but his clothes b Complete the sentences using the prompts in brackets and infornation from the text. Grammar I otthough lbut lhowevel nevertheless 5 comptete the sentences using a linking word from the box. ljse each linking word once onty. Lizzie has a lot of money. 5he lives in a small flat. Allhough Lizzie hos o lot ol money, she Iives in a even though however nevertheless but although 1 | love vegetables _ | hate fruit. 2 Your bank account is in credit. _, we are unable to authorise the Loaf, f -there was a lotof rain, a lot of the ptants died. 4 We spent two hours atthe museum, _, we Forgot to look at the impressionlst paintings. 5 He's going ba[d, he's only nineteer. Each sentence has a mistake with punctuation and/or word order. Rewrite the sentences coriectly. 1 The children we mei were healthy. But, very badly educated. l've been to New York although, I've never seen ihe Statu€ ofLibeny. (dressed/soaking wei) 2 Although he the missing man (speak/pLay piano) 3 ne was How€ver, the (suit/labels) He had no he . Nevertheless, (rrjuries/conlused) 6 lle may However, the he (words/plctures) [illegalimm]g ant/ musician) c Find the following words and phrases in the text/extracts and match them with the meanings a-i. r appealed ! z warderirg ! 3 disor;ented n a chapel ! 5 non-stop n 5 Though he can't d g h I hdl td/ Itl 6 dubbed n Z virtuoso n s amnesia ! 9 traLrmatic n rc con artist n a gave someone a special name b s0rne0ne who makes money from tricking an illness in which you lose your mernory asked for asststance extremely stressfuL confused about where you are/what you are d0rng walking around without a purpose showing the hrghest levelofsl(illand talent a room for religious ceremontes Yourvisa has expired, nevertheless, We are p.epared to allow you to stay for a iunher three months- I hearAustria is great Forskiing holidays thoLrgh. I've never been there myselI Pronunciation @ How do we pronounce the -ed endings of the following ad,ectives? Tick (/) the correct column. Then listen and check. I ve lived Fven .ho-gh in -o don o, four ]ears I stillget Lost on the underground system. 5 My grandparents were poor, but, happy. Although we enjoy long walks We do fird them quite tiring. Pets are not usually permitted ir the hotel however. In this case !./e can make an exception. Vocabulary 1 Choose the co(ect words to comptete the text. 1 As he gets older, he\ geLting mole and more It's so sad. A 'o.gelablF B b-g"l'Ll ( 'o'gel ng 2 get really_when llookatthese old photos. A nostalgic B remembering C nostalgia 3 - me, whatwas the name oFyourflrst boyfriend? A Remember B Remind C Reminisce 4 Do you when we used to go to the beach? A remind B memory c rernember 5 IVly grandparents love to about the old days. A reminisce B nostalgic C remind 6 The fantastic atmosphere made the trip really A mernory B memorable c nostalgia used tol get used. tolwould 2 Rewrite the sentences using ihe words in brackets. He doesn't swim in the sea any more. (used) He used to swim in the sea, 1 Are you becoming accustomed to life in the big city? Gettins) SaUy didn't have any lriends when she was a child. (use) went to the library every rnorning when was a student. (would) The company doesn't export cars to Asia any longer (used ) Did he become farniliar with the 50ftware fairly quickly? (get) 6 When I was young I didn't watch much televisjon. (use) 7 How ofter did you get the bus to school? (would) I _ 've become accustomed to staying trp Late. Got) It was easy to become Familiar with the new computer. (used) David _ (repair) his computer after he had spoken to the technician. When lwas a young child - (play) football for hours without getting dred. The children (not come) on holiday with us next summer, l\4y husband is really (cook) but he's hopeLess at cleaning. (you/find) their website on the Internet yesterday? By the end ofthe courseyou (type) thLrty words a minute. 3 Vocabulary Replace the words in brackets with a suitable word to complete the sentenceS. 1 Derek is (he doesn't have a beard) and has dark blond hair z Mrs Arkwright is ejghty-five and her fuce is covered in (Lines) 3 When he was young iason had a full head ofhair but now 'm afraid he's _ Got no hair on his head). 4 Although her parents have straight hair, lo's hair is rather (shaped like the Letter'S'). My brother started doing bodybuilding a few years ago and now he's very _ (has Lots of muscles). Even when he wears suits Henry manages to look quite - (untidy). Everyone in my family has - (lighi brown) hair. To be successfulin Hollywood you usually have to be - (handsome or pretty). I thought Daniela's hair was naturally blonde but in fact it's (artiflcialLy coloured). She has a smaLl_ (shaped like the letter'O') face and thick dark hair. Expresshrg ability Complete the sentences using expressions olability and the verbs in brackets, Jane (not eat or drink) for two hours afterthe operation, )ane won't be able to eat ot dtink lot lwo hours after the operation. 10 Pepe lives rf a big house now (didn't) 5 Vocabulary ljse the clues to complete the crosswoTd with adjectives. Across 2 when youte not sure you beLiev€ that something is true 5 the opposite of pessimlsti. 6 when something you were wofiied about turns out to be 0K 7 when you want to fird out what's happening and why 9 the way children feel before a holiday or birthday 10 slightly worried, not relaxed Down 1 the oppos te of/rferesred 2 when you think sonrebody is hiding something bad 3 not certain, not sur€, not clear 4 angry 8 wher you see or hear sonrething you weren t expecting or prepared for 6 Choose the bes{ way to corlinue ea.f se-tence. 1 Although she had llown many t mes, A Lucy flew quite often. B Lucy was stiLlscared of flying. 2 You failed to pass the entrance test, A Nevertheless, we are prepared to offer you a place on the course. B Even though we are prepared to offer you a place of the course, 3 | wanted to buy a new Laptop A but all the modeLs I looked at were too expenstve. B -ev"rt'elecs d Lhe nodF.s !\,"-e too ".p" ive. 4 The shop wouldn't give us a refund, A ahhoLgL treV dio L agrFe ro o"v'or rFpairc. B aLtiougl- lrev did deree ro pdv tor repairs. 5 Even though I iound hrm boring, A ltried to make conversation with h m. B L d dn'i bother to make conversaiion with him. Buylng ilrst class tickets was more expensive. A How€ver, w€ thought it was worth it. B But we thought it was wofih it Teresa decided to go to work, A however she had a headache B even though she had a headache We realis€ that the parceL was rn good condition when you sent lt A Nevertheless, it was damaged when rt arrived B Even though it was darnag€d when rt arrived Vocabulary Six ofthe sentences contain mistakes. Find rne mistakes and correct them. 1 A|son can be very irritating; she's a real pain of th€ 2 lo€ may be a bit boring but h s heart is in the right position I Lp doec.l L find :f Fd<,v to na?e .p.ros: . td, I, he,5 rather a cold fish 4 Karen often says things that hurt people but she doesn't care - she's as hard as a nail. 5 lvlike rs such a loow,everythrng; he always th nks he knows the answ€r to every question. 6 When lwas young lwas a bitola loner; didn't have many friends. 7 l\,ly colleague's not very ambitious and she certainLy isr't a high-ftying. 8 Kurt can be sllch an awl(ward custom, he,s always creating problems for us although I but / however I lrevertheless Reading a, Read the newspaper article quickty and choose the best titte. 1 Chinese IVlotorways 2 Speed Tourists 3 Europe's New Destination b Read the text again. Write the questions for these answers. 3 speed lo the castlcs of Scotland, Exrope has somelhing for every kind of hokdaymaker to enjoy. Now travel agents (2) - a new ard rather mexp€cted attraction lo the list - the German motorsay sysr€m. Ior the last tfuee years Favel companies (3) - Chinese rourists to Germany to experience the thill of &ivtug on iLs ' 'a{toba}ns'- Thrs year more tbm 120000 are expected to @ wrrat ;s it auout GemaDy's autobahns that tempts tounsts to travel fiom hal$ ay across the world? The answer is sinple - speed More than 8000 kilomehes of German motomays bave tro speed limit - somethrng which is virtually unique in the modem world lcw Europeans realise that G€.many's superb roads have an alnost m),thcal reputation in Asia, where hghways are often overcrowde4 poorty maintained and full of O rour opentors (a) - that otrerins a Mercedes, Audi or BMW capable of 240 kilometes per hou to holidalmakers is the besi way of bringing in much- needed foreign exchange. 4 8ooo 5 Mercedes, Audior BMW Fo. the lL< ftw Y€zrs the chines€ €ffnoEy (s) - rapidly and as a rcsult &erE are pledy of Chinese tmve ers wealthy enough to afiod the €3000 chfiged for a six-day 'autobahlou'. The prices they are chaqing may se€m hjgh, but the 'sPe€d toudsts' clam that rhe thrill of driving at speeds which would almost certa$ly lead to prison sertences back ar home far ouhveighs the @ But tbis new folln of tounsn (6) - so popular wlth the locals Geman road safeb, $oups (7) - negatively to the a ival of the Chmese speed tourisrs Figues Pubiished bY the World Healtb Organisation showthatmore tban 600 PeoPle die on Chinat roads every daY Even rating into cotrsideratron the huge populaiion of China, this rs shl1 a horifying statistic But the Chinese dnven are undeterre4 Pohijng ort that smce they fist slarted coming tbree years ago there (8) - no na:or accltents nvolv jng speed tourists c Find these words or phrases in the rext. 1 tWO more nouns that mean rourisfs 5 24o 8 600 2 three more nouns that mean rodd5 another expresslon that means frcvel 4 ar adverb that m€ans difiosl an adjective that means /ike sonething flon a story or Legend an "ed adiectiv€ that means the opposile of put aff/discouraged Gfamfnaf I present perfect simple and Continuou5 2 Complete the newspaper article in Ex. 1 ustng Present Perlect Simple or Continuous forms ofthe verbs in the box. You may need to use negative or passive forms. add be bring discover expand flock ptove react Write responses using the prompts and appropriate forms of the Present Perfect Simpte or Continuous. Add any otherwords that are necesSaty. Why ore you so red? l/lie/sun/atlmorning I.ve been lying in the sun oll morning. 1 Can we go back to the car now? no/l/not pay/shopping/yet Vocabulary I adjectives wirh -edl-n s endings 4 Complete the summaries usingsuitable dor -rr9 adjectives from the tist on page 8/ oflh€ Students'Book. 1 Miranda: Dafiel's behaviour made mevery angry lvliranda Feels Daniel's behaviour was Why are the children soaking wet? they/swim/the lake Have you tried that new French restaurant yet? lMichael looks tanned. yes/he/just/€ome back/f,,liami Beach Why aren't you having any pudding? l/follow/strict d iet/forllast two months Shalll feed the cats? no/l/already/do/it ls Maria siillworkihg on that report? yes/she/type/lunchtime You're a good teacher and you seem very expenence0, yes/teach/karate/more than/ten years You look exhausted. l/wash/the fl oors/all afternoon 10 Do you stil[ go to the tennis club? no/l/not be/member/2oo4 David: After listeningto her speech, I decided to become a doctor. Het speech was _, David lelt_ by the speech. Mary: lthought the exhibiiion was incredibly interesting. The exhibition was _. IVlary was _ bythe exhibition. jos6: That was the scariest film I've everseen. l've never been so scaredl Jos6 was _ by the film. The film was_. Eloise: I knowthe iob is quite difficult, butthar hasn't put me offdoing it. Eloise doesn't think the job is She isn't _ by ihe job. Writing 5 You are about to finish a three-month holiday in Kenya. As part ofthe holidayyou have been helping a charity project which teaches Engtish to young chitdren. Complete this emaiI to your friend Sara. Fotlowthis paragraph plan and took at page 162 ofthe Students' Book to hetp Paragraph 1 where you are/why you are there/how you leel about it Paragraph 2 what you do in the morning/in the afternoon/in yourfree time Paragraph 3 howyou Feel abouttheexperience/howfeelabout frnishing and coming home b Read the web page again and decide ifthe statements are true (T) or fatse (F). 1 The ce Hotel isnl ihe sort of building people expect to find in a northern country. n 2 PeopLe in Jukkasjaryi don't speak Swedish n I t takes two days to build the hotel n 4 The hotetis mainly buiLt ofice n 5 A French artrst built the firsi lce Hotel n 6 Guests sometimes worry aboLrt the cold temperatures n 7 Guests can waich fllms. n 8 Visitors can hunt reindeer ln the daytime n c We often use particularadverb and adjective combinations, e.g. heaylly insuloted (patagtaph i. Find five more examples of this type of collocation in the text. l * unusuar Desrnauons - numper zz re s:rrlger t-3n ihe lce HLle il S\'rele_. ,ah:. h t Z Vffiffii : visileo oy a n'osr 3/000 peop e eac wntelBJrl - f I !!ltt IMW*h :lllii,llJf?l;i,,Xllii:;ii:.i$:n$;;11,", &*1,|:"#!l,,W,iLlL buildings we normally associate wih northern counhjes. Ralher than ifsulaie itself from the co d (t fte story of ihe ce Hote beqan in the winter of subzero environmeni all arolrnd ii, the hotel 1989-90. There was an exhibition of ice art in the embraces the wintry surfoundings and makes ocalvilage and a cylinder-shaped igloo made of ice them nto part of its atiractlof was built for an exhibition by Frcnch artist Janoot Derid Some ol the visitors decided to sleeD of I re ndeer sk ns in ihe igloo and found il a surprisingly : 9 The lce Hotel is situated jn lh€ small viiage of relaxing anclstimulaiina environment yngve : Jukkasjarv, nell to the river Tornealven. Beruqvist, the ownef ofthe smalltoca inn, reatised Jukkasiarvr ljes 200 kilometres north of theArctic thaioiheE mightwani io share thrs ul|rque experence Circle in Saamiland (formerly known as Lapland), and ihe conc€;t oiihe Jce Hotelwas trorn the most northefly part of Sweden. Before the the]oca|peopespeaksaami,notsWedish,andaboUtstayinginap|acewheretheoUtside there is ro industry or pollution lemperature in winter is often minus forty degrees CFrlig'aoe B .t of cour)e ocal peop " rrve been ai\ - lr' ng in r_is e1v'onre't b- rl o.\dnds o'yedts. \l/ Ine lce Fotel rs not a permanert building but is and cond t ons inside the ce Hotelarc reasonably rebu lt each wifier Construction of the 5000 . conrfortable The temperaturc is usua ry arouno square meke building starts jn late October when m nus fouf degrees, and guesis are prov ded wth affiva/ of the lce Holel there werc a most no tourists rn this spafsely populated region, wherc (') Visitors io the lce Hotel are sometimes nervous speclz snow cannons shoot tons of snow onto steer secrions Aner rwo days rhe sreer seciions are ;:il',|[fl,iff *::llHJlT;:iilili:t',''j:,, removed leaving so id snow arches live or six metres wide Ovef the fo towing weeks the section< rn the elen ngs the hotel inc udes an 'ice cinema' arc reused to make moTe arches Huge ice blocks and a wel stoc[ed ice bal During the day the are carved trorn the lrozen river to make wal s and hotel company orgal ses spods actjvities such as p I ars About 30000 tons of snow and 4000 tons wnlte 'tatel lafting' dogsledding and fishing and of ce are used to build the hoie therc are tours ol local vil/ages and ,safaris,to observe reindeer in their natural habitat. Reading a, Read the web page quickly and match the headings A-G with the paragraphs l-5, Two headings are not needed. A Facilities n B Reseruations ! c Location n D Lapland n L nrsrory L l F The ce Hot€l n c constfuction n |,' i File Edit View History Bookhark :lr6lpi' : , : , :; X Vocabulary I weatner 2 Use the ctues to complete the crossword. 1 very hot 5 Light rain 6 no clouds 9 rain lrom time to iime 11 ltol warm 0rvety coLd Down 2 grey sky 3 never the sarne 4 a light wind 7 adjective frorn clue 4 E quite coLd 10 move ltquid Grammar I questions 3 Match the questions and answers. Then complele rhe questions w:tf'one word. 1 nave you_a holiday this yearl Put the words in the co ect order to make questions. get when a refund me can you tetl I'lt Con you tell ne when l'll get a rcfund? 1 to was who ialking she 4 2 ilmy do knowyou this seat is 3 much costs it can tellyou me how 4 they car where the did take 5 asktothe open coLlld lyou window 6 the how you computer do t!rn off 7 correct are the answers these I been how you here long have working 5 Rewrite the direct questions as indirect questions. Staft wiih the words given. Where are you from? (an you tell ne where you are ftom? Brighton? 1 What's your emaiL address? Can you ? 2 Does Grdham Randalllive here? Could I 3 ls this the correct platform forthe tlain to Do you Where _ you go? Wher _you go? or0 you get _you go 0n your - went wrth you? How _ did you go for? What_it like? _ it expensrve? _ you goifg to go aga n? Dubai. b Faftasticr c fhree weeks d Yes, probably. e To Thailand f Yes, it was s No, I didn't. h Yes, I have. i lMy boyffiend. j LastJanuary- s the doctor available now? Can Which seats in the ld like to plane have the most legroom? 3 5 7 a 9 Where exactly does she live? Can yoLr explain How much do the tickets cost? Do you Who is in charge? Would you tell Listening a, @ coverthe tapescript. Listen to five peopletalkingto a researchet Match them to the statements A-E. A used to live abroad n B has seen TV programmes about emigrants n C definitely isn't interested in Livingabroad ! D is planningto live abroad at some point n E would like to live abroad but hasn't got an, deRnite plans n b Listen again and match these descriptions to the people. 1 is a university studert n 2 had problems with traveldocuments ! : isinahurry n 4 is woried about beins identified n 5 has family responsibilit;es f] c Now read the tapescript. Find words and phrases that mean: 1 thought about (r) 2 make someone leave their home (v) 3 interested in/lascinatedby (-ed adj+ prep) 5 depressing (odl) givingyou a feeLingyou want to do something I'in9 odj) this is my true Feeling/opirion (phrase) 7 8 clearly (odv) chances (n) TAPESCRIPT R: R: R: Have you evercofsid€red nrov ngto a foreign W Not reatly. Im quite happywith my life as it islAnd Ive got four kids, so ii would be a bit difficult to uproot them from their schools and things, wouldn't it? Excuseme- Can askyou somequestions about livins abroad? HelLo. l'm doingsome research on emigration- Can I lalk to you for a minuie? ll: Oh. ll il < quir k. l n d billa F "oran appoir - ent. Rr Tharks. Er Have you everthoughtabout rnoving l\l: Yes.I'm qu ie intrigued bythe idea oflivlrg R: Anyparticularreason? M: Theweather, lsuppose.lt'sso grim here in the 50 you'd preter somewhere hotter? : Probably. But I'm not reallysure where. Excuse me. can laskyou some questions about living In a foreisn country? R: 1 R: M: Alright. You don't need my name orarything, do you? R: No, nothrng like that I'd jusl trkeio askyou howyou feelabout the idea ofmovinsabroad lvl: Oh, yes.I've seen thoseTV programrnes about people moving toAustralia lt always looks iempting. R: Have you ever considered doing ityourselP lvl: rMy plP Iv" not pa ly .horgh. aboLr i Lo bp holec . Rr Excuse me. Hello. Could ljusttake a few ninutes of your time?'m doingsome research or people emigrating for my colLege course. W: Really? | lived in Canada fora year wher lwas Rr oh. But obviously you came back W: well, I had this canadran boyfrrend But t didnt realLy woft out. And rtwas really difficult getnng the ght visas and things . 5 R: Hi. Would you mind answeringa few questions? lt'll only take a minute or two. M: 0fcourse. No prcblem. R: Have you everconsidered emrgrat ng? M: I certainly have. 'd love to do it. M: WeLl, the job opportuFities, really. I'nr in the middle or,rn erg neairg de8 eF dnd w'rer l11.h I11 goilg to apply forlobs n ihe ['liddte East There are loads olwell-paid ensineerins posts over there tr VOCabUlafy I verb phrases about moving/travelling Match the sentence halves. 1 l've atways dreamed about E 2 See you later I'm n 3 Make sure you've got your passpoft and tickets before n 4 We hate the cold weather here so wele going n 5 Now that l'm eighteen I think it's time ! 6 She went to creece and n 7 His girlfriend didn'teven botherto go to the station n 8 We dor't have enough bedrooms so we need ! b d c Gfammaf I comparative & superlative adjectives and adverbs 3 Comptete the newspaper article using appropriate aoflparative or superlative forms ofthe words in brackets. Add any words that are necessary. There is one mistake in each sentence. Find the mislakes and correct them. 1 lthinkleremy's gotthe mosi heavy bag. 2 Th;s exercise ;s bit more diffirxh than the last one, 3 He was bad hurt ln the accident- 4 I'rn sorry | arrived so lately; I missed the bus- 5 The Mayback is most expensive car BIVIW has ever made. 6 They say Seville is always hoter than Madrid. 7 Thjs novel isn't as interesting than his previous one. 8 Mobile phones are quite lot cheaperthan they used to be. 9 Antonlo lives more far from the schoolthan ldo. 10 l'm not as taller as my sister, 11 5he speaks ltal;an very good. 12 That was the rnost bad DVD l've to emigrate, to move house, to see him ofl the beaches. setting oFf. living abroad. to leave home. Pronunciation 5 a @ Are the underlined sounds in each sentence thesame [S) or different (D)? Listen and check. 1 Life at university is hardCr thqn at home, but it isn't as hard as at school. ! 2 He's isn'tAs lAt as his f4ther. n b GEl Mark the underlined Sounds in the sentences the same (S) or diFferent (D). Then tisten and cnecK. 1 This hat isn't4s expensive as that plate. n 2 lworked hardgrthan my brothgr. ! j Thette notAs cqrtain as they need to be. n 4 The fiidge was more expensive than the cooker. n 5 ls it as expersive as the morning clqss? n I With the latest technological developments, new rollercoaster ndes The Ultimate Thrill are much (1)- (excitind ever before. But thrill seekeA looking fur the ultimate rollercoaster ride are now torn between two monstef rrdes on opposrte sides ofthe world (2) (bi9 is Steel DEgon 2000 in Nagashima Spaland, a theme park in Japan, about 200 mrles west of Tol9o. The ride is over one and a half miles long, lasts four mlnutes and rncludes a 68 degree drop. At times riders rcach speeds (3)_ (great) 95 nriles per hour. Costrng $55 million, the dde is also (4) (expensive)ever built. Steel Dragon 2000's arch fival is the brand new Kingda Ka ride al Six Flags Great Adventure Par( ne Philadelphia, USA. lt (5) lnot long) as itsjapanese competitor, but what it lacks in size it makes-up for in speed and height With riders traveTling ar up to 128 miles per hour (206 kilomeires per hour) it is by far (6) (fast) rollercoaster rJde on eafth. lt is also (7) (talD, with a maximum height of 456 feet {139 merres) But at less than one minute, the ride is much (8) (short) the fouFminute expeflence oi SteeL Dmgon 2000 Vocabulary I There is one mistake in each sentence. Find the mistakes and cofrect them. 1 | didn't So with a groupj lwent as an independence 2 Experiencing culture shocked can be ofe ofthe most difflcult pads of livlng rn a foreign country. 3 Do you ma(e itchy leetor are you happyto stay in your home iown? 4 /\4y sister has always loved traveLling slre was bitten by the lourney bug as a teenager. 5 I Love th€ unknowni I ador€ going throlgh uncharted territory 6 We never go on organised tours, we prefer to wonoeT alound on out own, Present Perfect Simple and Continuous 2 CompLete the text aboui Eono usirg Pasi SimpLe, Present Perfeci or Pteseni PerfecL Continuous forms oithe verbs ln brackeis. T)^ ^ D(JNU 1t7 1be; a rocl,.rar' lirr lh" 'a.r 15 \car. Bflr _elen.h he {2) lbecorne) lamou, fi,r someihing compl€tely dillercnt - his rvork for .har:t\r sirce 2ooil Bono r3l r'"aJ) tl', fieht against por'er-ty in Africa, trying to get more pcoplc to understand that continent's terrible problems of l'amine and disease. For several years nolv he (,1) (appear) regularly on TV shows and at international cvcnts, attcnptilrg to get the $orld's meJia to Da\ allrntion to thi' i.sue. He /;) (have) meetjngs $,ith many rl'olld leaders and in 2oo5 he (6) (help) orgaDise the l,ive6 conccrts in London ald around thc world. Bono lives in Dublin but spends mucL of his time travelling with hi. group. t z. Bono b,.li, r, s lrir pori,ion a. an iDternationdl c.'lcb ty (;)- (give) him a unique oppodunity to inlluemce young people. He (s) (r isit) \l',,a.ereral tirnesanJ rhc.,.c\f, ricncc\ fJ) (clearlv rlluence) hi' r,oliLical r ieu '. Tn luo3 Bono llo\ trcet) Nclsol -Valtrlela in t.aoc Toun antl irr.lLl\ 2oo ,Le III) fsoeaLl to torld leaders at the GE Conf-ercncc in Scotland, hclping to inlluence their decisions on rcducing Afiica's debt. Crjtics sonretimes say that Bono (I2) - (only do) this fbr the last fen l,cars to compensate for his group's dec.liling popularity. But rlith their latcst CD ligh in the charts, this can hardly bc the case. Vocabulary 3 Use the clues to complete the crossword. 3 lt's a siory, iulloftwists ard turns that L(eep you hooked. I can't stand cabbage soup, lthink rr-5 Babies are often by brightly coloured objects. That new horror film was absolutely t's very when people push n front ol you at the supermarket A lot of peopte wouLd feel by running a marathon but ltake it in Down 1 I'm a bii about J\4iriam. ls ihere sornething wrong with her? 2 She found the task but she managed to achieve it in the end 5 You shouldn't have toLd the children that scary story, ihey were 6 P;casso was by Aftlcan tribal art. Match the words 1-8 with their opposrres a n. a grey b seitled I pour g scorcntng h overcast 3 Dr gnr 4 dt zzle 5 cool 6 chilly 7 bteezy 8 chargeabLe . phrases in the text/extracts and match them with the meanings a-i. r appealed ! z warderirg ! 3 disor;ented n a chapel ! 5 non-stop n 5 Though he can't d g h I hdl td/ Itl 6. house now (didn't) 5 Vocabulary ljse the clues to complete the crosswoTd with adjectives. Across 2 when youte not sure you beLiev€ that something is true 5 the opposite of pessimlsti. 6. did deree ro pdv tor repairs. 5 Even though I iound hrm boring, A ltried to make conversation with h m. B L d dn'i bother to make conversaiion with him. Buylng ilrst class tickets