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Bai tap unit 7 anh 11

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Religion is one of the reasons that causes population growth because many religious people do not use birth control methods.. Choose the word or phrase A, B, C or D that best fits the bl[r]

(1)Unit – WORLD POPULATION I PRONUNCIATION: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others: A figure B grow C organize D average A question B discotheque C technique D antique A increase B expect C resource D continue A government B gold C give D enough A earth B growth C although D third Choose the word whose main stress pattern is not the same as that of the others: A expectedly B petroleum C available D population A amount B although C instead D metal A percent B answer C decrease D figure A family B government C continue D million A hundred B limit C iron D enough A expect B farming C people D other A another B billion C probably D scientist A resource B question C research D amount A different B average C organize D however 10 A method B women C something D support II Choose the underlined word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that needs correcting: 1.The world’s population was higher in the 1980s more than in the 1960s A B C D The government stated that if we did not control the birth rate immediately, we will have to suffer a lot from overpopulation A B C D 3.Those women said that if they had known how to use birth control methods, they would have not many children A B C D 4.Although they not want to have children any more, but they not know of safe ways to use birth control methods A B C D 5.In the long run, the future population growth of the world is difficulty to predict A B C D Religion is one of the reasons that causes population growth because many religious people not use birth control methods A B C D 6.Overpopulation is a short way to lead to poor, illiteracy, and social evils A B C D III Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in each sentence: China is the most country in the world A popular B populous C populate D populated They did not serve enough food because there were some _ guests A expect B expected C unexpected D unexpectedly Many governments are trying to control the population _ A grow B growth C grew D grown Your idea is quite different _ mine A in B with C on D from Is there any answer _ that question? A for B of C on D to In 2000, _ world’s population was about 6.6 billion A a B an C the D Þ It is _ time to something to control birthrate A a B an C the D Þ The population of the world has been increasing faster and faster A becoming greater in number B getting smaller in amount C going limited D raising uncontrollably There are also limits to the amounts of petroleum, iron, silver, gold and other metals A qualities B numbers C quantities D totals 10 The price of petroleum has decreased since last week A gone down B given up C let off D put away 11 We have to protect our country’s natural _, such as coal, oil, and forests A population B resources C rates D methods 12 She uses a birth control method _ she does not have children any more A so that B if C whether D although 13 John asked me _ I would help him if he needed help A may B whether C that D how (2) 14 If anyone _, _ him I _ back at o’clock A calls / tell / will be B called / telling / would be C is calling / tells / am D will call / to tell / am 15 Daisy said if she _ me, she would not buy that house A is B been C were D had been 16 If you had taken my advice, we _ our way A would not have lost B would not lose C will not have lost D will not lose 17 He had spent his money carelessly and became broke A If he does not spend his money carelessly, he will not become broke B If he did not spend his money carelessly, he would not become broke C If he had not spent his money carelessly, he would not have become broke D If he did not spend his money carelessly, he would not have become broke 18 “ _ you give me some money, I’ll help you,” the man said A Unless B Or C If D Otherwise 19 You will be sorry _ you take that opportunity A provided that B if C although D unless 20 _ the address, I would have gone there A If I knew B If did I know C If had I known D Had I known 21 Although we are close friends, we have totally _ views A differ B different C differently D difference 22 We cannot grow enough food to _ the increasing population A support B supporter C supportable D supportive 23 Gold is used _ making jewelry A to B for C in D at 24 They are quite safe _ the experimental test of the new method A on B against C within D from 25 She gave _ birth to a healthy infant last night A a B an C the D Þ 26 Their family earned a living by raising _ animals A a B an C the D Þ 27 It has been predicted that the world’s population might _ the figure of about billion A take B come C reach D start 28 He has to work very hard to earn enough to _ his big family A reach B govern C limit D support 29 We need a(n) and reliable birth control option to decrease population growth A limited B safe C available D average 30 On _, about 30% of the population in the area is jobless A figure B safety C research D average 31 The doctor said _ the patient did not stop smoking, he would be seriously ill A that if B whether C if that D as if 32 The sight was beautiful If only we _ our camera A would have taken B took C had taken D take 33 If sea water salty, it would be more interesting when we spend our summer holidays by the sea A is not B are not C were not D had not been 34 The bag was heavy, so we could not take it with us A If the bag were not heavy, we would take it with us B Unless the bag had not been heavy, we would have taken it with us C If had the bag not been heavy, we would have taken it with us D Had the bag not been heavy, we would have taken it with us 35 If he had tried harder, he _ A will not be sacked B would not have been sacked C will not sack D would not sack 36 _ going out, she stayed at home and read some magazines A Although B If C Instead of D Even if 37 The doctor told me unless you _ the baby warm, he _ ill A did not keep / would be B kept / would be C not keep / will be D keep / will be 38 Most of Vietnamese people live on _ A farm B farmer C farming D farmhand 39 Are you interested in doing _ research? A science B scientist C scientific D scientifically 40 We have enough tickets available _ everybody A to B for C on D from (3) 41 We should something to help them _ birth-control methods A on B with C for D in 42 _ earth is overpopulated A A B An C The D Þ 43 Do you know how many people there are on _ earth? A a B an C the D Þ 44 Iron, silver, and gold are _ A oils B metals C methods D plants 45 After a pause, the lecture continued speaking A put out B made up C went on D took over 46 _ is limitation of the number of children born A Population B Resource C Birth rate D Birth control 47 Although I asked him twice, he had no answer A reply B talk C demand D method 48 The boss was in disagreement with their _ of working A way B road C street D path 49 _ is the activity of growing crops or raising animals A Method B Control C Industry D Farming 50 If she asks for money, I _ her A will give B would have given C would give D gave 51 If they had recognized her, they _ to her A will speak B will have spoken C would have spoken D would speak 52 She told me that she would not have enjoyed the party if I _ there A am not B was not C were not D had not been 53 _ here, we would not have missed the fireworks A If we were B Unless we were C Had we been D If had we been 54 He cannot find a good job because he doesn’t know how to use a computer A If he knows how to use a computer, he can find a good job B If he knew how to use a computer, he could find a good job C If he had known how to use a computer, he could have found a good job D If he had known how to use a computer, he could find a good job 55 The coffee was too hot for us to drink A Although the coffee was so hot, we could drink it B If the coffee were not too hot, we could drink it C If the coffee had not been too hot, we could have drunk it D Because the coffee was too hot, we drank it 56 Thank you very much for your help Without your help, we _ our project A cannot complete B could not complete C will not complete D will not have completed 57 Daisy told me _ she would leave for London to find a job A that if she were me B if that she were me C that if she had been me D that had she been me 58 The local authority has held some educational programs on population, the birth rates in those areas not decline A But B If C Although D If only 59 Go away soon _ I will punish you A if B or C but D although 60 I could not afford to buy that interesting book _ I had brought enough money A If B If only C Instead D Otherwise IV Reading A Read the following passage and choose the best answer to the questions The world’s population increased from billion in 1959 to about billion by 1999, a doubling that occurred over 40 years The Census Bureau’s latest calculations imply that population growth will continue into the 21st century, although more slowly The world’s population is thought to grow from billion in 1999 to billion by 2042, an increase of 50 percent that will require 43 years The world’s population growth rate rose from about 1.5 percent per year from 1950 to 1951 to a peak of over percent in the early 1960s due to reductions in the numbers of deaths After that, the rate started to drop because of the rising age at marriage as well as increasing availability and use of effective contraceptive methods Note that changes in population growth have not always been steady A decline in the growth rate from 1959- 1960, for instance, was due to the Great leap Forward in China During that time, both natural disasters and decreased agricultural output caused China’s death rate to rise sharply and its fertility rate to fall by almost half 1/ In 1959-1960, the population growth rate in China………… A was unchanged B was steady C increased rapidly D decreased 2/ After the early 1960s, the population growth rate decreased due to ………… (4) A good health care B early marriage C the effective use of birth control methods D reductions in mortality 3/ How many people did the world’s population increase between 1959 and 1999? A 40 million B billion C billion D billion 4/ Which sentence is True? A In 1999, there were over billion people all over the world B Population growth in the 21st century was faster than that in the 20th century C The world’s population is dramatically decreasing D Population growth in the 20th century was faster than that in the 21st century B Read the passage and choose the best option to complete it The population of Mexico is ( 1) ……….very fast In 1990, it was a city with a population (2) …………about nine million people Now it has over 17 million All these people are causing (3) ……for the city such as (4) …………., (5)………………… of food and water Why so ? where are all those people from? Most of them are (6) ………….to the city from the countryside because of hard life on the farms a falling b increasing c decreasing d both a and b are correct a with b in c of d in a solutions b effects c problems d reasons a employment b unemployment c unemployed d employed a shortage b shorter c short d shortest a leaving b living c moving d entering V WRITING: A Write a passage to describe the information in the following table about the Illiteracy rates in ABC country Year 1940 1950 1960 1970 Illiteracy rate North 50% 45% 10% 12% South 45% 35% 25% 5% B Rewrite the following sentences, using the suggestions provided: “If you had taken my advice last night, you wouldn’t have made this mistake,” the mother said to her son  The mother told her son “If I were you, I wouldn’t buy this coat,” she said to David  She told “I will come to see you if I have time tomorrow,” the man said to Hilary  The man They didn’t leave the house early so they were late for the play  If………………………………………………………………… Unless it stops raining , we won’t go out  If ………………………………………………………………………………………………… You caught cold because you didn’t keep your feet dry  If …………………………………………………………………………………………………… Review the lesson carefully, otherwise you can’t the test well  If / Unless…………………………………………………………………… “If I were you, I wouldn’t buy this coat,” she said to David  She said to David “If you had taken my advice last night, you wouldn’t have made this mistake,” the mother said to her son  The mother said to her son 10 Because you don’t leave immediately, I call a policeman  If …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 11 Be careful or you’ll cut yourself with that knives  If …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… (5)

Ngày đăng: 12/10/2021, 08:53


