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GIÁO ÁN TIẾNG ANH LỚP MỚI THEO CÔNG VĂN 5512 Date of preparation Date of teaching Class Absentees 7A 7B Period 55 UNIT 7: TRAFFIC Lesson 1: Getting started I OBJECTIVES: Knowledge: a Vocabulary: know some words, phrases related to traffic topic b Grammar: The usage of How to ask about means of transport Skills: listening and reading, choosing the best answers, reading and answering, finding the expression in the conversation, making short role play, words completion, matching, making sentences, talking to other, spoken interaction Attitude: Ss will be more responsible for using means of transport and more aware of taking part in traffic Competence development: Teamwork and independent working, pair work, linguistic competence, cooperative learning and communicative competence II TEACHING AIDS Teacher: Textbooks, computer accessed to the Internet, projector, pictures Students: Textbooks III PROCEDURE Trang chủ: https://vndoc.com/ | Email hỗ trợ: hotro@vndoc.com | Hotline: 024 2242 6188 Checking: During the lesson New lesson: Teachers and students activities Contents Warm up Aim: To warm up the class and introduce the lesson * Questions T asks some Ss to answer the questions - How/ by what means you go to and talk some words about means of school every day ? transport On foot? By bicycle? By bus? On your parents’ motorbike… Ss answer the questions and talk some words about means of transport - What means of transport you know? (plane, bike/ bicycle, bus, boat, ship, T asks Ss to match the means of transport Train, motorbike, car) under the right pictures (Ex 2) Ss match the means of transport under the right pictures T introduces the lesson Presentation Aim: Ss can listen and read about topic traffic ; ask and answer about distance and give suggestions T lets Ss listen and read the conversation Listen and read Ss listen and read the conversation T explains some words and gives Trang chủ: https://vndoc.com/ | Email hỗ trợ: hotro@vndoc.com | Hotline: 024 2242 6188 examples * Vocabulary Ss listen and remember Hey: to have someone’s attention Great idea: when you strongly support or agree with something Can’t wait: very excited and keen to something * Structures T gives structures with “How…? to ask about means of transport - How far is it from… to ? It is about … Ss copy and give examples Eg: A: How far it it from your house to school? B: It’s about one kilometer - How do/ does + S + V ? Eg: A: How you go to school? B: I go to school on foot - How about + V_ing.? Eg: A: How about cycling to school with me tomorrow? B: Great idea! Practice Trang chủ: https://vndoc.com/ | Email hỗ trợ: hotro@vndoc.com | Hotline: 024 2242 6188 Aim: Ss can understand the conversation and answer the questions and make sentences with phrases related to traffic topic T asks Ss to work independently to choose the correct answer to the Ex a Choose the correct answer B A B C questions Ss give the results T checks their answers, and gives explaination if necessary T asks Ss to work in pairs Exb Answer the following questions T lets them check the answers in pairs or She played with her brother/ stayed at groups, then gives the keys home T calls some pairs to read the questions It’s about kilometers and give answers She usually goes to school with her dad Because sometimes there are traffic jams She goes to school by bike Ex3 Match a verb on the left with a T asks Ss to match a verb on the left with a means of transport on the right Ss read the answers T corrects means of transport on the right There may be more than one correct answer ride a bike drive a car Trang chủ: https://vndoc.com/ | Email hỗ trợ: hotro@vndoc.com | Hotline: 024 2242 6188 fly by plane sail on/ in a boat get on/ get off a bus/ a train/ a bike/ a motorbike T asks Ss to make sentences with these Eg: My father taught me how to ride a bike phrases Ss make sentences T lets Ss stand up and go round the class and then report their result to the class Further practice Aim: Ss can interact with other about the traffic * Find someone in your class who never T asks Ss to practise in pairs asking and - How often you walk to school/ go to answering the questions school by bus…? Ss practise in pairs - Do you (often walk to school/ go to T observes and remarks school by bus? Guides for homework - Learn by heart: The usage of “ How to ask about means of transport - Learn by heart some new words - Prepare for A closer look 1: Road signs Trang chủ: https://vndoc.com/ | Email hỗ trợ: hotro@vndoc.com | Hotline: 024 2242 6188 - Answer the questions: + What means of transport is faster/ safer? + What means you like most? Why? + Which of the signs can you see on the way to school every day? Date of preparation Date of teaching Class Absentees 7A 7B Period 56 UNIT 7: TRAFFIC Lesson 2: A closer look I OBJECTIVES: Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use the lexical items related to the topic “Traffic Pronounce sounds /e/, /ei/ correctly in isolation and in context, know some words, phrases related to traffic topic a Vocabulary: trafic lights, no parking, no right turn, hospital ahead, parking, cycle lane, school ahead, no cycling b Grammar: The usage of “How to ask about means of transport c Pronunciation: sounds /e/, /ei/ Skills: seeing pictures and talking, labeling the signs, discussing, listening and repeating, listening and underline the words, finding words Attitude: Ss will be more responsible for using means of transport and more aware of learning some rules about road safety Trang chủ: https://vndoc.com/ | Email hỗ trợ: hotro@vndoc.com | Hotline: 024 2242 6188 Competence development: Teamwork and independent working, pair work, linguistic competence, cooperative learning and communicative competence II TEACHING AIDS Teacher: Textbooks, computer accessed to the Internet, projector Students: Textbooks, extra-boards… III PROCEDURE Checking: T calls some Ss write the new words on the board New lesson: Teachers and studentsactivities Contents 1.Warm up Aim: To warm up the class and lead in the lesson T asks Ss some questions Ss answer the questions * Questions - How you go to school? - Do you know how I go to work? - Can you tell me some means of transport you know? - What means of transport is faster/ safer? - What means you like most? Why? - Which of the signs can you see on the way to school every day? Trang chủ: https://vndoc.com/ | Email hỗ trợ: hotro@vndoc.com | Hotline: 024 2242 6188 T introduces the lesson using the road signs Presentation Aim: Pronounce sounds /e/, /ei/ correctly in isolation and in context T explains and gives examples of the sounds /e/, /ei/ Let Ss practise the I Pronunciation /e/ /ei/ sounds together Ex4 Listen and repeat Pay attention to T asks Ss to observe the T’s mouth and sounds /e/, /ei/ listen to the teacher for these two sounds carefully /e/: left, ahead, present, helicopter, centre, never, seatbelt T plays the recording and let Ss listen and repeat as many times as required /ei/: plane, way, station, train, indicate, mistake, pavement, break T corrects their pronunciation Ex5 Listen to these sentences carefully T plays the recording or times T helps Ss distinguish the sounds /e/ , Single-underline the words with sound /e/, and double-underline the words with /ei/ and recognize all the words with the sound /ei/ two sounds, then underlined them as signed /e/: /ei/: ever break, way Trang chủ: https://vndoc.com/ | Email hỗ trợ: hotro@vndoc.com | Hotline: 024 2242 6188 very railway, station Ss refer back to the page always, obey T asks Ss to find all the words having left, when UK sounds /e/, /ei/ next They, waiting, train Ex6 Read a loud Practice Aim: Help student know some words about road signs II- Vocabulary ROAD SIGNS - Ss work in pairs to talk about the meaning of the road signs, then write out traffic lights no parking their answers no right turn hospital ahead -Ss work individually to label the road signs in with the words/ phrases parking cycle lane school ahead no cycling T explains : Look out! There are usually three kinds of signs: Informative Prohibitive , and warning Look out! - A sign within a red triangle will warn Trang chủ: https://vndoc.com/ | Email hỗ trợ: hotro@vndoc.com | Hotline: 024 2242 6188 you of something - Signs with red circle are mostly prohibitive- that means you can’t something - Signs in blue are usually to give information Further practice Aim: Ss can practise about the signs you see on the way to school Let Ss work in pairs and talk about the * Discuss which of the signs you see on traffic signs they see on the way to school the way to school (or else) T goes around and gives Example: assistance if necessary, and check their answers A: Which of the signs can you see on the way to school every day? B: On the way to school, I can see a no left turn sign Which of the signs can you see on the way to school every day? A: On my way to school there is a hospital, so I can see a hospital ahead sign * Practice in the schoolyard T lets practise about the signs you see on the way to school at the schoolyard Ss practise T observes and remark eg: A: What does this sign show us? B: It shows us no left turn Trang chủ: https://vndoc.com/ | Email hỗ trợ: hotro@vndoc.com | Hotline: 024 2242 6188 Remember Box to make the meanings of the adjectives clearer to them disappointed amazed terrified T models the sounds /t/ /d/, and /id/ in different words with the ending ed Pronunciation -Plays the recording and asks Ss to listen and repeat the words, paying Ex5 Listen and repeat the verbs Pay attention to the sounds /t/, /d/, and /id/ at attention to the sounds /t/, /d/, and /id/ at the end of each verb the end of each word -T may play the recording as many /t/ /d/ /id/ times as necessary Then, ask Ss to put watched waited played the words in the correct columns while danced needed bored walked hated closed they listen Ss compare their answers in pairs T checks - Remember: Ask Ss to look at the rules in the remember Box Tell them the rules of pronunciation -First, model this activity with a more Ss Then asks Ss to work in pairs T may go around to help Ex6 Ask and answer questions about -T calls some pairs to practice in front the pictures Then listen to the of the class recording -T checks pronunciation Example: cry a lot/ laugh a lot A: He cried a lot, didn’t he? Trang chủ: https://vndoc.com/ | Email hỗ trợ: hotro@vndoc.com | Hotline: 024 2242 6188 B: No, he didn’t He laughed a lot Further practice Aim: Ss can interact each other using ed adjectives and ing adjectives to describe these things and experiences in your life - First , model this activity with some * Tell your partner how you felt, using more Ss Then, asks Ss to work in pairs –ed adjectives T may go around to help weaker Ss Example: I felt terrified before my last Calls some pairs to practise in front of Maths test the class * Now use ing adjectives to describe these things and experiences in your life Example: The last film I saw was called Norwegian Wood It was really moving Guides for homework - Remind the meaning and how to use –ed and –ing adjectives - Pronounce correctly the –ed ending in verbs - Do exercise A in workbook - Prepare: Unit 8- A closer look - Review: Although, despite/ and in spite of and give examples Trang chủ: https://vndoc.com/ | Email hỗ trợ: hotro@vndoc.com | Hotline: 024 2242 6188 Date of preparation Date of teaching Class Absentees 7A 7B Period 64 UNIT 8: FILMS Lesson 3: A closer look I OBJECTIVES: Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will use although, despite, and in spite of to express contrast between two prices of information in the same sentence Use however and nevertheless to express contrast between two sentences a Vocabulary: related to the topic: films b Grammar: how to use however and nevertheless, although, despite, and in spite of Skills: sentences completion, rewriting the sentences, making the sentences Attitude: Ss will be more aware of spending time watching films and choosing the favorite films for themselfes Competence development: Teamwork and independent working, pair work, linguistic competence, cooperative learning and communicative competence II TEACHING AIDS Teacher: Textbooks, computer accessed to the Internet, projector Students: Textbooks III PROCEDURE Checking: T calls some Ss write the new words on the board Trang chủ: https://vndoc.com/ | Email hỗ trợ: hotro@vndoc.com | Hotline: 024 2242 6188 New lesson: Teacher’s and students’ activities Contents Warm up Aim: To warm up the class Sing a song in English Presentation Aim:Help students use although, despite , and in spite of to express contrast between two piece of information in the same sentences -T asks Ss to study the Grammar Box Although, despite/ and in spite of Draws Ss’ attention to the meaning and use of although, despite, and in spite of by analysing the examples in the grammar Eg: Box Although he is so young, he performs -T asks some more able Ss to give some excellently more examples -T asks Ss to study the Grammar Box T: However and nevertheless Draws Ss’ attention to the meaning and use of however and nevertheless by analysing the instruction and examples in the Eg: Grammar Box Then ask some more able He is so young, however he performs Ss to give some more examples excellently Practice Aim: Ss can use although, despite , and in spite of, however and nevertheless to Trang chủ: https://vndoc.com/ | Email hỗ trợ: hotro@vndoc.com | Hotline: 024 2242 6188 exercises Ex1 Complete the sentences Use - For 1,2and 3, tell Ss what they should T asks Ss to the grammar exercises individually Remind them to look back to the Grammar Box and use a dictionary if necessary Then have Ss compare answers although + a clause from the box 1… although few people came to see it Although they spent a lot of money on the film in pairs before checking with the whole class Although the acting is excellent although it was a comedy although it is set in modern times Ex2 Complete the sentences, using although, despite/ in spite of Sometimes, two answers are possible Although despite/ in spite of although Despite/ In spite of Although Ex3 Rewrite these sentences using the words in the brackets Change other words in the sentence if necessary I don’t think although he is Although many, Despite having to work, Trang chủ: https://vndoc.com/ | Email hỗ trợ: hotro@vndoc.com | Hotline: 024 2242 6188 Although he has., In spite of (having) a happy ending, Ex4 Complete the sentences However/ Nevertheless Despite/ In spite of However/ Nevertheless -T tells Ss what they should Ask Ss to the grammar exercise individually Although Although Remind them to look back to the Grammar Box and use a dictionary if necessary Then Ss compare answers in pairs before checking with the whole class Further practice Aim: Ss can make sentences using however and nevertheless, although, despite , and in spite of T asks Ss to the exercise individually, * Write sentences to use however and using their own ideas to write sentences nevertheless, although, despite , and in Then have them work in team, comparing spite of, their sentences Teamwork + Divide the class into two teams + Each member in each team go to the board and write a sentence use however and nevertheless, although, despite , and in spite of Trang chủ: https://vndoc.com/ | Email hỗ trợ: hotro@vndoc.com | Hotline: 024 2242 6188 + Time: minutes + The team which has more right sentences will win Guides for homework - Remind although, despite , and in spite of to express contrast between two prices of information in the same sentence - Use however and nevertheless to express contrast between two sentences - Do exercise B in workbook - Prepare: Unit 8- Communication - Make survey questions: Survey on favourite actors, Survey on the best films, Survey on action films, Survey on cartoons Date of preparation Date of teaching Class Absentees 7A 7B Period 65 UNIT 8: FILMS Lesson 4: Communication I OBJECTIVES: Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will a survey on favourite actors/ films…then report their results to those group members a Vocabulary: survey, go ahead, violence b Grammar: review Skills: listening and completing, making the sentences, interviewing, spoken Trang chủ: https://vndoc.com/ | Email hỗ trợ: hotro@vndoc.com | Hotline: 024 2242 6188 interaction Attitude: Ss will be more aware of spending time watching films and choosing the favorite films for themselfes Competence development: Teamwork and independent working, pair work, linguistic competence, cooperative learning and communicative competence II TEACHING AIDS Teacher: Textbooks, computer accessed to the Internet, projector Students: Textbooks III PROCEDURE Checking: T calls some Ss write the form of Although, despite and in spite of ,however and nevertheless and give examples New lesson: Teacher’s and students’ activities Contents Warm up Aim: To warm up the class T asks Ss to answer some questions *Questions Ss answer the question in speaking - What kind of films you like to see? Who are your favourite actors/ actresses? … - Today, we are going to an interview with your classmate about films Please think of the questions you may ask your Trang chủ: https://vndoc.com/ | Email hỗ trợ: hotro@vndoc.com | Hotline: 024 2242 6188 friends in your interview with them Presentation Aim: Help students know some newwords - Translate the meanings of the words in extra vocabulary * Vocabulary survey: khảo sát go ahead: làm đi, tự nhiên violence: có nhiều cảnh bạo lực * Practice Aim: Help students liten and complete and then practice in groups to have a survey - T asks Ss to look at the picture and Listen to the conversation and fill read the conversation and guess what in the blanks with the words you the missing words from the blanks may hear be -T plays the recording and lets Ss check their guesses survey -T plays the recording again for Ss to check the answers actor Tom Cruise actrwess Angelina Jolie -T asks Ss to work in group of six or eight, asking their group members one Work in groups of six or eight set of questions Each of student chooses one of the -T reminds them to write the names of following sets of survey questions Trang chủ: https://vndoc.com/ | Email hỗ trợ: hotro@vndoc.com | Hotline: 024 2242 6188 names of the people they interview and note the answers in the table - Survey on favourite actors - Survey on the best films - Survey on action films - Survey on cartoons -T has Ss make notes of their survey result, using the suggestions in Student’s book T may have them practice Make notes of your results reporting the results of their surveys in - Most people I have surveyed… pairs or in groups - About half of the people I have surveyed T asks Ss to join another group, - Almost no one I have surveyed… reporting the results of their survey to the new members T chooses some Ss to report the results of their interviews before the whole Join another group Report your results to those group members class After each S has finished his/her report, T invites some comment from other Ss Then T makes comments and corrects Ss’ mistakes Further practice Aim: Ss can talk about the film which they like T asks Ss to talk about the film which they like Ss talk about the film which they like T observes and remarks Eg: Hello everybody Today, I am going to tell you about the film which I like It is …… Trang chủ: https://vndoc.com/ | Email hỗ trợ: hotro@vndoc.com | Hotline: 024 2242 6188 Guides for home work - Do exercise part C in workbook - Prepare: Unit 8- Skill Date of preparation Date of teaching Class Absentees 7A 7B Period 66 UNIT 8: FILMS Lesson 5: Skills I OBJECTIVES: Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will read for specific information about someone’s review of his/her favourite film Talk about film (its plot, main characters, cast, etc.) a Vocabulary: sinking , must –see, special effects, visuals, fall in love, social classes b Grammar: review Skills: Reading and answering, spoken interaction, interviewing Attitude: Ss will be more aware of spending time watching films and choosing the favorite films for themselfes Competence development: independent working, pair work, linguistic competence, cooperative learning and communicative competence Trang chủ: https://vndoc.com/ | Email hỗ trợ: hotro@vndoc.com | Hotline: 024 2242 6188 II TEACHING AIDS Teacher: Textbooks, computer accessed to the Internet, projector Students: Textbooks III PROCEDURE Checking: During the lesson New lesson: Teacher’s and students’ activities Contents Warm up Aim:To warm up the class and introduce the lesson T asks Ss to look at the picture of the film Titanic and asks some questions: *Questions + Have you ever seen this film ? + Do you know who actor and actress in Ss answer the questions the picture are ? + Do you like him/her? Why / Why not ? T introduces the lesson Presentation Aim: Help students read about Nick’s review of the film Titanic on his blog and answer the questions I Reading T asks Ss to scan the passage to find where the words sinking, must-see, New words - sinking : Sự chìm, đánh chìm special effects, and visuals are in the Trang chủ: https://vndoc.com/ | Email hỗ trợ: hotro@vndoc.com | Hotline: 024 2242 6188 passage T may help Ss work out the meanings of these words out of the - must –see: phim hấp dẫn cần xem - special effects: kỹ xảo đặc biệt context - visuals: thị giác, nhìn - fall in love: - T may set a longer time limit for Ss to read the text again and answer the - social classes: questions Ask Ss to note where they found the information that helped them to answer the questions Ss can compare answers before discussing them as a class Answer the questions It is a romantic film It stars Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet It is about the sinking of the ship Titanic on its first voyage The main characters are Jack Dawson and Rose Dewitt Buckater Jack saves Rose from killing herself by jumping from the ship Although they are from different social class and Rose is already engaged, the two fall in love The ending of Titanic is very sad They say it is a must-see in the 20th Trang chủ: https://vndoc.com/ | Email hỗ trợ: hotro@vndoc.com | Hotline: 024 2242 6188 century Practice Aim: Help students talk about film (its plot, main characters, cast) II Speaking - First, ask Ss to read every film poster - T may help them with the new vocabulary Then ask Ss to work in pairs, talking about the films they would/ wouldn’t like to see - T may go round to help - Calls some pairs to practise in front of the class * Ask and answer questions about the - First, ask Ss to work in pairs, asking films you would like to see and answering about the films from the Example: posters A: What is your favorite film? -T may go round to help B: I want to see War of the Worlds - Calls some pairs to practise in front of the class A: What kind of film is it? B: It’s a science fiction A: What is it about? A: It’s about… Further practice Aim: Ss can interview other student about films - First, remind Ss of the words phrases Example questions: Trang chủ: https://vndoc.com/ | Email hỗ trợ: hotro@vndoc.com | Hotline: 024 2242 6188 about films Ss may refer to the words - and phrases they can use to talk about films Ss work in groups; Can you describe your new film in three words? - Did you enjoy making the film? - Why should we watch this film? T goes around to provide support if necessary Guides for homework - The specific information about someone’s review of his/her favourite film - Talk about film (its plot, main characters,cast, etc…) - Do exercise part D in workbook - Prepare: Unit 8: Skills Mời bạn đọc tham khảo thêm tài liệu Tiếng Anh lớp đây: Bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp theo Unit: https://vndoc.com/tieng-anh-7-moi Bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp nâng cao: https://vndoc.com/tieng-anh-pho-thong-lop-7 Bài tập trắc nghiệm trực tuyến Tiếng Anh lớp 7: Bài tập trắc nghiệm tiếng Anh lớp trực tuyến Trang chủ: https://vndoc.com/ | Email hỗ trợ: hotro@vndoc.com | Hotline: 024 2242 6188 ... country or in the city Date of preparation Date of teaching 1.1.2020 Class Absentees 7A 7B Period 57 UNIT 7: TRAFFIC Lesson 3: A closer look I OBJECTIVES: Knowledge: By the end of the lesson,... hotro@vndoc.com | Hotline: 024 2242 6188 Date of preparation Date of teaching 7. 1.2020 Class Absentees 7A 7B Period 59 UNIT 7: TRAFFIC Lesson 5: Skills I OBJECTIVES: Knowledge: By the end of the lesson,... writing about a distances Date of preparation Date of teaching Class Absentees 7A 7B Period 61 UNIT 7: TRAFFIC Lesson 7: Looking back and project I OBJECTIVES: Trang chủ: https://vndoc.com/ | Email

Ngày đăng: 16/09/2021, 20:44

