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4.Working provide people with personal satisfaction as well as money.. She borrowed the money from the bank to continued her study.[r]

(1)EXERCISES FOR ERROR IDENTIFICATION Exercise Subject and verb agreement The study of languages are very interesting Today the number of people enjoying winter sports are almost double that of twenty years ago Every student in my class are good at English Air pollution, together with littering, are causing many problems in our large, industrial cities today Drug abuse have become one of America’s most serious social problems The threat of being dismissed not worry me any more because I have started my own business Mrs Stevens, along with her cousins from New Mexico, are planning to attend the festivities If either of you take a vacation, we will not be able to finish the work Neither John nor his friends is going to the beach today 10 Mary and her friends is going to a party tonight 11 Mary as well as her friends are going to a party tonight 12 Neither of his pens are able to be used 13 A number of students is going to the class picnic 14 Everybody want to buy a ticket for this live show 15 The boys winning the first prize in the contest was very happy Exercise Checking word form/choice I have been working hardly for two weeks and now I feel like a rest He studied very hard, so he passed the exam easy Many species of wild animals would become extinction if people continued to cut down forests Some bacteria are extremely harmful, but others are regular used in producing foods I think it’s importance for us to find solutions to our problem He answered those questions perfect because he was intelligent Heavy polluted factories will be closed down sooner or later The driver of the car was serious injured Bill is often late for class, which makes his teachers angrily 10 I am surprising at how much he smokes; I’m not used to it 11 He walked slowly because of his injuring legs 12 Dogs that are trained to lead the blind must be loyalty, intelligent and calm 13 Most of us were feeling sleepily at the meeting because the speaker had a very monotonous voice 14 The more frequent you exercise, the greater physical endurance you will have 15 Several people arrived too lately to be admitted to the performance Exercise Checking tense of verb We are going to visit our grandparents when we will finish our final exams By the time the police come the robber had run away He said that he has done his homework since o'clock She has disappeared three days ago, and they are still looking for her now While you had been out , Tom came to see you He never goes home before he will finish his work Her last book is published in 20 languages years ago Take the raincoat with you in case it will rain They will give her the message as soon as she arrived 10 Although it is raining heavily, he went out without a raincoat 11 When I was a child, I was riding a bicycle to school everyday 12 I can’t go out now because I didn’t finish my homework yet 13 We had better wait here until the rain will stop 14 When the film started, I ready arrived ten minutes before 15 While Mary did the washing up, she broke a cup 16 She brought a lot of money with her so that she could bought some duty-free goods 17 Have you ever read any novels writing by Jack London? 18 It is suggested that smoking should to be banned in pubs, restaurants, and other public places 19 On Saturdays, I enjoy to go to the concert with my friends (2) 20 Before to go out, remember to turn off the lights 21 I'd rather to stay at home than go out at weekends 22 That old building is going to be pull down by the workers 23 They stopped to work because of hot weather 24 We were advised not drinking the water in the bottle 25 Isabel expected admit to the university, but she wasn’t 26 Mary was determined to leave the office by 4:30 for catching the early train home 27 Yuri Gagarin was the first man flying into space 28 She was among the few who wanted to quit smoke instead of cutting down 29 I used to getting up late when I was small 30 Did Carol agree to go camp with you? 31 Eaten too many sweets may cause stomachache 32 The result of that test must be inform before August 33 It is believed that in the near future robots will be used to doing things such as cooking 34 It is saying that the price of gold is going up 35 She wanted to know how long it would take us getting there Exercise Checking relative pronoun Today the number of people whom enjoy winter sports is almost double that of twenty years ago The boy which was given the first prize in the contest was very happy Peter said that it was the boy which had stolen his suitcase Nguyen Du, that wrote "Kieu Story", was a great Vietnamese poet There's the woman who she sold me the handbag The company did not want to hire the man that experience was so limited There are also many single mothers and single fathers which are raising children by themselves I thanked the woman whom had helped me Do you like the building that windows are green? 10 The man was injured in the accident was taken to the hospital 11 Is this the book you are looking for it? 12 This is the picture of the town where we visited last summer 13 The story to that I listened yesterday was interesting 14 Peter, that works at the university, is my friend 15 He told us about the hotel that he had stayed the previous summer Exercise Checking preposition Tom likes taking part sports, so he will join the football team of his school People consider it rude to point about anyone You have to study hard to keep pace in your classmates John's mother thought that chocolates were bad to him She is tired with doing the same thing everyday Instead of calling off the meeting, maybe we can just put it over until next month In the end of the party, Mary found herself washing the dishes alone again, as usual The children were frightened with the noise There is a severe famine in Somalia, and thousands of people are dying from hunger 10 If you need to keep fit, then why not take on a sport such as badminton or tennis? Exercise Checking conditionals, comparisons The weather is more hot than it was yesterday His health gets good and better because he does gymnastics regularly If I had enough money, I would have travelled around the world The older you are, the worst your memory is The early we leave, the sooner we will arrive The more I got to know them, the fewer I liked them Of the two sisters, Linda is the most beautiful He finished the test more rapidly of all in his class Jane is not more intelligent as her brother (3) 10 If it would be convenient, let’s go out for a drink tonight Exercise Checking conjunctions He has made a lot of mistakes in his writing because his carelessness They had to sell their house because of they needed money People are not allowed to enter the park after midnight because lack of security In spite of my father is old, he still goes to work In spite the danger, they managed to cross the river during the night We haven’t seen each other from we left school Although Nam worked very hard, but he didn’t pass the final exam Dinosaurs became extinct millions of years ago because of the earth's climate changed drastically It was not when he talked to her that he knew the truth 10 Although taking a taxi, Bill arrived late for the concert 11.When many of my friends take a shower in the morning, I usually take one before bed 12 Although it was raining, Anna didn’t take her swimming lesson 13 He got a job in a bank because he had no qualifications 14 The boys were punished although they made many mistakes 15.Thanks for the liberation of women, women can now take part in social activities Exercise Checking articles, quantities Peter earned a large number of money last year I’d like to go on a holiday , but I haven’t got many money We visited Canada and United States two years ago The teacher said that Peter had made much mistakes in his essays People respected him because he was a honest man I was amazed that Smith showed so few grief at his mother’s death How much times did Rich and Jennifer have to the experiment? We should manage, with a few of luck We had the dinner in a restaurant last night 10 The server is designed to store huge numbers of data Exercise Checking parallel The puppy stood up slowly, wagged its tail, blinking its eyes, and barked Ecologists are trying to preserve our environment for future generations by protecting the ozone layer, purifying the air, and have planted the trees that have been cut down The chief of police demanded from his assistants an orderly investigation, a well-written report, and that they work hard Marcia is a scholar, an athlete, and artistic Slowly and with care, the museum director removed the Ming vase from the shelf and placed it on the display pedestal The farmer plows the fields, plants the seeds and will harvest the crop Abraham Lincoln was a good president and was self-educated, hard working and always told the truth Children love playing in the mud, running through puddles and they get very dirty Collecting stamps, playing chess and to mount beautiful butterflies are derrick’s hobbies 10 Despite America’s affluence, many people are without jobs, on welfare, and have a lot of debts Exercise 10 Other errors Neither plants or animals can survive for very long without water The little boy's mother bought him a five-speeds racing bicycle for his birthday Jack London is known as one of the great novelist of the world My friend not only had excellent ideas but also he did a good job She worked too hard that she became ill It was such good book that I couldn’t put it down Robots in the home might not be enough creative to the cooking, plan the meal and so on I’m not used to drive on the left This apprentice has spent two weeks to work on that new machine 10 Jason’s professor had him to rewrite his thesis many times before allowing him to hand it in (4) 11 She wishes that we didn’t send her the candy yesterday because she’s on a diet 12 The soup you made was too hot for me to eat it 13 Man build the house and women it home 14 My mother is the person I often divide my secrets with 15 International students should take full use of tutorial appointments Exercise 11 Mixed exercise 1.Neither his parents nor his teacher are satisfied with his result when he was at school The problems of pollution are too difficult for us to solving It requires to reading a foreign language quickly and well 4.Working provide people with personal satisfaction as well as money She borrowed the money from the bank to continued her study Every student who majors in English are ready to participate in the oratorical She takes vitamins to felt heathier She left the house in a hurry without to say goodbye to us It is very necessary for we to learn a foreign language nowadays 10.The film is such interesting that I have ever seen it for three times 11 I would rather doing any job than be out of work 12 I don’t think he is in agree with what we are going to 13 In spite of my father is old , he gets up early and does morning exercise 14 There is only a few food for dinner I think you should buy some more to eat 15.Although Mary has been in Vietnam for years, but she knows little Vietnamese 16 How many long did you stay in Vietnam during yout last summer holiday ? 17 My mother used to give me a good advice when I had a problem 18 Has the government made a decide to ban the use of chemical weapon yet ? 19 Please give me few sugar in my coffee I prefer it sweet 20 He has a great deal of books most of which are on science and technology 21 Why have you decided to quit your job and continue your study ? I’m tired for work as a secretary 22 There are much kinds of books in my school library,but readers cannot borrow them 23 In my opinion, a most beautiful place in Vietnam is DaLat 24 The workers went on strikes because of they thought their wages were low 25 Did you say that you will have a lot of things to the following week ? 26 Despite she was in her middle age, she looked very graceful and charming 27 We have been making prepare for our final exammination for two months 28 The police is looking for the bank robbers who stole a large sum of money from the bank 29 Tom told his child not make noise when she was working 30 Unless there had been a heavy storm, the climbers will not have died 31 Unless you work harder, you will be sack because of your laziness 32 David did wanted to become a technical teacher 33 Please tell us the reason when he left without saying goodbye 34 Bill said;”Tom, does come and have dinner with us this evening “ 35.It has ever been told that teaching is one of the more noble careers 36 The mother asked her son if he would have the floor clean the day before 37 She is the most beautiful girl who I have ever met 38 Peter wished that he has gone to the party last week 39 The students had thought that the English test was very difficulty 40 Before went abroad, he had finished his English course at the English- speaking Center 41 She always avoids to meet her boss, because she is afraid of him 42 Conservation is the safeguarding and preservation of nature resources 43 Conservation is also concerned for the reclaiming of land by irrigating deserts 44 I wanted joining the police, but I wasn’t tall enough 45.Do most boys and girls give a great deal of thought to their future employ ? 46 John, along with twenty friends are planning a party 47 The picture of the soldiers bring back many memories (5) 48.Women nowadays have more free to participate in social activities 49 These snakes will not cause you any serious harm They are harmful 50 English spoken in almost every corner of the world 51 If I could speak two languages last years, I would have got a good job 52.People spend a lot of money in advertising every year 53 Would you mind showing me how working the lift? 54 The child is too young to take good care in himself 55 “ Happy new year “, whose is a very popular song, is being sung 56 We will go to see the film Titanic if the weather is fine or not 57 Some of my friends are good at English while other are good at Mathematics 58 When she heard the news, she got so a shock that she dropped her glass 59 Two weeks are plenty of time to finish the assignment 60 If the goal keeper had playing better, they would not have lost the game 61 If today is Sunday, we would have a lot of fun at the camping site 62 Would you mind to check the figures again ? 63 We left the hall quietly so that not to disturb the chairman 64 Who was the first man to reaching the Everest ? 65 They will help you whenever you will ask them 66 Knew that he was poor, I offered to pay his fare 67 I am only interesting in what he did 68 New York is the largest city where I have ever visited 69 He is the man whom passport was stolen in California 70 Peter can play table tennis better more than I can 71 Peter succeeded in his work because of he had worked hard 72 Jim has failed the examination He is the baddest in our class 73 The mathematics test was too difficult for us to solve it 74 You had better working harder because the examination is coming 75 How length is the river ? About 200 kilometres 76 Minh Hanh, who is one of the most famous fashion- designers in Vietnam, are preparing for a new show 77 The U S, that is one of the most powerful countries, decided to declare a war to Iraq 78 A motion picture provides us with both entertainment but also knowledge 79 Make a film needs the collaboration of many individuals 80 Among my favourite film stars is Tom Cruise and Charlie Chapin bµi tËp söa lçi sai We admired his way of things very much You have to finish to write the report yourself I remember that I have something new to told you The president went fishing after he has finished his work The farmers need to rotated their crops A nonsmoker usually feels uncomfortably when someone is smoking in his house Unless it did not rain, Peter would pay us a visit Tom and his father plays tennis every afternoon with their friends Although it rained heavily, but I came to class in time 10 Neither his parents nor his teacher are satisfied with his result 11 If I had enough money, I would have bought that car today 12 They have stopped to smoke because it may be bad for their health 13 Mr Jed, as well as, his assistants haven’t arrived yet 14 The teacher was angry with his students because they didn’t their homeworks 15 The woman was too old that she could not run 16 Never have they visit Effel Tower 17 Daisy is one of the more intelligent students in my class 18 Working provide people with personal satisfaction as well as money 19 Each students has answered the first three questions (6) 20 I’m really excited going swimming with you 21 All the foods which are preserved can keep their flavor 22 Faraday’s father was so poor to send him to school 23 Peter was said being the cleverest in his class when he was at school 24 Today seems wonderfully for us to have a picnic 25 Despite of the heavy rain, they decided to go 26 Rarely he goes to church although he is a catholic 27 Mathematics and physics isn’t easy subjects 28 The child were told to apologize for being rude to his brother 29 It’s very kind to you to help me 30 Attending all the lectures are important to us 31 He had smoked so a lot of cigarettes that he died of cancer 32 Tell me the reason for why you were absent yesterday 33 I suggest staying at home and watch television 34 After eaten dinner, John wrote several letters and went to bed 35 The furniture in my house are very beautiful 36 Mary asked me when I have picked An up 37 If the driver had seen the stop sign, the accident wouldn’t happen 38 She left the house in hurry without saying goodbye to our 39 She takes vitamins to felt healthier 40 Please give me a few sugar in my coffee, I prefer it sweet 41 I didn’t intention to make a long journey with her 42 Although the bad traffic, I managed to arrived at the meeting on time 43 In spite my father is old, he gets up early and does morning exercises 44 He tells me he has been ill since he goes abroad 45 She is surprising when she has heard that news 46 We admired his way of things very much 47 I couldn’t see my parents anywhere and was real worried 48 Never in my life I have seen such a big house 49 The best- known members of the cabbage group includes head cabbage 50 Americans are used to saying a few words before to express disagreement 51 Driving on the left side of the road made Lan very surprising when she first visited London 52 When I was young, I used to swimming every morning 53 One of the girls who works for the company has been sacked 54 Remember turning off the television when you leave 55 He has so many money that he doesn’t know what to with it 56 Because they had spent too many time considering the new contract, the students lost the chance to lease the apartment 57 Mother’s Day is the day when children show their love on their mother on 58 We are not used to drive on the left side of the road 59 A person who try to get secret information about other countries is a spy 60 Victor and her sister passed the exam last year They were successfully candidates 61 Your work is so bad Do you consider to get another job? 62 A child struck me when I entering the interviewing room 63 When I arrived at the station, the train has already left 64 The little boy is very interested in football, but is actually not good for playing 65 It is very difficult for us to preventing forest fires during the drought 66 We would love to have an opportunity of meet you again 67 Before went abroad, he had finished his English course at the English Speaking Centre 68 She is the most beautiful woman who I have ever met 69 He could not hide his anxious for the interview 70 Most of our furnitures is in storage 71 Is he a left- hand tennis player? (7) 72 Jane had to get used to driver on the left 73 John lived in New York since 1970 to 1980, but he is now living in London 74 There were so much books on the shelf that I didn’t know which one to choose 75 He was very surprised when he visited London, in that the drivers always drive on the left hand side of the street 76 Has the government made a decide to ban the use of chemical weapons yet? 77 My family spent such an interested holiday in Europe last summer 78 Walk in the rain helps him relax 79 I have been working for this company 10 years ago 80 A heavy storm swept through the village and many people killed 81 Since I have come here last week, I haven’t phoned her 82 What gases occur in the air? 83 Many people think that learning English is not easily 84 I told them to obey the traffic law when traveled on the road 85 If I had knew the time when the match started, I would have told you 86 Most of the student in this class love their form teacher 87 Every member of this club speaks English very well 88 The seeing movies will broaden our knowledge about different lifestyles 89 Have they planned on invest money in that project? 90 The only thing consider now is how to get away without being seen 91 Did you say that you will have a lot of things to the following week? 92 Would you mind give me a hand? 93 We go to school to enrich our mind with know 94 Million of people who work in the city live in the surrounding suburbs 95 The rain and the sun made the plants to grow quickly 96 Many people are stopping to look in the bright store widows 97 You’re used to morning exercise every day, aren’t you? 98 The mother had always taken good care with her little son when he is sick 99 To reduce pollution, we have to stop using many things that makes our life comfortable 100 It is very difficult for human beings fighting pollution 101 Despite she was in her middle age, she looked very graceful and charming 102 American man usually shake hands when they are introduced 103 Most women used to stay at home and done homework 104 Please arrive on time in order to we will be able to start the meeting punctually 105 Most lasers are be used in medical and scientific fields 106 Peter hate fish He never has fish for meals 107 The houses along that street is for sale 108 When Sam will arrive, we will open the gift 109 The problems of pollution are too difficult for us to solving 110 She left the party in a hurry without to say goodbye to us 111 Please give me a few sugar in my coffee I prefer it sweet 112 Although the bad traffic, I managed to arrive at the meeting on time 113 It is necessary for we to learn a foreign language nowadays 114.The headmaster of our school have been very busy since he returned from Hanoi 115 In many ways, riding a bicycle is similar with driving a car 116 A friend of mine used to smoking a lot when he was young 117 Time goes down quickly when we are busy working upload.123doc.net Peter didn’t buy that computer because he had few money 119 The man whom helped you yesterday is a television reporter 120 Measles are one of the infectious diseases that children get 121 Each students has answered the first three questions 122 Next Sunday seems perfect with the picnic 123 The mixture looks rather dry Maybe you should add a few water (8) 124 Although the bad traffic, I managed to arrive at the meeting on time 125 The president went fishing after he has finished his work 126 My father along with his friend are drinking tea in the living room 127 He has least friends in his class now than he had last year 128 It’s important for every students to have a book 129 Had I heard the news last night, I would tell you about it 130 He stopped to smoke because cigarettes are harmful to his health 131 It’s no use to advise him to stop smoking 132 Living in the city is more comfortably than in the country 133 They aren’t used to walk in the rain 134 He hurried in order to be not late for school 135 The lesson is too difficult for us to understand it 136 She feels very happily with the final resutl 137 Though he loves her very much , but he can’t talk to her about his feeling 138 Can you tell me the country where was she born ? 139 Do they look worried with the interview ? 140 He was surprising with the bad news 141 Reading several books on that subject, Bill considered himself an expert 142 Ralph wishes that he went to the bank this morning before he went to work 143 The company did not want to hire a man that his experiment was so limited 144 Mrs Alien was concerned about me having to drive so far every day 145 They who arrive early will get the best selection of seats 146 The doctor advised doing exercise, drinking milk, and not to smoke 147 A laser vaporizes the bone without touch any of the surrounding tissue 148 It believes that our lives will be better in the future 149 It was so an exciting novel that I not want to stop reading it 150 Not only the students but also the teacher are worried about the exam results bµi tËp söa lçi sai 1: I used to getting up late when I was small 2: If I had money, I will buy a car 3: She left her house in a hurry without to say goodbye to us 4: This in the place which I was born and grew up 5: She isn’t old enough to done this job 6.If you listen to the questions carefully, you would answer them easily Can you tell me the country where was she born ? She is surprising when she has heard the news Have you finished reading the book which I give you last week? 10 We are interested in read newspapers everyday 11 His best movie, that won several awards, was about the life of Grandhi 12 We are going to study tonight until we will finish this chapter 13 How many students there are in your class ? 14 He studies very hard so that he can to pass his final exam next month 15 The painting Sun Flower, which painted by Van Gogh, was stolen many times 16 To planting trees is a custom of Vietnamese people during Tet holiday 17 We had better to review this lesson carefully because we will have some questions on it 18 Huong used to living in Hanoi, but her job required her to move to another city 19 Fresh air and regular exercise are great of use to our health 20 What you would if you could speak French well? 21 Both doctors and psychiatrists try to stop people from smoke, but they are not successful 22 If he weren’t too old, he would apply to the job as a war reporter 23 One of the best ways to stay healthy are to exercises every morning 24 If the doctors could find in the remedy, a lot of people would be saved 25 I have to thank you for help me so much while I was in hospital (9) 26 If she bought that house now, she ran out of money 27 Men will continue to live on foods unless other types of protein are not found 28.When Newton was 22, he began study the theory of gravitation 29 The painting, Sun Flower, which painted by Van Gogh, was stolen many times 30 Einstein’s theory of relativity is well – knew all over the world 31 Anna Robertson Moses, Who was also known as Grand Moses, is considered one of the greatest female artist of US Art 32 She can play the piano more good than her sister 33 Would you mind lend me your motorbike until next week? 34 It spent me thirty minutes to clean the floor 35 She is tired with being asked the same things every day 36 The boy is very young to drive that lorry 37 It’s Germanic language which forms the basis of modern English 38 It has been a long time when we talked to Tom 39 They speak more directly as people in the North 40 The scientist whom was doing a research on biology was a great one 41 You needn’t to make an appointment to see the bank manager 42 If you don’t want Sally to be angry with you, I suggested you apologise 43 It was careful of you to leave the window open last night 44 The train journey from London to Bristol take two hours 45 George is not nearly as energetic than he used to be 46 He can speak France well enough to go to the conference 47 If only you had tried harder, you might pass the exam 48 She was dismissed because her typing was poorly 49 She doesn’t know the difference between margarine with butter 50 The man in which painting bears a strong resemblance to my uncle 51 Karajan was the first person recognizing her extraordinary musical gift 52 Its lack of irregular verbs makes Esperanto an unique language 53 Perhaps no one will ever know what did happened that fateful night 54 There was another revolutionary in microchip technology in 1971 55 No one stands a chance of beating Mansell in this year’s champion 56 If he had done his homework, his parents might have let him to go to the party 57 In the event, the extra insurance we took out wasn’t be necessary 58 He speaks more persuasive than his brother does 59 He forgotten about the gun until he got home 60 Alan worked too hard at the office, and this led to his ill 61 I haven’t enjoyed myself so many for years 62 Immediately after his arrival, things went to wrong 63 You can eat as much as you like at the newly lunch-bar 64 MRS Stevens, along with her cousins from New Mexico, are planning to attend the festivities 65 Hung Yen has long been well - known for it’s excellent longan fruits 66 As soon as we’ve finished supper, we’ll all go to downtown to see our friends 67 The - year - old boy resembles to his mother some what more than does his older brother 68 I want to live for hundred years 69 Visitors may realize that even though they cant make their homes in Da Lat city, they can take away with them memories of their beauty 70 His long-suffered parents are always ready to help him whenever he is in trouble 71 Bells told people of happy events, such as weddings and born or, sometimes had to announce unpleasant events such as a death 72 Everyday in summer, but especially at the weekends, all kinds of vehicles bring crowds of people to enjoy the various attraction 73 The young are thought to be the future leaders of the country, and it is essential that they should understand their heritage as full as possible (10) 74 John announced that he could not longer tolerate the conditions of the contract under which he was working 75 Mary was determined to leave the office by 4:30 for catching the early train home 76 Their free trip, which they won on a television game show, include four days in London and a week in Paris 77 I want to live for hundred years 78 The little boys mother bought him a five - speeds racing bicycle for his birthday 79 There is a severe famine in Somalia , and thousands of people are dying from hungry 80 When many of my friends take a shower in the morning, I usually take one before bed 81 In our country the birth of a girl is not welcomed with an enthusiasm equal to a boy 82 The lady who had invited us heard me telling my wife the dinner terrible, so I was embarrassed 83 The threat of being dismissed not worry me any more because I have started my own business 84 We educate our children as well as we can, because an educational population is the key to future 85 The more frequent you exercise, the greater physical endurance you will have 86 It is believed that in the near future robots will be used to doing things such as cooking 87 Robots in the home might not be enough creative to the cooking, plan the meal and so on 88 It is becoming extremely difficult to grow enough to feed the worlds rapidly increased population 89.The officials object to them wearing long dresses for the inaugural dance at the county club 90 Janet is finally used to cook on an electric stove after having a gas one for so long 91 He knows to repair the carburetor without taking the whole car apart 92 Stuart stopped to write his letter because he had to leave for the hospital 93 She must retyping the report before she hands it in to the director of financing 94 How much times did Rick and Jennifer have to the experiment before they obtained the results they had been expecting 95 Each of the students in the accounting class has to type their own research paper this semester 96 Mrs Stevens, along with her cousins from New Mexico, are planning to attend the festivities 97 They are going to have to leave soon and so we 98 Dresses, skirts, shoes and children’s clothing are advertised at great reduced prices this week 99 Neither(A) his parents nor(B) his teacher are(C) satisfied with his result when he was at high school 100 The furniture(A) in my grandmother’s(B) houses are(C) very beautiful(D) 101 Either(A) the doctor or(B) the nurses takes(C) care of(D) the patients 102 It requires(A) practice to reading(B) a foreign language quickly(C) and well(D) 103 Working(A) provide(B) people with(C) personal satisfaction as well as(D) money 104.My computer helps(A) me manage my time better, but it is not as personal like a phone call 105 When young(A), my mother had to(B) work very hardly(C) to earn(D) money 106 The first(A) postage stamps(B) issued(C) in New York City in(D) 1842 107 Ho Chi Minh city, which named is after(B) president Ho Chi Minh, is(C) quite a young city(D) 108 That is(A) Mr Anderson, whom(B) taught me the first(C) lessons of computer skills(D) 109 His(A) grandmother and his uncle took care for(B) him after(C) his parents died(D) 110 Every human typically(A) have(B) twenty-three pairs of(C) chromosomes in most(D) cells 111 He stopped to smoke(A) because it is(B) harmful(C) for(D) his health 112 Not everyone(A) realizes that(B) the most largest(C) organ of the human(D) body is the skin 113.(A) Many teachers have devoted (B) their lives (C) to teaching (D) therefore teaching is not a well-paid job 114.People (A) depend unlimited (B) energy to power (C) their everyday (D) lives 115.Lack o f(A) properly physical exercise (B) can cause (C) tiredness and (D) poor general health 116.They are (A) going to build (B) the town square (C) next this (D) area 117.The train will (A) be leaving (B) on five minutes (C) so you’d (D) better hurry up upload.123doc.net (A) The most you (B) learn, (C) the more knowledge (D) you get 119 You are reminded (A) once again (B) of the author's love (C) of (D) a sea 120 They (A) can speak English and (B) use a computer (C) so as to they (D) can easily get a good job (11)

Ngày đăng: 11/10/2021, 13:47

