... about the 1 st and 2 nd Editions 1 st Edition: The original CAS Online Course 2 (CA2, 1 st Edition) was revised effective September 1, 20 12. Although the 1st Edition of CA2 is no longer available ... determined. CAS Online Course 2, 2 nd Edition © 20 12, Casualty Actuarial Society and The Institutes, All Rights Reserved C2-1 CAS Online Course 2, Second Edition Insurance Accounting, ... June 15, 20 13. 2 nd Edition: CA2, 2 nd Edition, is the current version that was effective on September 1, 20 12. Exams on this content will be offered for the first time on January 15, 20 13....
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 00:20
... (Satterfi eld and Finney, 20 02; Høie et al., 20 03; Schlechtriem et al., 20 04; Dubé et al., 20 06; Hutchinson and Trueman, 20 06; Rojas et al., 20 06; Williamson et al., 20 09, among others) to determine ... several types of neo- plasms (Yang et al., 20 04; Langenau et al., 20 05, 20 07; Patton et al., 20 05; Feng et al., 20 07; Le et al., 20 07; Park et al., 20 08). Triploid rainbow trout were less sus- ceptible ... and spontaneous neoplasms (Amsterdam et al., 20 04; Berghmans et al., 20 05b; Shepard et al., 20 05, 20 07; Haramis et al., 20 06; Moore et al., 20 06). Transgenic modifi cation result- ing in altered...
Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 22:20
handbook of optics second edition vol. 2 - bass m
... 2 2 21 . 18 . Gravitational-Wave Interferometers / 2 1 . 2 3 21 . 19 . References / 2 1 . 2 5 Chapter 22 . Polarimetry Russell A. Chipman 22 .1 22 . 1 . Glossary / 2 2 . 1 22 . 2 ... / 2 2 . 5 22 . 11 . Division of Aperture / 2 2 . 5 22 . 12 . Division of Amplitude / 2 2 . 6 22 . 13 . Definitions / 2 2 . 6 22 . 14 . Stokes Vectors and Mueller Matrices / 2 2 . ... Polarimeters / 2 2 . 4 22 . 7 . Polarization Generators and Analyzers / 2 2 . 4 22 . 8 . Classes of Light-Measuring Polarimeters / 2 2 . 5 22 . 9 . Time-Sequential Measurements / 2 2 . 5 22 ....
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 14:55
The Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine, Second Edition - VOLUME 2 pptx
... xxi Entries Volume 1: A-C 1 Volume 2: D-K 523 Volume 3: L-R 1 029 Volume 4: S-Z 1 523 Organizations 21 99 Glossary 22 25 General Index 22 93 GEAM FM 10/ 12/ 04 2: 25 PM Page v the plant is in flower ... Encyclopedias English. WB 13 G1507 20 05] I. Title: Encyclopedia of alternative medicine. II. Longe, Jacqueline L. R733.G34 20 05 615.5'03 dc 22 2004 022 5 02 GEAM FM 10/ 12/ 04 2: 25 PM Page iv GALE ENCYCLOPEDIA ... 3 :23 PM Page 618 ORGANIZATIONS American Holistic Medical Association. 4101 Lake Boone Trail, Suite 20 1, Raleigh, NC 27 607. Cancer Prevention Coalition. 21 21 West Taylor St., Chicago, IL 606 12. ...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 20:21
GasTurbine Engineering Handbook Second Edition 2 ppt
... overhauls. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 40.00 60.00 80.00 100.00 120 .00 140.00 160.00 180.00 20 0.00 22 0.00 24 0.00 26 0.00 Net Output Work (btu/lb-air) Efficiency % 1800 20 00 22 00 24 00 26 00 28 00 3000 3000 ... turbine. - 5.00 10.00 15.00 20 .00 25 .00 30.00 35.00 40.00 45.00 50.00 - 50.00 100.00 150.00 20 0.00 25 0.00 300.00 Net Output Work (btu/lb-air) Efficiency % 20 00 1800 22 00 24 00 26 00 28 00 3000 1800 F° 9 82 C° 20 00 F° 1094 ... Available 1996± 20 10 Available Available 20 20 Available Size Range (kW) 20 ± 25 ,000 50±7000 500± 450,000 30 20 0 50±1000 1 10 25 00 NA 20 ± 1000 Efficiency (%) 36±43% 28 ± 42% 21 ±45% 25 ±30% 35±54%...
Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 17:20
The Trainer’s Tool Kit Second Edition phần 2 pptx
... most recent course, most useful course, and most urgent training need. PAGE 26 10916$ $CH2 10 -21 -04 08:00 :23 PS 22 Aligning Training with the Organizations Objectives ã Recruitment criteria ã ... correction. PAGE 19 19 10916$ $CH2 10 -21 -04 08:00 :20 PS 25 Training Needs Analysis Exhibit 2. Prioritizing training needs. 16 employes not meeting standard 60% solved in 24 hours Gap Here is an example. (+) ... changes in technology, man- date, client expectations, or population served) PAGE 29 10916$ $CH2 10 -21 -04 08:00 :24 PS 26 Aligning Training with the Organization’s Objectives It is important to understand...
Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 22:22
Wrox Professional Crystal Reports for Visual Studio NET Second Edition phần 2 doc
... insert summaries, charts, and groups. Figure 2- 20 47 02 557300 Ch 02. qxd 3 /24 /04 9 :24 AM Page 41 Getting Started with Crystal Reports .NET Figure 2- 12 To create a chart for your report, select ... 557300 Ch01.qxd 3 /24 /04 9:37 AM Page 24 02 557300 Ch 02. qxd 3 /24 /04 9 :24 AM Page 30 Chapter 2 To begin, create a new Visual Basic .NET project by opening Visual Studio .NET 20 03 and selecting ... report through the Chart tab, shown in Figure 2- 12. 40 02 557300 Ch 02. qxd 3 /24 /04 9 :24 AM Page 47 Getting Started with Crystal Reports .NET Figure 2- 19 To understand how to work with the designer,...
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 09:20
... excess; 20 —F excess; 21 —Cu excess; 22 —disturbed Cu exchange; 23 —Ni, Mg, Sr excess and Co, Mn deficit; 24 —Ni excess; 25 —Li excess; 26 —Cr excess; 27 —Mn excess; 28 —F deficit; 29 —Zn deficit. BIOGEOCHEMICAL ... N i N i = K 2 ì NMC/C b . (9) The K 2 coefficient is found from the following condition: K 2 = ⎧ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ 0.15, if C:N < 10, 0 .25 , if 10 ≤ C:N < 14, 0.30, if 14 ≤ C:N < 20 , 0.35, ... Biosphere. 12 29 . Azonal biogeochemical provinces 12 Co excess; 13—I and Mn deficit; 14—Pb excess; 15—Mo excess; 16—Ca and Sr excess; 17—Se excess; 18—unbalanced Cu:Mo:Pb ratios; 19—U excess; 20 —F excess;...
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Dust Explosions in the Process Industries Second Edition phần 2 pdf
... that generate up to 20 0 bark in the 1 m3 closed vessel test adopted by the International Standardization Organization (1985). The second class, St2, covers the range 20 0-300 bark, whereas ... force is about 20 % higher than the value resulting from the simplified static consideration. The experimental relationship found by Hattwig and Faber is F,,[MN] = 0. 12 x A[m2] x Pm[bar(g)] ... Corp., USA) Figure 1.1 20 Large 45 litre high-rate suppressor for very fast discharge of 35 kg of NH,H2P0, powder. Diameter of explosive-charge-operated valve 127 mm (5 inches). Driving...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 13:20
Handbook of Psychotherapy Integration, Second Edition Part 2 potx
... (1983). Integration misunderstood. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 22 , 129 – gration, 5, 29 3–3 12. Wolfe, B. E. (20 05). Integrative psychotherapy for130. Wachtel, P. L. (1987). Action and ... behavioral,chology, 23 , 127 – 128 . Murray, N. E. (1976). A dynamic synthesis of ana- and systems theory perspectives (pp. 24 0 29 7). New York: Brunner/Mazel.lytic and behavioral approaches to symptoms. American ... J. C. (19 92) The future of technical eclecticism. Psy-false anti thesis. American Journal of Psycho- therapy, 23 , 4 82 487. chotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Train- ing, 29 , 11 20 .Krasner,...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 13:20
Electrical Power Systems Quality, Second Edition phần 2 ppsx
... Tennessee 1 32 0 A 3LG Nevada 1 32 0 .23 A 3LG Texas 1 32 0.33 A 2LG Tennessee 1 32 0.38 C 2LG Nevada 1 32 0.41 C 3LG Claytor 1 32 0. 42 A 1LG Tennessee 1 32 0.45 D 2LG Texas 1 32 0.48 C 3LG Glen Lyn 1 32 0.48 ... 1 32 0.5 A 1LG Nevada 1 32 0.5 D L-L Tennessee 1 32 0.5 C 2LG Claytor 1 32 0. 52 C L-L Nevada 1 32 0. 52 C L-L Texas 1 32 0.55 C 2LG Glen Lyn 1 32 0.57 C L-L Claytor 1 32 0.59 C 3LG Arizona 1 32 0.59 A 2LG ... 1 32 0.59 C 1LG Texas 1 32 0.6 D L-L Glen Lyn 1 32 0.63 C 1LG Claytor 1 32 0.63 D L-L Reusens 1 32 0.65 C 3LG Ohio 1 32 0.65 A 1LG Glen Lyn 1 32 0.67 D 1LG Reusens 1 32 0.67 D 2LG Arizona 1 32 0.67 C 2LG...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 15:21
Learning SQL Second Edition phần 2 ppsx
... | 20 05 | | 2 | 20 06 | | 3 | 20 05 | | 4 | 20 06 | | 5 | 20 07 | | 6 | 20 08 | | 7 | 20 08 | | 8 | 20 06 | | 9 | 20 06 | | 10 | 20 06 | | 11 | 20 04 | | 12 | 20 07 | | 13 | 20 04 | | 14 | 20 06 | | 15 | 20 07 ... koi8u_general_ci | 1 | | gb23 12 | GB23 12 Simplified Chinese | gb23 12_ chinese_ci | 2 | | greek | ISO 8859-7 Greek | greek_general_ci | 1 | | cp 125 0 | Windows Central European | cp 125 0_general_ci | 1 | | ... fname VARCHAR (20 ), lname VARCHAR (20 ), gender CHAR(1), birth_date DATE, street VARCHAR(30), city VARCHAR (20 ), state VARCHAR (20 ), country VARCHAR (20 ), postal_code VARCHAR (20 ), CONSTRAINT...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 18:22
DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS principles and paradigms Second Edition phần 2 pps
... parts are executed by separate threads. Communication between those parts CHAP. 3 72 62 ARCHITECTURES CHAP. 2 so on. Only the attributes as maintained directly by hosts, that is, at the lowest level ... download files but otherwise contribute close to nothing (Adar and Huberman, 20 00; Saroiu et al., 20 03; and Yang et al., 20 05). To this end, a file can be downloaded only when the downloading client ... its own state without having to inform any client (Birman, 20 05). A Web 68 ARCHITECTURES CHAP. 2 4. Consider a chain of processes Ph P 2, , P n implementing a multitiered client-server architecture....
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 21:22
Routledge Dictionary of Economics Second edition phần 2 doc
... discon- â 20 02 Donald Rutherford Seealso:economicsandpsychology References Akerlof,G.andDickens,W.T.(19 82) ‘The economicconsequencesofcognitivedis- sonance’,AmericanEconomicReview 72: 307–19. Festinger,L.(1957)ATheoryofCognitive Dissonance,Evanston,IL:Row,Peter- son. CohesionFund(O0) EUROPEANUNIONfundcreatedin1993by the MAASTRICHTTREATYtoprovidemoney forenvironmentalandtrans-European networkprojectsinmemberstateswhose grossdomesticproductislessthan90per centoftheEUaverage.Thefundcan contributeupto85percentofthepublic expenditureonaproject. coinage(E4) Piecesofmetalofastandardsizeand weightstampedbyasovereignpowerto givethemthestatusofmoney.Coinswere firstusedasmoneybytheLydians(Greek inhabitantsofwhatisnowWestTurkey) intheseventhcenturyBC.Thefirstcoins weremadeofelectrum,anaturalalloyof goldandsilver.Silver,bronzeandcopper werelaterusedinAncientGreeceandthe RomanEmpire.Coppercoins,usedfor smalltransactions,wereissuedwitha monetaryvalueinexcessofthevalueof metalused,establishingtheprincipleof tokenmoney,whichisthenatureofcoin- agetoday.Thefirstproblemsofcoinage, clippingandforgery,weresolvedbya changeinproductionmethodfromham- meringtomillingtoensureastandard size.Thesecondproblem,theinconveni- enceoftransportingittocarryoutlarge financialtransactions,wasremediedby theuseofbanknotes. coincidentindicators(E3) Measuresofeconomicactivityusedby economicforecasterstotrackcyclical movementsinthe ECONOMY.Themainones usedareemploymentinnon-agricultural enterprises,personalincomelesstransfer payments.andindicesoftotalindustrial productionandmanufacturingandtrade sales. Seealso:economicindicators Colbertism(H2,L5,N4,N6) Governmentinterventioninindustry, namedaftertheFrench MERCANTILISTJean BaptisteColbert(1619–83)whosuccess- fullyreformedtheFrencheconomyafter 1649.InFrance,thehomeofColbertism, thegovernment’sabilitytosubsidizein- dustryandfollowprotectionistpolicies hasbeenlimitedsinceentrytotheEur- opeanEconomicCommunityin1958. Seealso:dirigisme collaborative ... with more than 2, 000 employees should reconstitute their boards of direc- tors according to a ‘2x + y’ principle of equal numbers of employee and share- holder representatives (2x) and co-opted directors ... ofproduction;totheAUSTRIANSCHOOLtime wascrucialtotheconcept;to FISHER capitalwasastockwhichproduceda streamofincomewithitsvaluedeter- minedbyrelativepreferenceforfuture ratherthanpresentgoods.Importantde- batesincludetherelationshipbetweenthe RATEOFINTERESTandthevalueofcapital, aswellasdiscussionofthenotionof aggregatecapital.Astherearemany importantsub-speciesofcapital,including HUMANCAPITALandEQUITYcapital,specia- listtheoriesofcapitalarealsopro- pounded.Capitaltheoryexpandedits concernsinthe1960swithinthecontext ofgrowththeory.Amajorissuediscussed thenwasthemethodofmeasuringaggre- gateorsocialcapitaltoachieveavalue independentofdistributionandprices. Joan ROBINSONsuggestedusinglabourtime asameasure;Champernowneintroduced a CHAININDEXMETHOD. Seealso:Cambridgecontroversies References Harcourt,G.C.(19 72) SomeCambridgeCon- troversiesintheTheoryofCapital,Cam- bridge:CambridgeUniversityPress. Kregel,J.A.(1976)TheoryofCapital, London:Macmillan. capitaltransfertax(H2) UKtaxintroducedin1975ontransfersof wealthpayablebythedonororrecipient duringlifeoratdeath.Estateduty,in forcefrom1894to1975,wastheprede- cessorofthistax. capitalutilization(D2,E2) 1Theproportionoffixedcapital(build- ingsandmachinery)inuse.Ifmachin- eryisworkedforonlyhalfofatime period,thecapitalutilizationrateis50 percent. 2Actualoutputasapercentageofpoten- tialoutputatareferencedate. Seealso:capacityutilization capitalvalue(E2,M2) Avaluationofanassetbroadlymeasured eitherbydiscountingthetotalfuture incomeexpectedfromtheassetorby capitalizingtheexpectedincome. Seealso:discounting;netpresentvalue capitalwidening(E2) Anincreaseintherealcapitalstock leavingthe CAPITAL–LABOURRATIOun- changedasthecapitalstockandthe labourforcegrowatthesamerate. Seealso:capitaldeepening capitationtax(H2)seepolltax cappinganinterestrate(G1) Separatingthepartofinterestpaymentsin excessofrealinterestpaymentsandthen capitalizingitbyaddingittothelong- termdebt. captiveinsurance(G2) Aninsurancecompanywhosebusinessis mainlysuppliedandcontrolledbyits owners.Theprincipalbeneficiariesare thoseoriginallyinsured. capturetheory(K2,L4)seeregulatory capture carbonsequestration(Q2) Storingcarbondioxidebyplantingtrees orpumpingintoundergroundreservoirs: anapproachtoreducingglobalwarming. carbonsink(Q2) Anareawithtreesandplantswhichhas beencreatedtoabsorbcarbondioxide. Thishasbeenproposedtoreduceglobal warming. carbontax(H2,Q2) Ataxrelatedtothecarboncontentof coal,naturalgasoroil,whichisimposed toimprovethenaturalenvironment.The taxcantaketheformofafixedamount pertonofcarbonembodiedineachfuel orbean taxisrelatedtotheemissionreduction targetchosen. Seealso:effluentfee;environmentaltax; marketabledischargepermit cardinal...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 19:22
A Practical Guide to Clinical Virology Second Edition - part 2 pdf
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 00:21
Beginning PythonFrom Novice to Professional, Second Edition 2008 phần 2 pps
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 10:21