3ds max interior design tutorials pdf

3ds max 2009 design tutorials modeling

3ds max 2009 design tutorials modeling

... (design/ logo), Dancing Baby (image), DesignCenter, Design Doctor, Designer's Toolkit, DesignKids, DesignProf, DesignServer, DesignStudio, Design| Studio (design/ logo), Design Your World, Design ... and other countries: 3DEC (design/ logo), 3December, 3December.com, 3ds Max, ActiveShapes, Actrix, ADI, Alias, Alias (swirl design/ logo), AliasStudio, Alias|Wavefront (design/ logo), ATC, AUGI, AutoCAD, ... geometry of the model, then use 3ds Max Design modifiers to give the object a distinctive shape. Create the tower object: 1 Choose File > Open to open building 1 - start .max. A daylight system has...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 22:45

81 551 0
Tài liệu Gán ảnh MAP xe hơi với 3DS MAX 9 Phần 4 pdf

Tài liệu Gán ảnh MAP xe hơi với 3DS MAX 9 Phần 4 pdf

... cho các mặt phẳng còn lại. Về phương diện kỹ thuật, nếu dùng phiên bản cũ hơn như 3ds Max 7.0 hay 3ds Max 8.0 cũng không ảnh hưởng đến quá trình thực hành. Độ khó: 3/10. Chọn mặt phẳng ... Material Editor, chọn Slot mẫu vật liệu chưa tạo bên cạnh (02 - Default). GÁN ẢNH MAP XE HƠI VỚI 3DS MAX 9 Hộp thoại Material/Map Browser xuất hiện, chọn Bitmap. Nhấp OK chấp nhận. Hộp...

Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 18:17

10 698 3
game character design complete using 3ds max 8 and adobe photoshop cs2

game character design complete using 3ds max 8 and adobe photoshop cs2

... Types Used by Popular Modeling Software Program Type File Extension Notes 3ds Max Scene file MAX 3ds Max Mesh file 3DS 3ds Max AutoCAD drawing file DXF Maya Binary model file MB Used with DOOM 3 Maya ... are as follows: ■ Chapter 3: “Box Modeling in 3ds Max 8” ■ Chapter 4: “Mesh Optimiza- tion in 3ds Max ■ Chapter 5: “UV Mapping the Character in 3ds Max ■ Chapter 6: “Skin Texturing with Photoshop ... and anima- tion using 3ds Max s Biped feature in Chapters 7 and 8: ■ Chapter 7: “Rigging a Charac- ter with Biped in 3ds Max ■ Chapter 8: “Character Anima- tion in 3ds Max This book also has...

Ngày tải lên: 01/06/2014, 10:22

217 377 0
3ds Max Design 2010 doc

3ds Max Design 2010 doc

... Know 3ds Max Design 2010 Welcome to Mastering Autodesk 3ds Max Design 2010. Autodesk 3ds Max Design 2010 replaces Autodesk VIZ 2008 and benefits from the development of its sister product, 3ds Max, ... running 3ds Max Design 2010 on Windows Me, NT 4.0, 98, or prior versions. You can find the complete system requirements for 3ds Max Design 2010 on the Autodesk website, www.autodesk.com/3dsmaxdesign. The ... the New 3ds Max Design 2010 Features 3ds Max Design replaces Autodesk VIZ 2008 as Autodesk’s 3D modeling and visualization tool for the architectural industry. It is comparable to 3ds Max and...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 04:20

915 3,5K 2
Phím tắt trong 3ds Max 8.0 pdf

Phím tắt trong 3ds Max 8.0 pdf

... khung nhìn còn lại 4. Các phím khác: [: phóng to khung nhìn ]: thu nhỏ khung nhìn (với 3dmax 8 thì ấn cả hai phím này thì mới thu nhỏ được khung nhìn, còn phóng to thì không ổn lắm) ":...

Ngày tải lên: 01/08/2014, 21:21

3 753 4
Introducing 3ds Max 9 3D for beginners apr 2007 - part 8 pdf

Introducing 3ds Max 9 3D for beginners apr 2007 - part 8 pdf

... the viewport. Figure 10.11 Default lights are created in the scene as Omni lights. 3ds max lights ■ 413 97612c10.qxd 2/26/07 3:02 PM Page 413 3ds Max Lighting Light is everything. By light we see, and by light ... call for its own light in 3ds Max. Rendering tricks such as glow often simulate the effect of an active scene light. This way, you don’t need to actually use a 3ds Max light. Of course, if you ... in Chapter 2, “Your First Max Animation,” transforms are passed from a parent object to all of the children objects down the chain. Imagine your arm is a system of linked 3ds Max objects; when you...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 23:21

55 277 0
kelly l murdock 3ds Max 2009 Bible phần 4 pdf

kelly l murdock 3ds Max 2009 Bible phần 4 pdf

... reflected at a maximum value. The Specular Level value determines how bright the highlight is. Its values can range from 0, where there is no highlight, to 100, where the highlight is at a maximum. ... you get a chance to see the variety of material types that you can create in Max. You can select all the various Max materials from the Material/Map Browser. Open this browser automatically by ... desig- nate a custom sample object. The sample object must be contained in a .max file. To create a sample object, create and save a Max scene with a single object that fits inside a 100-unit cube. The...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 20:21

130 327 0
kelly l murdock 3ds Max 2009 Bible phần 5 pdf

kelly l murdock 3ds Max 2009 Bible phần 5 pdf

... start discussing what is probably one of the main reasons you decided to learn 3ds Max in the first place — animation. Max includes many dif- ferent features to create animations. This chapter covers ... the first key is created, Max auto- matically goes back and creates a key for frame 0 that holds the object’s original position or parameter. Upon setting the key, Max then interpolates all the ... blades .max file from the Chap 20 directory on the DVD. This file includes a windmill model created by Viewpoint Datalabs. 2. Click the Auto Key button (or press the N key) at the bottom of the Max...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 20:21

108 360 0

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