cae use of english exercises with key

Chữa chi tiết sách CAE (Use of English) 1 test 1

Chữa chi tiết sách CAE (Use of English) 1 test 1

... Eg She was offered a job in Paris Câu 8 When it comes to= in terms of Câu 9: Carry st off: remove Eg Thieves broke the shop window and carried off jewellery worth thousands of pounds ... use of the phone to business calls +to keep sb closed in a place, often by force Eg The hostages had been confined for so long that they couldn’t cope with the outside wold Câu 18 Think of: ... Eg The winners were presented with medals + Confronted with a situation or problem Eg The team was presented with an unexpected opportunity to travel abroad Offer (v) : to ask sb if they

Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2024, 09:30

10 9 0
CAE use of english

CAE use of english


Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2016, 08:57

27 1,1K 0
use of english sample cae

use of english sample cae

... understand the (3) …… of this The tempo of music seems to be (4) …… related to its emotional impact, with fast music often (5) …… as happier and slower music as sadder It is the same with the major ... his jacket had been ……………… when he fell off his bicycle In some urban areas, tower blocks are being ……………… down to be replaced by rows of houses 41 The use of wind power is still controversial ... source of energy It soon became clear that what my neighbour really wanted was to ask me a……………… Because of their effect on the environment, large cars have fallen out of ……………… in some parts of

Ngày tải lên: 15/04/2017, 23:00

20 545 0
Use of English  Key word transformation Use of English  Key word transformation

Use of English Key word transformation Use of English Key word transformation

... USE OF ENGLISH - KEY WORD TRANSFORMATION KEYS EX 1) You might lose your passport, so make a note of the number case Make a note of your passport IN CASE YOU LOSE ... environmental laws accused The company HAS BEEN ACCUSED OF BREAKING several environmental laws EX 17 If we fail to look after the environment, it could end in disaster of If we not TAKE CARE OF the environment, ... couldn't EX 10 1) Sam lost his job because he was lazy Sam was SO LAZY THAT HE LOST HIS JOB _ 2) I couldn't buy the house because it was expensive The house was too EXPENSIVE FOR ME TO BUY

Ngày tải lên: 13/05/2017, 15:10

10 590 1
An overview of English conjunctions with exercises for the 12th grade students at Tran An Chiem high school

An overview of English conjunctions with exercises for the 12th grade students at Tran An Chiem high school

... (because, because of) I read a book _ I was waiting (during, while) 10 Her eyes shone _ stars (as if, like) KEYS: Although, Despite, Because, Like, While, during, as if because of while ... also be defined by the words used to create and separate the clauses There are three main methods of separating and defining the role of the clauses, based on the number of words and their position ... exercises Because of limited sources of reference books and materials, there are many parts of this type of issue has not been covered such as how to classify conjunctions into meaning, how to use them

Ngày tải lên: 17/07/2019, 14:27

21 42 0
Fundamentals of english grammar with answer key (third edition) part 2

Fundamentals of english grammar with answer key (third edition) part 2

... most slowly Map and most are used with adverbs that end in -ly.* ONE-SYLLABLE ADVHRBs fast hard faster harder the fastest the hardest The -ur and -mt forms are used with one-syllable adverbs well ... airplane , I Professor Sato speaks clearly, but I have trouble understanding Professor Larson's lectures Her lectures are much Sato's than Professor -*,,>A Bobby! How did you get all covered with mud? ... "A" is the oldest of all four sisters (e) A woman inTurkey claims to be the oldest person in the world (f) Ed is the most g s n m Nrson in his The superlative compares one part of a whole group

Ngày tải lên: 12/10/2022, 15:28

266 4 0
Ebook fundamentals of english grammar with answer key (third edition) part 2

Ebook fundamentals of english grammar with answer key (third edition) part 2

... most slowly Map and most are used with adverbs that end in -ly.* ONE-SYLLABLE ADVHRBs fast hard faster harder the fastest the hardest The -ur and -mt forms are used with one-syllable adverbs well ... airplane , I Professor Sato speaks clearly, but I have trouble understanding Professor Larson's lectures Her lectures are much Sato's than Professor -*,,>A Bobby! How did you get all covered with mud? ... "A" is the oldest of all four sisters (e) A woman inTurkey claims to be the oldest person in the world (f) Ed is the most g s n m Nrson in his The superlative compares one part of a whole group

Ngày tải lên: 01/03/2023, 14:54

20 2 0
Fundamentals of english grammar with answer key (third edition) part 1

Fundamentals of english grammar with answer key (third edition) part 1

... Longman English Success (englishsucnrsxom) offers online courses covering General English, Business English, and Exam Preparation FUNDAMENTALS OF NGL GRAMMAR Third Edition with Answer Key Betty ... intermediate students of English as a second or foreign language It combines clear and understandable grammar information with a variety of exercises and activities FundammtaLF of English Gmmmar is ... be 407 Noun clauses that begin with ifor whether 409 14-5 Noun clauses that begin with that 414 14-6 Other uses of that-clauses

Ngày tải lên: 27/08/2023, 20:38

259 4 0
A study on the use of shadowing exercises to teach ronunciation for elementary vietnamese adult learners of english

A study on the use of shadowing exercises to teach ronunciation for elementary vietnamese adult learners of english

... Spoken English and principles of teaching spoken English 2.1.1 Definition and characteristics of spoken English 2.1.2 Principles of teaching spoken English 2.1.3 Views of English ... LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS CEFR : Common European Framework of Reference for Language English English as a Foreign Language EFL : English as a Foreign Language EFL : English as a Lingua Franca EIL : English ... Second, after three months of shadowing practice, learners could speak with a more intelligible pronunciation as well as be more aware of the production of all key elements of English pronunciation

Ngày tải lên: 30/08/2023, 18:07

118 1 0
Use Of English 2 key

Use Of English 2 key

... 9 at 13 to 17 with 21 of 25 on 2 about 6 with 10 of 14 on 18 for 22 to, about 3 on 7 about 11 of 15 to 19 with 23 to 4 for 8 of 12 with 16 to 20 of 24 of 49 2 broke down so we 8 children ... 8 out 11 up 14 off 3 into 6 out 9 out for 12 into 15 down with 4 by 7 down to 10 off 13 up with 16 round Trang 16 FCE Use of English 2 for the Revised Cambridge Examination Key 64 2 at 7 in ... to 4 to 9 of 14 at 19 of 24 with 5 for 10 with 15 in/on 20 to 25 about 6 with 11 for 16 with 21.on 26 of 88 2 the most exciting story 8 see to this matter 3 to get along/on with 9

Ngày tải lên: 09/07/2015, 13:01

79 4,4K 3
total english workbook with key upper intermediate phần 3 doc

total english workbook with key upper intermediate phần 3 doc

... would bujld 4 d li(eto swim more often but ldon't live near d pool join a choir but can t srng. 0fficer: OFficer: Officer: Officer: Of{ lcer: Officer: Officer: ldon't want to be Late ... conccrncd/ and they irequently come from natrons with a feputatiof fof successful rddp. rd .hotl^.prr6 t- \"^ \ort d rd. o, Angeles il is oftef Koreans and Chinese who run these stores ... tyres (nJ 11 the opposite ofsmooth (ddl) 4 perfectfor a wedding dress (r) Down 5 I have never understood the finarcialbasis of international trade. I The ql!g!! ofthe River Nile is n Uganda.

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 08:21

10 976 0
total english workbook with key upper intermediate phần 5 pot

total english workbook with key upper intermediate phần 5 pot

... Find the mistakes and cofrect them. 1 | didn't So with a groupj lwent as an independence 2 Experiencing culture shocked can be ofe ofthe most difflcult pads of livlng rn a foreign ... televisjon. (use) 7 How ofter did you get the bus to school? (would) I _ 've become accustomed to staying trp Late. Got) It was easy to become Familiar with the new computer. (used) ... are often overcrowde4 poorty maintained and full of O rour opentors (a) - that otrerins a Mercedes, Audi or BMW capable of 240 kilometes per hou to holidalmakers is the besi way of

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 08:21

10 846 0
total english workbook with key upper intermediate phần 6 pdf

total english workbook with key upper intermediate phần 6 pdf

... something to offer eleryone! Colege Sports Centre \ghy not nlprove your health with (8)_ exercise? llivcrside has an extensive range of sporis faciliti€s Wc have srate of the a.t excrcise ... lot of mon€y (dd, state an opin on that oth€rs might disagree with (y) competitor (r) _ copy s0meofe's exampLe effect/ mpression/influence (r) _ best/h gh€st quality examples ofworks ... biggest animal 7 birds couldn't fly without them 8 toenails lor a horse 9 lots of people are afraid of this insect 12 it's at the bac( of a horse ordog Pronunciation 5 @ Look

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 08:21

10 819 0
total english workbook with key upper intermediate phần 7 pot

total english workbook with key upper intermediate phần 7 pot

... Yelol,{/stone Natofa Park Ha! ng joined the moloMay he setthe cruse contfo al tjs mph and decded to step into the back 0f lhe motof home to make himself a cup of coff€e With n secofds the rnotor ... GCSES al Llrc age of fifteen or sr-teen, bxt Sharma is one ofa glowing number ofpupils siiting exams extmodindfily cady. Ths year, he is oDc of ar en&e class of nine childrcn lonl ... the inside Because lhe a,i ;_- werc of vacation he was trapped n in: gafage fof another eight days Durng iir s tirne he iived on lhe sLrpply of dog food af.c sorne cans of Pepsr whjch the

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 08:21

10 857 1
total english workbook with key upper intermediate phần 8 potx

total english workbook with key upper intermediate phần 8 potx

... the majority of lawyers work A in court. B for cr;minals. C in offices. 4 Divorce is pan of A civil law B criminal law C court. 5 EmiLy thinks the most impoftant quality of a barri5ter ... rnoney_beenstolen bya nremberof stafl because non€ of the doors or locl(s was broken 2 t _ been either iMr Briggs, leff fer or Darren becaus€ they are the only ones with keys to the safe. 3 ... been a srnok€r b€cause there was a cigarette end on the floor. 4 t - been I\4r Briggs because h€ was at home with his w fe allnight 5 lennrfer stolen the r.ofey because she can't

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 08:21

10 484 0
total english workbook with key upper intermediate phần 9 pps

total english workbook with key upper intermediate phần 9 pps

... to beon top ofsoh€body 5lo.atonwork Grammax: used to /g'et l.].aed. to lwoulil 2 1 ut€d to 2 wouLd/d / used to 3 wouLd /'dl used to 4 didn t use to 5 seft nsused to 6 ... 0na arger scae the technique of indoctrndton can be employed Throu!h the use of educaton and propaganda orcraors and governmenis througholt hislory hale convinced people of th ngs wh ... usedtoerport.arstoAsia 5 Drd he gei used torhe software ratrLy quickLy? 6 when lwas youns didn r use ro wakh nuch teLevislon 7 Fowoft€nwouLdyou gettheburio3.hooL? I 'v€ sotused to stalins !p

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 08:21

10 709 0
use of epoxy compounds with concrete

use of epoxy compounds with concrete

... directions, be- cause of requirements for solution of coating, patching and resurfacing problems. 2.4 Present status of epoxies 2.4.1 Epoxies are presently used with concrete in the form of coatings, ... wide range of epoxies which can be used as adhesives on, in, or with concrete limits the detail which can be given herein. The result is an often brief coverage of any particular topic with constant ... constant referral of the user to the formulator for details of application and performance. Nevertheless, those problems which are generally encountered in the use of epoxies with concrete are

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2014, 17:26

28 313 0
thi FCE, Use of English

thi FCE, Use of English

... annoying complaints". CE Use of English (Exit) Part Two: Open Cloze For Questions 1-12, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space. ... these developments in the use of factory farming and drug (6) have led to a widespread TREAT feeling that animals are being caused a lot of distress and that the quality of the food itself suffers ... these developments in the use of factory farming and drug (6) have led to a widespread TREAT feeling that animals are being caused a lot of distress and that the quality of the food itself suffers

Ngày tải lên: 17/05/2015, 21:59

12 640 4

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