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Mix Passive

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* Cách 2: Nếu tân ngữ sau to-V trong câu chủ động khác với chủ ngữ trong câu bị động à dùng mẫu B.. Ex: I want him to repair my car –> I want my car to be repaired by him * Cách 3: Có th[r]

(1)PASSIVE FORMS Thể bị động I/- Thể bị động sử dụng trường hợp sau: - Khi chúng ta không biết đã thực hành động không quá quan trọng phải biết hành động đó thực Ex: - My briefcase was stolen last night (I don’t know who stole it.) Khi chúng ta nhấn mạnh vào thân hành động không nhấn mạnh chủ thể gây hành động Ex: My hair is being done by the hairdresser II/- Cách chuyển từ câu chủ động (active) sang câu bị động (passive): - Lấy tân ngữ câu chủ động làm chủ ngữ cho câu bị động - Động từ chính câu chủ động chuyển xuống thành quá khứ phân từ - Trước quá khứ động từ ta thêm động từ tobe (thì động từ tobe phụ thuộc vào thì động từ chính) - Khi muốn nhấn mạnh tác nhân (agent) gây nên hành động ta dùng by + agent (chủ ngữ câu chủ động chuyển xuống thành tân ngữ (O) cho câu bị động - Sơ đồ tóm tắt sau: S Active S Passive V + + be + O + PP + by O + Chú ý: câu chủ động có tân ngữ: tân ngữ trực tiếp (DO) và tân ngữ gián tiếp (IO) thì chúng ta chuyển thành cách III/- Cách chuyển cụ thể cho thì (tenses) S Thì đơn S be S Ex: - They V/V(s/es) going goingtotobe am/is/are watch V PP O by O PP television everyday The television is watched everyday (by them) - He reads a book every evening A book is read every evening (by him) Thì tiếp diễn by O O (2) S is/am/are S Ex: V-ing O PP by am/is/are + being - They are O eating bananas at the moment Bananas are being eaten at the moment (by them) Thì hoàn thành S S Ex: have/has PP O have/has + been PP by - They have bought O a new house A new house has been bought (by them) S V-ed/V2 O Thì quá khứ đơn S Ex: was/were - Nam did PP by O his homework last night His homework was done by Nam last night Thì quá khứ tiếp diễn S S Ex: - Lan was/were was/were + being was V-ing O PP by watching O television at 8.00 last night (3) The television was being watched by Lan at 8.00 last night Thì quá khứ hoàn thành S had S Ex: had + been -I had O PP by O locked the door before I left the house The door had been locked (by me) before I left the house Thì tương lai đơn S will S Ex: PP will be V O PP by - He will buy that house next month That house will be bought next month (by him) Câu bị động với “be going to” Ex: - Hung is going to buy that car next week That car is going to be bought next week by Hung Câu bị động với động từ khiếm khuyết S modal verb V O O (4) Ex: - They can this work This work can be done (by them) 10 Câu bị động với NEED S + need(s) + V + O  S + need(s) + to be + PP Ex: or: S + need(s) + V-ing - He needs repair this bicycle This bicycle needs to be repaired/ This bicycle needs repairing IV/- Câu bị động đặc biệt Trường hợp bị động này thường sử dụng với các động từ quan điểm như: believe, know, say, report, think, rumour… believe say People think They that report Everybody clause (S2 + V) rumour …  believed said It thought tobe that reported clause (S2 + V) rumoured …  believed said S2 tobe thought to infinitive reported to have + PP rumoured … Note: Thì động từ “tobe” chia theo thì động từ chính câu chủ động Ex: People believe that David left New Zealand last week  It is believe that David left New Zealand last week  David is believed to have left New Zealand last week (5) They think that he is crazy  It is thought that he is crazy  He is thought to be crazy 11 Câu bị động với HAVE – GET (causative form – thể sai khiến) S + have/get + O(st) + PP + (by + agent) Ex: I have/get my hair cut by hairdresser He had/got his car washed yesterday S + have + O(sb) + bare infinitive S + get + O(sb) + to infinitive Ex: I have my brother my homework I get my brother to my homework 12 Một số chú ý đổi từ câu chủ động sang câu bị động - Chuyển tân ngữ câu chủ động thành chủ ngữ câu bị động - Trợ động từ to be câu bị động đợc chia theo ngôi, và chia theo thời câu chủ động - Khi chủ ngữ câu chủ động có tính chất chung chung , không rõ ràng, ( someone, people, they ) thì chuyển sang câu bị động ta không dùng giới từ by - Khi chủ ngữ câu chủ động rõ ràng, đợc nhấn mạnh ( My father, Mr Pike ) thì chuyển sang câu bị động ta phải dïng giíi tõ by Eg: - They built this house in 1990 = This house was built in 1990 - My father built this house in 1990 = This house was built in 1990 by my father Bài tập: Exercise : ViÕt l¹i c¸c c©u sau gi÷ nguyªn nghÜa 1/ They are building a new bridge at the moment  A new bridge 2/ Somebody has taken away some of my books  Some of my books 3/ The chief engineer was instructing all the workers how to use the machines  All the workers 4/ They can't make tea with cold water  Tea 5/ They will hold the meeting before May Day  The meeting 6/ They have to repair the engine of the car  The engine 7/ People spend a lot of money on advertising every year  A lot 8/ The boys broke the windows and took away some pictures (6)  The windows 9/ They may use this room for the classroom  This room 10/ Our teacher is going to tell a story  A story 11/ Mary is cutting the cake with a sharp knife  The cake 12/ The children looked at the woman with a red hat  The woman 13/ You mustn't use this machine after 5.30  This machine 14/ Luckily for me, they didn't call my name  Luckily for me, 15/ I knew that they had told him of the meeting  I knew 16/ Nobody has ever treated me with such kindness  I 17/ Do they teach English here ?  Is 18/ Did your teacher give you some exercises ?  Were 19/ Have they changed the window of the laboratory ?  Has 20/ Will the buses bring the children home ?  Will 21/ How can they open this safe ?  How 22/ Why didn't they help him ?  Why 23/ What books are people reading this year ?  What books 24/ Someone should look into the matter  The matter 25/ The police advise drivers to use an alternative rout  Drivers 26/ The bank manager kept me waiting for half an hour  I 27/ He wants someone to take some photographs  He wants 28/ He likes people to call him "sir"  He likes (7) 29/ She hates people looking at her  She 30/ I don't like people making fun of me  I IV/ Một số trờng hợp đổi đặc biệt C©u cã t©n ng÷ - My father gave an English book to me = I was given an English book by my father = An English book was given to me by my father Câu có cách đổi Các động từ sau đợc sử dụng loại câu này nh : say, think, know, believe, report ( thông báo, báo cáo), consider ( cho r»ng ), acknowledge ( thõa nhËn) Eg1 : - They say that Mr Pike works in a big company C¸ch : - It is said that Mr Pike works in a big company C¸ch : - Mr Pike is said to work in a big company (Ngêi ta nãi ¤ng Pike lµm viÖc cho mét c«ng ty lín) Eg2 : - They say that Mr Ron is living abroad now C¸ch : - It is said that Mr Ron is living abroad Cách2 : - Mr Ron is said to be living abroad now (Ông Ron đợc ngời ta nói là sống nớc ngoài) Eg3 : - People think that Mrs Ha has left her job ( Mọi ngời nghĩ Bà Hà đã bỏ việc) C¸ch : - It is thought that Mrs Ha has left her job C¸ch : - Mrs Ha is thought to have left her job They didn't mention any names.( Hä kh«ng nh¾c tíi c¸i tªn nµo c¶) = No names were mentioned (Không có cái tên nào đợc nhắc tới) Who wrote this book ? = By whom was this book written ? = Whom was this book written by ? My father lets me watch TV in the evening (Bố tôi tôi xem TV vào buổi tối) = I am let watch TV in the evening by my mother Our father made us work hard.( Bè chóng t«i b¾t chóng t«i ph¶i lµm viÖc tÝch cùc) = We were made to work hard by our father They saw him come in (Họ đã nhìn thấy vào ) = He was seen to come in They saw him coming in (Hä nh×n thÊy ®ang ®i vµo) = He was seen coming in I remember that my father took me to the zoo last month = I remember my father taking me to the zoo last month ( Tôi nhớ là bố tôi đã đa tôi tới vờn thú vào tháng trớc) = I remember being taken to the zoo last month by my father (Tôi nhớ đã đợc bố đa tới vờn thú tháng trớc) 10 You should know how to drive (B¹n cÇn ph¶i biÕt l¸i xe.) - It is your duty to know how to drive = You are supposed to know how to drive (8) Exercise : Rewrite the following sentences 1/ The teacher gave each of us two exercise books  Each 2/ People believe that number 13 is unlucky number  Number 13 3/ People know that English is an international language  English 4/ People think that Jack London's life and writings represent the American love of adventures  Jack London's life and writings 5/ They say that John is the brightest student in the class  John 6/ People think that he has died a natural death  He 7/ They reported that the troops were coming  The troops 8/ People say that he left the town some hours ago  He 9/ People saw Mr Lake steal your car  Mr Lake 10/ We won't let you that silly thing again  You 11/ People here don't make their children work hard  Their children 12/ You need to have your hair cut  Your hair 13/ It's your duty to this work  You 14/ I remember my brother taking me to the park  I remember 15/ They didn't pay me for the work ; they expected me to it for nothing  I 16/ You should have taken these books back to the library  These books 17/ People consider that she is the best singer that Australia has ever produced  She 18/ They will continue to use it  It 19/ Peter objects to people laughing at him  Peter 20/ Who wrote this book ?  By (9) 21/ There is a rumour that the criminal is living in town  The criminal 22/ People saw him climbing over the wall  He 23/ They offered me a job yesterday  I  A job 24/ Why did no one inform me of the change of the plan ?  Why wasn't ? 25/ Did the idea interest you ?  Were .? 26/ They say that her smile hides a secret  It 27/ They said that the company was losing a lot of money  The company 28/ People think that an apple a day is good for you  An apple 29/ Someone saw them dumping rubbish  They (10) Một số lưu ý đổi câu chủ động sang câu bị động  Trong câu bị động by + O luôn đứng sau adverbs of place (trạng từ nơi chốn) và đứng trước adverbs of time (trạng từ thời gian)  Trong câu bị động, có thể bỏ: by people, by us, by them, by someone, by him, by her…nếu đối tượng không xác định  Nếu O câu bị động là vật, việcthì dùng with thay cho by Ex: The bird was shot with the gun –> The bird was shot by the hunter Công thức đổi từ câu chủ động sang câu bị động các thì thường gặp Tenses Simple Present Active S+V+O Passive S + be + PP.2 + by + O Present Continuous S + am/is/are + V-ing + O S + am/is/are + being + PP.2 + by + O Present Perfect S + has/have + PP.2 + O S + has/have + been + PP.2 + by + O Simple Past S + V-ed + O S + was/were + PP.2 + by + O Past Continuous S + was/were + V-ing + O S + was/were + being + PP.2 + by + O Past Perfect S + had + PP.2 + O S + had + been + PP.2 + by + O Simple Future S + will/shall + V + O S + will + be + PP.2 + by + O Future Perfect S + will/shall + have + PP.2 + O S + will + have + been + PP.2 + by + O Be + going to S + am/is/are + going to + V + O S + am/is/are + going to + be + PP.2 + by + O Model Verbs S + model verb + V + O S + model verb + be + PP.2 + by + O Một số cấu trúc câu bị động đặc biệt tiếng anh Chuyển câu chủ động có sử dụng to-V thành bị động: S + V + Sb + to-V + O  Mẫu A: S + V + to be + PP.2 + (by Sb)  Mẫu B: S + V + O + to be + PP.2 + (by Sb)  Mẫu C: Sb + be + PP.2 + to-V + O * Cách 1: Nếu tân ngữ sau to-V câu chủ động chính là chủ ngữ câu bị động à dùng mẫu A Ex: I want you to teach me –> I want to be taught by you * Cách 2: Nếu tân ngữ sau to-V câu chủ động khác với chủ ngữ câu bị động à dùng mẫu B Ex: I want him to repair my car –> I want my car to be repaired by him * Cách 3: Có thể dùng Sb câu chủ động làm Chủ ngữ câu bị động à dùng mẫu C Ex: People don’t expect the police to find out the stolen car –> The police aren’t expected to find out the stolen car S + V1 + V-ing + O + … –> S + V + (that) + O + should be + P.P2 + … Ex: She suggests drinking beer at the party –> She suggests that beer should be drunk at the party S + V1 + Sb + V-ing + O… –> S + V + being + P.P2 + … Ex: She remember people taking her to the zoo à She remember being taken to the zoo * Trong mẫu câu và 3, V1 là V đòi hỏi theo sau V-ing Chuyển câu chủ động dùng Bare-Infinitive (Động từ nguyên thể không có To) sau các V giác quan thành câu bị động : S + see / hear / watch / look /catch … + Sb + V + O … S + be + seen / heard / watched / looked / caught … + to-V + O … Cách chuyển: Đổi V thành to-V chuyển sang bị động: Ex: I sometimes see him go out à He is sometimes seen to go out Chuyển câu chủ động có V-ing sau các V giác quan sang bị động: S + see / hear / watch / look / catch … + Sb + V-ing + O … (11) S + be + seen / heard / watched / looked / caught/ …+ V-ing + O … Cách chuyển: Khi chuyển sang bị động, V-ing giữ nguyên là V-ing Ex: I see him bathing her dog now à He is seen bathing her dog now We heard her singing loudly à She was heard singing loudly Chuyển câu mệnh lệnh chủ động à bị động: Dùng LET Khẳng định: V + O Let + O + be + P.P2 Phủ định: Don’t + V + O Don’t let + O + be + P.P2 Ex: Do the exercise! —> Let the exercise be done! Don’t leave him alone! —>Don’t let him be left alone! * Câu mệnh lệnh chủ động có thể chuyển thành bị động với SHOULD số tình huống: Ex: Don’t use the car in case it breaks down –> The car shouldn’t be used in case it break down Don’t let + Sb + V + you Ex: –> Don’t let + yourself + be + P.P2 Don’t let the others see you à Don’t let yourself be seen It + be + adj + to-V + O … Ex: It’s very difficult to study English –> It + be + adj + for O + to be + P.P2 … à It’s very difficult for English to be studied It + be + my/your/her/his/our/their… + duty + to-V + (O) –> I/You/She/He/We/They + be + supposed + to-V + (O) Ex: It’s their duty to this job –> They are supposed to this job 10 Mẫu câu với have/get: * S + have + Sb + V + O … –> S + have + O + PP.2 + (by+ Sb) Ex: I had him repair my bike –> I had my bike repaired by him * S + get + Sb + to-V + O … –> S + get + O + to be + PP.2 (by + Sb) Ex: We get him to look after our house when we are on business –> We get our house to be looked after (by him) whem we are on business 11 S + make / let / help … + Sb + V + O … –>Sb + be + made / helped + to-V + O … Ex: She made me work hard –> I was made to work hard * Chú ý: Mẫu câu chủ động với “to let” chuyển sang bị động nên thay dạng bị động ALLOW + to-V: S + let + O + V + (O) –> Sb + be + allowed + to V + O Ex: She let him enter the room –> He was allowed to enter the room 12 Sb + need / deserve … + to-V + Sth + … –> Sth + need / deserve … + V-ing + … Ex: We need to water the plants everyday –> The plants need watering everyday 13 Câu bị động có động từ tường thuật – Chủ động: S1 + V1 + that + S2 + V2 + O + … * Những động từ tường thuật (Reporting Verbs = V 1) thường gặp: think consider know believe say suppose suspect rumour declare ……………… ………… ………… ………… ………… …………… (12) * Đối với loại câu này, S thường là People/They …và thường dịch là “Người ta ….” Có thể biến đổi câu chủ động này theo các trường hợp sau: a V1 Hiện Tại Đơn – V2 sau That Hiện Tại Đơn Active S1 + V1-s/es + that + S2 + V-s/es + O + … Passive It is + PP2 V1 + that + S2 + V-s/es + O + … S2 + am/is/are + PP2 V1 + to + V + … Ex: People say that he always drink a lot of wine –> It is said that he always drink a lot of wine Or: He is said to always drink a lot of wine b V1 Hiện Tại Đơn – V2 sau That Quá Khứ Đơn Active S1 + V1-s/es + that + S2 + V-ed + O + … It is + PP.2 V1 + that + S2 + V-ed + O + … Passive S2 + am/is/are + PP.2 V1 + to + have + PP.2 V-ed + O + … Ex: Villagers think that he broke into her house –> It is thought that he broke into her house Or: He is thought to have broken into her house c V1 Quá Khứ Đơn – V2 sau That Quá Khứ Đơn Active S1 + V1-ed + that + S2 + V-ed + O + … It was + PP.2 V1 + that + S2 + V-ed + O + … Passive S2 + was/were + PP.2 V1 + to + V + O + … Ex: The police believed that the murderer died –> It was believed that the murderer died Or: The murderer was believed to die * Ngoài ra, còn có thể gặp số trường hợp khác mẫu câu này: d V1 Hiện Tại Đơn – V2 sau That Hiện Tại Tiếp Diễn Active S1 + V1-s/es + that + S2 + am/is/are + V-ing + O + … It is + PP.2 V1+ that + S2 + am/is/are + V-ing + O + … Passive S2 + am/is/are + PP2 V1 + to + be + V-ing + O + … Ex: They think that she is living in London –> It is thought that she is living in Lodon Or: She is thought to be living in London e V1 Hiện Tại Đơn – V2 sau That Quá Khứ Diễn Active S1 + V1-s/es + that + S2 + was/were + V-ing + O + … It is + PP2 Reporting Verb + that + S2 + was/were + V-ing + O + … Passive S2 + am/is/are + PP2 of Reporting Verb + to + have + been + V-ing + O + … Ex: We think that they were doing homework –> It is thought that they were doing homework –> They are thought to have been doing homework * Chú ý: – Nếu V mệnh đề trước và sau “THAT” câu chủ động chia cùng thời thì chuyển sang bị động, ta dùng “to-V” Ex: They rumored that the man killed his wife –> The man is rumored to kill his wife – Nếu V mệnh đề trước và sau “THAT” câu chủ động chia thời khác nhau, chuyển thành bị động, ta dung “to + have + PP.2” Ex: They rumor that the man killed his wife –> The man is rumored to have killedhis wife (13) Chuyển từ câu chủ động sang câu bị động (1) Full name:………… He has finished the report The police captured the thief The movie disappointed us She returned the money last night The students attended the course Mr Jones teaches this class He delivers the mail every day She took that book from the desk Fire destroyed that house She will eat the cake 10 They are eating a cake 11 English people speak English 12 People wear glasses 13 The children drinks whisky 14 Our children keep a cat and a dog as pets 15 A rooster does not lay eggs 16 Sheep give the wool 17 Mother did not serve dinner 18 They left hats and coats here 19 They cannot hold the meeting in that room 20 He has to pay the bill 21 For the time being, Alice is teaching that group 22 She has finished the report 23 The police have arrested five suspects 24 The mad dog bit the little boy 25 The teacher corrects our exercises 26 Mr Smith saw the accident 27 They started a dancing class last week 28 You should insure the package 29 He may pay the bill for us 30 You ought to water the plants once a week 31 The mailman is delivering the mail now 32 Somebody has taken my briefcase (14) 33 The doctor ordered him to take a long rest 34 Lightning struck the house Chuyển từ câu chủ động sang câu bị động (2) 35 He wrote an article about our country 36 She has translated that novel into Vietnamese 37 The visitor divided the gifts among the children 38 My secretary opens the mail every morning 39 He will publish a new book 40 The host treated us very kindly 41 My wife will write the report for me 42 His teacher has transferred him to another class ………………………………………………… 43 You must keep dogs in the garden 44 A stranger started the fire 45 They will publish the book next year 46 A French architect designed the bridge 47 Lightning struck the house 48 Maria won the first prize 49 They will sign the contract tomorrow 50 They sent him to Los Angeles ……………………………………………………………… 51 Mrs Kennedy teaches the class 52 They published the book in 1997 53 The police have caught the thief 54 They gave Linda a prize for one of her books 55 Someone has told me about her success 56 People speak English all over the world 57 They sell English books in that shop 58 Someone is repairing my car at the moment 59 People always admire this picture 60 He uses milk for making butter and cheese 61 She makes progress every day in the world of science 62 The author will write this novel in June 63 Nobody will solve this hard problem (15) 64 Her mother will take her to hospital next week 65 Someone will clean the room 66 They had to cut down that tree 67 Someone should tell Sally what happened 68 They’re going to build a new hospital 69 We can solve the problem 70 Someone has to finish the job Chuyển từ câu chủ động sang câu bị động (3) 71 They may send the man to prison 72 We must something now 73 I don’t like people staring at me 74 I dislike people making jokes about me 75 They separated the rice from the husk 76 The boys made a fire by their camp 77 They built this house more than one hundred years ago 78 Every year Viet Nam exports millions of tons of rice 79 The publisher published his book in 1996 80 They repaired my desk during the weekend 81 Nobody saw her at the party last night 82 The government has not changed the regulation 83 She didn’t introduce me to her mother 84 Someone is cutting the grass now 85 Someone ought to repair this window 86 Peter is writing a letter to his friend 87 My friends are making some phone call in the evening 88 Bad drivers are causing many accidents 89 People play football all over the world 90 They will sign the contract tomorrow 91 We will issue the library cards soon 92 Thuy has to finish her homework tonight 93 People must hand in their weapons 94 They are repairing my piano at the moment 95 A doctor has just examined John 96 The fire destroyed many houses yesterday (16) 97 Tom will return those books to the library tomorrow 98 Bad weather has delayed Flight 202 from Miami 99 You must keep your room tidy 100 He is awarding the prize to the Thon Trieu team 101 The company has ordered some new equipment 102 I decorated the Christmas Tree yesterday 103 The tornado destroyed thirty houses 104 The manager should sign these contracts today 105 Lan will clean all the glass windows 106.Lan’s mother has to buy some oranges Chuyển từ câu chủ động sang câu bị động (4) They performed Christmas songs 800 years ago Somebody will call Mr Green tonight These workers are building a new hospital Nobody has used this room for ages Hoa sent a Christmas card to Lan last Christmas Santa Claus gives children presents on Christmas Eve Mary’s parents sent her some money Each competitor must take a bottle on the river bank …………………………………………………… Did they build this monument ten years ago? They delayed the football match People put many kinds of newspapers on the table ………………………………………………… 10 Tom must write this essay 11 My father has just bought a lot of new books 14 People will publish this novel in February 15.They are building a new hotel 16.Betty has just sent Mai many postcards 17.Hoa sent her mother a gift 18.They will build many new schools in the future 19.Students must write the answer in ink 20.He wrote all the songs on this new album 21.They held rice-cooking festival in Thon Trieu last year 22.We must solve this problem soon 23.Nguyen Du wrote Truyen Kieu 24.We must something for these poor men (17) 25.They have to separate the rice from the husk 26.He shouldn’t that silly thing 27.The boy operates that tape-recorder 28.They gave us a post card 29.The student cleaned the room every day 30.I had lost some of my books 31.We believe these boys to become better 32.The scientists found the problem 33.The cat pulls the pan into the sink 34.He gives her a novel about a love story 35.They were painting a house Chuyển từ câu chủ động sang câu bị động (5) 35 She is watering those flowers 36.We had finished our reports in three months 37.He ought to sell that car 38.We have seen her at the station 39.The librarian will give students the books 40.He showed me the way to Thames River 41.He was learning in his room at 8.30 yesterday 42.You can buy me an envelope 43.We have just bought a car 44.We have just met Jim 45.They visited the church two years ago 46.Mrs Green is cooking the food in the kitchen 47.The doctor examined the patients 48.These boys made that noise 49.I can’t these exercises quickly 50.She had finished the report by noon 51.The movie has disappointed us very much 52.They have to pay the bill before the first of the month They will ask you several questions My parents promised me a bicycle two days ago Somebody has locked the box and I can’t open it Somebody calls the president every morning (18) Airplanes are carrying food to the flood region now Nam can repair this sewing machine People advised us not to go out alone The police ought to put the robbers in prison They had checked her handbag 10 Susan’s father has promised her a new watch You will answer all the questions on the paper The earthquake has destroyed many buildings He has just killed a tiger Lan’s mother is making her a dress We saw Mrs Quyen leave her house at o’clock Chuyển từ câu chủ động sang câu bị động (6) Mr Lam must finish this work before June My parents are going to buy a new TV tomorrow We haven’t seen Peter yet Nam and Ba are painting the fence 10 Hoa reads a story book after dinner They were building a new school here when we came He will send his parents a gift She has bought two new dresses recently You must write these music lessons in ink We saw our friends outside the church yesterday Lan saw an accident on Le Loi street yesterday People can grow potatoes in this farm I have seen that exciting film many times My father drinks a cup of tea in the morning 10 Bill called his boss yesterday Susan is phoning her boyfriend in the living room now Mr and Mrs Long were playing chess when we came His parents have just given him a new dictionary We grow rubber trees in our country He met his father at the front gate People can’t plant rubber trees in the desert (19) We haven’t seen Peter yet Ba and Nam are painting the fence Linh reads a story book after dinner 10 He will send his parents a gift (20)

Ngày đăng: 08/10/2021, 07:16



