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- After Ss finish their work in groups, T reads aloud any statement: If that statement is correct, each group has to raise the “happy face “ card, if the statement is false ,they have to[r]

Week: Period: Date : 4/3/2018 UNIT 12 : THE ASIAN GAMES LESSON 1: READING A Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - Reading for the history and achievements of the Asian Game - Know more vocabularies that related to sports topic - Guessing the meaning in context - Scanning for specific information B Language Content: - Pronunciation: sound /str/,/ skr/, /skw/ - Vocabulary : words and phrases related to the Asian games and sports -Structure: relative clause and omission of relative clauses C Methods - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative D Preparation : - Teacher: handout, textbook, computer - Students: textbook, notebook E Procedures: I Warm up: T gives a mini game: Guess name of competition and answer the questions How often are the Asian Games held? How many countries take part in the Asian Games? Let’s tell some kinds of sports in the Asian Games? II Check up: III New lesson: Time T’s & ss’ activities 5minu - T leads in based on the warm up tes - T gives questions and asks Ss to answer - Ss work in pair - T asks Ss to answer and gives the feedback Content A READING I Before Reading Answer the questions Answers key: Every years 44 countries football, basketball, fencing - T asks Ss to scan the passage and find some new words - T gives new words - T makes model first , then asks Ss to repeat ( times) - Ss repeat twice - T asks some Ss to repeat and corrects the pronunciation II While Reading Vocabulary - intercultural /ˌɪntərˈkʌltʃərəl/ (adj) đa văn hóa - solidarity / ˌsɑːlɪˈdỉrəti / (n) tình đồn kết - advancing / ədˈvỉnsɪŋ/ (v) tiến - facility / fəˈsɪləti/ (n) thiết bị - aquatic /əˈkwætɪk /(adj) thuộc - T plays the tape and asks Ss to nước listen in silent - enthusiasm /ɪnˈθuːziæzəm/ (n ) - Ss listen individually nhiệt tình - T asks some Ss to reread and - appreciate / əˈpriːʃieɪt /(v) đánh giá correct the pronunciation cao - T asks Ss to Task ( page 138) - Ss work individually and then compare with partner - T checks by asks Ss to fill and read whole sentence - T checks and gives feedback - T gives each student handout - T asks to this task by matching - Ss work in pair - T asks some Ss to give the answers and explain if necessary Task Answer keys facilities aquatic enthusiasm effort advancing appreciated Handout Matching Paragraph A Paragraph B Paragraph C a Talk about achievements of some countries in the Asian Games b Introduce about the Asian Games c Talk about history of Asian Games and addition many kinds of sports through each year Answer keys 1+ b 2+ c 3+ a - T gives handout and asks Ss to work in groups in minutes - Ss work in group - After Ss finish their work in groups, T reads aloud any statement: If that statement is correct, each group has to raise the “happy face “ card, if the statement is false ,they have to raise the “sad face” card - Ss listen to the teacher’s statement and raise their cards - If the statement is False, others have to correct it - T checks and give feedback Read the passage carefully and then decide if the statements are true(T) or false (F) The purpose of the Asian games is to develop intercultural knowledge and friendship within Asia There were six sports events at the 2nd Asian Games More than 10,000 participants from 44 countries took part in the 14th Asian Games The athletes competed in 38 different sports and won 427 silver medals People appreciated the Vietnamese participants when they won medals in women’s karate Answer keys T F F T F III After Speaking IV Homework - Learn new words by heart - Prepare next lesson (Speaking) V Evaluation: ... b Introduce about the Asian Games c Talk about history of Asian Games and addition many kinds of sports through each year Answer keys 1+ b 2+ c 3+ a - T gives handout and asks Ss to work in groups... The purpose of the Asian games is to develop intercultural knowledge and friendship within Asia There were six sports events at the 2nd Asian Games More than 10,000 participants from 44 countries... to fill and read whole sentence - T checks and gives feedback - T gives each student handout - T asks to this task by matching - Ss work in pair - T asks some Ss to give the answers and explain

Ngày đăng: 28/11/2021, 08:07

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