information technology and the world economy



... stage for analyzing the impact of IT investment on the growth of the world economy, we first consider the shares of world product and growth for each of the seven regions and the fourteen major ... describe the growth of the world economy, seven economic regions, and fourteen major economies given in Table 1 during the period 1989-2003. 3 The world economy is divided among the G7 and Non-G7 ... Timmer, and Ypma (2003, updated 2005). 15 See Jorgenson and Motohashi (2005). 16 WITSA stands for the World Information Technology and Services Alliance. Other important sources of data include the...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 05:21

40 441 0
Tài liệu Research " The Dissertation Committee for Fang Yin Certifies that this is the approved version of the following dissertation: Business Value of Information Technology in the Internet Economy " doc

Tài liệu Research " The Dissertation Committee for Fang Yin Certifies that this is the approved version of the following dissertation: Business Value of Information Technology in the Internet Economy " doc

... than a thousand companies and reveals some interesting results. The third essay applies the model developed in the second essay to study the difference in the adoption and pay-off of the Internet ... it actually handled inventory and the delivery of the products during the 1998-1999 time period. The correlation between the two labor measures is calculated. The log values of these two measures ... and processes. They categorized firms based on whether they are purely Internet based, the type of goods sold (digital or tangible), and the type of electronic 16 labor, and where t is the...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 11:20

163 731 0
Information Technology and the Forest Sector ppt

Information Technology and the Forest Sector ppt

... Recommended catalogue entry: Information Technology and the Forest Sector. Report by the IUFRO Task Force on Information Technology and the Forest Sector,” jointly organized by the International Union ... provider and 34 by the owner or manager, the availability of resources, and the attitude to and knowledge and acceptance of technology by employees. Externally, the decision to adopt the Internet ... compasses, and clinometers to gather information about the forest and shared results through paper reports. ICT is now required to efficiently manage the ecology and economy of the forest (Hansen,...

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 05:20

245 517 0
Shanghaied - The Economic and Political Implications of the Flow of Information Technology and Investment Across the Taiwan Strait ppt

Shanghaied - The Economic and Political Implications of the Flow of Information Technology and Investment Across the Taiwan Strait ppt

... passenger trips between the offshore islands and Fujian Province, including 144,234 from the offshore islands to the mainland, and 8,200 from the mainland to the offshore islands as of February 29, 2004 ... between the two offshore islands and the mainland. As part of that expansion of the mini-three links, the Taiwanese government also expanded the list of products that the offshore islands can ... because of the fundamental role they play in information technology and high -technology weaponry. They view the development of the semiconductor industry as being vital to economic development and national...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 22:20

218 561 0
The Lights in the Tunnel Automation Accelerating Technology and the Economy of the Future_1 potx

The Lights in the Tunnel Automation Accelerating Technology and the Economy of the Future_1 potx

... way “takingover.”There is little attention given to the more mundane and immediatethreatsto the jobmarket and the overall economy.  Perhaps the technologists just assume that once the technology ... are countlesspointsofwhitelight. The lightsfloatalongata somewhatleisurelypaceliketinymovingstars.Eachlight representsasingleperson(orconsumer)whoparticipates in the world massmarket. The numberoflightsseemslimitless,butinfactthey representonlyasmallfractionof the world spopulation. The lightsinclude the peopleof the UnitedStates,Canada, WesternEurope,Japan,Australia,NewZealand, and oth- er ... little morebrightly.Theseare the employeesof the automaker beingrefreshedwithnewlight.Anothertransferofwealth hastakenplace. The autoworkersinturnmakepurchases fromotherbusiness,small and large, and the lightcontin- uestoparadethrough the tunnel. We also know that behind the walls of the tunnel there are more businesses and interconnections...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 20:20

27 231 0
The Lights in the Tunnel Automation Accelerating Technology and the Economy of the Future_2 ppt

The Lights in the Tunnel Automation Accelerating Technology and the Economy of the Future_2 ppt

... mayhaveactuallyin- creasedforatime,astheywereabletolowertheirprices. Asaresult,theirprofits, and therefore the wealthoftheir topemployees and shareholdersincreased.Thesewere the brighterlightsin the tunnelthatinitiallybecamestronger. However,asnearlyallbusinessesin the tunnelcontinued toautomatejobs,atsomepoint the decreasein the num- berofpotentialcustomersbeganto ... biotechnology and genetics could be considered a type of information science because it is focused on cataloging and understanding the information inourDNA. THE LIGHTS IN THE ... on the seconddayyouhavetwocents and thenfourcentson the thirdday, and soon. The firstcharton the nextpageshows the firstfifteen daysasourpennydoubles.Youcanseethatwestartout very slowly and then...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 20:20

27 330 0
The Lights in the Tunnel Automation Accelerating Technology and the Economy of the Future_3 pot

The Lights in the Tunnel Automation Accelerating Technology and the Economy of the Future_3 pot

... securities werethensoldtobanks and financialinstitutionsallover the world, with the understandingthattheywereverylow riskinvestments. When the subprimeborrowersstarteddefaulting, the valueof the mortgage-backed securitiesplunged, and the derivativesdidnotworkasexpected.Inmanycasesitwas difficultorimpossibletocalculatetheirvalue.Inaddition, financialinstitutionshadengagedinmanyothercomplex interrelationships ... madeeven morechallengingby the factthat the objectscouldbein manypossibleorientationsorconfigurations.Consider the simplecaseofapairofsunglassessittingonatable. The sunglassesmightbeclosedwith the lensesfacingdown,or with the lensesup.Orperhaps the glassesareopen with the lenses oriented vertically. Or maybe one side of the glassesisopen and the other closed. And, ofcourse, the glassescouldberotatedinanydirection. And perhapsthey are ... has quicklyattracted the noticeof the Securities and Exchange Commission and mayresultinnewregulation. Astheseexamplesshow,wecanexpectthat the rate ofchange and the volatilityofnearlyeverythingaroundus will...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 20:20

27 310 0
The Lights in the Tunnel Automation Accelerating Technology and the Economy of the Future_4 pptx

The Lights in the Tunnel Automation Accelerating Technology and the Economy of the Future_4 pptx

... demand will in- crease, and the economy will therefore produce more goods and services.Inotherwords, the samenumberof workerswillbeemployedbuttheywillproducemore. 32  The ... collating and faxing in- formation. The intellectualportionof the job—eitherap- provingordenying the loan—isprobablyalreadyessential- lyhandledbyacomputer.Throughout the economy, there   * Formoreonrobotics and itspotentialimpactonemployment and on ... food—all of these and countless thousandsofotherstructures and chemicalsthatcomprise ourbodies and make usfunctionareproteins. And they areallconstructedthroughnanotechnology. Itislikelythat the coming“nanotech”revolutionwill begin...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 20:20

27 266 0
The Lights in the Tunnel Automation Accelerating Technology and the Economy of the Future_5 potx

The Lights in the Tunnel Automation Accelerating Technology and the Economy of the Future_5 potx

... within their capabilities, then how will they acquire the income necessary to create the demand thatinturndrivesproduction?Ifweconsider the singular- ityinthiscontext,thenisitreallysomethingthatwillnec- essarilypushusforwardexponentially?Orcoulditinac- tualityleadtorapideconomicdecline? *    * The technologistswhospeculateabout the singularitydon’tseemtoo concerned ... shouldersofAmerican and Europeanconsumers. And aswehavenotedagain and againinthisbook,those Westernconsumersalldependonjobs.Ifautomationbe- ginstodramaticallyimpactemploymentinChina,whileat the sametimedemanddwindlesin the West and certain- lyif the catastrophiceventdescribed at the beginning of thischapteroccurs—thenthiseconomicperpetualmotion machineisgoingtocollapse. Givenallthis,whatcanwereallysayabout the future ofChina?Nearlyafourthof the world spopulationlives inChina;therefore,thereisnodoubtthatthiscountrywill continuetohavesignificant, and perhapsincreasing,influ- encein the decadestocome.However,simplyextrapolat- ingcurrenttrendsisveryunlikelytogiveanaccuratepro- jection.Chinaisgoingtobeheavilyimpactedbyaccelerat- ing ... purchasing the goods they are producing. Or eveniftheycanaffordtobuythoseproducts,theyareun- likelytodo sobecausetheyaremuchmoreinterestedin THE LIGHTS IN THE TUNNEL...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 21:20

27 281 0
The Lights in the Tunnel Automation Accelerating Technology and the Economy of the Future_6 pdf

The Lights in the Tunnel Automation Accelerating Technology and the Economy of the Future_6 pdf

... to decline.Rememberthatwearetalkinghereaboutaverage workers.Toget the graphabove,youmighttake the dis- tributionofincomesin the UnitedStates and thenelimi- nateboth the richest and the poorestpeople.Thengraph the averageincomeof the remaining“typical”people (the bulk of consumers) ... by industries,productionbecomesmoreefficient.Thisresults insomelossofjobs,butitalsoresultsinlowerpricesfor goods and services.Inotherwords,itputsmoremoneyin consumers’ pockets. These consumers then go out and buyallkindsof things, and so the resultisincreasedde- mandfor the productsproducedbyalltypesofindustries. Some ... nation, youwillinvariablyfindthat the U.S. economy isfarmore capitalintensive.Ithasbeen the introductionofadvanced technology that has increased productivity and made the advancednationsof the world rich. The reasonforthisgoesbackto the economists’ex- planationfor the “Ludditefallacy”whichwediscussedin the ...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 21:20

27 326 0
The Lights in the Tunnel Automation Accelerating Technology and the Economy of the Future_8 docx

The Lights in the Tunnel Automation Accelerating Technology and the Economy of the Future_8 docx

... elimi- nates the jobsthatprovideincometoconsumers. The es- sentialideaisthatweshouldimposesomecombinationof aconsumptiontax and/ oraspecialdirecttaxonbusiness thatcaptures the incomewhich,inanon-automatedecon- omy,wouldbepaidoutinwages.Overtime,as the wages paidtoaverageworkersdecrease(asapercentageofreve- nue),thesetaxeswouldbegraduallyincreasedtorecapture atleastaportionofthisincome. The overallobjectiveisto recapturejust the optimalamountofincome and thenget itinto the handsofconsumerssothattherewillbesuffi- cientconsumerdemandtocontinuedriving the economy.  Once the income ... unless there is either existing market de- mandor the reasonableexpectationofsuchdemandin the foreseeablefuture. The idea that productionrespondsto demandisoneof the definingcharacteristicsofcapitalism. Removing ... corruption amongofficialsin the country.Thesepeopleveryoftenact primarilyfortheirownbenefit and, inparticular,inways that preserve theirpositions and power—rather thanfor the benefitoftheircountryasawhole.In the finalanaly- sis,...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 21:20

27 280 0
The Lights in the Tunnel Automation Accelerating Technology and the Economy of the Future_9 potx

The Lights in the Tunnel Automation Accelerating Technology and the Economy of the Future_9 potx

... have strongeducations and training.Thesepeoplearebeneficia- riesof the information age.On the toxicwastelandsideof the fence, are relatively unskilled workers. These people THE LIGHTS IN THE ... dramatically negative.In the UnitedStates,twothirdsofworkers and thereforeconsumers—donothaveacollegedegree.While effortstoimproveeducation and trainingarelaudable, the realityisthatthisisnotlikelytooffset the impactofgeo- metricallyaccelerating technology. Infact,Ithinkthat the THE LIGHTS IN THE TUNNEL ... Amazon havebeenheavilyimpactedbyboth technology and globa- lization.Theyoftensurvivebystringingtwoorthreepart timejobstogetherorworkinlowwagejobswithfewben- efits. The obvioussolutionisforustofindawaytooffer thesepeopleadditionaltraining—sotheycanhopoverto the goodsideof the fence. Ithinkthat the problemwiththisscenarioisthat the fenceisgoingtomove, and itmaymoveveryrapidly. The good sideof the fenceisgoingtocontract, and increasingnum- bersofwell-educatedworkersaregoingtofindthemselves suddenlyon the toxicside.AsIpointedoutinChapter2, we...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 21:20

27 253 0
The Lights in the Tunnel Automation Accelerating Technology and the Economy of the Future_10 pdf

The Lights in the Tunnel Automation Accelerating Technology and the Economy of the Future_10 pdf

... acentrallyplanned economy,  and perhaps most chillingly, the overthrow of govern- ments and a“dictatorshipof the proletariat.”In the wake of the collapse of communism, these ideas ... 38 RobertJ.Shapiro,Futurecast:howsuperpowers,populations, and globaliza- tionwillchange the wayyoulive and work,NewYork,St.Martin’sPress, 2008. 39 ThomasL.Friedman, The World isFlat:ABriefHistoryof the Twenty FirstCentury,NewYork,Farrar,Strause and Giroux,2005,2006. 40 China’shighsavingrate the resultofgovernmentpolicy,see:Ea- monnFingleton,In the Jawsof the Dragon:America’sFatein the Coming EraofChineseHegemony,NewYork,St.Martin’sPress,2008. 41 PietraRivoli, The TravelsofaT-Shirtin the Global Economy: AnEcono- mistExamines the Markets,Power and Politicsof World Trade,JohnWiley and Sons,NewYork,2005,p40. 42 Ibid.p142. 43 JeffRubin and BenjaminTal,“WillSoaringTransportCostsRe- verseGlobalization?,”CIBC World MarketsStrategEcon,March27, 2008.Web: 44 Revenueperemployeenumbers.Source:GoogleFinance,basedon 2008revenue. 45 “…growthwithoutjobcreation.”, The Economist,August11,2003. Web: _ID=1985889  46 Huether,David, The Caseof the MissingJobs,BusinessWeek,April 3,2006.Web: 8116.htm  47 Technicallythismightbebettercalled“regressive”or“reversepro- gressive”since the deductionishigheratlowerwagelevels.However, thosewordshavenegativeconnotations… 48 FareedZackaria, The FutureofFreedom:IlliberalDemocracyatHome and Abroad,NewYork,W.W.Norton&Co.,2003,p.172-173. Notes ... Marx The centralthesisofthisbookisthat,as technology acce- lerates, machine automationmay ultimately penetrate the economy to the extent thatwages no longer provide the bulkofconsumerswithadequatediscretionaryincome and confidencein the future.Ifthisissueisnotaddressed, the resultwillbeadownwardeconomicspiral. Itmustbeacknowledgedthatthisideaisquitesimilar to the predictionsthatweremadebyKarlMarxin the mid tolate1800s.Marxpredictedthatcapitalismwouldsuffer from...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 21:20

20 263 0
Monetary and Fiscal Strategies in the World Economy by Michael Carlberg_1 ppt

Monetary and Fiscal Strategies in the World Economy by Michael Carlberg_1 ppt

... unemployment. On the other hand, it raises inflation. The policy makers are the central bank and the government. The targets of policy cooperation are zero inflation and zero unemployment. The model ... lowers the rate of unemployment by 1 percentage point. On the other hand, it raises the rate Monetary and Fiscal Interaction M. Carlberg, Monetary and Fiscal Strategies in the World Economy, ... unemployment. On the other hand, it raises inflation. The target of the central bank is zero inflation. By contrast, the target of the government is zero unemployment. The model of unemployment and...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 23:20

31 329 0
Monetary and Fiscal Strategies in the World Economy by Michael Carlberg_2 pdf

Monetary and Fiscal Strategies in the World Economy by Michael Carlberg_2 pdf

... The initial loss of the European central bank is zero, as is the initial loss of the American central bank. The common demand shock causes a loss to the European central bank of 9 units and ... unemployment there. Monetary Interaction between Europe and America: Case A 73 The initial loss of the European central bank is zero, as is the initial loss of the American central bank. The demand ... inflation in Europe and America. On the other hand, it raises unemployment there. The initial loss of each central bank is zero. The common mixed shock 2. Some Numerical Examples 65 and a decline...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 23:20

31 358 0
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