... on this page to retrieve detail data Comments That's it! A good way to expand this example is to add the coding technique learned in the previous How -To for editing data Using data with your ... This How -To Object Property OleDbDataAdapter ID Setting odaProducts SelectCommand SELECT ProductID, ProductName FROM Products DataSet ID dsProducts DataGrid dgProducts DataSource dsProducts DataKeyField ... to note the name of the form you are calling in the URL Format String so that you can name it the same in step Add the code in Listing 5. 30 to the Load event of the page Listing 5. 30 wfrmHowTo5_8a.aspx.vb:...
Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 12:20
... //Lim #9,r0 //Ldi @2,r1 //add r2,r0,r1 //Sin @11,@3 //Jump 29 MEM [0] = 100 000 000 000 000 0b;//Jump MEM[1] =00 000 000 000 001 00b;// ;Address MEM[2] =00 000 000 000 01111b;// ;Data: 15 MEM[3] =00 000 000 000 000 00b;// ... MEM[4] =01 000 000 000 000 00b;//Lim #9,r0 ;Load Immediate data to RF [0] ; MEM[5] =00 000 000 000 0 100 1b;// ;Data: MEM[6] =01 000 0 100 100 000 0b;//Ldi @2,r1 ;Load Direct MEM[2] to RF[1] MEM[7] =00 000 000 000 000 10b;// ... MEM[11]= 100 000 000 000 000 0b;//Jump MEM[12] =00 000 000 000 000 00b;// ;Address MEM[13] =00 000 000 000 000 11b;// ;Result Address: 3 55 60 65 printf("Register Dump:\n"); printf("PC=0x%x IR=0x%x Status=0x%x AR=0x%x...
Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 12:46
Báo cáo sinh học: " A heuristic two-dimensional presentation of microsatellite-based data applied to dogs and wolves" pot
... dinucleotide (CPH02, CPH03, CPH04, CPH06, CPH07, CPH08, CPH17 [11]) and 16 tetranucleotide markers ( 200 1, 201 0, 2 01 6, 205 4, 209 7, 2 109 , 21 30, 2132, 2137, 21 40, 2142, 2161 , 2164 , 2168 , 2175, 2 201 [ 10] ) All ... equal to the total number of breeds (K = 10) and subsequently with K = to K = 9, with twenty runs at each K We ran Structure for 00 0 00 0 iterations of the Gibbs sampler after a burn-in of 100 00 0 ... achieved (see below) The default maximal number of iterations is set to 100 00 0 for populations and 00 0 00 0 for individuals To avoid getting arrested in a local optimum, we modified the original...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 13:22
A systematic translation of guarded recursive data types to existential types
... (eval t) The data type definition introduces constructors belonging to data type T erm a The novelty is that the type is refined for each constructors For example, in case of constructor Inc we refine ... thing we can with them is to apply fn to val to get a boolean For example: f :: Foo -> Bool f (MkFoo val fn) = fn val What this allows us to is to package heterogenous values together with a bunch ... m) In order to type such functions it is necessary to arithmetic at the type level The following program shows how to capture this specification Example data Z = Z data S n = S n data Sum w x...
Ngày tải lên: 26/09/2015, 10:44
80C88 - CMOS 8/16-Bit Microprocessor
... PREFIX 00 1 reg 11 REG is assigned according to the following table: 16- BIT (w = 1) 8 -BIT (w = 0) SEGMENT 00 0 AX 00 0 AL 00 ES 00 1 CX 00 1 CL 01 CS 01 0 DX 01 0 DL 10 SS 01 1 BX 01 1 BL 11 DS 100 SP 100 ... Immediate to Accumulator 00 001 10w data data if w = Register/Memory and Register to Either 00 1 100 dw mod reg r/m Immediate to Register/Memory 100 000 0w mod 1 r/m data Immediate to Accumulator 00 1 101 0w data ... port 100 11 101 ARITHMETIC ADD = Add: Register/Memory with Register to Either 00 000 0dw mod reg r/m Immediate to Register/Memory 100 000 sw mod 0 r/m data Immediate to Accumulator 00 000 10w data data...
Ngày tải lên: 15/10/2012, 13:46
Báo cáo y học: "Eosinopenia is a reliable marker of sepsis on admission to medical intensive care units"
... 13 ±
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 10:35
A New Technique Using Headspace Gas Monitoring to Determine Carbon Source Addition in a BNR Process
... Experiment setup of CO2 headspace monitoring - 62 - CO2 verify-1 (n =16) 1 400 1 200 CO2 (ppm ) 100 0 800 600 y = 175.54x R = 0. 9998 400 200 0. 0 2 .0 4 .0 6 .0 8 .0 Reading (V) Figure Carbon dioxide sensor ... 100 J1 206 -0- pH 7. 70 E Ti e m 7.65 7. 60 7.55 pH CO2 ppm J1 206 -0- CO2 7. 50 7.45 7. 40 7.35 1 20 1 40 1 60 1 80 200 Time elapsed (min.) 7. 30 100 1 20 1 40 1 60 1 80 200 Time elapsed (m in.) Figure CO2 and ... monitored using this approach and experimental design was able to estimate the initial acetate concentration in the reactor - 63 - 2 10 200 1 90 1 80 1 70 1 60 1 50 1 40 1 30 1 20 1 10 100 J1 206 -0- pH 7.70...
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 08:40
A discussion proposal on people''''s adaptability to floods in the Mekong river delta
... more than 2 10 million US dollars In October 200 0, the MD faced one of largest and most damaged flood in 70 years: over 300 ,00 0 households were reportedly submerged with over 2, 900 destroyed, ... higher then 4. 50 m MSL, occurring in the years 1 904 , 1923, 1937, 1961, 1966, 1978, 1984, 1991, 1994, 1996, 200 0 The flood in year 1994 to the MD killed nearly 500 people and damaged to property ... according to the motto: “Both the Government and People together” Almost of these water works play significant role in providing benefit to local farmers but they have also brought other damages to...
Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 12:15
Migrating from Windows NT 4.0 to Windows 2000
... NT Workstation 4 .0 computers to Windows NT 4 .0 Service Pack 4, and then upgrade to Windows 200 0 Professional Upgrade WDCDNS to Windows 200 0 Server Upgrade DENFP to Windows 200 0 Server Answer: ... is used to promote a Windows 200 0 server to a domain controller or to demote a Windows 200 0 server to member server It cannot be used to restore the system back to Windows NT E: Directory services ... first computer to be upgraded when upgrading a Windows NT domain to Windows 200 0 is always the Windows 200 0 primary domain controller (PDC) Reference: Todd Phillips, Sybex, Windows 200 0 Domain Migrate...
Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 17:15
How to Create a Compelling Company Story That Inspires Employees to Excel
... want to believe in their management They want to come to work every day to excel People need a cause to believe in and work toward Leaders in history have known this need and have played it to ... happens How to Create a Compelling Company Story When the Story Pieces Don’t Add Up Failure to virtually link the elements into a coherent plan also contributes to an incomplete story Because ... structure to ambiguity Without goals a company’s story has no end point or place to go Having a goal gives employees a way to measure the value of the story and to check accomplishment of the story...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 09:20
... Chữa trớc * Đọc to n (sgk) + HS ghi tóm tắt bớc thực + Nêu lại cách tính: 800 : 100 x 52,5% = 4 20 Hoặc: 800 x 52,5 : 100 = 4 20 * Làm bảng ví dụ (sgk) + Chữa, nhận xét Đáp số: 500 0 đồng * Đọc yêu ... giải to n tỉ số phần trăm - Giới thiệu cách tính số biết 52,5% 4 20 * Đọc to n (sgk) - HD nêu bớc tìm + HS ghi tóm tắt bớc thực + Nêu lại cách tính: 4 20 : 52,5 x 100 = 800 Hoặc: 4 20 x 100 : 52,5 ... xét bổ xung a) 88 ,09 %; b) 10, 5% * Đọc yêu cầu - Làm nhóm, báo cáo kết - Chữa, nhận xét Đáp số: 900 00 0 đồng * Đọc yêu cầu to n - Làm vở, chữa bảng 19 Bài giải: Đáp số: a) 2 40; b) c) Củng cố -...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 22:11
G/A Tuan 16- lop 5 CKTKN
... hớng dẫn h/s cách nhẩm - VD:Tính 1% 1 200 tính - H/s vận dụng vào tập nhẩm 5% 1 200 - nối tiếp nêu kết quả, - 1 200 : 100 = 12( cây) - Vởy 5% 1 200 là: 12 x = 60( cây) - GV nhận xét chốt ý SGV C/ Củng ... 1: - H/S đọc to n giải vào - 1H/S chữa bảng * Bài 2: - H/S tự làm vào chữa bảng - Nhắc lại cách làm * Bài 3: GV gợi ý cách làm - 10% = - Nhẩm: 10 ; 25% = a b x 10 = 50 (tấn) x = 20 (tấn) *Hoạt ... Tit 3- To n Giải to n Tỉ số phần trăm (Tr78) I Mục tiêu: Giúp H/S : - Biết cách tìm số biết số phần trăm - Vận dụng giải to n đơn giản dạng tìm số biết số phần trăm - Rèn kĩ giải to n thành...
Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2013, 02:11
... ? * Phép chia 80 1 20 : 245 (trường hợp chia có dư) - GV viết lên bảng phép chia, yêu cầu HS thực đặt tính tính 801 20 245 06 62 327 17 20 05 Vậy 801 20 : 245 = 327 - Phép chia 801 20 : 245 làø phép ... 5 608 8 : 123 ; 878 30 : Chữa chốt kết 357 Bài 2: Khoanh vo chữ đặt trước câu TL đng - 1HS lên bảng , lớp làm vào A:123 40 : 500 = 24 (dư 34) Chữa ,chốt KQ B: 123 40 : 500 = 24 (dư 3 40) C: 123 40 : ... 500 = 24 (dư 3 40) C: 123 40 : 500 = 2 40 (dư 34) D: 123 40 : 500 = 2 40 (dư 3 40) Bài : Giải to n theo tóm tắt sau - Khối 4:Mỗi hàng :9HS -2HS lên bảng ,mỗi em giải cch 162 HS :…hàng? ? hàng lớp làm...
Ngày tải lên: 29/10/2013, 11:11
Mapping .NET Data Provider Data Types to .NET Framework Data Types
... connection and build the DataReader conn.Open( ); SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader( ); // Get the CategoryID from the DataReader and cast to int int categoryId = Convert.ToInt32(dr [0] ); // Get the ... Framework typed accessor for the DataReader for each ODBC data type Table 2-9 Data types and accessors for ODBC NET data provider ODBC data type NET Framework data type NET Framework typed accessor ... Table 2- 10 lists the inferred NET Framework data type, the NET Framework typed accessor for the DataReader, and the Oracle-specific typed accessor for each Oracle data type Table 2- 10 Data types...
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 13:15
A study on english and vietnamese responses to compliments
... 39 Special type 0 2 100 100 100 100 Seventh, when the Question Word is not the subject of a WHquestion in English, there is the inversion of the subjects and the question operator (auxiliary verb ... Language Frequency % Number Frequency % Accept 17 34 11 22 Reject 15 30 24 48 Deflect/Evade 18 36 15 30 Total 50 100 50 100 21 22 Accept 4.2.3 Similarities and Differences of Pragmatic ... Frequency Appreciation Token 38 51.3 12.5 Agreeing Responses 17 23 20. 8 Downgrading 10. 8 37.5 Return 11 14.9 100 24 100 Number Frequency Number Frequency 29.2 74 Deflect/Evade Total 45.4 13 33.3...
Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:19
Tài liệu Activity 3.2: Relating Data Requirements to Conceptual Design ppt
... 12 Activity 3.2: Relating Data Requirements to Conceptual Design Exercise 1: Analyzing Your Own Experience of Conceptual Design ! Compare ... development project, pick any other type of project that involved some activities related to conceptual data design For example, creating a little-league sports roster, a scoring or organization ... drive project, or the opening of an Internet Web site that has to service many users simultaneously Reflect on the process that you used to create a conceptual design for the project Then answer the...
Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 06:16
Tài liệu Validate Data Passed to Properties and Communicate Errors to Developers pdf
... InvalidCustomerIDException Listing 9. 40 frmHowTo9_6.vb: An If Then Block to Wrap Around Your Constructor Code If ValidateCustomerID(pCustomerIDToRetrieve) Then ' Your original constructor code ... piece of data that you need to validate is the CustomerID You need to validate for the string length, and for new customers, you need to validate for the uniqueness of the proposed CustomerID ... InvalidCustomerIDException(pCustomerIDToRetrieve) End If The final piece of validation code you need to add is a function that checks for the existence of a CustomerID before a new Customer object...
Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 06:17
Tài liệu Supporting & Maintaining a Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 Network pdf
... 07 0 - 244 ServerA is a DHCP server that is configured to use a DHCP scope of 10. 10. 20. 10 to 10. 10. 20. 255 All of the UNIX servers are configure to use static IP addresses, and the Windows 200 0 ... on ServerA to 10. 10. 20. 50 to 10. 10. 20. 255 Change the DHCP scope on ServerA to exclude the addresses of the UNIX servers Configure the WINS server address on all of the Windows 200 0 Professional ... Professional computers to 10. 10. 20. 80 Configure the DNS server address on all of the Windows 200 0 Professional computers to 10. 10. 20. 80 Answer: B Explanation: The UNIX servers have IP addresses that...
Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 09:20
... teacher to to 15 16. 2 58.5 10. 3 16. 3 16. 7 21.1 45.9 motivate you to speak? A Not to interrupt you when you make mistakes B To accept a variety of answers C To give you a reading text based on topics ... of grade 10 at Gia Phu High School, and to identify the factors which make the students inhibited and unwilling to speak English, and to make some recommendations to motivate students to speak ... speaking topics presented in 60 class, based on “English 10 ? A Interesting B All right C Boring D Too boring Table 1: Students’ assessment of speaking topics in the text - book “English 10 Of 120...
Ngày tải lên: 29/01/2014, 10:33