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Giáo án tiếng anh 12 kì 2 năm học 2021 2022

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Giáo án dạy môn TIẾNG ANH lớp 12 học kì 2 đã được soạn tương đối đầy đủ chi tiết đến từng bài theo PPCT nhà trường, theo mẫu hướng dẫn của Bộ giáo dục và đào tạo. Giúp giáo viên tham khảo thuận lợi trong giảng dạy, không phải mất thời gian để soạn mà tập trung vào công việc khác, tiết kiệm được thời gian, tiền của cho giáo viên. Đây là tài liệu tham khảo rất bổ ích cho GV đang giảng dạy ở các trường THPT.

Preparing date: Teaching dates: Class 12 A:…………….12A……………… Period :55 UNIT ENDANGERED SPECIES LESSON GETTING STARTED: A new wildlife park I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students are expected to achieve the following objectives: Knowledge: - Vocabulary: Read, write and understand key words or phrases about Endangered species: “specy, extinction, rhinoceros, Botanical Garden, announce… ” - Pronunciation : recognise the linking vowel to vowel in connected speech - Grammar : comprehen and apply to the the future perfect vs double comparatives Skills: - Reading for general ideas and specific information and identifying different opinions about protecting endangered species - Read to decide statements T,F or NG Attitude: - Have a positive attitude toward to Endangered species - Raise people’s awareness of protecting environment Competencies: - improve such competencies such as: collaboration, group work, assessment II Preparations: Teacher: laptop,TV Students: sub-boards III Anticipated problems and solutions: - may have difficulty in expressing their ideas because they don’t have enough vocabulary, so T should help them IV Procedures: - Teacher’s and Students’ Activities Warm up( 5’-PW) Discussion: What can people see and in a wildlife park? How is a wildlife park different from a zoo? New lesson(36’- PW/ GW) Board display UNIT ENDANGERED SPECIES LESSON GETTING STARTED: A new wildlife park Activity 1: Listen and read - T plays the recording, asks Ss to listen and read silently - Ss listen and read silently - T tells Ss that they are going to listen to a conversation between Mr Willis, Simon and Lisa Activity 1:: Listen and read Activity 2: Decide whether the statements are True, False or Not Given - Ask Ss to read the statements individually first Then have them discuss in pairs and decide whether the statements are true, false or not given - Encourage Ss to provide reasons for their answers Ask them to refer back to the conversation to get the necessary information - T gives feedback Activity 2:: Decide whether the statements are True, False or Not Given Key: 1.T 2.F 3.NG 4.T 5.T 6.F Activity 3: Find a word in the conversation to complete each of the following phrases/ expressions - Sts are asked to this exercise individually Activity 3: Find a word in the conversation to complete each of the following phrases/ expressions Extinct - Ask Ss to read the incomplete phrases, and then read the conversation to pick out the words that can go with them - T gives feedback Extinction Endangered Build Activity 4: Read the conversation again and write the correct forms of the verbs in brackets - Sts this exercise individually and then compare their answers with their partners - Ask Ss to read the conversation again and write the correct form for the given verbs in the space provided - T gives feedback and introduces the Future Perfect Activity 4: Read the conversation again and write the correct forms of the verbs in brackets Will have gathered Will have walked Wrapping-up ( 2’) Play game: run out and remember: Names of some animals Home assignments(2’) - Make sentences related to endangered species Feed-back: Preparing date: Teaching dates: Class 12 A:…………….12A……………… Period :56 UNIT6 ENDANGERED SPECIES LESSON LANGUAGE I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students are expected to achieve the following objectives: Knowledge: +Vocabulary: Read, write and understand key words or phrases about Endangered species: endanger , survival, diversity, diversify, evolution… + Pronunciation: - recognise the linking vowel to vowel in connected speech + Language : - comprehen and apply to the the future perfect vs double comparatives Skills: - pronounce, know the meaning of the key words and word collocations and the exercises that follow - practice pronouncing the linking vowel to vowel in connected speech - understand the main grammatical points and the exercises that follow Attitude: - have a positive attitude towards endangered species - Raise people’s awareness of protecting environment Competencies - improve such competencies such as: collaboration, group work, pair work, assessment II Preparations: Teacher: laptop, handouts Students: sub-boards III Anticipated problems and solutions: - Students may find confused with double comparatives, Teacher will be ready for help IV Procedures Teacher’s & Students’ Activities WARM UP(2’- pw) Chatting about date and weather NEW LESSON(40’- PW/GW) I Vocabulary: Activity 1: Complete the following word diagrams - T asks students to match the words with their meanings - T checks answers as a class If necessary, ask a few Ss to say the equivalent meaning of these words and phrase in Vietnamese Activity 2: Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in the box - T asks Ss to complete the sentences individually Alternatively, in a weaker class, T has Ss work on the sentences in pairs - Sts find the suitable words to fill in the gaps - T checks answers as a class II Pronunciation: Linking vowel to vowel Activity The following phrases are spoken in Board display UNIT6 ENDANGERED SPECIES LESSON LANGUAGE I Vocabulary: Activity 1: Complete the following word diagrams Key: Extinction Dangerous, endanger Survival Diversity, diversify Evolution Activity 2:Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in the box Key: Evolution, survival Endangered Habitat vulnerable Extinct Biodiversity Conservation II Pronunciation: Linking vowel to vowel Activity The following phrases are spoken in low, careful speech and in fast, connected speech Listen low, careful speech and in fast, connected speech Listen and repeat Pay attention to the pronunciation of the linked sounds - T tells students that they are going to listen to six phrases spoken in two different ways: slow, careful speech (with no linking) and fast, connected speech (with linking) - T asks students to listen and repeat - Ss repeat chorally and individually Activity 2: Listen and repeat the following sentences spoken in fast, connected speech - T plays the recording for Ss to repeat chorally and individually - Ss listen and repeat the following sentences, paying attention to the linking III Grammar: The future perfect 1.Activity 1: Circle the correct verb form in each sentence -T has students review the uses of the future perfect -T asks students to study the remember box and draw their attention to the rules and examples -T asks students to read each sentence carefully Activity 2: Complete the sentences using the Present Perfect or the Future Perfect - Ask Ss to read each sentence carefully, paying attention to the context and the time expressions - T has students the activity individually first, and then compare the answers in pains T checks answers as a class Double comparatives Activity 3: Discuss which words in the box can be used in each gap - Ask Ss to work in pairs and to suggest which word can be used in each gap - T checks answers as a class Activity 4: - Ask Ss to work in pairs and to suggest which word can be used in each gap - T checks answers as a class and repeat Pay attention to the pronunciation of the linked sounds Activity 2: Listen and repeat the following sentences spoken in fast, connected speech III Grammar: The future perfect 1.Activity 1: Circle the correct verb form in each sentence Key: Will have released Has lived Will have finished will be watching / will have finished Won’t have completed Activity 2: Complete the sentences using the Present Perfect or the Future Perfect Key: Will have saved and taken in Has lived will have finished Will have visited Have collected Double comparatives Structures: The+ comparative adj/adv+ S+V, The+ comparative adj/adv+ S+V The + more/less+ ( noun)+ S+V, The + more/less+ ( noun)+ S+V Activity 3: Discuss which words in the box can be used in each gap Key: more/ longer, better/ higher more, better Activity 4: Key: higher/ more more/ more warmer/ faster more/ greater More/ better WRAPPING –UP (3’) - Summarize the main points of the lesson Assimilation in connected speech Ex: Find the mistake and correct 1.I’ll wait for you here until you will have finished your work The present perfect and present perfect continuous by doing small ex 2.The faster you drive, it becomes more dangerous 3.By the time we will have got to the conference about wildlife protection, the opening speech will have started 4.The more severe climate change becomes, the more serious wildlife is affected 5.More people move to the city, the higher the cost of living there gets Home assignments(2’) - Completing exercise Feed-back: \ Ex: Rewrite these sentences, using double comparatives 1.As people need more land to build houses, they cut down more forests  ………………………………………………………………………………………… 2.The unemployment rate is getting higher, so the crime rate is becoming higher as well  ………………………………………………………………………………………… 3.If you get a better education, there will be more opportunities for you to get a good job  ………………………………………………………………………………………… 4.As it is raining more heavily, the flooding will become worse  ………………………………………………………………………………………… 5.There are more and more cars in our city, so we will have to suffer more from polluted air  ………………………………………………………………………………………… As we witness more damage to wildlife, we want to put more effort into protecting wild plants and animals  ………………………………………………………………………………………… Preparing date: Teaching dates: Class 12 A:…………….12A……………… Period :57 UNIT ENDANGERED SPECIES LESSON READING Saving endangered species: pros and cons I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students are expected to achieve the following objectives: Knowledge: +Vocabulary: Read, write and understand key words or phrases about endangered species: “attribute, interfere, feel at peace, cause damage” + Language: - comprehen the text about different opinions about protecting Skills - develop their reading skill through choosing the main idea for each paragraph,learn new vocabulary by finding words or expressions with the meanings given Attitudes : - have a positive attitude towards saving endangered species - Raise people’s awareness of protecting environment Competencies - improve such competencies as: + collaboration & teamwork: work in pairs or groups to activities + communication: ask and answer the questions “ Which of the three people above you agree with? Why?” II Preparations: - Teacher: Handouts,laptop - Students: III Anticipated problems and solutions: - Ss may find some words difficult to pronounce, T will be ready for help IV Procedures: Teacher’s & Students’ Activities WARM UP(8’- PW) T informs the class of the lesson objectives: skimming and scanning an article for general ideas and specific information, and learning additional vocabulary and information related to the endangered species Ss look at the vocabulary items in the word bank and discuss their meanings(pw) Board displays UNIT ENDANGERED SPECIES LESSON READING: Saving endangered species: pros and cons Before you read : (5’-PW) Activity 1: Look at the pictures again and discuss the two questions: - T has sts discuss the questions in pairs - T elicits the new lesson T checks answers as a class While you read : (12’- PW) Activity 2: Read the passage again and find out what they are talking about -T tells students that they are going to read three people’s opinions posted on a website Before you read Activity 1: : Look at the pictures again and discuss the two questions: Tigers, saolas, elephants, sea turtles, and giant pandas on the list of endangered species Tigers, saolas, elephants and sea turtles are still found in Viet Nam, but each with a small population While you read Activity 2:: Read the passage again and find out what they are talking about Key: c -T asks students to read the opinions and decide what the writers are discussing -T checks answers as a class Activity 3: Whose opinions are these? Write the correct name in the space before each statement - Ss underline the key words and phrases in the six statements, then read through each person’s opinion, and find ideas, words or phrases that match the key words in the statements - T has students work in pairs and compare the answers After you read : (15’) Activity 4: Find the prepositions in the reading text to complete these phrases - Have Ss read the text again and find the prepositions to complete the phrases and expressions -T checks answers as a class Activity 3: Whose opinions are these? Write the correct name in the space before each statement Yoshiko Ai Lien Simon Yoshiko Simon Ai Lien After you read Activity 4: : Find the prepositions in the reading text to complete these phrases In To To With At WRAPPING –UP (3’) - Summarize main opinions about the protection of endangered species Home assignments(2’) - Do part C- Reading/P8-9 Workbook Feed-back: Preparing date: Teaching dates: Class 12 A:…………….12A……………… Period : UNIT ENDANGERED SPECIES LESSON WRITING: Endangered species report I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students are expected to achieve the following objectives: - write an endangered species report Knowledge: +Vocabulary: Read, write and understand key words or phrases about endangered species : “lizard, shellfish, collision….” + Language: - apply to some words to write a report about endangered species Skills - write a report about endangered species with the language and sentence structures used to describe trends Attitude: - Raise people’s awareness of protecting environment - understand and actively respond to relevant matters or situations Competencies - improve such competencies such as: collaboration, group work, assessment II Preparations: Teacher: handouts, textbook, laptop Students: sub-boards III Anticipated problems and solutions: - Students may have difficulty writing a report, T will be ready for help IV Procedures Teacher’s & Students’ Activities WARM UP(2’- PW) - Inform the class of the lesson objectives Board display UNIT ENDANGERED SPECIES LESSON WRITING: Endangered species report BEFORE YOU WRITE: (15’- GW) Activity 1: Match the pictures with the animals’ names, Then discuss the questions with a partner - T tells students to match the pictures with the animals’ names - Have Ss discuss the three questions with a partner - Allow all wild guesses at this stage WHILE YOU WRITE: (15 ‘ PW/ GW) Activity 2: Read the facts about the Komodo dragon and the blue whale Write a, b, c, d or e in the space provided to match the title with the correct section - T tells students that they are going to read the facts about the Komodo dragon and the blue whale -T asks students to match the subheadings with the five parts - T checks answers as a class BEFORE YOU WRITE: Activity 1:Match the pictures with the animals’ names, Then discuss the questions with a partner Key: 1.b (Komodo dragon: not found in Viet Nam; eat meat; classified as vulnerable) a (blue whale: sometimes found stranded on Viet Nam’s coastal areas; eat small shellfish; classified as endangered) WHILE YOU WRITE: Activity 2:Read the facts about the Komodo dragon and the blue whale Write a, b, c, d or e in the space provided to match the title with the correct section Key: c 2.e a d b AFTER-YOU WRITE: (10’- PW) Activity 3: Choose one of the two species in and write a report of 150 – 200 words to describe it - T asks students to work independently and write their final essays incorporating all the feedback from students and teacher - T invites some students to read their essays - Collect some of the Ss’ final drafts and give written comments AFTER-YOU WRITE Activity 3: Choose one of the two species in and write a report of 150 – 200 words to describe it WRAPPING –UP (3’) S retell information of Komodo dragon and Blue whale such as habitat, physical features, diet, population and conservation status Home assignments(2’) - Write the text again at home V Feed-back: Date of preparation: Teaching dates: Class 12A:…………….12A : ………………… Period : UNIT ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE LESSON GETTING STARTED: A.I I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students are expected to achieve the following objectives: Knowledge: - Vocabulary: Read, write and understand key words or phrases related to artificial intelligence: “Artificial intelligence, life-threaten, activate, resurrected, exterminate , emotion…… ” - Pronunciation : - recognise the sentence stress - Grammar : comprehend and apply to the active and passive causatives Skills: - Reading for general ideas and specific information about artificial intelligence applications and answer questions - listen to the words and phrases related to artificial intelligence Attitude: have a positive attitude towards artificial intelligence Competencies: - improve such competencies such as: collaboration, group work, assessment II Preparations: Teacher: laptop Students: sub-boards III Anticipated problems and solutions: - Ss may not know much about some artificial intelligence , T will be ready for help IV Procedures: Teacher’s & Students’ Activities Warm up (5’) - T asks students to read the heading A.I., look at the picture, and brainstorm what they know about the abbreviation Ss: Write ideas on the board and circle any words or phrases related to the topic or content of the conversation Board display UNIT ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE LESSON GETTING STARTED: A.I New lesson Activity 1: Nam and Mai are talking about a film Listen and read - T plays the recording, asks Ss to listen and read silently - Ss listen and read silently - T tells Ss that they are going to listen to a conversation between Nam and Mai talking about a film Ss: play role - T gives feedback Activity 2: Answer the following questions - T asks Ss to read the questions, and underline any key words before they scan the conversation for the answers.1 - Ss read the questions, underline any key words and scan the conversation for the answers - T checks answers as a class Activity 1: Nam and Mai are talking about a film Listen and read Activity 2: Answer the following questions Keys: The coastal cities are flooded due to the melting of polar ice caps Because she had the only son whose life is threatened by a very dangerous disease Because he wanted her to help him become a real boy It was dangerous and incredible Question 36 Which is NOT a cause of desert growth? A Many animals B No wind C Using land too much D No rain Question 37 How humans cause desert growth? A By moving sand B By causing pollution C By planting trees D By eating only vegetables Question 38 Where are deserts found? A The United States and China B All around the world C On useful land D Africa and South America Select the ANTONYM of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence Question 39 I'll have to whisper to you, otherwise he will hear A say B whistle C shout D talk Question 40 Only the interior of the building is going to be remodeled A exterior B outward C external D coastal E Evaluation: Feed-back: KT: HIỆU TRƯỞNG TỔ CHUYÊN MÔN - Date of preparation: ………………… Teaching dates: Class 12A:…………… 12A :…………… Period : REVIEW I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to have: Knowledge -Vocabulary: Unit 6-10 -Language: use the structures of grammar: tenses, reported speech, conditional sentences, passive voice, … Skills: writing Attitude: eager to review II PREPARATIONS: - handouts III ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS : Sts don’t remember the structures T help them remind the use of structures IV PROCEDURES: Choose the word that has a different sound in the part underlined A nesting A exterminate B shellfish B extend C reserve C expand D elephant D example Choose the word whose main stress is placed different from the others A estimate A deforestation B resurrect B conservationist C understand D interfere C environmental D biological Choose the best answer for each sentence Many groups now support putting a value on ecosystems A conserve B conservative C conservation D conservatism It’s high time we had to take some measures to protect animals A dangerous B endangered C danger D endanger The Saola is threatened primarily by hunting, rather than A habitual loss B loss of life C habitation loss D habitat loss Speech is the ability of the computer to understand a human talking to it A recommendation B recognition C acceptance D realization Scientists say that the best way to protect endangered species is to protect special places where they live A the B a C an D no article 10 Aid workers are having to deal very difficult, sometimes life-threatening situations A in B with C of D to 11 You should a professional to check your house for earthquake damage A have B make C get D take 12 The burglar alarm is by movement A done B made C activated D automated Choose the word that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in the following questions 13 The Bali Tiger was declared extinct in 1937 due to hunting and habitat loss A reserve B generation C diversity D natural environment 14 David Beckham is famous because he can kick a ball so precisely A suitably B properly C obviously D accurately Choose the word that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in the following questions 15 In big cities, animals should be kept under control A out of dispute B out of discipline C out of hand D out order 16 This company is very successful in releasing a new customer driven product, which contains no artificial colors A natural B false C artful D factual Find one mistake in each sentence 17 You can get the packages deliver to your home or office A B C D 18 Do not purchase legal products that come from extinct species A B C D 19 A lot of futurist think that A I robots will be harm to humans A B C D Put the word in blanket in correct form 20 21 22 23 Where did you get your trousers (lengthen) By protecting the habitats, we ensure the (survive) We all hope that the dispute (solve) We had a professional photographer (take) in our wedding ? They did a great job of gorillas and other species by the end of this month pictures of everyone who participated Rewrite these sentences as directed 24 How well I sleep depends on how late I go to bed The 25 She often gets the technician to maintain the heater She often gets the heater 26 It was a mistake of you to buy that old car You shouldn’t 27 Someone broke into John’s house last night John had Read the passage and choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, D) that best fits each space Artificial intelligence (AI, also machine intelligence, MI) is intelligence (28) by machines, in (29) with the natural intelligence (NI) displayed by humans and other animals In computer science AI research is defined as the study of "intelligent agents": any device (30) perceives its environment and takes (31) that maximize its chance of [1] success at some goal Colloquially, the term "artificial intelligence" is applied when a machine mimics "cognitive" functions that humans associate (32) other human minds, such as "learning" and "problem solving" 28 29 30 31 32 A displayed A along A who A action A in Feed-back: KT: HIỆU TRƯỞNG B showed B contrast B whom B actions B to C seen C conclusion C that C activity C at D done D contrary D what D act D with TỔ CHUYÊN MÔN Date of preparation: ……./… /20 Date of teaching: ……./……./20 PERIOD 103: REVIEW FOR THE SECOND TERM TEST Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions He failed in the election just because he _ his opponent A overestimated B underestimated C understated D undercharged They _ because it is a national holiday A don’t work B won’t work C haven’t worked D aren’t working She’s finished the course, _? A isn’t she B hasn’t she C doesn’t she D didn’t she “Would you like a beer?” “Not while I’m _.” A in the act B in order C on duty D under control Some friends of mine are really fashion-conscious, while _ are quite simple A some other B some others C anothers D the other According to some historians, If Napoleon had not invaded Russia, he the rest of the world A had conquered B would conquer C would have conquered D conquered Is that the man _ has been stolen? A the car of whom B the car of his C whose car D the car of who When someone answers the phone, you say, “Can I _ Elsie, please?” A talk to B say to C tell D speak to “How much you earn, Mary?” “I’d _.” A rather don’t say B better not to say C rather not say D prefer not say 10 Captain Scott’s _ to the South Pole was marked by disappointment and tragedy A excursion B visit C tour D expedition 11 The teacher made a difficult question, but at last, Joe _ a good answer A came up with B came up to C came up against D came up for 12 There are a lot of _ buildings in the centre of the city A many-floored B many story C multi-storied D multi-storey 13 “Make yourself at home.” “ _.” A Yes, can I help you B Thanks Same to you C Not at all Don’t mention it D That’s very kind Thank you 14 Olympiakos _ – with Real Madrid in the first leg of the semi-final in Athens A drew B equalled C equalised D shared 15 The pop star _ when the lights _ A sang/ were going out B was singing/ went out C was singing/ were going out D sang/ went out 16 It was not until she had arrived home _ remembered her appointment with the doctor A when she B that she C and she D she 17 _ a novelty in American retailing, fixed prices are now universal in sales A It was once B Once it was C That once D Once 18 Jane will have to repeat the course because her work has been _ A unpleasant B unnecessary C unusual D unsatisfactory 19 I don’t know If _ in my essay A is there a mistake B there a mistake is C a mistake is there D there is a mistake 20 _ you ever _ the U.S before your trip in 2006? A Have/ been B Would/ be C Would/ have been D Had/ been 21 “We’re going to the seaside.” “Can _?” A I come as well B also I come C I too come D I as well come 22 The old man is both deaf and dump He can _ understand us A harder B hard C hardly D best 23 Does that name _ to you? A ring a bell B break the ice C foot the bill D fall into place 24 It was a great _ to have a doctor living near us A convenient B convenience C conveniently D conveniences 25 “Thanks for your help.” “ _.” A With all my heart B It’s my pleasure C Never remind me D All it is for you 26 The greater the demand, _ the price A higher B high C the higher D the high 27 In the 1960s, pop art _ to discover artistic significant in the commercial artifacts of the consumer culture A seeking B to seek C has sought D sought 28 What is a _ like that cost? A clothing B clothes C garment D clothe 29 “I think women should not go to work.” “I _.” A quite agree B a little agreed C so agree D rather agreed 30 Put your shoes on properly or you’ll _ over A get B turn C fall D bend E Evaluation: Date of preparation: ……./… /2019 Date of teaching: ……./……./2019 PERIOD 104: REVIEW FOR THE SECOND TERM TEST (continued) Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions The Best Invention _ this year was given to Jason Meyers A Reward B Brand C Factor D Award On Christmas Eve, the _ family gathers for dinner, usually at my grandmother's house A mere B entire C total D complete When the first Chinese restaurants opened in Greece, it was very difficult to get fresh _ of Chinese vegetables A provisions B materials C supplies D ingredients I find mending old socks incredibly _ that's why I always ask my mother to it for me A hilarious B tedious C furious D recreational Megan solved her computer problem quite _ she happened to mention it to a friend who had had the same problem and told her what to A occasionally B clumsily C accidentally D attentively Bill Gates is probably the best known and most successful _ in computer software A pioneer B navigator C generator D volunteer My mother often _ our mistakes, whereas my father is very strict and punishes us for even the slightest one A passes B neglects C avoids D overlooks When I joined the army, I found it difficult to _ out orders from my superiors, but I soon got used to it A call B carry C miss D take After nine months without any rain, the country was facing one of the worst _ in the last fifty years A draughts B floods C eruptions D droughts 10 You should _ more attention to what your teacher explains A make B get C set D pay 11 She _ on her computer for more than two hours when she decided to stop for a rest A has worked B has been working C was working D had been working 12 It’s nice I am now in London again This is the second time I _ there A will be B would be C was D have been 13 I _ my Mum by cooking dinner for her A cheered up B looked up C waited for D felt like 14 “If we can’t afford a car, we’ll just have to _ one.” A with B put up with C without D catch up with 15 _ has she behaved like that before A Only by B When C For D Never 16 A good essay must _ contain enough interesting ideas and specific exam but also have good organization A in addition B either C not only D as well 17 “You should stop working too hard _ you’ll get sick.” A or else B if C in case D whereas 18 Although he was _, he agreed to play tennis with me A exhaustion B exhausted C exhausting D exhaustive 19 In order to avoid boredom, the most important thing is to keep on _ A occupation B occupied C occupant D occupational 20 He carried a(n) _ driving license A artificial B unfaithful C untrue D false 21 As the drug took _, the patient became quieter A effect B force C influence D action 22 -“Do you like the weather here?” -“I wish it _.” A doesn’t rain B didn’t rain C won’t rain D hadn’t rained 23 You _ the washing-up I could have done it for you A needn’t have done B hadn’t to C couldn’t have done D mustn’t have done 24 “Never say that again, _?” A won’t you B you C don’t you D will you 25 _ anything suspicious arise, please let me know at once A Should B Would C Can D Did 26 - Tom: “Shall we go out tonight?” - Jane: “ _” A Yes, I can B Yes, we are C Yes, we go D Yes, let’s 27 _ the weather forecast it will rain heavily later this morning A On account of B Due to C According to D Because of 28 Many old people don’t like change They are very set in their _ A lives B habits C routines D ways 29 It took many hours of negotiation to _ a compromise A make B C reach D arrive 30 They say he inherited his money from a _ relative he had never met A faraway B remote C distant D slight E Evaluation: PERIOD 105: Date of preparation: ……./… /20… THE SECOND TERM TEST TRƯỜNG THPT LIỄN SƠN MÃ ĐỀ 257 Date of teaching: ……./……./20… THE SECOND TERM TEST Time allowance 45 minutes A LEXICO-GRAMMAR & READING I Complete the passage by choosing the best option (marked A, or B, C, D) for each blank All men should study: we have to study to broaden our knowledge and develop our intelligence An (01) man can only utilize his body strength to work and live An educated man, besides his strength, still has the faculty of his intelligent brain and good reflection This intelligence and thought enable him to help his physical strength to act more quickly and cleverly In a same profession or work, the educated man differs (02) the uneducated man considerably Therefore, intellectual workers have to study, this is a matter, of course, but manual workers must also gain an education In civilized countries, compulsory education has also (03) applied Everyone must spend seven or eight years to study From ploughmen to laborers in these nations, no one is (04) to read a book or a paper fluently Question 01 A educate B educated C educating D uneducated Question 02 A with B in C from D about Question 03 A to be B been C is D being Question 04 A disable B unable C enable D able II Choose the best option among A, B, C, or D provided to finish each of the questions below Question 05: Many rare and precious species are now _ danger of extinction A in B from C on D by Question 06 Paul has just sold his _ car and intends to buy a new one A Japanese old black B old black Japanese C old Japanese black D black old Japanese Question 07 The man gave me the book is my uncle A who B when C where D which Question 08: - Linda: “I’ve passed my driving test.” – Peter: “ .” A Do you? B That’s a good idea C It’s nice of you D Congratulation Question 09: Many of pictures _ from outer space are presently on display in the public library A that sent B sent C sending D to sending Question 10: You _ ill unless you stop working so hard A will become B would have become C would become D become Question 11: The flight was cancelled _ the air-traffic controllers being on strike A despite B because C because of D although Question 12: They are _ nice people that everyone likes them A a so B so a C such a D such Question 13: I hadn’t heard from him for ten years, then _, I got a fax from him A once in a blue moon B blue in the face C out of the blue D having green fingers Question 14 Last summer, we visited Canada and _ United States A an B a C the D  Question 15 If he were better qualified, he _ get the job A will B could C may D can Question 16 The mobile phone is an effective means of _ in the world nowadays A communicated B communicative C communicate D communication III Choose the word (marked A, B, C, or D) whose stress pattern is different from the others Question 17 A Vietnamese B challenge C fortunate D gravity Question 18 A benefit B aspiration C understand D engineer IV Choose the option marked A, B, C, or D that best completes each of the following sentences The Nobel prizes, awarded annually for distinguished work in chemistry, physic, physiology or medicine, literature, and international peace, were made available by a fund bequeathed for that purpose by Swedish philanthropist, Alfred Bernard Nobel The prizes, awarded since 1901, are administered by the Nobel Foundation in Stockholm In 1969, a prize for economics endowed by the Central Bank of Sweden was added Candidates for the prizes must be nominated in writing by a qualified authority in the field of competition Candidates are judged by Swedish and Norwegian academies and institutes on the basis of their contribution to mankind The awards are usually presented in Stockholm ion December 10, with the King of Sweden officiating, an appropriate tribute to Alfred Nobel on the anniversary of his death Each prize includes a gold medal, a diploma, and a cash award of about one million dollars Question 19 What does this passage mainly discussed? A The Nobel prizes B Great contributions to mankind C Swedish philanthropy D Alfred Bernard Nobel Question 20 How often are the Nobel prizes awarded? A Five times a year B Twice a year C Once a year D Once every two year Question 21 A Nobel prize would NOT be given to _ A a doctor who discovered a vaccine B an author who wrote a novel C a composer who wrote a symphony D a diplomat who negotiated a peace settlement Question 22 Why are the awards presented on December 10? A Because that date was Nobel’s will B Because Central Bank administers the trust C Because it is a tribute to the King D Because Alfred Nobel died on that day V Choose the word (marked A, B, C, or D) whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others of the same group Question 23: A hesitate B basic C physics D reserve Question 24: A decided B practiced C laughed D cooked B LISTENING: VI PART Listen to Eric talking to Mary about the weekend Their friend, Carlos, Is coming to visit them You will hear the conversation twice For questions 25-28, choose A, B or C Question 25 When is the football match? A Saturday afternoon B Saturday morning C Sunday afternoon Question 26 Where are they going to eat on Saturday evening? A at home B in a Chinese restaurant C in an Italian restaurant Question 27 What are they going to on Sunday morning? A go to the cinema B get up late C go for a drive Question 28 Where are they going to have lunch on Sunday? A in a pub B in a café C at home VII PART You will hear a telephone conversation A girl wants to speak to Martin, but he is not there Listen and complete questions 29-32 You will hear the conversation twice Phone Message To: MARTIN Time: (31) From: (29) Please bring: a friend Party at: (30) Her phone number: (32) C WRITING: VIII Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that the original meaning of the provided 33 The dress is more expensive than the skirt → The skirt 34 “Turn off all the lights when you go out, Tim.” Jane said.→ Jane _ 35 The last time I saw him was in 2005 → I haven’t 36 It was a bit difficult to get into work this morning → Getting IX WRITING A LETTER (1 point) Imagine that you want to join “Lien Son High School English Speaking Club” (LS ESC) for students Write a letter of about 100 words to the Club Manager (Mr Bright) to ask for permission You may follow the outline below: Introduction Request Further information Conclusion - Reason to write? - Level of English? - Eagerness to join? Polite ending - Your interest? - Membership? - English proficiency? THE END Đáp án chính thức: Câu 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 29 30 33 34 35 36 168 C B D A C C C D B C A A D A Đáp án mã đề 257 346 D D C D B B B C A C B A A A D C B C A D C C D D C D C B ELAINE THE GRAND HOTEL 479 A B C B B A C D A D B B A A Câu 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 168 C D B C B B D C A D C C B C 31 32 Đáp án mã đề 257 346 B A D B A D A C A B C B C B D A B C A C A B B C C A A B 8.30 P.M (p.m.) 7245936 The skirt is not (isn’t) as expensive as the dress Jane told (asked) Tim to turn off the lights when he went out I haven’t seen him since 2005 Getting into work this morning was (a bit) difficult - Bài viết: Đúng mẫu thư trang trọng, đủ phần, đủ số tư Bố cục chặt chẽ, liên kết ý, liên kết đoạn tốt Dùng tư mạch lạc, vốn tư phong phú Tổng 0,4 điểm 0,3 điểm 0,3 điểm điểm THE END OF THE SECOND TERM 479 B C D B B D A A D B C C A A Date of preparation: April 22nd Distributive period: 90 Date of signing: April 24th Date of teaching: WRITTEN TEST I AIMS/OBJECTIVES OF THE LESSON Knowledge - To test and mark the students - To get feedback from the students Skills - To help Ss develop their skills to MCQ tests Attitudes - To give Ss the motivation to learn hard for their exam II PREPARATION Teacher: - Testing aids: Lesson plan, test papers - Testing method: Multi-choice questions Students: - Prepare for the test at home III PROCEDURE WRITTEN TEST 04 Time allowance 45 minutes Choose the word or phrase marked A, B, C, or D that best fits each space in the following text There is usually one important subject missing from most school timetables Very few students are (01) _ how to organize their learning, and how to make the best use of their time Let’s take some simple examples Do you know how to (02) _ up words in a dictionary, and you understand all the information the dictionary contains ? Can you (03) _ notes quickly, and can you understand them afterwards? For some reason, many schools give learners no help with these matters Teachers ask students to (04) _ pages from books, or tell them to write ten pages, but don't explain how to it Learning by heart can be useful, but it is important to have a genuine understanding of a subject You can (05) _ a lot of time memorizing books, without understanding anything about the subject Question 01: A taught B graduated C learned D educated Question 02: A get B research C find D look Question 03: A revise B make C send D Question 04: A forget B memorize C remind D concentrate Question 05: A pass B waste C use D tell Choose the word marked A, B, C, or D which is stressed differently from the rest Question 06 A inhabitant B interpreter C imitation D initiate Question 07 A stimulate B sharpener C festival D disaster Choose the word marked A, B, C, or D whose underlined part is pronounced differently Question 08 A mission B revision C division D collision Question 09 A beliefs B carrots C handicaps D leaves Select the SYNONYM of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence Question 10 Scientists warn of the impending extinction of many species of plants and animals A irrefutable B imminent C formidable D absolute Question 11 The use of lasers in surgery has become relatively commonplace in recent years A absolutely B relevantly C comparatively D almost Choose the word or phrase marked A, B, C, or D that best completes the sentence Question 12 Carol finds it easy to make friends A Carol has no difficulty in making friends B Carol is easy to make friends C Making friends is not easy to Carol D It is easy to make friends with Carol Question 13 I'd rather he had not given me the bill A I regret having given him the bill B I wish I had not given him the bill C It was wrong of him to give me the bill D If only he had not given me the bill Question 14 Ian used to work as a reporter A Ian is familiar with working as a reporter B Ian frequently works as a reporter C Ian no longer worked as a reporter D No longer does Ian work as a reporter Question 15 Nigel and I haven't met each other for years A It was years since I met Nigel B It is years since I met Nigel C I didn't meet Nigel years ago D It is years ago that I met Nigel Question 16 I regret not telling the truth A If only I could tell the truth B Telling the truth means regret C I have never regretted telling the truth D I wish I had told the truth Choose the underlined part marked A, B, C, or D in each sentence that should be corrected Question 17 One of the most popular holiday is Thanksgiving, which is celebrated in November A holiday B the most C is D in Question 18 That the trees lose their leaves are a sign of winter A lose B a C are D their Question 19 Would you mind not to smoke on the bus? It disturbs other people A other B not C to smoke D disturbs Question 20 The length of the trip will depend on how good are the roads A length B how C will D are the roads Choose the word or phrase marked A, B, C, or D that best completes each sentence Question 21 She could nothing complain about the weather all day A but B for C about D with Question 22 Cigarette smoking can a loss of appetite A cure B release C cause D treat Question 23 In this case, I think _ nothing A it is better to say B it be better to say C better to say D better for saying Question 24 Mark, I don't think you Carol, the new department typist A meeting B having met C to have met D have met Question 25 The _ for women’s rights began in the 18th century A battle B war C struggle D fight Question 26 - Jane: What did that man die _? - Max: A heart attack A in B for C of D about Question 27 Failure to win the championship will in the dismissal of the coach A result B happen C affect D cause Question 28 It took him a long time to _the death of his wife A take away B get over C take off D get through Question 29 They arrived the airport good time for the plane A in/ on B to/ in C at/ in D to/ for Question 30 - Jimmy: "Can I help you?" - Mary: " " A At two o'clock B I can help you C No, I don't D Yes, please Question 31 Women are only asking to be given equal _ to that of men A state B status C situation D ideas Question 32 Paula applied for the post but she was A turned down B checked out C kept under D pushed ahead Question 33 My uncle until he was fifty A married B didn't marry C would marry D was not marrying Choose the option marked A, B, C, or D that best completes each of the following sentences GROWING DESERTS There are deserts all over the world They can be found in Africa, China, South America, and North America In some places, deserts are growing This is a serious problem because deserts destroy farmland and ruin land where animals live When people cannot grow food or find animals to eat, they have to leave their homes Sometimes, nature can cause deserts to spread Wind can move sand away from deserts and onto useful land When there is no rain for a long time, plants die and deserts grow However, human can also cause deserts to grow This is called desertification, and it happens in many ways One way is when people cause too much air pollution, which can make an area hotter Hotter weather can reduce the amount of rain as well Too many people in one area can also damage the land In addition, having many animals can harm the land When large animals like cows walk on soil too much, they turn it into dust The wind easily blows this dust away Trees help hold water in the ground When people cut down too many trees, less water stays in the ground, and the soil is ruined All of these things can speed up desertification To stop deserts from growing, people must think of ways to treat the land better Question 34 What is the main idea of the reading? A Why some deserts are growing B How cows can stop deserts from growing C How people live in deserts D Where the world’s deserts are Question 35 How can humans stop desert growth? A By cutting down trees B By having fewer children C By raising more cows D By using bicycles less Question 36 Which is NOT a cause of desert growth? A Many animals B No wind C Using land too much D No rain Question 37 How humans cause desert growth? A By moving sand B By causing pollution C By planting trees D By eating only vegetables Question 38 Where are deserts found? A The United States and China B All around the world C On useful land D Africa and South America Select the ANTONYM of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence Question 39 I'll have to whisper to you, otherwise he will hear A say B whistle C shout D talk Question 40 Only the interior of the building is going to be remodeled A exterior B outward C external D coastal E Evaluation: SỞ GD – ĐT ……… TRƯỜNG THPT … BÀI KIỂM TRA 45 PHÚT SỐ LỚP 12 THÍ ĐIỂM Năm học: 20121 – 2022 Môn Tiếng Anh - Thời gian: 45 phút Họ tên: …………………………………… Số báo danh: ……………………………… Lớp: 12A Phòng thi: …… MÃ ĐỀ 121 Mark Teacher’s comment Signature Choose the word that has a different sound in the part underlined 33 A nesting 34 A exterminate B shellfish B extend C reserve C expand D elephant D example Choose the word whose main stress is placed different from the others 35 A estimate 36 A deforestation B resurrect B conservationist C understand D interfere C environmental D biological Choose the best answer for each sentence 37 Many groups now support putting a value on ecosystems A conserve B conservative C conservation D conservatism 38 It’s high time we had to take some measures to protect animals A dangerous B endangered C danger D endanger 39 The Saola is threatened primarily by hunting, rather than A habitual loss B loss of life C habitation loss D habitat loss 40 Speech is the ability of the computer to understand a human talking to it A recommendation B recognition C acceptance D realization 41 Scientists say that the best way to protect endangered species is to protect special places where they live A the B a C an D no article 42 Aid workers are having to deal very difficult, sometimes life-threatening situations A in B with C of D to 43 You should a professional to check your house for earthquake damage A have B make C get D take 44 The burglar alarm is by movement A done B made C activated D automated Choose the word that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in the following questions 45 The Bali Tiger was declared extinct in 1937 due to hunting and habitat loss A reserve B generation C diversity D natural environment 46 David Beckham is famous because he can kick a ball so precisely A suitably B properly C obviously D accurately Choose the word that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in the following questions 47 In big cities, animals should be kept under control A out of dispute B out of discipline C out of hand D out order 48 This company is very successful in releasing a new customer driven product, which contains no artificial colors A natural B false C artful D factual Find one mistake in each sentence 49 You can get the packages deliver to your home or office A B C D 50 Do not purchase legal products that come from extinct species A B C D 51 A lot of futurist think that A I robots will be harm to humans A B C D Put the word in blanket in correct form 52 53 54 55 Where did you get your trousers (lengthen) By protecting the habitats, we ensure the (survive) We all hope that the dispute (solve) We had a professional photographer (take) in our wedding ? They did a great job of gorillas and other species by the end of this month pictures of everyone who participated Rewrite these sentences as directed 56 How well I sleep depends on how late I go to bed The 57 She often gets the technician to maintain the heater She often gets the heater 58 It was a mistake of you to buy that old car You shouldn’t 59 Someone broke into John’s house last night John had Read the passage and choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, D) that best fits each space Artificial intelligence (AI, also machine intelligence, MI) is intelligence (28) by machines, in (29) with the natural intelligence (NI) displayed by humans and other animals In computer science AI research is defined as the study of "intelligent agents": any device (30) perceives its environment and takes (31) that maximize its chance of success at some goal.[1] Colloquially, the term "artificial intelligence" is applied when a machine mimics "cognitive" functions that humans associate (32) other human minds, such as "learning" and "problem solving" 60 61 62 63 64 A displayed A along A who A action A in B showed B contrast B whom B actions B to C seen D done C conclusion C that D contrary D what C activity C at D act D with Complete these sentences by using one suitable word in each blank 65 We hope that cancer will not be recognized as a disease 66 After two thousand years, the deceased Monica was resurrected by the future intelligence 67 Mammoths and dinosaurs used to live on our earth quite a long time ago, but they are now Read the text and answer the following questions Saving Endangered Animals People all over the world are working to help save endangered animals from extinction There are conservation organizations which try to make people aware of the problems facing wild animals Some of the ways in which they are being saved include habitat protection, captive breeding, setting up nature reserves and parks and using alternative products in place of product from rare animals Government can help by making international agreements between countries to protect animals (many countries, for example, have agreed to stop hunting the blue whale) and their habitats There have been agreements from a number of countries to protect from rainforests and prevent deforestation through financial backing Scientists are setting up gene banks in which they keep an animal’s genetic material in suspended animation This technique may make it possible in the future to ‘grow’ a new animal of the same species Kew gardens, London has a seed bank in case plant species become extinct in the wild 68 What are people all over the world doing for endangered animals? 69 What is the function of conservation organizations? 70 By what way conservation organizations to help save endangered animals? 71 How can government help save endangered animals? 72 What scientists set up gene banks for? ĐÁP ÁN BÀI KIỂM TRA 45 PHÚT SỐ LỚP 12 THÍ ĐIỂM Năm học: 2021 – 2022 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ĐỀ 121 C habitat D example A estimate C environmental C conservation B endangered D habitat loss B recognition A the B with C get C activated C natural environment D accurately C out of hand A natural B deliver A legal B futurist lengthened survival 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 will have been solved take later I go to bed, the better I sleep maintained (by the technician) have bought that old car his house broken into last night A displayed B contrast C that B actions D with life-threatening artificial extinct (People all over the world are) working to help save endangered animals from extinction It is to try/ trying to make people aware of the problems facing wild animals They are habitat protection, captive breeding, setting up nature reserves and parks and using alternative products in place of product from rare animals 39 (Government can help) by making international agreements between countries to protect animals and their habitats 40 For making it possible in the future to ‘grow’ a new animal of the same species 79 ... Education and qualifications 20 13 -20 16: Thang Long Upper Secondary School 20 09 -20 13: Tam Mai Lower Secondary School 20 04 -20 09: Tam Mai Primary School Work experience Summer, 20 14: Waiter at a student... assignments (2? ??) - Do part C- Reading/P8-9 Workbook Feed-back: Preparing date: Teaching dates: Class 12 A:…………….12A……………… Period... Class 12A :…………… 12A :…………… Period : CORRECT MID-TEST I.Objectives By the end of the lesson, students will be able to : 1.Knowledge : SS can recognise their mistakes and put them right 2. Skills:

Ngày đăng: 10/01/2022, 19:06

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