... is, they have essentially assumed the expectations hypothesis. Assessing the variability as well as the level of the term premium, and the relationship between the term premium and the macroeconomy, ... been the close feedback between the real economy and financial conditions. In many countries, the credit and housing boom that preceded the crisis went hand in hand with strong spending and production. ... seems likely that the recent financial and economic crisis the Great Panic and Recession of 2008 and 2009—will both rearrange the economic landscape and affect the focus of economic and financial research...
Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 03:20
... but also by the quantity and quality of the labor force. The indicators of the quantity and quality of the labor force include the change in the proportion of the population in their prime-age ... Source: Piketty and Saez. Note: The vertical axis is the share of total income. The observed relationship between the top tax rates and the income share of the top 0.1% and the top 0.1% are ... of the top 0.1% (the top solid line in the figure) and the top 0.01% (the lower dashed line) since 1945. 32 Under both definitions of the top of the income distribution (i.e., the rich), the...
Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 19:20
Housing and the Economy: Policies for Renovation pdf
... the Netherlands, the Nordic countries, Poland and the United Kingdom), while playing only a minor role in others (e.g. Hungary, Luxembourg, Portugal and Switzerland). Across the OECD, there are ... common in other OECD countries, such as in the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, although they generally constituted a much smaller share of the loan pool than in the United States. 8. The analysis ... observed in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands – in these two countries the responsiveness of new housing supply to housing prices is noticeably low (Figure 4.1). By contrast, other countries where...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 20:20
Immigrants and the Economy ppt
... York. Immigrants in the Economy extends the same question to the 25 largest metro areas of the United States. Immigrants and the Economy was undertaken with the support of 32BJ of the Service Employees ... growth and the growth of the immigrant workforce that is evident in the country’s largest 25 metropoli- tan areas applies to the five largest metro areas in the East: the economy and the immigrant ... Taken together, this data illustrates the close and consis- tent relationship between the immigrant share of popu- lation and the contribution that immigrants make to the economy. Just a handful...
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 05:21
Taxes and the Economy: An Economic Analysis of the Top Tax Rates Since 1945 (Updated) pptx
... displays the trend in the income (before taxes) share of the top 0.1% (the top solid line in the figure) and the top 0.01% (the lower 39 CRS analysis of the data contained in the 1996 and 2006 ... but also by the quantity and quality of the labor force. The indicators of the quantity and quality of the labor force include the change in the proportion of the population of the population ... Source: Piketty and Saez. Note: The vertical axis is the share of total income. The observed relationship between the top tax rates and the income share of the top 0.1% and the top 0.01% are...
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 05:21
new york university press power and market government and the economy apr 1981
... connected. For the greater the taxes and disbursements, the greater the gain of the one and the loss of the other, and vice versa . . . . 6 “Ruling” and “ruled” apply also to the forms of government ... 2. DD and SS are the demand and supply curves respectively. OC is the control price and FP the market equilibrium price. At OC, the quantity demanded is less than the quantity supplied, by the ... Rothbard 48 prices, these are determined by the supply of and the demand for money. For the array of prices to rise, there must be an increase in the supply of money, a decrease in the schedule of the demand...
Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 12:44
The Lights in the Tunnel Automation Accelerating Technology and the Economy of the Future_1 potx
... little morebrightly.Theseare the employeesof the automaker beingrefreshedwithnewlight.Anothertransferofwealth hastakenplace. The autoworkersinturnmakepurchases fromotherbusiness,small and large, and the lightcontin- uestoparadethrough the tunnel. We also know that behind the walls of the tunnel there are more businesses and interconnections ... way “takingover.”There is little attention given to the more mundane and immediatethreatsto the jobmarket and the overall economy. Perhaps the technologists just assume that once the ... tunnel. While these businesses ob- viouslydon’tcaterdirectlyto the globalmassmarket,theyarenone- thelessintegratedinto the activitythatoccursin the tunnel, and they are heavily...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 20:20
The Lights in the Tunnel Automation Accelerating Technology and the Economy of the Future_2 ppt
... mayhaveactuallyin- creasedforatime,astheywereabletolowertheirprices. Asaresult,theirprofits, and therefore the wealthoftheir topemployees and shareholdersincreased.Thesewere the brighterlightsin the tunnelthatinitiallybecamestronger. However,asnearlyallbusinessesin the tunnelcontinued toautomatejobs,atsomepoint the decreasein the num- berofpotentialcustomersbeganto ... on the seconddayyouhavetwocents and thenfourcentson the thirdday, and soon. The firstcharton the nextpageshows the firstfifteen daysasourpennydoubles.Youcanseethatwestartout very slowly and then ... are growingdark.Nowweseethatmanyof the verybrightest lightsin the tunnelfinallyfeel the impact and alsobeginto losetheirlight. The ownersof the businessesin the tunnel areseeingmuchoftheirwealthgraduallydrainaway. The ...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 20:20
The Lights in the Tunnel Automation Accelerating Technology and the Economy of the Future_3 pot
... madeeven morechallengingby the factthat the objectscouldbein manypossibleorientationsorconfigurations.Consider the simplecaseofapairofsunglassessittingonatable. The sunglassesmightbeclosedwith the lensesfacingdown,or with the lensesup.Orperhaps the glassesareopen with the lenses oriented vertically. Or maybe one side of the glassesisopen and the other closed. And, ofcourse, the glassescouldberotatedinanydirection. And perhapsthey are ... securities werethensoldtobanks and financialinstitutionsallover the world,with the understandingthattheywereverylow riskinvestments. When the subprimeborrowersstarteddefaulting, the valueof the mortgage-backed securitiesplunged, and the derivativesdidnotworkasexpected.Inmanycasesitwas difficultorimpossibletocalculatetheirvalue.Inaddition, financialinstitutionshadengagedinmanyothercomplex interrelationships ... more popular.Whatwillwedoifsomedayasubstantialpercen- tageof the three and ahalfmillioncashiersin the U.S.no longerhavejobs?Whatadditionaleducation and training canweoffertheseworkers? And whatjobswoulditpre- parethemfor? And what is the impact of thatpotential unemploy- mentonmarketdemandforgoods and services?Cashiers aregenerallynothighlypaid,buttheynonethelessexistas lightsinourmassmarkettunnel.Cashiers,justlikeother workers,drivecars,buyclothes and consumerelectronics, rent...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 20:20
The Lights in the Tunnel Automation Accelerating Technology and the Economy of the Future_4 pptx
... demand will in- crease, and the economy will therefore produce more goods and services.Inotherwords, the samenumberof workerswillbeemployedbuttheywillproducemore. 32 The ... collating and faxing in- formation. The intellectualportionof the job—eitherap- provingordenying the loan—isprobablyalreadyessential- lyhandledbyacomputer.Throughout the economy, there * Formoreonrobotics and itspotentialimpactonemployment and on ... Germany, in-storeretailsales and customerassistanceisbeingauto- matedviaacell-phoneinterface.Shoppersareabletoget realtimeassistance,whileshopping,throughtheirmobile phones.Theycanalsoscanbarcodesastheyshop and, in the nearfuture,willbeabletopayfortheirpurchasesdi- rectly through their phones—presumably avoiding the checkoutislealtogether. The specterofnearfullyautomatedsupermarkets and chainretailstoresiscauseforgenuineconcern.Theseare now the jobsoflastresort.Theseare the jobsthatworkers displacedfromotherindustriestakebecausethereisnoth- ingbetteravailable.Lookbackat the tableonpage59.We havealreadymentionedthat3.5millioncashiersarepoten- tiallyatrisk. The tableshowsanother4millionretailsales- persons and 2.3millionlaborers and freight,stock and ma- terialmovers,aswellas1.7millionstockclerks and order fillers.Whatnewjobscouldwepossiblyfindforallthese people? Readanyarticlein the popularpressabout the fieldof robotics and itspotentialfutureimplications, and youwill almostinvariablyfindasentencepointingoutthat“in the future,...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 20:20
The Lights in the Tunnel Automation Accelerating Technology and the Economy of the Future_5 potx
... within their capabilities, then how will they acquire the income necessary to create the demand thatinturndrivesproduction?Ifweconsider the singular- ityinthiscontext,thenisitreallysomethingthatwillnec- essarilypushusforwardexponentially?Orcoulditinac- tualityleadtorapideconomicdecline? * * The technologistswhospeculateabout the singularitydon’tseemtoo concerned ... shouldersofAmerican and Europeanconsumers. And aswehavenotedagain and againinthisbook,those Westernconsumersalldependonjobs.Ifautomationbe- ginstodramaticallyimpactemploymentinChina,whileat the sametimedemanddwindlesin the West and certain- lyif the catastrophiceventdescribed at the beginning of thischapteroccurs—thenthiseconomicperpetualmotion machineisgoingtocollapse. Givenallthis,whatcanwereallysayabout the future ofChina?Nearlyafourthof the world’spopulationlives inChina;therefore,thereisnodoubtthatthiscountrywill continuetohavesignificant, and perhapsincreasing,influ- encein the decadestocome.However,simplyextrapolat- ingcurrenttrendsisveryunlikelytogiveanaccuratepro- jection.Chinaisgoingtobeheavilyimpactedbyaccelerat- ing ... purchasing the goods they are producing. Or eveniftheycanaffordtobuythoseproducts,theyareun- likelytodo sobecausetheyaremuchmoreinterestedin THE LIGHTS IN THE TUNNEL...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 21:20
The Lights in the Tunnel Automation Accelerating Technology and the Economy of the Future_6 pdf
... to decline.Rememberthatwearetalkinghereaboutaverage workers.Toget the graphabove,youmighttake the dis- tributionofincomesin the UnitedStates and thenelimi- nateboth the richest and the poorestpeople.Thengraph the averageincomeof the remaining“typical”people (the bulk of consumers) ... by industries,productionbecomesmoreefficient.Thisresults insomelossofjobs,butitalsoresultsinlowerpricesfor goods and services.Inotherwords,itputsmoremoneyin consumers’ pockets. These consumers then go out and buyallkindsof things, and so the resultisincreasedde- mandfor the productsproducedbyalltypesofindustries. Some ... it undermines the mass market. That is a reality that ulti- matelywillaffect everyone and the corporate CEOsof the future are going to find themselves on the frontline when the wavehits. Currently,businessesin the UnitedStatescandeduct all...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 21:20
The Lights in the Tunnel Automation Accelerating Technology and the Economy of the Future_8 docx
... elimi- nates the jobsthatprovideincometoconsumers. The es- sentialideaisthatweshouldimposesomecombinationof aconsumptiontax and/ oraspecialdirecttaxonbusiness thatcaptures the incomewhich,inanon-automatedecon- omy,wouldbepaidoutinwages.Overtime,as the wages paidtoaverageworkersdecrease(asapercentageofreve- nue),thesetaxeswouldbegraduallyincreasedtorecapture atleastaportionofthisincome. The overallobjectiveisto recapturejust the optimalamountofincome and thenget itinto the handsofconsumerssothattherewillbesuffi- cientconsumerdemandtocontinuedriving the economy. Once the income ... unless there is either existing market de- mandor the reasonableexpectationofsuchdemandin the foreseeablefuture. The idea that productionrespondsto demandisoneof the definingcharacteristicsofcapitalism. Removing ... corruption amongofficialsin the country.Thesepeopleveryoftenact primarilyfortheirownbenefit and, inparticular,inways that preserve theirpositions and power—rather thanfor the benefitoftheircountryasawhole.In the finalanaly- sis,...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 21:20
The Lights in the Tunnel Automation Accelerating Technology and the Economy of the Future_9 potx
... have strongeducations and training.Thesepeoplearebeneficia- riesof the informationage.On the toxicwastelandsideof the fence, are relatively unskilled workers. These people THE LIGHTS IN THE ... Amazon havebeenheavilyimpactedbybothtechnology and globa- lization.Theyoftensurvivebystringingtwoorthreepart timejobstogetherorworkinlowwagejobswithfewben- efits. The obvioussolutionisforustofindawaytooffer thesepeopleadditionaltraining—sotheycanhopoverto the goodsideof the fence. Ithinkthat the problemwiththisscenarioisthat the fenceisgoingtomove, and itmaymoveveryrapidly. The good sideof the fenceisgoingtocontract, and increasingnum- bersofwell-educatedworkersaregoingtofindthemselves suddenlyon the toxicside.AsIpointedoutinChapter2, we ... Light The natural cycle in the tunnel is stable and reinforcing. The vast majority of the consumers in the tunnel now glowwithapredominantlygreenlight.Astimepasses, the collectiveintensityof the lightscontinuestograduallyin- crease. Suddenly,...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 21:20
The Lights in the Tunnel Automation Accelerating Technology and the Economy of the Future_10 pdf
... acentrallyplanned economy, and perhaps most chillingly, the overthrow of govern- ments and a“dictatorshipof the proletariat.”In the wake of the collapse of communism, these ideas ... Amazon manjudge. The otherparticipantsareanotherperson and amachine—bothofwhomattempttoconvince the judge thattheyarehumanbyconductinganormalconversation. If the judgecan’ttellwhichparticipantiswhich,then the machineissaidtohavepassed the TuringTest. The TuringTestisperhaps the mostwell-known and acceptedmethodformeasuringtruemachineintelligence. Inpractice, the ruleswouldneedtobefurtherrefined, and it ... great many of the moreroutinejobsin the economy. WhilenarrowAIisincreasinglydeployedtosolvereal worldproblems and attractsmostof the currentcommer- cialinterest, the HolyGrailofartificial...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 21:20
Accelerating Technology and the Economy of the Future_2 pot
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 02:20
Accelerating Technology and the Economy of the Future_3 pdf
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 02:20
Accelerating Technology and the Economy of the Future_4 doc
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 02:20
Accelerating Technology and the Economy of the Future_6 pdf
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 02:20
Accelerating Technology and the Economy of the Future_8 pot
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 02:20