w twl Listening 5 a @ Cover the tapescript. Listen to a radio programme and choose the best answers. 1 The radio programme is probably designed for A lawyers B sixteer- to eighteen-yeaaolds C young children. 2 How many guests will there be on the programme? A none B one c morethanone 3 Emily says the majority of lawyers work A in court. B for cr;minals. C in offices. 4 Divorce is pan of A civil law B criminal law C court. 5 EmiLy thinks the most impoftant quality of a barri5ter is A self-conflderce. B communicatior. C a good memory. b Listen again and complete the sentences. 1 There's a Factsheet that you can from the website. 2 Emily wlll help listeners the mysteries oIthe legal profession. 3 Barristers present a case for the prosecution or 4 Only a small of lawyers work in court in England. 5 What qualltres do you thjnk a good bafiister needs? 6 You ve qot ro _youk on,w\a.youie oorng. c Comptete the sentences with words and phrases from Ex. 5b. 1 lam writingthis Letter_the board of directors, 2 You're very tanned, You you've been SOmewnere sunfy. 3 I'm goingto_sorne MPj songs from the Internet, 4 This isn't the _ behaviour I expect from someone like you. 5 Can you heLp me these cables, they are alljumbled up. 6 You should try to have a large _ of vegetables ir your diet. TAPESCRIPT Voice: lt3 ihree otlock and time for tbis ueeks edi on of lab spotlight with Zack Desnond. Zack: HeLlo everyone and wel.ome once againio /obSpotl&hf In today's prosrammerve ll be looking at job opportunities in the legal professiof Frcm your leiters and emails I know this is a careerthat a lot ofyou are considerirg, so we ve also put togethera factsheet which you can dowfload fiom our website Now, as usualwe have several guests here to help us urlavelsome ofthe mysteries ofthis particular profession l\4, first guest in the studio today is top lawyer EnriLyWaterstofe. Emily: Zack: Emily: Zack: HelLo. Welcome to the prcgramme, Emrly. Now, you're a barlster, aren't you? Yes, a crrmInalbar ste. Caf you telLus exactlywhat a barrister Emity: lLdo my best.Actually,I think most people are familiarwith baffstels from TVand flms Wete the people who stana up in couftand presertthe caseforthe prosecution or on behaltof the accused, thatt the peEon accused ota cime Zackr Don't alllawyers do that? Emily: Not really. In Ensland only a small propotion oflawyers work ir court.I4osr lawyerswork in offices helpirgpeople buy houses, make theirwills, gei divorces -that kind ofthirg- Zack You said you were a crimi'ral barister. Does that mean you work for crirninals? Emily: No, ro e<a y. lt n ear5 | wo l i- imi '1. Lawmtherthan civillaw Zatk: So, whai's the difference? Emity, Well, cimrnallaw is to do with acrual crimes murder, arson, robbery ard so on Civlllaw isn't about cr mes at all; it\ _hF law lhal go\ern5 tli18s ike ro1 o .: inherltance, business, th ngs lk€ that. zach So, you wouldn't be able to help me ifl wanted to get a divorce. Emily: l'm aftaid not. Well, not urless divorce sLrddenly became a crim€l Zackt Right Now for our lisieners who a.e thinkirg about becoming baniste6, what sort ofquaLities do yoLr thirk a sood banister needs? Emjly: The main one s self-corfldence think. You've gotto look Like you krow what youle doing And commufication is very mportart, especially in court Za.l\t suppose a good understand ng ofhuman nature cornes in useful Emily: Yes, and a good memory helps, too- Zach 0K. Lefs talkabout the train;ngyou neej io Reading a Read the text quicl(ly. Which statement is correct? 1 t summarises the cornplete plot and chatacterc ol The Haund ofthe Baskervilles. 2 lt descr bes Conan Doyle's career uslng Ihe Haund ofthe Baskeruilles as an exampL€. 3 ltgivesthe backgroundlolhe Haund ofthe Eoskervilles and introduces the story. b Read the text again and decide ifthe statements are irue O) or false (t). 1 The Hound afthe Boskerylllei was orisinalLy a series oimagazine stories n 2 People believe that a hound has killed Sir Charles BaskervrLLe. ! 3 Sir Charl€s was Henry Baskervilte's uncle n 4 Henry Baskeruille comes to see Sherlock Holmes. ! 5 Dr Mortimer is a friend of Sherlock Holmes. n 6 Dr l\4ortimer has sorae shocklng new evidence about the mystery. n Z Sherlock Holmes believes lf scientific explanations. n 6 Holmes and Watson immed ately solve the mystery. ! c Find the foLtowing words ;n the text Declde if they are verbs, nou ns or adjectives and nratch them with the definiiiors a-h. r cLiff-hanger ! z curse ! 3 beast I 4 estate ! Sherlock Hound of Hofmes and The the Baskervilles \/rr r/1/P\ l\ orc o "r( no.l lamous and adnncd detective stofles evcr written Published in 1901 and 1902, it origlnally appeared ir rire mon-bly 'f.'almenr5 in the\tunanr;j/if Like Dickens's seialised novels of lhe sarnc em. each instalmeff ended lvith a suslenseful'clltrhangef ' that \cpr JL-bor A r\LrConan Doylei ardril. . , rimoLrirg L, | | lhe rory. he o d a ,d I o'.ie Br5ke1 lle r;rri J is threatened by a culse: 'A great, blackbeast. shaped likc ^n enormous {1ld dog or hound. yet larger than an), hound ihat has evcr been seen' tffroljses and krlls any fanily membcr who comes io livc at the Baskerville estate As the story opens, thc hound seems to have claimed its latest vicLm, Sir Charles Baskcn'ille Sir Charles's nephe\ Hcnry. tLre new helr to the estate- ls .lbout to kke up residence the next day A ftiend ofthe family. Dr Morljmer comes to consult the thmous Sherlock Holmes in his roons ar 221b Baker Sheet, though hc admits he doesn't k os,ifthe case rs mofe surrable 'foru detedive or apricsr' The firsl instalment of the novel originally endcd as Dr l!) One fdlse statenent was mo.le by Batttmorc at the inquest. He said thdt therc vere na truces upon the ground round the bo\). He did not observe utt!. But I di.l- a shat rlktinte dwdr, butfrdh and cledt A rian i or a wonan\? Dr Morhner loaked sttungely at ts for dn instdnt, dncl his wi. e sank dlnost ta d whispet .t ! he un sNercd: 'Mt Hohies, the) were the foatprikts of a gigannc (g) Into this aiinosphere of ancient sccrets, deadly culscs aDd sxpematual beasts comes the supremeiy ratioDal Sherlock Holmes a 11lan described by hrs liiend Watson as 'the most pedcct reasonng and ob'c \ ing m"crr:nr rfe sorld fas e\. | .een Piece by piecc Holmes and Watson solve the nystery and find lle. r'Dr.r Lnrlec,dIne) red. Jre ,"Lhracler.rr the novel (as well as Conan Doyler Victorian readert, that behind the threat of a sxpemaruDl 'houd ofhell' ]s a pelticdy scientific explanation 5 heir ! 6 consult n 7 nquest ! s rational ! a (r) an arimat (€specially a wild or dangerous animaU b (r) a court case which examines the caLrses ol a pers0n s death c (v) ask for advice from an expert d (n) a promise or legerd that something tefiible wilIhappen e Inl d ldrge J-ed o[ ld_d I\ ir1 a -ouce o. or g g to one person or family f (adl) scientific and log cal g (rl an exciting developrnent in a plot that makes the reader want to know more h (r) somebody who inherits land or rnon€y when a relative dies Gf ammaf I relative clauses 2 Match the statements l and 2 with the explanations 1 1 We stayed in the only hoteL in the town which had a sea view ! 2 W€ stayed in the only hoteL in the town, which had a sea view. ! A There were several hotels but only one had a vrew ofthe sea, B There was only one hotelin ihe towr. z 1 l\,ly sister, who lives in Paris, has iust had a baby. n 2 l\'ly sLsterwho lives in Paris has iust had a baby. n A I have severalsisters ard one oFthem lives ir Paris. B I only have one sisteL I 1 Allthe students, who can speak French, were invited to the party. n 2 Allthe students who can speak French were invited to the party. n A Allolthe students were invited to the party. B sore ol rhe srucenrs we e invirec Io the pa ty. 4 1 The cinema, which is opposite the siation, is going to become a rightclub. n 2 The cinema which is opposite the station is going to become a rightclub. ! A There is only one cinema in our towfr, B There is more than one cinema in our town, 3 Complete the sentences with relative ctauses using the information in the box. Add commas and relative ptonouns if necesSaty, We met the girl on hotiday. The hospital is very old. It was elected last year. Her boyfriend lives in Athens. 5+rej+5Pafii5'h. We stayed in the hotel last summer. He was Scottish. I'm Living in that house. lsaw that film yesterday. iohn's sisteFin{aw, who rs sparrslr, is training to be an opera srnger. 1 l!4ircnda's boyrriend s a doctor 2 The house is over a hundred years old. 3 Arthur Conan Doyle was born in 1859. 4 The government has introduced a new tax, 5 our local hospital is about to be closed 6 The girl is coming to stay next weekend. 7 Spielbergs new filrn was fantastic. 8 The hotel had a heated swimming pool. Pronunciation 4 a" @ The symbolO in these Sentences represents the place where we usually pausa in normalspeech. Are the symbols in the correct place? Listen and check. 1 b-nped inlo ldne O. w\o us"d lo be married to Steven 0, last fight. 2 I bumped into the girl O who used to be ma(ied to Steve. 3 My old tiera Sreve (), who uqed lo be married O, was at our school party. b GE Markthe pauses in these sentences. ln some sentences there may be no pauses. Listen and check. 1 We found our car, which had been towed away tlvo hours earlier, at the police car pound. 2 ltwas mycarthatwastowed away, 3 The pollce took the car, which had been bLockrng someone's gate, to the car pound in Lennard Street. 4 This is the gate that our car was blocking when it was towed away. Writilg 5 Write a short article based on the siory in this cartoon strip. Use the gujdetines in Ex. 1l on page 126 of the Students Book to help you. i:::, ;t ,:.l.) | : Vocabulary 1 Use the clues to complete the crossword. Sequencing devices 2 Choose the conect alternative. . BFk -to.,innllah lF.FAina JFhdndedmener 0ustness card, 2 Hav ryseeinglseenthe film mysell wouldr't recommend t. 3 At/0n arr vrfg at the airport the tourist group were met by the travelagent. 4 An.r'B"totp \dl -g t"e .oo e ' | 'ell a .or oet." - r1./ were very effective, 5 Having opened the door, she rrrs/ro, ifto the garden. 6 Belorc baokinglbaoked the holiday, we did a Lot of research. 7 \ lhile livedlliving in New York, Kirsten rnade rnany new iriends a Ta hdvelHaving taker the express train, Derel< arr ved in plenty of tifie 9 On ihe frnishlfinishing his speech, the polrtic an got a round ofapptause, rc Having leamed I bei n g ledrr€d Spanish at school, the childr€n were able to communicate duringtheir holiday. mustlmightlcan't have 3 Read the situation and complete the sentences using appropriate forms of mast I night I con't have. Last night €50,000 was srolen from thc safc of Wesicrn UniledBank None ofthe doors orlocks lvas broken sothe police think sonebody working ri Llle bank stolethe money There $,cre no fingefpriots on fte sale door but the police lbxnd a cigarette end on the floof near lhe s.tfc Nobodl, is allowed to smoke in the bant Only tircc members ofstaff tlave kcys to the safe: Mr Biggs thc m.tnager, Jennifer the assjstant managef and Dancn, thc chief cashier Mr Briggs $2s at home wrth hls lvife lll last night His wife conljms this Jemrifer says she was at home, but she livcs aloDc Daffen says hc rus at home He iives uilh his parcnts. His mother sals hc was at home al1niglll, except whcn he went outside lo take thc dog for a v,"1k at middght 1 The rnoney_beenstolen bya nremberof stafl because non€ of the doors or locl(s was broken 2 t _ been either iMr Briggs, leff fer or Darren becaus€ they are the only ones with keys to the safe. 3 The thief been a srnok€r b€cause there was a cigarette end on the floor. 4 t - been I\4r Briggs because h€ was at home with his w fe allnight 5 lennrfer stolen the r.ofey because she can't plove she was at home last n ght- 6 Darren stolen the money when he went out for a walk at midirght. 1 The criminaihad io pay a _ ofS5oo 2 We flled an insuian.e afier our surtca5e fraS Sioler. 5 ln English courrs ihe _ wears a wig I f2 miLliof ,,,/as stolen n the bank 10 The rnurderer was g ven a ofthirty years rn prison 1l The police found him because he left n s on th€ weapon 14 IVly car insurance went up by 2o% thrs year Down 1 He's gorng to a claim with his Insurance cornpany 3 A[though she has been convicted, her lawyer is going to r.ake af _ to a higher court, 4 After the car crash we had to _ the oth€r driver for compensation, 6 The DVD ptayer comes with a 12 month from the manufacturers, Z The pictures fronr the shop's caraeras heLped to _ the shopljfter 9 The _ stole my handbag while I was danc ng. 11 That wasn't an accidentaL fire, it was 12 Cred t card is one of the fastest' growrng cr mes Vocabulary Complete the sentences with compound adjectives. The first letter ofeach adjective is given. 1 This cake is delicious, is it h? 2 | never buy second hand th ngs, I like everything to be b_ I Yes, sir. A flrst class ticket to Glasgow o_ or return? 4 l'm aftaid we only have p jobs available at the morn€nt. 5 You can tellfrom herwritingthat she's I lJse defining and non-defining relative clauses io maKe each numbered pair oFsentences into one senience. The first one has been done as an exampte. 1 The house has been sold. lt is the house where , ii5:.:c play as a child. 2 lt belorged to an old lady. The old lady died. I Wfen I wa. vou g the olo lacv al o ,Fo re to pldv - -:. garden. The old lady used to be a schoolteacher 4 The garden had lots oflemon trees.The garden was huge. 5 | used to p ck the lemons from the trees The trees grew there, 5 The old lady used the lemons to make lenronade. I had picked the lemons fhe hause where I used to ploy as a child hos been sold It was a l_ decision to corae here because we didn't know our holiday dates until last week. lfind filling in mytax form incredlbly t She's rea y determired and s_ about getting what she wants. Car insurarce is mLrch cheaper for m people than fot youngsters, I really wouldnl trust that s- lriend of yoursi she's qu te dishonest Relative clauses 5 six seniences contain mistakes with grammar and punctuation. Rewrite the incorrect sentences. Add relative pronou ns and commas whele necessary. 1 l\4y brother thai works in cardiff is an opera stnger 2 Jenny ofwho ltold you aboui last we€k is gettrng married. 3 The house we saw Last weekend is worth over fl m [ion. 4 The children didn't pass the test had to take it again. 5 Our car which, we bought last year has been stolen, from our garage. 6 The film was or TV last right was absolutely fascinating. 7 Pilar, who guided us around the town, is a reaL expert on Spanish fLrstory, 8 My colleague, which showed us how to use the computer has been promoted, to the Los Angeles offlce. I 5 Vocabulary ? Read the newspaper headtines and decide iF the stater.ents are true O) or False (F). Manchester United bids for top Portuguese player BBC to axe iop comedy show Ministers clash over immigration French Actrcss quits Hollywood Prime Minister backs strikers CHILDREN RESCUED FROM HOTEL BLAZE Oscar-winning director in divorce drama Government aid forhomeless dses 25% 1 l\4anchester lJnited has bought a Portuguese football ptayer. ! 2 | ra BBC w ll cancel a ooprlar conedv srow. ! J Government min sters disagree about immigration. n 4 A French actress has left Hollywood. n 5 The Prime J!4in;st€rwants the strrkers to go backto work. n 6 Firefighters have rescued some chiLdren from a hotelfire. n 7 An award-winring director is making a Flm about a divorce. ! 8 The Government says a quarter of homeless people have a disease. I Listeni:rg 1 a @ Cover the tapescript. Listen to the extract fiom a radio programme and choose ihe best summary. 1 The extract is a book feview 2 The extract is an irterview with a writer. 3 The extract is about a famous French hypnotist. b Listen again and use the information to complete the notes on Franz illesmer\ life. Write one word or number in each gap. t734 . born in (1) _ 1766 (2) as a doctor from b) _ university started using (4) on sick patients 1777 moved to (5) became famous treating French (6) , he even treated the (/) he cured people but he also (8) them. 1745 . he was (9) _ lo go back to Germany. EOJ - . he died c Match the words and phrases 1-8 with the things they refer to A-D. Then tisten again or read the tapescript to check your anSwers. 1 quite unlque n z a kind of magic ! 3 a great showman n 4 a recently discovered phenomenon ! 5 were treated by l\4esmer n 6 surprislngly effective n 7 like theatrical displays n 8 gullible n A Franz Anton lMesmer B Mesrner's treatments of patients c French aristocrats D magnetism TAPESCRIPT l: This week's biography chaiceis lqesnet The A ginal Hypnotist. I is rhe sloty of F n nz Anion fvlesnrer, the 18th-cenlury scientistwho is olten regarded as rhe founde.ofhypnotism.Wrth me ir thestudio is its author, ALeiander Bond ALexander, can I start by asking you what attracted you io this character? t: B: B: t: B: Yes Well, 've always beer interested in hypnotists ard lwanied to find out how hypnotism firststa(ed, so obviously that led me to Franz A4esnrer Now, fi,lesmer is quite unique, isn't he? Yes. Heb on€ of the very few people whose rame has become an EngLish verb As in'to be mesnre sedbysomethng' ExactLy. And that shows just how influenr aL afd He was French, wasn t he? Adually he was born in Germany, !n 1/j4 And he studled medicife inAustra at the universityof 50 how did he flst became famous? WeLl, after he qualified as a doctor in 1/66 he started doins experiments with nragnets. [lagretism was a recertly discovered phenomenon but itwasrt properly understood P€ople saw metal objects flyif g towards each othef and t seemed to be a kind of magk. Anyway,lvlesmer stafted applyifg magnets to his sick Yes In fact, it was sLrrprisingly effectrv€ Lots ofhls paiients got befter and lvlesmer soon became the best known doctor if Vienna. Butihe otherdoctors resented hc!r !e5\oraforadlim ono/e,oP s I / And that\ where he became really famous? Yes. Paris was pretty much the centfe of European cuLture atthe tjme, and the Fr€nch were lasclnared by llesmer and his magietic cures l,lany rnembers of tlre FreFch aristocracy were lreated by him Even K ng Lou s XV becarne one of h s patierts Butthen lUesmer was a great showman, histreatments were nrore like theatrkal displays, so as welLas cuing people he Blt how did it work? Well, we thinkthatwhat he was really doingwas hypnoiising people. From deta led desciptions written at the time it s€ems he probably used the power of lrypnotisnr lo convince his patients they wer€ feeling He musthave made a lotofmoneyfrom those guLlibte Yes, he made a foftune Buthis successdidn't lastio, Long He failed to cure soire influent aL meirbers of French society and in 1785 he was forced ro go back ro D d he cary on h s inedicalwork there? Not r€atly. But he had a happy ard cortented feliren,ent And he lived untrl1815. t: B: t: B: t: B: B: t: B: t: B: tffi ilE 2 te the ofier. 4 Rewri each Vocabulary I betief and opinion There is one unnecessary or incortect word in each sentence. Correct the mistakes. 1 Are you in favourthatthe law against smoking in restaurants? 2 I'm quite sceptic that anyone can read another person's rnird, 3 Nly ftiend is reckons that there are ghosts in his house. 4 He's convenienced that the govetnment is lying to us. sentences using teflexive pronouns or My central h€ating turns on automatically ifthe temperature drop5. Grammar I reftexive pronouns The police suspect of the mulderer knew the victim l'm against give money to beggars. lanna looked at herrenection in the milrot Jonno looked at heselfin the miror 1 Darren cut his hand while he was gardening. 2 | made the cake without anyone's heLp. 3 We've made allthe arrangements; nobody helped us. lvlandy sent a text rnessage to Sylvia and Sylvia sert Complete the sentences with the correct 1 They've got an oven that cleans A himself B itself c them 2 ourteachertold -to do exercise 3. A ourselves B we c us Successfulteam work depends on people helping A each other B ourself C each others When he went on holiday David took his computerwith A itself B hirnseLf c him Ihurt_when Iwas liftinga heavy suitcase, A myselF B me C my Emma sat down and relaxed -twenty mtrutes, A herfor B herselFfor c for The children really enjoyed - on the ro[ercoaster. A themselves B itself c each other We couldn't afford builders 50 we decided to build the house A myself B each other c ourselves It's very importantto concentrate - you are driving. A white B yourselfwhile c yourselves At the end ofthe presentations I want you to give marks out oFten, A themselves B each other c you The Bensons often send packages to their home address when they are abroad. 7 Did you paintthis picture on your own? lsabel doesn t worc lo'anyoody else: she'5 sell. empLoyeo. How to I ask about other people's views 5 Put the words in the correct order to make questions. Then answerthe questions with your own opinions. 1 about do you strong feelings have polluiion any ? z poverty feel how aboLrt do You j the for are death penalty you or against 4 on what fast food are views your 5 think divorce of what do you @ Reading a, Read the newspaper article quickly and choose the best summary, 1 Artificialsmells haven't lived up to b Read the texi again and decide if the fol owirg stalemeqts are true (l) o. alse (F). r Da F Air faq produ.ed dn dr i'L dl ,11".1 o- money'lor Barclays Bank n 2 The bank is having problems with its air conditioning systems n 3 t is difficuLt to isolate the realsmell of money. ! 4 Shoppers are aware ofthe efiectsmelLs have on their spending. n 5 The smell of coconuts seems to €ncourage people to buy holidays. n 6 Caf€s often put cofiee machines near the entrance ! 7 The hunran s€nse ofsnrell is hlghly developed n 8 Most of the sciertiflc prob[erns of producing artiflc alsmells have now been solved ! c F;nd the foLlowing words and phrases in the text. expectations, ArtificiaL smells have huge potentialfor DUSlness Banks hope artiflcialsmells will increase their profits. a compoLrnd adjective to describe bread whjch has just be€n made _ an adjective mearing the opposLte of a phrasalverb whrch mears ta collect or attract sonethtng The Smell of Money /;\ Ior many years large supermarkels halc been encouraging us to spend rnoDey by prn1plllg thc smetl of hcshly-baked breld nrto their srores Now Dale Ar, a leading frrm of arorna consxltants. has beeD approached by Barclny's Bant to develop surtable aftificial smells for thei banks Rcscarchers have suggesied that surfounding customcr wjth the 'snel1 of money' lvill encouiagc them to feel relaxed and optinistic and give lhen rdded confidence in thc ba*ls securE and profcssionaljsm u) Butbeforc a smell canbe naDufictued ard intoduced into banks' air condilioring svstems it m|st be identificd and chemically an.tlysed and thishaspmved to be difficult Theprcblcm is that barknores and coiDs lcnd to ljck up thc smel I of their sxn-oundnrgs So cash that has becn sittnrg in a cash registc'r ata fishrnonger\ willsmell offish, and banhroles uscdto pay for meals ir restauranls s,illteDd to smell oflbod It may be a challengc, but afoma experts hlve litue doubt that the usc of al1ificial smells c,n be an ettecti\'e folm of subconscious advertising Lunn Poly, a Bilish t|avel companl introduced rhe sme1l of coconuts into jts travel agcncies andsaw a bigincrcrsc in spcndiirg by holiday makeN Many ca-l6s !o!v have elecldc dispensen lhat rclease the smell of licshly fo,sreJ coFee redr fc , r * r,e 5ub ly e oJrrtsr ,g customcrs to come in and have a dfinh or snact( EveD preshgc car maker Rolls Rqce has been sprayng thc insidc of its ca$ to cnhance ihe smel1 of thc lcather 'The sense of smell is probably thc most basic and primrtive of ail human senscs,' expiains rcsearchcr Jim O'Riodm 'There is a dircct pathway lio111 rhc olfactory organs in the nose to n\c brain u is certainly tlue that rnost people find ccrhnr srrells incredibty cvocative, sliring memories and feelings in a way thlt fex' olhe. stinulants can dvxl It js a phenonenon 'narketng consuLtanls havc long fecognised, bur unhl recenily have been unable to harness Wc'vc made great progress but thc tcchnology of odour prcduction is still in its inla,c),,' says O'Riordan 'Who knows where it will nkc us' 4 a compound noLln that describes a machine used to store money in a shop 5 an adverb we use when something is done in a clever ard almost nv sible way 6 a scjentific phras€ which describes the parts oi the body we smeLlthings with Z an adiective made from the verb to evoke a verb which means to co ntrol something and use it fat yourown benefit _ , Vocabulary I advertising Pronunciation 3 GD How nrany sylLabtes do have? Put the words into the and marl( the main stress on listen and check. Label the texts/words 1 4 using the following words (noi all the words are needed): publicity makes advertisement classified ad marketing target mar(et 5LOgan Grammar I gerunds and infinitives 4 Choose the correct aLternai;ve. r Did you- co ledsue, .efu.e ,-ga,i. r,o'.i E "i the weekends? 2 The boss suggested /b inljoining het iat \||'ch. I et me (now wfen yo- ve flni'hed ,,/.i:._9 o [,rife the report, / -e encou agFo /ler ro gotlto gel her a .er: .ab 5 Carldyou proniselimaglre living withoui a mob t€ phone? 'You deserve the best' Sheila should practjse speakinglto speak Span sh before she goes to /\4adrid Willyou m/ss/cgree playing lootball on Saturdays? Did you persuade her coning lto came? f[*y;l For Sale 2003 Toyota Cofiolla 40,000 miles Excellent condition. t3,000 Tel 03303778899 Match the sentence halves. 1 1 L stopped watchingTv n , I stopped to watch TV n A and answered the phone. B because there was a fascinat ng Mar.ried wonen fiving in the United States between the ages of 30 and 45 with anrua1 incomes in excess of $25,000. lnese w0r05 cotrect column each word. Then advertisement cornmerciaI customers informatlon magazines persuasion poLiticians supermarket B l1 B I regret to say ! I regret sayrng ! you wer€ lazy, itwas v€ry rude ofme- ihat you have not b€en selected for the team, I remember locking ih€ door letore ! Rememb€r to Lock the door letore ! you go home H lary tried closing the door but n Hilary tried to clos€ the door but n there was stilla cold draught in ihe room jt was jammed afd she couldn't do it 6 Writing Look at your answers in Ex. 5 on page 77. Write an essay, using one of these titLes. . Pollution is the most serious threai facing the . The death penalty shouLd be used for all convlcte0 muroerers. . Fast food is dangerous to peopLe's health and should be banned completely. lool( at the guidel;nes in Ex. 11on page 117 of the Students'Bookto help you. . they are the only ones with keys to the safe. 3 The thief been a srnok€r b€cause there was a cigarette end on the floor. 4 t - been I4r Briggs because h€ was at home with his w fe allnight 5. the (/) he cured people but he also (8) them. 1745 . he was (9) _ lo go back to Germany. EOJ - . he died c Match the words and phrases 1 -8 with the things they refer to A-D. Then. difference? Emity, Well, cimrnallaw is to do with acrual crimes murder, arson, robbery ard so on Civlllaw isn't about cr mes at all; it _hF law lhal goern5 tli18s ike ro1 o .: inherltance,