EXERCISE 1 1. The earth is the only planet with a large number of oxygen in its atmosphere. A B C D 2. Venus approaches the Earth more closely than any other planet is. A B C D 3. Robert Frost was not well known as a poet until he reached the forties. A B C D 4. The amounts of oxygen and nitrogen in the air almost always remain stable, but the A B amount of water vapor vary considerably. C D 5. The American frontiersman, politician, and soldier Davy Crockett is one of the A most popular of American hero. B C D 6. A fivethousanddollars reward was offered for the capture of the escaped A B C D criminals. 7. A desert area that has been without water for six years will still bloom when rain A B C will come. D 8. The word “shore” can be used rather of “coast” to mean the land bodering the sea. A B C D 9. Alfafia is a nutrious crop rich in proteins, minerals, and with vitamins. A B C D 10.The deadbolt is the best lock for entry doors because it is not only inexpensive but A B C installation is easy.