[...]... pp 83–108 Leatherland, J.F., Ballantyne, J.S and Van Der Kraak, G (1998) Diagnostic assessment of non-infectious disorders of captive and wild fish populations and the use of fish as sentinel organisms for environmental studies In: Leatherland, J.F and Woo, P.T.K (eds) Fish Diseases and Disorders, Volume 2, Non-infectious Disorders CABI, New York, pp 335–366 Leatherland, J.F., Li, M and Barkataki, S (2010)... neoplasia have © CAB International 2010 Fish Diseases and Disorders Vol 2: Non-infectious Disorders, 2nd edition (eds J.F Leatherland and P.T.K Woo) 19 20 J.M Grizzle and A.E Goodwin focused on viruses (Essbauer and Ahne, 2001; Smail and Munro, 2001), genetics (Walter and Kazianis, 2001; Meierjohann and Schartl, 2006), pollutants (Grizzle, 1990; Harshbarger and Clark, 1990; Bucke, 1993; Harshbarger... (or even a © CAB International 2010 Fish Diseases and Disorders Vol 2: Non-infectious Disorders, 2nd edition (eds J.F Leatherland and P.T.K Woo) 1 2 J.F Leatherland posteriori diagnosis) of a specific problem is often not possible Issues Related to the Diagnosis of Non-infectious Disorders Infectious diseases are diagnosed by symptomatology (the study of symptoms) and the identification of the infectious... StAR protein and P450scc expressions General and Comparative Endocrinology 150, 419–429 Kuparinen, A, O’Hara, R.B and Merild, J (2008) The role of growth history in determining age and size at maturation in exploited fish populations Fish and Fisheries 9, 201–207 Leatherland, J.F., Farbridge, K.J and Boujard, T (1992) Lunar and semi-lunar rhythms in fishes In: Ali, M.A (ed.) Rhythms in Fishes Plenum... Spectrometry 21, 207–211 Rolland, R.M (2000a) A review of chemically-induced alterations in thyroid and vitamin A status from field studies of wildlife and fish Journal of Wildlife Diseases 36, 615–635 Rolland, R.M (2000b) Ecoepidemiology of the effects of pollution on reproduction and survival of early life history stages in teleosts Fish and Fisheries 1, 41–72 Satterfield, F.R IV and Finney, B.P (2002) Stable... the non-infectious conditions to a specific aetiological factor Moreover, the follow-up evaluation of the physiological and biochemical responses of the organism rarely provides specific information about the root cause(s) of the dysfunctional condition This volume of the second edition of the fish diseases series comprises chapters that focus on the description of known and generally well-documented non-infectious. .. environment Pure and Applied Chemistry 72, 985–994 Arndt, S.K.A., Benfey, T.J., and Cunjak, R.A (1994) A comparison of RNA concentrations and ornithine decarboxylase activity in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) muscle tissue, with respect to specific growth rates and diet variations Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 13, 463–471 16 J.F Leatherland Bjerregaard, P., Andersen, S.B., Pedersen, K.L and Korsgaard,... metabolism and retention Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 26, 1910–1915 Börjeson, H and Norrgren, L (1997) M74 syndrome: a review of potential ecological factors In: Rolland, R.M., Gilbertson, M and Peterson, R.E (eds) Chemically-Induced Alterations in Functional Development and Reproduction of Fishes SETAC Press, Pensacola, Florida, pp 153–166 Brett, J.R (1979) Environmental factors and growth... Monosson, E (1997) Reproductive and developmental effects of contaminants in fish populations Establishing cause and effect In: Rolland, R.M., Gilbertson, M and Peterson, R.E (eds) Chemically Induced Alterations in Functional Development and Reproduction of Fishes SETAC Press, Pensacola, Florida, pp 177–194 Naz, R.K (2004) (ed.) Endocrine Disruptors: Effects on Male and Female Reproductive Systems CRC,... growth In: Hoar, W.S., Randall, D.J and Brett, J.R (eds) Fish Physiology, Vol VIII Academic Press, New York, pp 599–677 Brett, J.R and Groves, T.D.D (1979) Physiological energetics In: Hoar, W.S., Randall, D.J and Brett, J.R (eds) Fish Physiology, Vol VIII Academic Press, New York, pp 280–352 Brouwer, A., Morse, D.C., Lans, M.C., Schuur, A.G., Murk, A.J., Klasson-Wehler, E., Bergman, A and Visser, T.J (1998) . alt="" Fish Diseases and Disorders, Volume 2: Non-infectious Disorders, Second Edition This page intentionally left blank Fish Diseases and Disorders, Volume. the second volume of a three- volume series on fi sh diseases and disorders; Volume 1 deals with parasitic diseases and Volume 3 with microbial diseases.