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OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about things in the classroom and count numbers from 21 – 100, use “How many…...” to ask and answer about things in th[r]

(1)Week: 05 Period: 13 Date of preparation: 19/09/2015 Date of teaching: 22/09/2015 UNIT 3: AT HOME SECTION A: MY HOUSE LESSON 2: A3, 4, I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use possessive pronouns and Wh - questions to ask and answer about family members II PREPARATIONS: Textbook, cassette tape III PROCEDURES: Teacher’s activities Warm – Up: (5’) _ Ask Ss play game “Lucky number” Students’ activities - Work in teams 2, 4, 6,8: lucky numbers 1, 3, 5, 7,What’s that?, What’s this?, What are these, How you spell “ classroom” Presentation: (18’) - Ask students to look at the picture - Play the tape - Explain vocabulary: I New words: - My: - His: - Her: - Family: (n) - Father: (n) - Mother: (n) - Brother: (n) - Sister: (n) - Ask students practice the new words - Set the scene - Read the dialogue and write few key words on the board - Get students to write in the missing words on the board - Explain structure: II/ Structure: Who is this / that? - Look at the picture - Listen to the tape - Listen and write - Practice the new words - Listen to the teacher - Look at the board and listen to the teacher carefully - Write in the missing words on the board - Listen and write (2) This / That / It is ………… Practice: (15’) - Play the tape for students again, ask them to listen and repeat - Ask them to practice in pairs - Call some pairs to practice - Correct their mistakes - Ask students to look at the picture part 4/ p 33, answer questions from a - e Ex: a/ What’s her name? Her name is Nga - Call some pairs to practice - Correct - Listen to the tape - Practice in pairs - Some pairs practice in front - Listen - Look at the picture - Practice - Listen Production: (5’) - Ask students to answer questions about - Answer themselves What’s your name? How old are you? How many people are there in your family? - Call some students to read the answer - Read the answer - Correct - Listen Homework: (2’) - Ask students to learn by heart vocabulary, how to talk about their family - Have them exercises in the exercise book and prepare next lesson Unit 3: B1 -2 – – – 5/p 35, 36 - Take note IV COMMENTS: Week: 05 Period: 13 Date of preparation: 21/09/2015 Date of teaching: 24/09/2015 UNIT 3: AT HOME (3) SECTION B: NUMBERS LESSON 3: B1, 2, 3, 4, I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about things in the classroom and count numbers from 21 – 100, use “How many… ” to ask and answer about things in the classroom, know the rules of changing Nouns (singular or plural) II PREPARATIONS: book, cassette tape III PROCEDURES: Teacher’s activities Warm – Up: (5’) - Have students play game “ Jumble words” + thmoer = mother + tesirs = sister + borerth = brother + athfre = father + mayfil = family Presentation: (16’) - Ask students to look at part 1/p.35 - Introduce vocabulary: Twenty one: 21 Thirty: 30 Forty: 40 Fifty: 50 Sixty: 60 Seventy: 70 Eighty: 80 Ninety: 90 One hundred: 100 10 a people(n) 11 a bookcase (n) 12 a stereo (n) 13 How many - Ask students to practice the new words - Set the scene - Write the dialogue; rub out some of the words - Ask students some questions: + How many sisters are there in Lan’s family? In English? + How many people are there in her family? In English? - Introduce structure: How many ……………… are there? Students’ activities - Play game - Look at the book - Listen and write - Practice the new words - Listen to the teacher - Remember - Answer the questions + There is one sister + There are five people - Listen and write (4) There is / are ……………… There is a /an / one ………… There are …………………… Practice: (14’) - Play the tape for students, ask them to listen - Call some students to practice in front of class - Ask students to look at the picture part 2/p.36; count the numbers in the classroom - Call some students to read the answer - Ask students to look at part 2/ p.37 listen and repeat - Ask students to look at the picture part 5/p.37; count the numbers in the living room - Call some students to read the answer - Correct - Listen to the tape - Practice - Pair works - Read the answer - Listen and repeat - Pair works - Read the answer - Listen Production: (8’) - Ask students to practice: count the items in - Individual work their classroom, use question: “How many …… are there?” - Call some pairs to practice - Practice - Correct - Listen Homework: (2’) - Ask students to learn by heart numbers 21 100, “There is / There are” to talk about quantity of things - Prepare the next lesson Unit 3: C1/p.38 - Take note IV COMMENTS: Week: 05 Period: 15 25/09/2015 Date of preparation: 22/09/2015 Date of teaching: UNIT 3: AT HOME SECTION C: FAMILIES LESSON 4: C1 (5) I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to ask and answer about the family in the picture II PREPARATIONS: Textbook, cassette player, tape, picture III PROCEDURES: TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES 1/ Warm-up: (8’) - Ask Ss to ask and answer the questions about number How many ………… are there …………? There is/ are …………………… 2/ Presentation: (7’) - Use the pictures to introduce new words I New words:  Engineer (n)  we – our * Check vocabulary: Slap the board - Elicit structure II Structure: * Hỏi nghề nghiệp: What does he/ she do? - Ask Ss to guess some informations about Lan’s family Tuổi Nghề nghiệp Father Mother Brother Lan 3/ Practice: (15’)  Activity 1: - Ask Ss to check some informations about Lan’s family STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES - Look at the picture, then ask and answer - Observe and take note - Listen and copy down - Guess - Check some informations about Lan’s family How old … Father 40 Mother 35 Brother Lan  Activity 2: - Ask Ss to answer the questions What does she/he do? An engineer A teacher A student - Answer the questions (6) a How many people are there in her family? b How old is her father? c What does her father do? d How old is her mother? e What does she do? f How old is her brother? g What does he do? h Where are they? 4/ Production: (13’) - Get Ss to play game Lucky Luckynumbers numbers 10 BLUE RED 5/ Homework: (2’) - Learn by heart new words, and possesive adjective - Rewrite the answer at home a There are b He is 40 c He is an engineer d She is 35 e She is a teacher f He is g He is a student h They are in their living room - Play game Lucky number! How many people are there in her family? How old is her father? Lucky number! What does her father do? How old is her mother? What does her mother do? Lucky number! How old is her brother? 10 What does her brother do? - Write assignments IV COMMENTS: (7)

Ngày đăng: 16/09/2021, 19:04
