3ds max architectural visualization tutorial pdf

Tài liệu Gán ảnh MAP xe hơi với 3DS MAX 9 Phần 4 pdf

Tài liệu Gán ảnh MAP xe hơi với 3DS MAX 9 Phần 4 pdf

... Bài tập hướng dẫn gán ảnh map cho mặt phẳng lại Về phương diện kỹ thuật, dùng phiên cũ 3ds Max 7.0 hay 3ds Max 8.0 không ảnh hưởng đến trình thực hành Độ khó: 3/10 Chọn mặt phẳng thứ (Plane01)...

Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 18:17

10 698 3
vnz  0311   foundation 3ds max 8 architectural visualization (2006)

vnz 0311 foundation 3ds max 8 architectural visualization (2006)

... 5572FM.qxd 3/25/06 3:40 PM Page i Foundation 3ds Max Architectural Visualization Brian L Smith 5572FM.qxd 3/25/06 3:40 PM Page ii Foundation 3ds Max Architectural Visualization Copyright © 2006 by Brian ... us using 3ds Max for architectural visualizations Tutorials There are two types of tutorials in this book: the Quick Start tutorials that begin each major part of the book, and the tutorials ... needed for this tutorial and save them to a unique folder within the 3dsMax8 directory Create a folder named Friends_of_Ed in each of the two directories, 3dsMax8\scenes and 3dsMax8\images, as...

Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2014, 01:26

569 457 0
Phím tắt trong 3ds Max 8.0 pdf

Phím tắt trong 3ds Max 8.0 pdf

... tạm thời tắt khung nhìn lại Các phím khác: [: phóng to khung nhìn ]: thu nhỏ khung nhìn (với 3dmax ấn hai phím thu nhỏ khung nhìn, phóng to không ổn lắm) ": Bật chế độ thiết lập khoá (set key)...

Ngày tải lên: 01/08/2014, 21:21

3 753 4
Introducing 3ds Max 9 3D for beginners apr 2007 - part 8 pdf

Introducing 3ds Max 9 3D for beginners apr 2007 - part 8 pdf

... scene, you need to create a light for it 97612c10.qxd 2/26/07 3:02 PM Page 411 3ds max lights ■ 411 3ds Max Lights 3ds Max has two types of light objects: photometric and standard lights Photometric ... automatically call for its own light in 3ds Max Rendering tricks such as glow often simulate the effect of an active scene light This way, you don’t need to actually use a 3ds Max light Of course, if you ... Three-Point Lighting ■ 3ds Max Lights ■ Common Light Parameters ■ Ambient Light ■ Creating Shadows ■ Atmospheres and Effects 97612c10.qxd 2/26/07 3:02 PM Page 406 406 ■ chapter 10: 3ds Max Lighting Basic...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 23:21

55 277 0
kelly l murdock 3ds Max 2009 Bible phần 4 pdf

kelly l murdock 3ds Max 2009 Bible phần 4 pdf

... designate a custom sample object The sample object must be contained in a max file To create a sample object, create and save a Max scene with a single object that fits inside a 100-unit cube The scene ... colors Tutorial: Coloring Easter eggs Everyone loves spring with its bright colors and newness of life One of the highlights of the season is the tradition of coloring Easter eggs In this tutorial, ... reflected at a maximum value The Specular Level value determines how bright the highlight is Its values can range from 0, where there is no highlight, to 100, where the highlight is at a maximum The...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 20:21

130 327 0
kelly l murdock 3ds Max 2009 Bible phần 5 pdf

kelly l murdock 3ds Max 2009 Bible phần 5 pdf

... start discussing what is probably one of the main reasons you decided to learn 3ds Max in the first place — animation Max includes many different features to create animations This chapter covers ... each separate image file contained in an animation Max supports two different image file formats — Autodesk ME Image Sequence File (IMSQ) and 3ds Max Image File List (IFL) files IMSQ and IFL files ... scene, follow these steps: Open the Trumpet mask .max file from the Chap 19 directory on the DVD This file includes a trumpet model shown in the maximized Left viewport This file is used to generate...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 20:21

108 360 0
Mastering Autodesk 3ds Max Design 2011 phần 3 pdf

Mastering Autodesk 3ds Max Design 2011 phần 3 pdf

... walls Open the My_Walls .max model you created in the previous chapter, or open MyWalls04 max that you downloaded from www.sybex.com/go/mastering3dsmaxdesign2011 If your 3ds Max window shows only ... tool developed with 3ds Max This tool is at least 15 years old; it was part of the first release of 3ds Max in 1995 ProBoolean was a more powerful plug-in available for 3ds Max that has been incorporated ... three previous chapters, you spent some time becoming familiar with 3ds Max In this chapter, you’ll continue exploring 3ds Max s features while exercising your newfound skills You’ll start by...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 11:21

97 440 0
Mastering Autodesk 3ds Max Design 2011 phần 4 pdf

Mastering Autodesk 3ds Max Design 2011 phần 4 pdf

... them inside 3ds Max Design 2011 You can avoid the normals problem altogether by importing a specially prepared 2D drawing from AutoCAD into 3ds Max | Setting Up an AutoCAD Plan for 3ds Max   273 ... the drawing is imported into 3ds Max, you can apply separate materials to the interior and exterior wall objects By default, 3ds Max converts AutoCAD objects into 3ds Max objects based on their ... Encountering Maxblocks You can still encounter Maxblocks in 3ds Max 2011 if you choose to derive AutoCAD primitives by Layer, Entity, Color, or One Object only Beginning with 3ds Max 8, blocks...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 11:21

97 405 0
SketchUp 7.1 for Architectural Visualization Beginner''''s Guide phần 5 pdf

SketchUp 7.1 for Architectural Visualization Beginner''''s Guide phần 5 pdf

... just a matter of finding them Accessing the 3D Max furniture back-catalogue Before SketchUp came along, most visualizers used 3D Max to create architectural visuals So, there's years and years ... Difficulty to use Quantity available Formats SketchUp Easy Low (but growing) skp, 3ds, dwg/.dxf Renderer Medium High 3ds, obj Post production Difficult Medium Images Broadly speaking, the level of ... one because it'll show whether you've grasped what creating great architectural visuals is all about: Pop quiz ‹‹ When creating an architectural visual for a new commercial development, what kind...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 12:21

42 281 0
SketchUp 7.1 for Architectural Visualization Beginner''''s Guide phần 6 pdf

SketchUp 7.1 for Architectural Visualization Beginner''''s Guide phần 6 pdf

... might save a file, change or maximize the size of the SU window, and find that it saves a completely different view To combat this, use the same computer and always maximize the SketchUp program ... this book on Visualisation, we're going to look at what you specifically need to know to create architectural presentation drawings You can then experiment to find out the rest if you want to ... The camera angle and other view settings will still be there whenever you click the scene tab Maximize the SketchUp window (top right of the window) Set up your scene with styles, shadow settings,...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 12:21

42 323 0
SketchUp 7.1 for Architectural Visualization Beginner''''s Guide phần 7 pdf

SketchUp 7.1 for Architectural Visualization Beginner''''s Guide phần 7 pdf

... how to render photo-realistic architectural visuals with SketchUp and Kerkythea You will already be familiar with the basic process from Chapter 1, Quick Start Tutorial This chapter goes into ... checks ‹‹ How to import and merge from SketchUp to Kerkythea ‹‹ Inserting photo-real 3D Studio Max entourage ‹‹ Setting up photo-realistic materials ‹‹ The best render settings for lamp-lit and ... the SU2KT plugin installed, and a few materials and global libraries installed in Kerkythea The tutorials in this chapter assume you have the Windows version of Kerkythea 2008 [ 232 ] Chapter...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 12:21

41 339 0
Giáo trình 3DS MAX 9.0

Giáo trình 3DS MAX 9.0

... Phím E F12 để xoay Kts Nguyễn Duy Thanh Training and expressing 3Ds max – SketchUp – AutoCad – Revit – Photoshop GIAO DIỆN 3DSMax: a Viewport: Là khung nhìn hình chiếu khác ( top, front,…) đối ... and expressing 3Ds max – SketchUp – AutoCad – Revit – Photoshop Chọn face  extrude (setting)  nhập chiều cao mặt muốn extrude Kts Nguyễn Duy Thanh 10 Training and expressing 3Ds max – SketchUp ... trước đó: F9 Kts Nguyễn Duy Thanh 11 Training and expressing 3Ds max – SketchUp – AutoCad – Revit – Photoshop Bài 6: ÁNH SÁNG TRONG 3DSMAX (ÁNH SÁNG NGOẠI THẤT) ĐÈN TARGET DIRECT:  ĐẶT ĐÈN: Đóng...

Ngày tải lên: 27/08/2012, 08:33

28 2,2K 10
Chia sẻ 74 thủ thuật 3ds max

Chia sẻ 74 thủ thuật 3ds max

... VRayOverrideMtl để tránh blend color Dùng diffuse 200,200,200 cho GI material 12 Khi chạy 3ds max (có thể 3ds max , 3ds max hoàn toàn ko bị lỗi này) dùng vật liệu vraylightmtl render xuất viền đen xung ... cả! 56 Khi lỡ thu nhỏ cửa sổ Max lúc render, trường hợp không mở lên lại được! Nhấn Ctrl+Alt+Del (hoặc Ctrl+Shiftr+Esc) vô tab Applications, nhấp chuột phải vào MAX maximize 57 Khi model nên import ... thẳng) line Đổi vertex(đỉnh nhọn) corner vertex lại boolearn tiếp 26 Nếu copy/paste UVW Map làm 3ds max nhảy cách nữa, gán nhanh UVW map cho giống vất thể: Acquire>Acquire Absolute>OK 27 Nên tắt...

Ngày tải lên: 27/08/2012, 09:05

16 1,2K 5
Ánh sáng trong 3ds max

Ánh sáng trong 3ds max

... v i t l sau: left=3.5 and right=5.5 left=2 and right=7 B n có v i t l 2/7 : ó ánh sáng Studio 3dsmax S u t m: Kienthanh@live.com b n có th hi u nh v y Weblog: http://kienthanh07.spaces.live.com...

Ngày tải lên: 29/09/2013, 12:20

14 778 1
3DS Max 6 Bible P1

3DS Max 6 Bible P1

... ✦ Part XII: MAXScript and Plug-Ins — This part provides details on using Max s scripting language, MAXScript, and on using plug-ins ix x 3ds max Bible ✦ Part XIII: Max in Action — Max is used ... 1175 Chapter 52: Max and Special Effects 1183 Appendix A: What’s New with Max Appendix B: Installing and Configuring 3ds max Appendix C: Max Keyboard Shortcuts ... xxv xxvi 3ds max Bible Tutorial: Creating an avalanche Using Particle Flow helpers Wiring events Tutorial: Moths chasing a light Debugging test actions Tutorial: ...

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 18:15

40 544 0
3DS Max 6 Bible P2

3DS Max 6 Bible P2

... in Figure QS-1 This tutorial is saved on the CD as Sea and sand .max Figure QS-1: The shoreline was created using two simple Plane objects Part I ✦ Learning the Max Interface Tutorial: Importing ... divided into several consecutive tutorials Each successive tutorial builds upon the previous one, and the final goal is to complete a rendered animation The tutorials include the following: ✦ ... is divided into separate tutorials, with each tutorial containing a series of easy-to-follow steps These steps are intended to show you the results of performing certain Max operations, but feel...

Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2013, 01:15

10 375 0
Tài liệu Vẽ ghế gỗ với 3D Max 5 Phần 1 pdf

Tài liệu Vẽ ghế gỗ với 3D Max 5 Phần 1 pdf

... không huỷ chọn đối tượng chọn, nhấp phải vào vùng nhìn Để phóng to vùng nhìn Left, chọn công cụ Min /Max Toggle điều khiển vùng nhìn nằm góc bên trái hình, sau nhấp vào vùng nhìn ngược lại để đưa vùng...

Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2013, 21:15

6 812 6

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