714 timing parameters for a d latch

DSpace at VNU: Linear Approximation and Asymptotic Expansion of Solutions in Many Small Parameters for a Nonlinear Kirchhoff Wave Equation with Mixed Nonhomogeneous Conditions

DSpace at VNU: Linear Approximation and Asymptotic Expansion of Solutions in Many Small Parameters for a Nonlinear Kirchhoff Wave Equation with Mixed Nonhomogeneous Conditions

... Cavalcanti et al [2, 3], Ebihara, Medeiros and Miranda [5], Hosoya and Yamada [6], Lasiecka and Ong [9], Miranda et al [22], Menzala [21], Park et al [25, 26], Rabello et al [28], Santos et al ... decay rates for the Kirchhoff-Carrier equation with nonlinear dissipation, Adv Differ Equ 6(6), 701–730 (2001) Cavalcanti, M.M., Domingos Cavalcanti, V.N., Soriano, J .A. : Global existence and asymptotic ... now, an asymptotic expansion of a weak solution in many small parameters appeared on both sides of (1)1 is studied Keywords Faedo–Galerkin method · Linear recurrent sequence · Asymptotic expansion

Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2017, 14:41

33 144 0
Business communication developing leaders for a network world 2nd CHAPTER 7

Business communication developing leaders for a network world 2nd CHAPTER 7

... proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted ... material solely for authorized instructor use Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a ... making more objective, more fact-based, and less personal judgments and evaluations  Relaxation involves releasing and overcoming anger and frustration so that you can make a more rational and

Ngày tải lên: 06/02/2018, 09:07

30 107 0
Lecture Math for the pharmacy technician: Concepts and calculations: Chapter 7 – Lynn M. Egler, Kathryn A. Booth

Lecture Math for the pharmacy technician: Concepts and calculations: Chapter 7 – Lynn M. Egler, Kathryn A. Booth

... Correctly reconstitute powdered medications Calculate the amount of reconstituted medications  to administer Accurately calculate doses of inhalant, rectal, and  transdermal medications Identify errors that occur in calculating and  ... MathforthePharmacyTechnician: ConceptsandCalculations EglerBooth Chapter7:OralMedicationsand ParenteralDosages McGrawưHill â2010bytheMcGrawưHillCompanies,IncAllRightsReserved 7ư2 OralMedicationsandParenteralDosages ...   inhalants ophthalmic and otic drops topical and  transdermal  rectal and vaginal medications McGraw­Hill  ©2010 by the McGraw­Hill Companies, Inc All Rights Reserved 7­59 Other Medication Routes (con’t)

Ngày tải lên: 22/01/2020, 02:03

69 42 0
Determination of cellular processing rates for a Trastuzumab-Maytansinoid antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) highlights key parameters for ADC design

Determination of cellular processing rates for a Trastuzumab-Maytansinoid antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) highlights key parameters for ADC design

... two FDA-approved ADCs available in the USA, brentuximab vedotin (Adcetris) and trastuzumab emtansine (T-DM1, Kadcyla) (1), with more than 30 ADCs in clinical trials (2) Key ADC design parameters ... of ADCs, an area which is fundamental to the design and efficacy of ADCs Understanding which intracellular processing steps influence ADC payload delivery, as well as how ADC design parameters affect ... proteolytic degradation of the ADC, efflux of the payload out of the cell, and payload binding to its intracellular target The model was developed with a trastuzumab-maytansinoid ADC (TM-ADC) similar to

Ngày tải lên: 11/05/2020, 11:42

12 27 0
Construction of a VPN system for remote programming and monitoring of environmental parameters for serving plant production in greenhouses

Construction of a VPN system for remote programming and monitoring of environmental parameters for serving plant production in greenhouses

... on a small scale An automatic control model was applied to a plant growth house in the area of Ho Chi Minh City in a study by Lam et al (2012) In addition, research and development of automated ... measure the environmental temperature and humidity The DHT11 sensors had a structure of legs It used digital interface/serial communication with a 1wire standard The DHT11 parameters included ... telecommunications network in the Central Highlands Then, Minh et al (2015) improved the model and introduced a method for controlling and monitoring environmental parameters on a cloud computing platform

Ngày tải lên: 22/05/2020, 01:48

13 49 0
Potential anti-cancer effect of N-hydroxy-7- (2-naphthylthio) heptanomide (HNHA), a novel histone deacetylase inhibitor, for the treatment of thyroid cancer

Potential anti-cancer effect of N-hydroxy-7- (2-naphthylthio) heptanomide (HNHA), a novel histone deacetylase inhibitor, for the treatment of thyroid cancer

... Statistical analysis Statistical analysis was performed with GraphPad Prism software (GraphPad Software Inc., La Jolla, CA, USA) One-way ANOVA was performed for the multi-group analysis, and two-tailed ... ATC (a and b) and SNU-790 PTC cells (c and d) TSA, trichostatin A; SAHA, suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid Data points indicate the mean % of the value observed in the solvent-treated control All ... humidity Membrane-filter purified and autoclaved tap water and standard diet of rodent pellets were provided ad libitum Immunohistochemistry Immunohistochemical staining was performed using a standard

Ngày tải lên: 22/09/2020, 23:04

11 22 0
A deep learning-based algorithm for 2-D cell segmentation in microscopy images

A deep learning-based algorithm for 2-D cell segmentation in microscopy images

... of a nuclear channel) Additional file Additional file 1: Sample images and results Sample datasets used in this paper (# and #5 in table 2) The dataset includes input images of both dsRed and ... and #5 in table 2) generated and/or analyzed during the current study are provided as Additional file The rest of the datasets used and/or analyzed during the current study are available from ... would like to thank Michael Grinberg and Howard Lakougna for their helpful feedback while developing and testing the algorithms Availability of data and materials Some of the datasets (#1 and #5

Ngày tải lên: 25/11/2020, 14:37

11 23 0
englissh 6 period 40 102 gi¸o ¸n ngo¹i ng÷ 6 week 14 period 40 unit 7 your house a1 a2 a is your house big i aim by the end of the lesson pupil are able to describe the place arand the house a

englissh 6 period 40 102 gi¸o ¸n ngo¹i ng÷ 6 week 14 period 40 unit 7 your house a1 a2 a is your house big i aim by the end of the lesson pupil are able to describe the place arand the house a

... work in pairs (?) P read the dialogue again then ask and answer T corrects B Food and drink Listen and repeat - apple - orange - banana - water - rice - milk + What would you like ? I? ?d like ... luaguage - Introduce about your self Vocabulary : canada -> canadian USA Frace -> Japan -> Japanese China -> Chinese Australia -> ustralian II Preparation : T : Lesson plan P : book ... practice ask and answer T corrects A Struck driver. - a struck driver - farm (n) farmer (n) - load untoad - foodstall + Structure: Quang is arriving at the farm Quang and he farmer are

Ngày tải lên: 09/04/2021, 22:02

75 9 0
më ®çu đinh thị kim quế trường thcs cao bình sinh học 7 hk i më ®çu tiõt 1 bµi 1 thõ giíi ®éng vët ®a d¹ng phong phó ngµy so¹n 6 9 2008 gi¶ng ë c¸c líp líp ngµy d¹y hs v¾ng mæt ghi chó 7a 7b 7c i môc

më ®çu đinh thị kim quế trường thcs cao bình sinh học 7 hk i më ®çu tiõt 1 bµi 1 thõ giíi ®éng vët ®a d¹ng phong phó ngµy so¹n 6 9 2008 gi¶ng ë c¸c líp líp ngµy d¹y hs v¾ng mæt ghi chó 7a 7b 7c i môc

... HS quan sát trùng giày di chuyển - HS quan sát đợc trùng giày di chun trªn lam kÝnh, tiÕp tơc theo d? ?i híng di chun ? Di chun theo kiĨu tiÕn th¼ng hay *Di chun: V? ?a tiÕn v? ?a xoay, Cã xoay tiÕn? ... CNS: Hạt diệp lục, hạt d? ?? trữ Không bào: Co bóp tiêu hoá Điểm mắt, Có roi di chuyển b.Di chuyển: - Roi xoáy vào nớc v? ?a tiến v? ?a xoay ? Hình thøc dinh d? ?ng? Dinh d? ?ng - Tù d? ?ng vµ d? ?? d? ??ng - Hô ... sung - HS theo d? ?i tự s? ?a ch? ?a HS rút kết luận - GV thông báo đáp án Ô 1, 3, - Động vật có đặc điểm chung có khả di chuyển, có hệ thần kinh giác quan, chủ yếu d? ?? d? ??ng( khả dinh d? ??ng nhờ chất hữu

Ngày tải lên: 11/04/2021, 13:53

43 3 0
slide 1 ngày soạn tiết 14 gi¸o ¸n ®iön tö tin häc líp 11 trường thpt huỳnh thúc kháng bµi tëp c©u lönh rï nh¸nh if then a d¹ng thiõu b d¹ng ®ñ if then e

slide 1 ngày soạn tiết 14 gi¸o ¸n ®iön tö tin häc líp 11 trường thpt huỳnh thúc kháng bµi tëp c©u lönh rï nh¸nh if then a d¹ng thiõu b d¹ng ®ñ if then e

... trình sau: ; ax by c dx ey f        4 Đọc vào toạ độ ba điểm A( x1,y1), B(x2,y2), C(x3,y3) Viết ch ơng trình kiểm tra xem ba điểm có tạo thành ba đỉnh tam giác khơng? Nếu tam giác ... Program Bai1; Uses crt; Var i,n:integer; S:real; Begin Write(‘Nhap n:’); Readln(n); S:=0; For i:=1 to n do S:=S+i/(i+1); Writeln(‘Tong S :’,S:7:2); Readln; END. B5: i:=i+1 (9)Tr ... (4)Program vd1; Uses crt; Var z,x,y: Real; BEGIN Clrscr; write(‘ Nhap vao x vµ y : ’); readln(x,y); if (sqr(x)+sqr(y)<=1) then z := sqr(x)+sqr(y); if (sqr(x)+sqr(y)>1) and (y>=x)

Ngày tải lên: 11/04/2021, 23:31

12 14 0
ngµy so¹n tr­êng thcs b×nh khª gi¸o ¸n sinh häc 7 ngµy so¹n 1682008 ngµy gi¶ng 1982008 tiõt 1 thõ giíi ®éng vët ®a d¹ng phong phó 1 môc tiªu 1 1 kiõn thøc hióu ®­îc thõ giíi ®éng vët ®a d¹ng phong

ngµy so¹n tr­êng thcs b×nh khª gi¸o ¸n sinh häc 7 ngµy so¹n 1682008 ngµy gi¶ng 1982008 tiõt 1 thõ giíi ®éng vët ®a d¹ng phong phó 1 môc tiªu 1 1 kiõn thøc hióu ®­îc thõ giíi ®éng vët ®a d¹ng phong

... trai?( TĂ) H: KiĨu dinh d? ?ng c? ?a trai lµ kiĨu dinh d? ??ng gì?(thụ động) H: C¸ch dinh d? ?ng c? ?a trai cã ý ngh? ?a ntn víi m«i trêng níc? GV: Giải thích vai trò lọc nớc III Dinh d ỡng * Thức ăn: ... túi mang mỏng - Có lông phđ - Tạo d? ??ng nớc đem theo oxi - Trao i khớ d dng - Tạo d? ?ng nớc a Mổ tôm - Đổ nớc ngập thể tôm - D? ?ng kẹp nâng lng v? ?a cắt bỏ b Quan sát cấu tạo hệ quan * Cơ quan ... chung * Cơ thể d? ?i phân đốt * Cã thĨ xoang(khoang c¬ thĨ chÝnh thøc) * Hơ hấp qua da hay mang *Hệ tuần hồn kín, máu màu *Hệ thần kinh d? ??ng chuỗi hạch giác quan phát triển *Di chuyển nhờ chi

Ngày tải lên: 13/04/2021, 18:42

91 8 0
unit 8 revision how do these people travel by motorbike she walks by bike by bus by car toplay video games toride a bike todrive a car towait for a train i vocabulary lái xe đạp lái xe ô tô đ

unit 8 revision how do these people travel by motorbike she walks by bike by bus by car toplay video games toride a bike todrive a car towait for a train i vocabulary lái xe đạp lái xe ô tô đ

... doing? What is she doing? Nội dung HS ghi What are you doing? What are they doing? (?) What + be + S + doing? (9)Practice 1 Ask and answer about you, using the given words a play video games ... wait for a bus c walk to school What are you doing? I’m playing video games. What are you doing? (10)(11)(12)What are they doing? (13)What is he doing? (14)What are they doing? (15)What ... (4) Match the pictures to the words: drive a car walk to school wait for a train ride a bike play video games travel to school by (5)He is playing video games She is riding her

Ngày tải lên: 20/04/2021, 12:57

20 5 0
gi¸o ¸n sinh 7 gi¸o ¸n sinh häc 7 tuçn 1 so¹n 18 8 2010 tiõt 1 gi¶ng 19 8 2010 thõ giíi ®éng vët ®a d¹ng vµ phong phó i môc tiªu 1 kiõn thøc tr×nh bµy kh¸i qu¸t vò giíi ®éng vët n­íc ta ®­îc thiª

gi¸o ¸n sinh 7 gi¸o ¸n sinh häc 7 tuçn 1 so¹n 18 8 2010 tiõt 1 gi¶ng 19 8 2010 thõ giíi ®éng vët ®a d¹ng vµ phong phó i môc tiªu 1 kiõn thøc tr×nh bµy kh¸i qu¸t vò giíi ®éng vët n­íc ta ®­îc thiª

... khoang bảo vƯ n·o, tđy sèng vµ néi quan * Hoạt động 2: Quan sát da nội quan mẫu Hoạt động thầy Hoạt động trò Nội dung a- quan sát da - GV hớng d? ??n HS sờ tay lên bề mặt da quan sát mặt da→ ... khác giữ lau d? ??ch cho mẫu (30)- GV hỏi: Vì mổ cha đúng hay nát nội quan * GV hớng d? ??n: D? ?ng kéo nhọn tách nhẹ nội quan D? ? ?a vào H16. 3A nhận biết phận hệ tiêu h? ?a + D? ? ?a vào H16.3B quan sát phận ... khai th¸c rõng b? ?a b·i + h? ?a, lai tạo giống để tăng cờng ? ?a d? ??ng sinh học độ ? ?a d? ??ng lồi D) Cđng cè:  GV sử d? ??ng câu hỏi 1,2 SGK E) D? ??n d? ?: Học trả lời câu hỏi SGK  Tìm hiểu thêm ? ?a d? ??ng

Ngày tải lên: 27/04/2021, 21:39

125 9 0
Tài liệu Ứng dụng KIT 8051 dùng để chuyển đổi A/D-D/A, chương 14 pptx

Tài liệu Ứng dụng KIT 8051 dùng để chuyển đổi A/D-D/A, chương 14 pptx

... Đ a tương đối vùng data DISP: MOV DPTR, #CW79 ; Đ a điều khiển 8279 MOV A, R0 MOV @DPTR, A MOV DPTR, #5000H MOV A, R1 ;Chuyển đ a tương đối từ R1 sang A MOVC A, @A+ DPTR ;Lấy byte liệu MOV DPTR, ... byte đ a thấp MOV DPTR, #5000H DECO1:PUSH 82 ; Cất DPTR PUSH 83 ;Cất DPTR MOV DPTR, #5000H MOV A, R0 MOVC A, @A+ DPTR MOV DPTR, #0200H MOVC A, @A+ DPTR POP 83H POP 82H MOVX @DPTR, A INC DPTR INC ... ; Nạp 10 vào ; Cất tạm A sang R0 ;Cất data hàng chục vào INC DPTR ;Tăng lên để lưu hàng trăm MOV A, R0 ;Lấy lại data hàng @DPTR, A ;Cất data hàng trăm vào trăm MOVX 500AH RET ************************************************...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 14:15

12 368 0
Proposal for a COUNCIL DIRECTIVE on a common system of financial transaction tax and amending Directive 2008/7/EC pot

Proposal for a COUNCIL DIRECTIVE on a common system of financial transaction tax and amending Directive 2008/7/EC pot

... purchased/sold, transferred, concluded or modified This approach would allow for a straightforward and easy application of FTT on derivative agreements while ensuring low compliance and administrative ... the validity of the delegated acts already in force As soon as it adopts a delegated act, the Commission shall notify it to the Council A delegated act adopted pursuant to Articles 2(2) and 11(2) ... evasion, avoidance and abuse Member States shall adopt measures to prevent tax evasion, avoidance and abuse The Commission may, in accordance with Article 13 adopt delegated acts specifying the measures...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 18:20

31 569 0
moodle 2 for teaching 7-14 year olds [electronic resource] beginner's guide effective e-learning for younger students, using moodle as your classroom assistant

moodle 2 for teaching 7-14 year olds [electronic resource] beginner's guide effective e-learning for younger students, using moodle as your classroom assistant

... encouraging staff to use Moodle in more interactive and engaging ways, and Learning and Development Manager at a private training organization where Moodle was used to support organisational and ... Learning, and Local Government delivering high class training to teachers, managers, care staff, and small and medium businesses Louise has also developed resources and delivered training for and ... the standard blocks that are available in Moodle, and that you could have on your course page (if you're allowed) I've explained what they do, and what I think about them: Block name What it does...

Ngày tải lên: 29/05/2014, 17:42

245 389 0
d. to stay --> b 114. A artist went to a beautiful part of the country for a holiday, and stayed pdf

d. to stay --> b 114. A artist went to a beautiful part of the country for a holiday, and stayed pdf

... received d coming for > c 265 Women don't usually shake hands as they are introduced to each other but men did a don't b as c to d did > d 266 A Suez Canal connects the Mediterranean Sea and the ... a Doing b quickly c aren't d to work > d 121 If you had any doubts about taking up cycling for health reasons, talk to your doctor and ask his or her advice a had b about c talk d ask > a ... the underground as it is rapidity, easy and cheap a myself b the c rapidity d cheap > c 232 There are such many cars and buses in London that one can not drive along the roads quickly, and without...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 17:20

28 2,2K 1
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Three Solutions for a Discrete Nonlinear Neumann Problem Involving the p-Laplacian Pasquale Candito1 and Giuseppina D’Agu`2 ı" pptx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Three Solutions for a Discrete Nonlinear Neumann Problem Involving the p-Laplacian Pasquale Candito1 and Giuseppina D’Agu`2 ı" pptx

... ensures a third critical point different from and u and by standards arguments if dim X References D R Anderson, I Rachunkov´ , and C C Tisdell, “Solvability of discrete Neumann boundary value a ˚ ... probles,” Advances in Differential Equations, vol 2, pp 93–99, 2007 C Bereanu and J Mawhin, “Boundary value problems for second-order nonlinear difference equations with discrete φ-Laplacian and singular ... singular discrete p-Laplacian problems via variational methods,” Advances in Difference Equations, no 2, pp 93–99, 2005 G Bonanno and P Candito, “Nonlinear difference equations investigated via critical...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 07:20

11 464 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Fully Adaptive Clutter Suppression for Airborne Multichannel Phase Array Radar Using a Single A/D Converter" potx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Fully Adaptive Clutter Suppression for Airborne Multichannel Phase Array Radar Using a Single A/D Converter" potx

... order to achieve full adaptivity to the clutter, generally the radar system has to undergo a multiple -A/ D (hardware) upgrade where a number of sampled data streams are made available However, for ... variance and E{·} denotes the expectation operator The usual assumptions such as patchto-patch statistical independence (zero-mean Gaussian) are made on the clutter as well as target The data ... the array broadside (with index = 65), we have nonzero Doppler value as clearly seen in Figures 7 (a) and 7(b) Generally, this will not degrade the STAP performance What this means for MCARM data...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 08:20

14 342 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article A Simple Technique for Fast Digital Background Calibration of A/D Converters" potx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article A Simple Technique for Fast Digital Background Calibration of A/D Converters" potx

... is a ected by errors in the interstage gain R (called radix), due to capacitor mismatch, finite opamp gain, and incomplete settling Digi- ··· MDAC ··· MDAC k Vi,k + R − ADC SHA MDAC N Vo,k DAC Dk ... DoC is obtained, and that is a linearized version of Do K is a gain factor which sets the bandwidth of the filter, determining the tradeoff between speed and accuracy 3.1 DIGITAL BACKGROUND CALIBRATION ... following we describe the calibration process for a single stage: the pipeline ADC can be decomposed in a first stage to be calibrated, that provides the digital output D1 , and a backend ideal (N −...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 19:20

11 398 0