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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade – Unit 10: In the park Week: 28 Periods: 107-108 Date: 21/03/2017 Lesson One Words Objectives To identify different things in a park To understand a short story   Language Language focus: listening, reading Vocabulary: path, grass, flowers, garbage can, trees, fountain, litter    Extra vocabulary: pick, catch Resources and materials Student Book p 74 Workbook p 68 Audio Tracks 89–90 In the park Flashcards 114–120 Paper and colored pencils Worksheet 1: Must and mustn’t (one copy for each child)       Introduction Weather report: Ask the class about today's weather Warmer     Mime some action verbs and elicit the words from the children Include some mimes that recycle the vocabulary from Unit 9, e.g., walk on the beach (mime walking), climb the mountain (mime climbing), swim in the lake (mime swimming) Ask the children to follow you They copy your actions and call out the words or phrases Go faster and faster until children can’t keep up Lead-in     Tell children they are going to learn the names of some places in a park Use the In the park Flashcards 114–120 to elicit the vocabulary for this lesson Hold the flashcards up one at a time and model any words children don’t know Say all the words again for children to repeat Hold the flashcards up in a different order and repeat Presentation Listen, point, and repeat (Exercise 1) Family and Friends Special Edition Grade – Unit 10: In the park     Ask children to open their Student Books and look at the pictures of the places in a park Play the first part of the recording (Track 89) for children to listen and point to the appropriate picture Play the second part of the recording for children to repeat Play the recording all the way through for children to listen and point, and then repeat the words in chorus Transcript (Track 89) Listen and point path, grass, flowers, garbage can, trees, fountain, litter flowers, garbage can, grass, litter, fountain, trees, path Listen and repeat path, grass, flowers, garbage can, trees, fountain, litter My local park       Tell children to think about a local park and write things they can see there, using the words from Exercise Ask children if they can remember any other things in a park Ask them to think about the playground, and elicit swing, slide, seesaw, and pool from previous levels Write My park is… and My park has a / some… on the board, and say a few things about your park Ask children to write three sentences about their local park Monitor and help where necessary Ask some children to read their sentences aloud If children write their sentences on a separate piece of paper rather than in their notebooks, they can add illustrations to make a poster to be displayed in class Development Listen and read (Exercise 2)       Focus children’s attention on the story Talk about each frame with the class and ask questions, e.g., Where are the children? What does Leo / Max have? What is Holly looking at? Who is on the grass? Who is playing with a ball? Where is Max? Encourage predictions about the story Play the recording (Track 90) for children to listen and follow the words of the story in their books Ask questions to check comprehension, e.g., What does Holly want to pick? Where does Amy want to go? Who falls into the fountain? Check that children understand the phrase pick flowers by miming the action Play the recording a second time for children to follow again in their books Ask children to find the words from Exercise that appear in the story (flowers, trees, grass, path, playground, fountain) Disappearing dialogue    Write the dialogue from frame on the board and read it together with the class Erase the words must and mustn’t and ask children to read the dialogue again, saying the missing words Continue to erase parts of the dialogue and repeat until children are saying Holly and Max’s lines from memory Consolidation Worksheet 1: Must and mustn’t      Give out the worksheet to children, one copy for each child Ask children to close their Student Books Look at the first sentence with the children Ask them to call out the words in the correct order and write them on the board, e.g., You mustn’t pick the flowers Ask the children to work individually to complete the rest of the sentences When they have finished, tell them they can check their answers by finding the sentences in the story on p 74 of their Student Books Ask the children to work in pairs and think of some more rules for the park Tell them to use the same structure as the sentences they unscrambled and to write the rules on their worksheet Family and Friends Special Edition Grade – Unit 10: In the park  Put the children into small groups to share their rules Ask them to choose the best rule and come to the front of the class and write it on the board Exercises: Workbook p 68 Story time: A reader of your choice Family and Friends Special Edition Grade – Unit 10: In the park Week: 28 Periods: 109-110 Date: 21/03/2017 Lesson Two Grammar Objectives To understand and use must and mustn’t To act out a story   Language   Vocabulary: We must our homework They mustn’t talk in class You must walk on the path You mustn’t walk on the grass Extra vocabulary: in front of, walk (a dog), be quiet, wash your hands Resources and materials Student Book p 74–75 Workbook p 69 Audio Tracks 90–91 In the park Flashcards 114–120 Paper and colored pencils      Introduction Weather report: Ask the class about today's weather Warmer       Play Teacher can’t remember with the In the park Flashcards 114–120 Tell children you can’t remember some of the words from a particular vocabulary set so you want them to help you Tell children you are going to show them some flashcards and say some words If the word is correct, children an agreed action, such as tapping their desks, clapping, or calling out Yes! If the word is incorrect, children another agreed action, such as standing up, and then they call out the correct word Show flashcards and say correct or incorrect words, or pretend that you can’t remember at all, for children to call out the word Lead-in    Put the Flashcards for grass, flowers, trees, and fountain on the board With books closed, ask children these questions about the story, pointing to the flashcards: Who wants to pick the flowers? Who walks on the grass? Who wants to look at the trees? Who falls into the fountain? Tell children to open their Student Books and turn to the story on p 74 Ask children to find the sentences with the words grass, flowers (two sentences), path, playground, and fountain in the story  Ask individual children to read the sentences aloud Family and Friends Special Edition Grade – Unit 10: In the park Presentation Listen to the story and repeat Act (Exercise 1)      Play the recording (Track 90), pausing for children to repeat Divide the class into groups of four to play the parts of Amy, Max, Holly, and Leo If the class does not divide exactly, some children can act twice As a class, decide on the actions for the story (see suggestions below) Play the recording a second time for children to mime the actions as they listen and say their character’s lines Groups may act out the story at the same time, or you may ask some groups to act out the story in front of the class Monitor and check pronunciation Story actions Picture 1: All the children walk Holly points to a flower and bends down to pick it Leo gestures “no” Picture 2: All the children walk Holly looks at a tree Max puts his hand up to his mouth to call her Picture 3: Amy opens her backpack and takes out a ball She throws it at Max Max tries to catch it Picture 4: Max catches the ball but falls into the fountain The other children laugh and point at him Listen and repeat (Exercise 2)         Ask children to turn to p 75 in their Student Books Focus attention on the picture in the Let’s learn box, and ask a pair of children to read aloud the speech bubbles Mime reading and walking at the same time, and ask children to tell you if it’s a good thing to Listen to the sentences in the main part of the Let’s learn! chart (Track 91), pausing after each one for children to repeat them Copy the sentences onto the board Point to each sentence and ask Is this good or bad? Erase the red words, and ask children to tell you what the missing words are You may ask children to come up to the board and write the letters Point to the word you in the sentences on the board, and make sure children understand this means “all people” Write You must and You mustn’t on the board, and then hold up the Flashcards for path and litter next to must, and the Flashcards for flowers and fountain next to mustn’t Elicit new rules, helping children where necessary Development Must or mustn’t     Write these sentences from the story on the board: You … pick the flowers You … walk on the path Ask children to call out the words to complete the sentences Ask children to look at the story on p 74 and underline sentences with must and mustn’t Ask individual children to read aloud their sentences Read and match (Exercise 3)    Look at the pictures in Exercise with children Point to each picture and ask children to tell you if it’s something you must or mustn’t Read the first sentence, and ask children to find the correct picture Children the rest of the exercise individually Answers d b a c Write (Exercise 4) Family and Friends Special Edition Grade – Unit 10: In the park   Look at the example with the class, and ask children to think of a place they mustn’t eat (the library, the classroom) Children the rest of the exercise individually  Go through the answers with the class Answers mustn’t must mustn’t mustn’t Consolidation Let’s practice!    Ask students to look at the picture and speech bubble Say You mustn’t eat here Have a student read the sentence Have students work in pairs and take turns saying the sentence Tell them to use other vocabulary words on the page Classroom rules      Ask children to think of something they must and something they mustn’t in the classroom, and write it on the board, e.g., We must listen to the teacher We mustn’t jump on the desks Put the children into small groups, and tell them they are going to make a poster including some more rules Tell them they can be funny rules if they like! Ask the children to include pictures to illustrate the rules Give out paper and colored pencils, and give the children 10–15 minutes to complete their posters Monitor and help where needed Display the posters around the classroom Ask the children to look at each other’s work, and ask them if they agree with all the rules Exercises: Workbook p 69 Story time: A reader of your choice Family and Friends Special Edition Grade – Unit 10: In the park Week: 29 Periods: 111-112 Date: 28/03/2017 Lesson Three Grammar and Song Objectives To say and write phrases with must and mustn’t To use must and mustn’t in the context of a song   Language Language focus: writing, speaking Extra vocabulary: keep clean, be good, hours and hours   Resources and materials Student Book p 76 Workbook p 70 Audio Track 92 In the park Flashcards 114–120     Introduction Weather report: Ask the class about today's weather Warmer     Play Listen, point, and say to review the words from Lesson and energize the class at the start of the lesson Place flashcards for the key vocabulary around the classroom Call out a vocabulary word, e.g., library The children point to the correct flashcard Now point to the flashcard The children say the word Option: Describe the location of the flashcard, e.g., It’s next to the door What is it? The children then say the word Lead-in     Write You must and You mustn’t on the board Hold up the Flashcards for grass, flowers, and path, and ask children to remember the rules from the story Mime the actions and give clues to help (You mustn’t walk on the grass / pick the flowers You must walk on the path.) Put the Flashcards for litter and garbage can together on the board next to must and the Flashcard for tree next to mustn’t Ask children to think of two more rules for the park, and mime the actions of putting litter in the garbage can and climbing trees Elicit You must put litter in the garbage can and You mustn’t climb the trees Presentation Look and say (Exercise 1) Family and Friends Special Edition Grade – Unit 10: In the park     Ask two children to read the speech bubbles for the class  Ask the class to point to the correct pictures in Exercise Ask children to work in pairs and the exercise They should ask about three pictures each Monitor and help where necessary Ask some pairs to ask and answer their questions for the class Write four sentences (Exercise 2)     Read the example with the class, and ask children to find the picture in Exercise Tell children to choose four more pictures from Exercise and use the phrases in the box to write sentences Monitor and help where necessary Ask some children to read their sentences for the class What must you do?   Ask children to close their books Tell them you are going to read aloud the phrases in Exercise 1, e.g., wash your hands Children say You must or You mustn’t and repeat the phrase, e.g., You must wash your hands  Read the phrases Children repeat them in chorus, adding You must or You mustn’t Development Listen and sing (Exercise 3)      Ask children to look at the pictures Point to the children walking on the path, climbing the tree, putting litter in the garbage can, playing with a ball, and picking the flowers Ask What is he / she doing? What are they doing? You may wish to elicit four rules for the things in the pictures at this point (You must walk on the path You mustn’t climb the trees You must put litter in the garbage can You mustn’t pick the flowers.)  Play the recording (Track 92) for children to listen and point to the pictures in their books Play the recording again for children to follow the words Recite the words of the song with the class, without the recording Say each line and ask children to repeat Play the recording for children to sing along  Repeat (more than once if you wish) Sing and (Exercise 4)    As a class, decide on the actions for the song (see suggestions below) Practice the actions with the class Play the recording for children to listen and the actions Song actions come to the park / walk on the path – mime walking have some fun / have a lot of fun – wave your hands in the air play games in the sun / play for hours and hours – mime throwing a ball climb the trees – mime climbing a tree put litter in the garbage can – mime dropping litter into the garbage can pick the flowers – mime picking the flowers Flashcard song     Give the Flashcards for path, trees, litter, garbage can, and flowers to five different children in the class Play the recording (Track 92) and sing the song again The children with the flashcards hold up their cards when they hear their word and the other children point to the word Repeat with five different children Consolidation Correct or incorrect Family and Friends Special Edition Grade – Unit 10: In the park     Tell children you are going to read them some rules, but some of the rules aren’t correct If children agree with the rule, they must tap their desks If they disagree, they must stand up Say different good and bad rules, e.g., You must walk on the grass You must wash your hands When children stand up, ask them to correct your rule by changing must or mustn’t Exercises: Workbook p 70 Story time: A reader of your choice Week: 29 Periods: 113-114 Date: 28/02/2017 Lesson Four Phonics Objectives    To pronounce the sound /i:/ To associate the sound /i:/ with the letters ea, ee, and y To identify the sound /i:/ in a chant Language    Language focus: speaking Vocabulary: dream, ice cream, queen, green, jelly, happy Extra vocabulary: teacher, twenty Resources and materials       Student Book p 77 Workbook p 71 Audio Tracks 85, 93–94 Transportation Flashcards 129 and 131 Phonics Cards 29–31 (ice cream, queen, jelly) Worksheet 2: Listen and (one copy for each child)  Colored pencils Introduction Weather report: Ask the class about today's weather Warmer     Ask What day is it today? Write the day on the board, underlining the letters ay Hold up the flashcards of train and plane and elicit the words Write the words on the board and underline the letters and a_e Ask children if they can remember the sound they looked at in the last phonics lesson Elicit / eɪ/ Family and Friends Special Edition Grade – Unit 10: In the park Point to the words on the board, and say the words and the sound /eɪ/ for children to repeat Play the recording (Track 85), and say the chant from Student Book p 67 to practice the sound again   Lead-in     Hold up the Phonics Cards for ice cream, queen and jelly, saying the words for children to repeat Make sure children understand what jelly is if it is not common in your town (a sweet, spreadable food made from fruit juice, thickeners, and sugar) If there is something green in your classroom, you can also add this word to your lead-in, pointing to the object(s) and saying green for children to repeat Point to the phonics cards (and anything green) several times until children are used to saying the words Presentation Listen, point, and repeat (Exercise 1)     Ask children to look at the words and pictures in their Student Books Tell them that they are going to hear a recording of different words with the sound /iː/ Play the first part of the recording (Track 93) for children to listen and point to the pictures Play the second part of the recording for children to repeat Play the recording all the way through (more than once if necessary) for children to point and repeat again Transcript (Track 93) Listen and point dream, ice cream, queen, green, jelly, happy ice cream, happy, queen, dream, green, jelly Listen and repeat dream, ice cream, queen, green, jelly, happy Listen and chant (Exercise 2)  Ask children to look at the picture Ask What is the girl doing? Elicit She’s sleeping / dreaming Ask Who is she in her dream? What is she eating? What color is the jelly?  Play the recording (Track 94) for children to listen to the chant  Play the chant again, pausing after each line for children to repeat  Play the chant once more for children to join in and follow in their books  Ask children to look at the picture and circle the objects in the chant (dream, queen, green, jelly, ice cream, happy) Development Listen and clap   Assign the words dream, queen, jelly, ice cream, and happy to children around the class by counting along the rows so that there are several children with each word Do the chant together Each group says their own lines The whole class claps each time they hear the /iː/ sound Read the chant again Circle the words with ea, ee, and y (Exercise 3)     Write the letters ea, ee, and y on the board Focus attention on the word dream in the chant, and point to the letters on the board Ask Which letters are in “dream”? Ask children to find and circle the other words with ea, ee, and y in the chant Go through the answers with the class Answers dream, queen (x3), green, jelly, ice cream (x3), happy, dream (x3) Write the words in the correct boxes (Exercise 4) 10 Family and Friends Special Edition Grade – Unit 10: In the park    Look at the example with the class, and check that children understand the exercise Children the rest of the exercise individually Go through the answers with the class, asking individual children to point to the correct letters on the board as you read the words from the box, or by choosing a box and asking children to call out the words Answers ea: teacher, eat, please ee: tree, week, sheep y: family, funny, twenty Consolidation Let’s practice!    Ask students to look at the picture and speech bubble Have a student demonstrate the sentence for the class Have students work in pairs to take turns saying the sentence Tell them to use other vocabulary words on the page Wobbly jelly       Write the letters ea, ee, and y on pieces of paper, and put them up around the room Ask children to close their books and stand up Explain that jelly wobbles when you put it on a plate, and show children how to wobble (shake from side to side) Tell children you are going to call out the words from this phonics lesson They must repeat the words and point to the correct letters, except when they hear jelly When children hear the word jelly, they must wobble Call out the words from Exercises and at random for children to repeat, saying jelly more often than the other words Go faster and faster Worksheet 2: Listen and         Tell the children they are going to practice saying some of the words from recent phonics lessons Give out copies of the worksheet, and ask children to name the pictures Drill pronunciation with the class Tell the children they should color or draw shapes on the pictures in the top grid Do an example on the board Give the children five minutes to personalize their worksheet Put the children in pairs, and tell them to sit opposite each other and put a barrier between them (such as a book or bag) so that they cannot see each other’s worksheets Tell them to give instructions to their partner to try to recreate the pictures in the grid they have made, e.g., Color the lamp red, draw a circle on the boy, color the ice cream blue, draw a cross on the coin Their partner listens and follows the instructions When they have finished, the children can compare their grid and see if they are the same Children then change roles and repeat the activity Exercises: Workbook p 71 Story time: A reader of your choice 11 Family and Friends Special Edition Grade – Unit 10: In the park Week: 30 Periods: 115-116 Date: 04/04/2017 Lesson Five Skills Time! Objectives Reading: read and understand a classic children’s story; read and understand key information about the story  Language Language focus: reading Vocabulary: Recycled vocabulary seen previously Extra vocabulary: gingerbread (man), run, fox, near, start to, head  Structures: Revision    Resources and materials Student Book p 78 Workbook p 72 Audio Tracks 92, 95–96 Verbs Flashcards 121–125 Worksheet 3: Order the story (one copy per small group, cut-up)      Culture note: Chocolate chip cookies The chocolate chip cookie originated in the U.S.A and features chocolate chips—small bits of chocolate—in a very sweet cookie dough Ruth Wakefield, a woman who had a very popular restaurant in the 1930s in Massachusetts called the Toll House Inn, allowed patrons to take home extra helpings of her home-style meals and desserts They especially loved her chocolate chip cookies She published a cookbook with the cookie recipe, and since then, the cookies have been made in American homes Introduction Weather report: Ask the class about today's weather Warmer  Sing the song You must come to the park from Student Book p 76 (Track 92) to review the grammar and the park words and energize children at the start of the lesson Lead-in  Tell children they are going to learn some new verbs 12 Family and Friends Special Edition Grade – Unit 10: In the park    Use Flashcards 121–125 to elicit the verbs Model any words the children don’t know Hold the flashcards up in a different order and repeat Show the children flashcards at random and ask them to call out the word Presentation Listen, point, and repeat (Exercise 1)     Ask children to open their Student Books and look at the pictures in Exercise Play the first part of the recording (Track 95) for children to listen and point to the appropriate picture Play the second part of the recording for children to repeat Play the recording all the way through again for children to listen and point and then repeat the words in chorus Transcript (Track 95) Listen and point shout, chase, catch, meet, cross meet, shout, cross, chase, catch Listen and repeat shout, chase, catch, meet, cross Jump     Ask children to stand at their desks Hold up a flashcard from the vocabulary set and say a word If the word is the same as the flashcard, children jump If it isn’t, they don’t move Alternatively, ask children to put their hands up if the word you say and the flashcard are the same Describe what is happening in the pictures below (Exercise 2)     Ask children to look at the pictures in the story Ask what kind of text it is (a story) Explain that the little man in the picture is a gingerbread man: a type of ginger cookie Ask children to describe what is happening in the pictures (they can this in their own language) and ask them what they think happens in the story Repeat what they say back to them in English to reinforce the story vocabulary, e.g., Yes, there’s an old woman in this picture The Gingerbread Man is running away, etc Ask questions to encourage predictions about the text, e.g., Who makes the Gingerbread Man? Where does it go? Who wants to catch it? What is the animal in the river? (children may say wolf or fox at this stage) Development Listen and read (Exercise 3)     Play the recording (Track 96) for children to listen and follow the text silently in their books Check the answers to the questions you asked before children read, and then answer any questions they have If your country does not have foxes, or the species in your country looks very different, explain that foxes live in wooded areas and are related to dogs and wolves Play the recording a second time and ask children to circle the words from Exercise in the text (all are in the text) Read again and write T (true) or F (false) (Exercise 4)     Explain that children are going to read the text again and decide if the sentences are true or false Look at the example with the class Allow time for children to read the text again and write T or F for the other sentences individually Go through the answers with the class You might want to ask more questions to check comprehension, e.g., Does the old woman want to eat the Gingerbread Man? What animals does the Gingerbread Man meet? Can the fox swim? Answers T F T 13 Family and Friends Special Edition Grade – Unit 10: In the park F F T Consolidation Worksheet 3: Order the story    Before the lesson, cut the worksheet up along the lines and mix up the pieces Ask the children to close their books, and give the story strips out to small groups (four to five students) Tell the children to try to put the story in the correct order When they have finished, read the story and ask them to follow and check the order They can make any changes at this point Exercises: Workbook p 72 Story time: A reader of your choice 14 Family and Friends Special Edition Grade – Unit 10: In the park Week:30 Periods: 117-118 Date: 04/04/2017 Lesson Six Skills Time! Objectives Listening: listen to and understand descriptions of actions Speaking: talk about rules and identify pictures Writing: use and and or; write a school poster (Workbook)    Language Vocabulary: Revision Extra vocabulary: shelf  Structures: Revision   Resources and materials Student Book p 79 Workbook p 73 Audio Track 97 Verbs Flashcards 121–125     Culture note: The free public library in the U.S.A With the start of free public schools for all American children in the 19th century, it was not long before there was a movement to have free public libraries These were supported by local taxes Then a wealthy philanthropist named Andrew Carnegie donated part of his great wealth to help build more than 1,700 libraries in the U.S.A Today, as in many countries, libraries also have audio books, music CDs, movie DVDs, and computers for people to surf the Internet or use popular software programs Introduction Weather report: Ask the class about today's weather Warmer       Write the Gingerbread Man’s words on the board, with a blank for the words in parentheses: Run, run, [run] if you can You can’t *catch+ me, I’m the [Gingerbread] Man Ask children to tell you what the missing words are Repeat the words in chorus several times, clapping the rhythm Play Musical cards with the Verbs Flashcards from Lesson Give the flashcards out to children around the room Tell them to say the word on the flashcard and then pass it to the next child in the row Children say the words as they hand the flashcards around the room until you shout Stop! 15 Family and Friends Special Edition Grade – Unit 10: In the park Lead-in     Tell children to open their books and look at the pictures in Exercise Ask Where are the people? (in a library) Point to the first three pictures and ask What is the boy doing? (eating a sandwich, walking a dog, making a noise) Point to the last two pictures and ask Does he run in the library? Where are the books? Does he put them back on the shelf? Presentation Listen and write the numbers (Exercise 1) Tell children they are going to hear a recording of the boy and his dad in the library They must listen and number the pictures in the order they hear them  Play the recording (Track 97) the whole way through for children to point to the correct pictures  Play the recording again, pausing after each dialogue for children to write the numbers  Play the recording the whole way through again for children to check their answers Go through the answers with the class Transcript (Track 97) Boy This is a big library Dad Yes, it is Boy Wow! Look at all the books! Dad Shh, Thanh! You must be quiet in the library  Boy I want to find a book about space Come on! Dad Thanh! You’re running! Boy Yes, I know Dad Stop! You mustn’t run in the library Dad What are you doing? Boy I’m eating a sandwich Dad No! You mustn’t eat in the library Boy Oh But I’m hungry Dad What are you doing? Boy I’m walking the dog Dad Oh, no You mustn’t walk a dog in the library! Boy OK I’ll take it out Boy Can we go home now? Dad No, we can’t Look The books are on the table Boy I know I’m not reading them now Dad Well, you must put the books on the shelf Boy Oh, OK Answers 16 Family and Friends Special Edition Grade – Unit 10: In the park c e3 a b d Development Look at the pictures and say (Exercise 2)      Ask two children to read the speech bubbles for the class Tell children to point to the correct picture in Exercise Tell children to choose words from the box and make rules with You must or You mustn’t Their partner must find the correct picture Ask children to work in pairs and play the game Monitor and help where necessary You may ask some children to say rules to the whole class Children listen and point to the correct picture Write and or or (Exercise 3)          Ask children to close their books Write these sentences on the board: Giang likes apples Giang likes bananas Hoang doesn’t play soccer Hoang doesn’t play basketball Ask Does Giang like apples? Does she like bananas? Elicit Yes, and then say Yes, Giang likes apples and bananas Ask Does Hoang play soccer? Does he play basketball? Elicit No, and then say No, Hoang doesn’t play soccer or basketball Erase the middle part of both sentences on the board to leave these new sentences: Giang likes apples … bananas Hoang doesn’t play soccer … basketball Say the complete sentences for children to repeat, with and and or You may ask children to come up to the board and write the missing words in each blank Ask children to open their books and check the sentences in the Writing box Read the sentences with the children Look at the example with the class and check that they understand the exercise Children the rest of the exercise individually Go through the answers with the class Ask children to read the sentences aloud Answers or or and and Consolidation Write sentences about you Use and or or (Exercise 4)     Ask children to look at the example sentence Give children time to complete the rest of the exercise individually Give children time to compare their sentences with a partner Monitor and help where needed Ask a few children around the room to read out one of their sentences Answers Children’s own answers Exercises: Workbook p 73 Story time: A reader of your choice 17 Family and Friends Special Edition Grade – Unit 10: In the park 18 Family and Friends Special Edition Grade – Unit 10: In the park Worksheet 1: Must and mustn’t Unscramble the rules and write them in the space pick You flowers mustn’t the walk mustn’t the You grass on here You play mustn’t You play in fountain mustn’t the path You on walk must the Work with a partner Write some more rules for the park You mustn’t You mustn’t You must You must 19 Family and Friends Special Edition Grade – Unit 10: In the park 20 Family and Friends Special Edition Grade – Unit 10: In the park Worksheet 2: Listen and Look at the pictures and say the words Follow your teacher’s instructions Now listen to your partner and what they say 21 Family and Friends Special Edition Grade – Unit 10: In the park Worksheet 3: Order the story One day, an old woman makes a–special a Gingerbread cookie Man The oldwomawants to eathimButthe Gingerbread Manrunsand shouts,n “Run, run, run if you can You can’t catch me, I’m the Gingerbread man !” The old woman is angry She chases him The Gingerbread Man meets a cat The cat wants to eat him, but he runs away He u r ns to the river He wants to cross the river, but he can’t swim There is a fox near the river “I can swim,” says the fox “Sit on my head.” The Gingerbread Man sits on the fox’s head The fox starts to swim “The water is deeper now,”ou says the fox “Y must sit on my nose.” The Gingerbread Man sits on the fox’s nose The fox opens his mouth and eats him 22 Family and Friends Special Edition Grade – 23 ... 19 Family and Friends Special Edition Grade – Unit 10: In the park 20 Family and Friends Special Edition Grade – Unit 10: In the park Worksheet 2: Listen and Look at the pictures and say... 17 Family and Friends Special Edition Grade – Unit 10: In the park 18 Family and Friends Special Edition Grade – Unit 10: In the park Worksheet 1: Must and mustn’t Unscramble the rules and write... of your choice Family and Friends Special Edition Grade – Unit 10: In the park Week: 28 Periods: 109 - 110 Date: 21/03/2017 Lesson Two Grammar Objectives To understand and use must and mustn’t To

Ngày đăng: 29/08/2021, 15:44

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Mục lục

    Lesson Three Grammar and Song

    Lesson Five Skills Time!

    Lesson Six Skills Time!


