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blame sb for st/ doing st: đổ lỗi cho ai vì cái gì/ đã làm gì Ex: “It’s you who broke my glasses,” Hoa said to me Hoa blamed me for breaking having broken her glasses.. insist on st/ doi[r]

(1)MỘT SỐ CÂU GIÁN TIẾP ĐI VỚI ĐỘNG TỪ TƯỜNG THUẬT (REPORTED SPEECH) PHẢI CHUYỂN THEO CẤU TRÚC RIÊNG CỦA ĐỘNG TỪ TƯỜNG THUẬT ĐÓ deny doing st: từ chối làm gì Ex: “No, it’s not true, I didn’t steal the money,” said Jean Jean denied stealing (having stolen) the money suggest doing st: đề nghị làm gì Ex: “Why don’t we go to the cinema this evening?,” Peter told us Peter suggested (us) going to the cinema suggest that + S + should + Bare infinitive: đề nghị đó nên làm gì Ex: “It’s very hot in this room, isn’t it?” said the guest The guest suggested that the room should be opened/ aired agree to st: đồng ý làm gì Ex: “Yes, of course I’ll give you a lift, Helen” said Jenny Jenny agreed to give Helen a lift apologize to sb for doing st: xin lỗi vì mình đã làm gì Ex: “I have broken your pen I am awfully sorry, Jack” said David David apologized to Jack for breaking (having broken) Jack’s pen remind sb to st: nhắc nhở làm gì Ex: “Don’t forget to post my letter, will you, Sue?,” said Diana Diana reminded Sue to post her letter offer to st: đề nghị làm gì Ex: “Let me carry your suitcase, John,” said Harry Harry offered to carry John’s suitcase offer sb st: mời chào cái gì Ex: “A cup of tea?” said Mai” – “No, thanks,” said I Mai offered me a cup of tea but I refused admit that + clause: thú nhận Ex: “All right, it is true, I was nervous,” said the leading actor The leading actor admitted that he had been nervous 10 doubt whether … (or not)…: nghi ngờ có hay không… Ex: “I don’t think Liverpool will win,” said Jack Jack doubted whether Liverpool would win (or not) 11 advise sb to st: khuyên làm gì Ex: “If I were you, Bill I’d buy a mountain car,” Stephen told Bill Stephen advised Bill to buy a mountain car 12 promise to st: hứa làm gì Ex: “Don’t worry, Martin I’ll bring your book back,” said Lilly Lilly promised to bring Martin’s book back 13 accuse sb of doing st (having done st): buộc tội đã làm gì Ex: “You murdered Lord, didn’t you, Collin?,” said the inspector The inspector accused Collin of murdering Lord 14 blame sb for st/ doing st: đổ lỗi cho vì cái gì/ đã làm gì Ex: “It’s you who broke my glasses,” Hoa said to me Hoa blamed me for breaking (having broken) her glasses 15 insist on st/ doing at/ having done st: nài nỉ cái gì, làm gì, đã làm gì (2) Ex: “No, no, you really must have another drink!: Dick told me Dick insisted on my having another drink 16 confess on doing st/ having done st: thú nhận đã làm gì Ex: “It was me who has stole the money,” said Jim Jim confessed to stealing the money 17 decide to st: định làm gì Ex: “Right, I’ll take the brown pair,” said Andrew Andrew decided to take the brown pair 18 refuse to st: từ chối làm gì Ex: “No, sorry, I don’t want to lend you my camera.” Alex told me Alex refused to lend me his camera 19 threaten to st: đe dọa làm gì Ex: “I’ll kill you if you don’t give me the money,” the robber said to the old lady The robber threatened to kill the old lady if she didn’t give him her money 20 request sb to st: yêu cầu làm gì Ex: “Please write your full name under your signature,” said the clerk The clerk requested me to write my full name under my signature 21 urge sb to st: thúc giục làm gì Ex: “Hurry up,” said my mother My mother urged me to hurry up 22 beg sb (not) to st: van xin (không) làm gì Ex: “Please, please, don’t leave me now,” the girl said to the boy The girl begged the boy not to leave her then 23 encourage sb to st: khuyến khích, động viên làm gì Ex: “Go on Try your best Don’t give up your hope You’ll win your prize.” Said Jen Jen encouraged me to try my best, not to give up my hope and assured that I would win the prize 24 warn sb (not) to st: cảnh báo (không) làm gì Ex: “Don’t eat these fruits, will you? They’re very poisonous.” said my mother My mother warned me not to eat those fruits because they were very poisonous 25 check whether … (or not): kiểm tra lại rằng… Ex: “You are a teacher, aren’t you?” my old friend said My old friend checked whether I was a teacher 26 invite sb to st: mời làm gì Ex: “Would you like to join in our picnic next Sunday,” Mai said to Lan Mai invited Lan to join in their picnic the following Sunday 27 refuse to st: từ chối làm gì Ex: “I’m sorry I can’t go with you now I’m busy with my homework” Lan said Lan refused to go with me then and explained that she was busy with her homework 28 reply that/ answer that + clause: đáp lại rằng/ trả lời Ex: “Do you like your job?” I asked him – “No,” he replied I asked him if he liked his job and he replied he didn’t 29 assure sb that: bảo đảm với Ex: “You can have a refund if the product has any faults,” Mr Brown assured me Mr Brown assured me that I could have a refund if the product had any faults 30 object that + clause: phản đối rằng…/ object to doing st: phản đối làm gì Ex: “No, I don’t want to sit here in order to wait for his pity,” said the girl The girl objected to sitting here inorder to wait for his pity 31 argue that + clause: tranh cãi (3) Ex: “But using your own motorbikes will cause air pollution,” said Mai Mai argued that using their own motorbikes would cause air pollution 32 claim that + clause: tuyên bố Ex: “Right I’ve written that letter to the boss,” said Jack Jack claimed that he had written that letter to the boss 33 complain that + clause: phàn nàn … Ex: “Oh, you have never complimented me on my work,” Lan told her father Lan complained that her father had never complimented her on her work 34 exclaim that + clause: lên Ex: “Hey, hey My team has won!” said the boys The boys exclaimed (with joy/ joyfully) that his team had won 35 shout/ yell/ scream at (to) sb (that + clause): la hét, thét lên với Ex: “Go away!” he told his wife angrily He shouted at his wife and asked her to go away Ex: “Help, help,” said the young girl The young girl yelled for help 36 compliment sb on st/ doing st: khen cái gì Ex: “Welldone! It’s a great effort You played the guitar skillfully” Mai told me Mai complimented me on playing the guitar skillfully 37 reproach sb for st/ doing st: trích, trách mắng vì cái gì, đã làm gì Ex: “You should have locked the door open this morning,” my father told me My father reproached me for not having locked the door that morning 38 remark that + clause: nhận xét Ex: “I think that you’re making progress,” said my English teacher My English teacher remarked that I were making progress (4)

Ngày đăng: 10/09/2021, 02:26

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