapter It includes a description of the data collection and data...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2015, 19:52

5 655 4
Equivalence in the translation of vietnamese cultural words in the book “wandering through vietnamese culture” by huu ngoc

Equivalence in the translation of vietnamese cultural words in the book “wandering through vietnamese culture” by huu ngoc

... words and their translations from the following points: • the most common types of equivalence • the possible reasons for the non-equivalence • their translations Aims of the study The main aims of ... group of people, the consistency of the translation from the beginning of the book to the end of the book is crucial This helps avoid the misunderstanding that two translated versions of the same ... as the inconsistency in translating the same words, the misuse of some lexical items and the translation of nominal group 2.2.2 Other types of equivalence In the second part of the chapter, the...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:31

42 3,1K 17
Some australian vietnamese cross cultural differences in student to  teacher addressing

Some australian vietnamese cross cultural differences in student to teacher addressing

... Rational, Aims of the study, Methods of the study, Scope of the study, and Design of the study The second part, development, includes two chapters Chapter prepares theoretical issues and provides ... of the study The study is only investigated the address terms of students to their teachers and some of their reactions when the teachers address them The focus is for the addressors the students ... their first name The same problem was given to the informants, and then the author got the same opinions from them They only change their address term by thầy and first name The way to call the...

Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2013, 13:31

79 516 2
An investigation into syntactic and semantic features of idioms denoting work in english and vietnamese

An investigation into syntactic and semantic features of idioms denoting work in english and vietnamese

... presents the rationale of the study and states what the study is aimed at Also, the research questions, scope of the study and methods of the study are included Chapter provides a review of related ... the findings and discussion of the research 26 5.3 LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY AND SUGGESTIONS where the semantics and syntactic characteristics of English denoting FOR FURTHER RESEARCHES work and ... so that the research can provide a clearer and more 1.5 ORGANIZATION OF THE STUDY interesting picture of idioms in context The study is organized into five chapters as follows: 1.3 AIMS AND OBJECTIVES...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:16

13 1,9K 4
A study on syntactic and pragmatic features of asking and answering in english and vietnamese job interviews

A study on syntactic and pragmatic features of asking and answering in english and vietnamese job interviews

... choosing the approaches to the problem and the create another word to change either the meaning of the word or the theoretical background, collecting documents related to the research, part of speech ... an Therefore, on the basis of succeeding and developing the previous studied addressing form and to express human characters while in results of the literature review and on the basis of theoretical ... Semantic Features of the Word “Heart” in English 2.2.3 Semantics - The Study of Meaning Semantics is the study of meaning In other words, it is the study of how language organizes and expresses meaning...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:16

13 902 0
A study of modality expressed in terms of grammaticalization and lexicalization in english and vietnamese

A study of modality expressed in terms of grammaticalization and lexicalization in english and vietnamese

... presents the rationale for choosing the field for studying, the aims and objectives, the scope of the study, the research questions and the significance and the organization of the study Chapter ... at the Examining Committee at the University of Danang Time : 07/01/2012 Venue : University of Danang * The thesis is accessible for the purpose of reference at: - Library of the College of Foreign ... term of grammaritalization and lexicalization, and discussing specific uses of modality between the two languages Chapter 5, the conclusion of the study- summarizes the main points in the study and...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:21

23 1,1K 3
A study of syntactic and pragmatic features of indirect interrogative directives in english and in vietnamese

A study of syntactic and pragmatic features of indirect interrogative directives in english and in vietnamese

... come down there, Tracy? [64, p.47] (182) Thong th ñã, ñi ñâu mà v i ? [4, p.257] The mood of the sentence of the utterance, the formality of the language use, the level of politeness of the act ... action at the with the appreciate speaker and circumstance, the completion and moment of speaking It may be divided into linguistic and non- correctness of the procedure performance and the speaker’s ... OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY indirect interrogative directive in Cross- Cultural communication in 1.2.1 Aims of the study English and Vietnamese The findings of the study can be the The study aims at...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:21

13 797 3
A study of responding to dispraise in english and vietnamese

A study of responding to dispraise in english and vietnamese

... of the Study The results of the data analysis show that the frequency of use 5.2.1 Theoretical Implications of RD as well as the choice of politeness strategies by ANSs are The present study makes ... achieved the aims set at the beginning By From the perspective of pragmatics, the present study is, to the discovering the strategies mostly used by the two groups, clarifying best of my knowledge, the ... model, there are certain interpretation of the term derives from Goffman [10] and from the (speech) acts that intrinsically threaten the face wants of either the English folk terms ‘losing face’ and...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:21

13 715 2

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