historicizing the gurkha contingent in singapore

The mulian play in singapore kiew lee tong temple  a case study of chinese ritual theatre 2

The mulian play in singapore kiew lee tong temple a case study of chinese ritual theatre 2

... Remarks on the ‘Three -in- One Doctrine’ and its Manifestations in Singapore and Malaysia”, in Sino-Malaysiana: Selected Papers on Ming & Qing History and on the Overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia ... 附录1.5.:重修告竣立碑志(1998)。 19 Kenneth Dean and Zheng Zhenman, “Group Initiation and Exorcistic Dance in the Xinghua Region”, in Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore, 85, September 1993, pp 140-143 ... 起和宗教上的超度功能。对新加坡九鲤洞而言,目连戏是逢甲大普度中必备的 演出项目。尽管它只是逢甲大普度众多宗教仪式的项目之一,但从目连戏的超 59 Peter Brook, The Open Door, (New York: Theatre Communications Group, Inc., 1995), pp 44-45 中译采用于东田译《敞开的门:谈表演和戏剧》(北京:新星出版社,2007), 页49。 57...

Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 09:57

34 801 0
The mulian play in singapore kiew lee tong temple  a case study of chinese ritual theatre 3

The mulian play in singapore kiew lee tong temple a case study of chinese ritual theatre 3

... 陈翘〈莆仙戏《目连》〉,见《福建目连戏研究文集》(福州:福建省艺术研究所, 1991),页127。 叶明生《莆仙戏剧文化生态研究》(厦门:厦门大学出版社,2007),页369-373。 口述历史访谈:2005年3月18日,访问对象:黄亚松,地点:黄氏Binchang Rise住 宅。九鲤洞的目连戏戏簿,一说是“得月楼”留下的。容世诚、张学权根据口述历史资 料,推论出新加坡木偶戏班“新和平”、“新得月”和民初莆田的“得月楼”的渊源, 认为新加坡的目连戏戏簿可能源自“得月楼”。容世诚、张学权〈南洋的兴化目连戏与...

Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 09:57

30 580 0
The mulian play in singapore kiew lee tong temple  a case study of chinese ritual theatre 4

The mulian play in singapore kiew lee tong temple a case study of chinese ritual theatre 4

... 从这些具体的演出实例中,就能看出道教道场并非只是单纯度生的仪式,它同 时也服务于目连戏的表演,因此道教道场也具有它存在的必要性。从这样的视 野 来看 目连戏, 论 文以为目连 戏在各种仪式 道场之间, 扮演的是一 种媒介 (medium)或平台(interface)的特殊功能。九鲤洞的目连戏並不是一个封闭的 戏剧表演系统,我们也可以在目连戏的表演上,找到目连戏和各种不同宗教仪 式道场在其中交汇的事相,也见到九鲤洞目连戏中多重的宗教元素。...

Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 09:57

36 846 0
The mulian play in singapore kiew lee tong temple  a case study of chinese ritual theatre 6

The mulian play in singapore kiew lee tong temple a case study of chinese ritual theatre 6

... audience)。为了确实了解这些观众的存在,文章将会引用佛教“六道 众生”的观念,分析佛教对于宇宙中不同生命形式的看法。就人类有限的视觉 领域而言,亡魂观众是不存在的;但是从宗教学的观点来说,他们始终存在。 本文便以“看不见的观众” the invisible audience),指称这群人类眼目所无法 企及的戏曲学的观众群。第二,这一章将透过九鲤洞目连戏实际的场地分布情 形,包括戏台、寒林宝所、风幡、超荐牒位的布置,和各项活动的安排,共同 ... Kallang)的上游,从贝雅士蓄水池下池 (Lower Pierce Reservior)开始,朝东南流经大巴窑(Toa Payoh),再从加冷盆 地(Kallang Basin)出口,流向滨海湾(Marina Bay),通向大海。据说这些鬼 路灯就是透过这条水道,从世界各地水路而来的诸鬼带到九鲤洞。 逢甲大普度期间,幡灯内需点上油灯,晚间得时时添油,不使灯灭。为 此,洞宇教下还得留庙轮职守夜,每两小时检查一次幡顶、幡下和鬼路灯的灯...

Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 09:57

20 591 0
The mulian play in singapore kiew lee tong temple  a case study of chinese ritual theatre 7

The mulian play in singapore kiew lee tong temple a case study of chinese ritual theatre 7

... 研究以人类为对象的戏曲观众,忽略了娑婆世界的其它众生。以佛教的观点而 言,众生包括分居于六道的六种生命,即地狱道、饿鬼道、畜生道、阿修罗 道、人道和天道的众生。论文提出中国宗教仪式剧是一种以“看不见的观众” 176 (invisible audience)为主要表演对象的戏剧演出。这一“看不见的观众”包含 了天道、地狱道、饿鬼道的众生,进而解释了中国宗教仪式剧为甚么经常没有 或是很少出现人类的观众,以及中国宗教仪式剧中具有许多禁忌的原因。...

Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 09:57

6 457 0


... regarding migration institutions is another gap this thesis addresses In chapter six, I elaborate on the concept of the migration industry Another key institution is the state The role of the state ... workings of institutions 27 2.4 Combining Institutions and Networks Perspectives I have three objectives in bringing together the perspectives of institutions and networks The first is to examine ... migration industry and businesses For each of these categories, I developed related themes and arranged them in an excel file with sub-themes in the rows and the interview quotes in the columns...

Ngày tải lên: 02/10/2015, 17:14

193 706 0
Ethnic boundaries redefined the emergence of the permanent outsiders in singapore

Ethnic boundaries redefined the emergence of the permanent outsiders in singapore

... people in the local communities interpret these policies and respond in their own ways The primary focus in studying ethnic issues in Singapore has been placed on the interactions between these ... migration in Southeast Asia The first shopping center studied is Lucky Plaza, situated in Orchard Road, which is the most famous Filipino gathering and shopping spot in Singapore The other is Golden ... imagination into action In line with this kind of imagination, the construction of the CMIOscape is firstly carried out at the level of the state The CMIOscape is created in order to turn Singapore...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2015, 21:29

170 918 0
Industrial design strategies for sustainable development  a case study of the packaging industry in singapore

Industrial design strategies for sustainable development a case study of the packaging industry in singapore

... conducting further literature review in the main areas of focus: Industrial Design and sustainable development and the packaging industry in the context of Singapore The next step includes the cross ... for the investigation into the Industrial Design strategies taking place in the packaging industry in the context of Singapore towards sustainable development Research questions: _ What are the ... topics of this thesis; the Industrial Design discipline and the packaging industry of Singapore in the context of sustainable development The first section introduces the concept of sustainable development...

Ngày tải lên: 12/10/2015, 17:36

136 757 0
Molecular and morphological phylogenetics of the faviidae (scleractinia) in singapore

Molecular and morphological phylogenetics of the faviidae (scleractinia) in singapore

... to a declining gradient of sedimentation However, no clarification of species limits in these marginal habitats was attempted In the recent update of Singapore s zooxanthellate Scleractinia, Huang ... on the systematics of the remaining extant Faviidae has been 32 published (except Lam & Morton 2003), making the most genera-rich family in the Scleractinia one of the most data-impoverished The ... supporting structures (Wells 1956) The taxon includes over 700 recorded zooxanthellate species, i.e those containing symbiotic dinoflagellates, and these form the basis of coral reefs along the...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2015, 12:47

152 368 0
Tài liệu Chronic Disease, Functional Status and Quality Of Life Among The Elderly In Singapore pdf

Tài liệu Chronic Disease, Functional Status and Quality Of Life Among The Elderly In Singapore pdf

... from the baseline survey of participants in the Singapore Longitudinal Ageing Studies (SLAS) Thesis: The present trend of functional disability is increasing It should be reversed by measures taken ... falls in the past six months Higher rates of chronic health conditions in older age groups 4.1% was hospitalized at least once in the year in seniors visited a doctor at least once in the year in ... of life In the face of impaired physical and mental functioning, perceived social handicap stands in the way of realizing quality of life Success in improving physical and social functioning and...

Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 06:20

29 552 0
State of the Elderly in Singapore 2008/2009 potx

State of the Elderly in Singapore 2008/2009 potx

... realistic in their preferences now Living “within close proximity” to their married children is defined as living together, next door, in the same block, in a nearby block, and in the same estate as their ... ultimately active ageing A Ageing in Place “Ageing in place” is a concept that has differing interpretations For some, it refers to the elderly being able to live in the community in their own homes ... of the Active Ageing Index 35 -3- Chapter Social Well-being This chapter is divided into two sections: Ageing in Place and Active Ageing Together, they provide a measure of the Singaporean...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 17:20

39 465 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Second-Order Contingent Derivative of the Perturbation Map in Multiobjective Optimization" doc

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Second-Order Contingent Derivative of the Perturbation Map in Multiobjective Optimization" doc

... stability in optimization see 1–16 Tanino obtained some results concerning sensitivity analysis in vector optimization by using the concept of contingent derivatives of set-valued maps introduced in ... concerning the behavior of the perturbation map Li 10 discussed the continuity of contingent derivatives for set-valued maps and also discussed the sensitivity, continuity, and closeness of the contingent ... between the second-order contingent derivative of a set-valued map and its profile map In Section 4, by the secondorder contingent derivative, we discuss the quantitative information on the behavior...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 05:20

13 396 0
goodwin and seow - 2002 -the influence of cg mechanisms on the quality of financial reporting and auditing in singapore

goodwin and seow - 2002 -the influence of cg mechanisms on the quality of financial reporting and auditing in singapore

... addresses the scarcity of research in this environment by exploring governance issues relating to the quality of financial reporting and auditing in Singapore In spite of its size, Singapore plays ... between the two groups There are a number of other limitations which should be borne in mind when interpreting the findings of the study Some of the non-significant results relating to the audit ... members should be independent (Cadbury, 1992) and they should have The SES was combined with the Singapore International Monetary Exchange in December 1999 and a new company, the Singapore Exchange...

Ngày tải lên: 06/01/2015, 19:49

29 456 0
Appendix examining the relationship between bicultural stress and psychological well being among korean adolescents in singapore a mixed methods study

Appendix examining the relationship between bicultural stress and psychological well being among korean adolescents in singapore a mixed methods study

... have felt that others not accept me because of my ethnic group Help parents in Singapore I have had to help my parents by explaining how to things in Singapore Can’t be like Singaporean kids ... traditional My friend think I act Singaporean My friends think I am acting ‘Singaporean’ Parents say I don’t respect elders My parents feel I not respect older people the way I should Uncomfortable ... trilingual I have felt pressure to become a trilingual Comments (Korean, English and Other language like Chinese) Comments Factor 194 Appendix F Content Validity Index (CVI) Immoderate interesting...

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 11:11

5 252 0
Examining the relationship between bicultural stress and psychological well being among korean adolescents in singapore a mixed methods study

Examining the relationship between bicultural stress and psychological well being among korean adolescents in singapore a mixed methods study

... learn the new language of the receiving country but also to maintain their mother language This is because speaking the language of their origin would be perceived as an indicator of maintaining their ... the Korean population in Singapore has increased noticeably in recent years According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea (2009), the size of the Korean community in Singapore ... similar findings in Japan: Korean students and their parents felt pressure to assimilate and difficulties in maintaining their Korean ethnic identity in the educational system, which resulted in the...

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 11:20

202 241 0
The biology and ecology of small tropical scorpaenoids inhabiting shallow coastal habitats in singapore

The biology and ecology of small tropical scorpaenoids inhabiting shallow coastal habitats in singapore

... species These are arranged in sequence following the shorelines of Singapore Island, beginning with Changi Point Beach (On the south-east), then southwards towards the southern island, then westwards, ... variability in the maps) in the FAO fish guide (e.g., Poss, 1999), there have been few recent updates on the distribution of these fishes in Southeast Asia and particularly in Singapore Records from the ... During the initial study period, up to 24 sites along the coastal shores of Singapore were sampled in determining permanent sampling locations for each of the specific studies in this thesis (elaborated...

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 18:55

232 471 0
Bank documentation   the standard terms governing current accounts in singapore the customers duty of care, the unauthorised debit and the allocation of risk

Bank documentation the standard terms governing current accounts in singapore the customers duty of care, the unauthorised debit and the allocation of risk

... and are prominent operators in the Singapore market; the latter two are headquartered in London but have a strong presence in Asia, including Singapore Their T&C are accessible via the Internet ... Overview of the Singapore Legal System Singapore has been an independent state since 1965 The Singapore Supreme Court consists of the High Court and the Court of Appeal The Court of Appeal is the highest ... highest court in the country since the abolition of rights of appeal to the Privy Council This was achieved in stages,20 culminating in the removal of all remaining rights of appeal in April 20...

Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 09:11

353 475 0
The genetic basis of type 2 diabetes in a multi ethnic population in singapore

The genetic basis of type 2 diabetes in a multi ethnic population in singapore

... illustrated (and indeed reflected by the studies in this thesis too) with the progression of studies examining a single polymorphism, to fine-mapping studies examining several polymorphisms within a gene, ... T2DM in the Malays has not been examined In this thesis, we begin by examining the impact of a family history of diabetes; to further assess the genetic basis of type diabetes, we next examine the ... countries, the prevalence rate of T2DM in Singapore (~9%) is comparable to those in the United States and Europe Singapore has a multi-ethnic population comprising mainly Chinese, Malays and Asian-Indians...

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 08:48

130 519 0
The impact of being tamil on religious life among tamil muslims in singapore

The impact of being tamil on religious life among tamil muslims in singapore

... by in- depth, usually unstructured interviews During my research, I conducted about forty in- depth interviews in Singapore and India using both English and Tamil Most of the interviews in Singapore ... Arumugam raises the question of how non-Hindu Indians relate to the Hindu majority among the Indians in Singapore, and whether linguistic differences have an impact on the practice of Hinduism.21 ... one linguistic group.28 It needs to be kept in mind that ‘Indian Muslim’ is at least since the 1990s the common term in use in the Singaporean public sphere Its prominence is hardly surprising,...

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 08:53

346 647 0
Mapping english linguistic capital  the case of filipino domestic workers in singapore

Mapping english linguistic capital the case of filipino domestic workers in singapore

... would mean, among other things, examining the mechanisms of and processes involved in the labor flows between the Philippines and Singapore, two Southeast Asian countries in contrasting stages of ... servitude for Filipino domestic workers; and (3) the Filipino domestic workers in Singapore in how they negotiate the everyday realities of their marginalized position in Singapore society This ... other terms used to refer to the FDW In Singapore, “Filipino maid” is commonly used The acronym “DH” (domestic helper) is widely used by Filipinos and the FDWs themselves In the Philippines, the...

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 12:20

270 501 0