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Kế hoạch bài dạy ENGLISH 9 KII cv5512

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Kế hoạch bài dạy ENGLISH 9 KII cv5512 ; Kế hoạch bài dạy ENGLISH 9 KII cv5512 Kế hoạch bài dạy ENGLISH 9 KII cv5512 Kế hoạch bài dạy ENGLISH 9 KII cv5512 Kế hoạch bài dạy ENGLISH 9 KII cv5512 Kế hoạch bài dạy ENGLISH 9 KII cv5512 Kế hoạch bài dạy ENGLISH 9 KII cv5512 Kế hoạch bài dạy ENGLISH 9 KII cv5512

Cv 5512 ENGLISH 2020-2021 Date of preparation: / /2021 Date of presentation: 9A: 9B: / /2021 / /2021 PERIOD 37: UNIT 6: THE ENVIRONMENT Lesson 1: Getting started & Listen and read I THE AIMS OF THE LESSON Knowledge - Students learn about the topic of the unit and elicite some urgent matter and the vocabulary about the environment *Vocabulary: garbage dump, (to) spoil, deforestation, achirve,dynamite fishing, spraying pesticide … Ability: - Students are able to read and understand of main content, detailed content of the reading; can guess the meaning of new words based on the context and inference; recognize the organization of the reading - Students are able to talk about the topic of the unit and elicite some urgent matter and the vocabulary about the environment - Students form and develop the competencies: the ability to autonomy and selfstudy, the ability to communicate and cooperate, to solve problems and to create Quality: - Students have a general understanding of the environment issues; has a serious and positive attitude toward subject and learning English energetically and actively participate in learning activities - Students' qualities are helped to develop such as: kindness, love for people, love, respect and protect the environment, have a sense of self-training, take responsibility for the environmental protection, their family and the country associated with the content of the lesson II TEACHING EQUIPMENT AND LEARNING MATERIALS - Teacher prepares the lesson plan, textbooks, teaching aids such as personal computers, projectors, speakers… - Students prepare textbooks, notebooks, studying tools,… ready for the lesson III TEACHING PROCESS Activity 1: Warm up: (6’) a) Objective: To create students' excitement to take part in the new the lesson b) Content: Teacher transfers the learning tasks to students Students work in individuals, in pairs or in groups to listen, answer and as the teacher's requirements Then, present in the class and join in the new lesson c) Products: Students have the excitement and be ready to participate in discovering the content of the new lesson d) Organization of implementation: Teacher's activities Students' activities - Let students play the game guessing - Students play the guessing game in in groups: Answer the question: groups to answer the question: Cv 5512 ENGLISH 2020-2021 "What word id it?" "What word id it?" - Teacher elicites + It is about things around us like air, water, land, trees, forests Key: Environment + It is being polluted now And when it is polluted it affects our lives Activities 2: (10’) a) Objective: Students identify, understand the situation and language materials b) Content: Teacher transfers the learning tasks to students Students work in individuals, in pairs or in groups to learn and use language materials simply: match the words to the correct pictures c) Products: Students know how to use the knowledge they’ve learned d) Organization of implementation: Teacher's activities Students' activities - Introduce new words using the pictures - Ask Ss to read the words in chorus - Hang pictues of the textbook on page 47 and ask Ss to match the word to the correct picture - Check the answer Getting Started - Students guess and learn new words + dump + deforestation + dynamite + pesticide - Students read the words in chorus - Students match the word to the correct picture - Students check and correct the matching Activities 3: (20’) a) Objective: Help students use the knowledge they have learn to practice in the situation of the lesson: conservation on the beach b) Content: Teacher transfers the learning tasks to students Students work in individuals, in pairs or in groups to listen, read and write; apply knowledge to complete the exercise, experience in the situations c) Products: Students know how to use the knowledge they’ve learned; read and find out what each of them is going to d) Organization of implementation: Teacher's activities Students' activities Listen and read - Ask: - Discuss to answer + Why the writers of this book They want us to know that our show us these pictures? environment is being polluted and we should something to save it + What should you to save the  We clean the school yard environment? the road Cv 5512 ENGLISH 2020-2021 plant trees and flowers collect waste paper - Listen to the teacher's introduction and the tapcript the first time - Introduce the situation of the lesson: "Mr brown and some volunteer convervationists are going to clean the beach Read and find out what each of them is going to do? " - Play the tapcript the first time - Listen and look at the text in textbook to list what people have been required to - Ask students to show their answers - Show the answers: Walk along the shore Check the sand Check among the rocks - Give comment and the correct - Listn and write answers * Matching - Play the tapcript the second time - Listen and look at the text in textbook to excercise 2a - Ask Ss to compare and cross-check - Compare and cross-check the the answers with a partner answers in pairs - Ask Ss to read their answers - Read their answers - Give comments and answers - Listen and write the answers Group 1: walk along the shore Group 2: check the sand Group 3: check among the rocks Mr Jones: collect all the bags and take them to the garbagedung Mrs Smith: Provide a picnic… Mr Brown: give out the bag - Elicite students to show the form of - Show the form of the conditional the conditional sentences: type (Mr sentences: type Brown required what to make the "If they work hard today, they will beach clean and beautiful again) make the beach…." - Explain about the form of the - Listen to the explaination conditional sentences: type * Answer - Ask students to work in pairs to read - Read the text again and complete the text again and complete the the exercise in pairs exercise - Call students to show the answer - Show the answer in class - Listen, give comments and the - Listen and write the correct correct answers answers The question is Mr Brown The listeners are the volunteer Cv 5512 ENGLISH 2020-2021 con… They’re going to clean the beach If they work hard, they’ll make… Activities 4:(6’) a) Objective: Students use the knowledge to practice with the requirements of the lesson or the teacher's requirements: discuss the question: "What should we to keep our environment clean and green?" b) Content: Teacher transfers the learning tasks to students Students work in individuals, in pairs or in groups to discuss the questions: "What should we to keep our environment clean and green?" as the requirements of the lesson or the teacher's requirements, then present in the class c) Products: Students know how to use the knowledge they’ve learned to talk about what we should to keep our environment clean and green d) Organization of implementation: Teacher's activities Students' activities - Devide the class into groups to - Discuss the question in groups discuss the question: "What should we to keep our  Don’t throw waste in the public environment clean and green?" Don’t cut down burn the forest use dynamite to catch fish Plant more trees Reduce the amount of pesticide Take part in socid activities to save our environment * Guide students to learn by themselves (3') - Teacher guides and asks students how to learn the lesson at home, exercises and get ready for the next lesson - Students: learn the lesson, exercises and get ready for the next lesson ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Date of preparation: / /2021 Date of presentation: 9A: 9B: / /2021 / /2021 PERIOD 38: UNIT – THE ENVIRONMENT LESSON 2: SPEAKING + LISTENING I THE AIMS OF THE LESSON Knowledge - Students learn how to persuade the others people to protect the environment and listen to the reasons of the environment polluted * Vocabulary: wrap (v ), dissolve ( v), prevent (v), avoid ( v), harm (v), exhaust fume (n), raw sewage (n), pumb (v ), drop (v), oil spills (n), waste material (n), sea (n), ocean (n), marine life (n)… * Model sentences: Cv 5512 ENGLISH 2020-2021 + I think you should +V-inf + Why don’t you + V-inf ? + What about + V-ing ? + How about + V- ing? Ability: - Students pronounce clearly, relatively accurately the sound, stress, intonation, rhythm of phrases and sentences - Then, students participate in short, simple conversations about the environmental issues related to the topic of the speaking - After that, students present briefly, with preparation in advance projects on the environmental issues; Give the reason and briefly explain their point of view; exchange ideas and information on the environmental issues with simple discourse - Student listen to understand simple phrases, instructions and expressions related to the listening; understand the main and the detailed content of the listening; identify the main ideas of the listening - Students have a general understanding of the listening Then, students are able to persuade the others people to something to protect the environment and understand the reasons of the environment polluted - Students form and develop competencies: the ability to autonomy and selfstudy, the ability to communicate and cooperate, to solve problems and to create - Students form and develop the competencies: the ability to autonomy and selfstudy, the ability to communicate and cooperate, to solve problems and to create Quality: - Students have a general understanding of the environment issues; has a serious and positive attitude toward subject and learning English energetically and actively participate in learning activities - Students' qualities are helped to develop such as: kindness, love for people, love, respect and protect the environment, have a sense of self-training, take responsibility for the environmental protection, their family and the country associated with the content of the lesson II TEACHING EQUIPMENT AND LEARNING MATERIALS - Teacher prepares the lesson plan, textbooks, teaching aids such as personal computers, projectors, speakers… - Students prepare textbooks, notebooks, studying tools,… ready for the lesson III TEACHING PROCESS Activity 1: Warm up: (6’) a) Objective: To create students' excitement to participate in the new the lesson b) Content: Teacher transfers the learning tasks to students Students work in individuals, in pairs or in groups to listen, answer and as the teacher's requirements Then, present in the class and join in the new lesson c) Products: Students have the excitement to join in the new lesson d) Organization of implementation: Cv 5512 ENGLISH 2020-2021 Teacher's activities Students' activities Let students play a game - Students match the English words with “Matching” their meanings in groups Environment đạt deforestation thất vọng garbage dump cung cấp be disappointed phá rừng (to) provide bãi rác (to) spoil làm hư hại T Check up and correct (to) achieve môi trường Activities 2: (10’) a) Objective: Help students identify, understand the situation and language materials b) Content: Teacher transfers the learning tasks to students Students work in individuals, in pairs or in groups to learn and use language materials simply c) Products: Students know how to use the knowledge they’ve learned d) Organization of implementation: Teacher’s activities Students' activities T introduces some vocabularies - Ss listen and take note 1, Vocabularies wrap (v ) : gói, bọc dissolve ( v) phân hủy reduce (v) : giảm, làm giảm prevent (v) : ngăn ngừa, đề phòng avoid ( v) : tránh khỏi harm (v) : làm hại, có hại exhaust fume (n) : khói, khí thải raw sewage (n): chất thải thô (to) pumb (v ): bơm, đổ (to) drop : đánh rơi oil spills (n): dầu tràn waste material (n) : rác thải tươi sea (n) : biển ocean (n) : đại dương marine life (n): sinh vật biển T guides Ss read vocabulary: repeat the - Ss repeat in chorus words chorally - Ss copy down T explains some structures to persuade Model sentences someone to something I think you should +V-inf Why don’t you + V-inf ? What about + V-ing ? How about + V- ing? Use:to persuade someone to T gives an example something Cv 5512 ENGLISH 2020-2021 Eg : I think you should use banana leaves to wrap food Activities 3: (16’) a) Objective: Help students use the knowledge they have learn to practice in the situation of the lesson b) Content: Teacher transfers the learning tasks to students Students work in individuals, work in pairs or in groups to listen, speak; apply knowledge to practice the topics, experience in the situations c) Products: Students know how to use the knowledge they’ve learned to work in pairs to answer the questions in the questionaire; work in groups to discuss the question “what you to protect the environment?" d) Organization of implementation: Teacher’s activities Students' activities 2- Practice speaking T asks Ss to persuade their partners to Ss Ex a page 49 the following things to protect the Each Ss give their sentences in the environment class T gets each Ss to call out one of their Ss listen and remember sentences are finished *Ex a P49 T corrects and remarks Eg: S1: I think we/ you should use banana leaves to wrap food S2: Won’t you use banana leaves to wrap food? S3……………………… Ss work in pairs to answer the question in the questionaire T lets Ss to work in pairs to and answer Some pairs to give their answers the question in the questionaire Ss listen and remember T calls some pairs to give their answers *Ex b P49 Eg : How can we save paper? T corrects and gives the remarks -> I think we should recycle used paper, newspaper and write on both sides of the paper T divides the class into groups , each Ss work in groups to discuss the group has a secrectary Ask them to question “what you to protect discuss the question “What you the environment? to protect the environment The Ss in groups have opinions, the secrectary *Ex c P50 write down Discussion: “ What you to protect the environment?” T calls the secrectary present their Ss present answers T checks and remarks Ss listen and remenber Cv 5512 ENGLISH 2020-2021 Activities 4:(10’) a) Objective: Students use the knowledge to practice with the requirements of the lesson or the teacher's requirements b) Content: Teacher transfers the learning tasks to students Students work in individuals, work in pairs or in groups to listen and fill in each blank with a suitable word; experience in the situations then present in the class c) Products: Students can listen and fill in each blank with a suitable word d) Organization of implementation: Teacher’s activities Students' activities 3, Listen T introduces the main content of part Ss listen and have guess listen: you are going to listen to a + oil spills report on how our oceans are polluted + raw sewage First you guess the reason cause the + garbage pollution on our ocean + waste material…… T hangs the second board, demands Ss Ss look at the second board and read read scan it then listen and fill in the scan missing words * Listen and fill in each blank with a suitable word How the ocean is polluted? Firstly: raw sewage is pumped directly into the sea Secondly: (1) _is dropped into the sea Thirdly : oil spills come from (2) _ at the sea Next : Waste materials (3) from (4) _ Finally: (5) is washed from the land Ss listen Ss write their answer T plays the tape times T calls some Ss to go to the board and * Answer: come write their answer in class garbage factories T corrects and gives the key ships oil Ss take note * Guide students to learn by themselves (3') - Teacher guides and asks students how to learn and prepare the lesson at home - Students: learn the lesson, exercises and get ready for the next lesson ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Date of preparation: / /2021 Date of presentation: 9A: 9B: PERIOD 39: UNIT – THE ENVIRONMENT / /2021 / /2021 Cv 5512 ENGLISH 2020-2021 LESSON 3: READ I THE AIMS OF THE LESSON Knowledge - Students learn to read and understand the poem to get the information about protecting the environment * Vocabulary: end up (v), second – hand (adj), junk-yard(n), treasure (n ), litter (v), tin (n), foam(n), hedge (n)= fence (n), nonsense(n), silly (adj), folk (n) = people, … * Conditional sentences, type Ability: - Students are able to read and understand of main content, detailed content of the reading; can guess the meaning of new words based on the context and inference; recognize the organization of the reading - Students are able to talk about about protecting the environment - Students form and develop the competencies: the ability to autonomy and selfstudy, the ability to communicate and cooperate, to solve problems and to create Quality: - Students have a general understanding of the environment issues; has a serious and positive attitude toward subject and learning English energetically and actively participate in learning activities - Students' qualities are helped to develop such as: kindness, love for people, love, respect and protect the environment, have a sense of self-training, take responsibility for the environmental protection, their family and the country associated with the content of the lesson II TEACHING EQUIPMENT AND LEARNING MATERIALS - Teacher prepares the lesson plan, textbooks, teaching aids such as personal computers, projectors, speakers… - Students prepare textbooks, notebooks, studying tools,… ready for the lesson III TEACHING PROCESS Activity 1: Warm up: (6’) a) Objective: To create students' excitement to take part in the new the lesson b) Content: Teacher transfers the learning tasks to students Students work in individuals, in pairs or in groups to answer and as the teacher's requirements Then, present in the class and join in the new lesson c) Products: Students have the excitement and be ready to participate in discovering the content of the new lesson d) Organization of implementation: Teacher's activities Students' activities - Let students * Chatting: - Students answer + Do you like poetry? + Do you often read poetry? + Who is your favorite poet? Cv 5512 ENGLISH 10 2020-2021 + Have you ever read a poem in English? + What is it? Do you understand it? - In today's lesson, we will read a poem - Students join in the new lesson in English about the environment Activities 2: (10’) a) Objective: Help students identify, understand the situation and language materials b) Content: Teacher transfers the learning tasks to students Students work in individuals, in pairs or in groups to learn and use language materials simply c) Products: Students know how to use the knowledge they’ve learned d) Organization of implementation: Teacher's activities Students' activities Pre –reading T set the scene: In this lesson, you are - Students listen and take note going to read a poem in which there is a mother and her son They are having a picnic in a park The son sees the place is polluted He asks his mother about the problems of pollution Before reading, I want to introduce some new words in this poem T explains some new words 1, New words + (to) end up: đạt tới + second – hand (adj): cũ, dùng + junk-yard(n): bãi phế thải + treasure (n ): châu báu,bạc vàng + (to) litter: vứt bừa bãi + tin (n): thiếc, đồ hộp + foam(n): chất bọt + hedge (n): hàng rào = fence + nonsense(n): lời nói vơ nghĩa + silly (adj): ngu ngốc, khờ dại + folk (n) = people T guides Ss read the new words Ss read in chorus Activities 3: (16’) a) Objective: Help students use the knowledge they have learn to practice in the situation of the lesson b) Content: Teacher transfers the learning tasks to students Students listen, read the poem again and match the word in A to an appropriate explanation in B; experience in the situations and present in the class c) Products: Students know how to use the knowledge they’ve learned d) Organization of implementation: Teacher's activities Students' activities Cv 5512 ENGLISH 11 2020-2021 T plays the tape the poem (2 times) T asks Ss to read the poem again and match the word in A to an appropriate explanation in B T gets Ss to compare with their partners T calls some Ss to give their answer in the class T corrects and gives the answer key 2, Practice - Students listen - Ss to read the poem again and match the word in A to an appropriate explanation in B Ss to compare with their partners Ss to give their answer in the class Ss write down a Matching c g f e d a b Ss read the poem more carefully and T asks Ss to read the poem more answer the questions 1,2,3,4,5 (work carefully and answer the questions in pair) 1,2,3,4,5 (work in pair) Some pairs to read their answers aloud T calls some pairs to read their in front of class answers aloud in front of class Ss listen and take note T corrects and gives the answer key b Answer 1.If the pollution goes on, the world will end up like a second hand junk - yard 2.The mother thinks other folk pollute the environment but not her and her son 3.If the boy keeps on asking such questions, his mother will take him home right away No Because he is right: if he throws the bottles that will be polluting the woods The poet wants us to learn that everyone is responsible for keeping the environment from pollution Activities 4:(10’) a) Objective: Students use the knowledge to practice with the requirements of the lesson or the teacher's requirements b) Content: Teacher transfers the learning tasks to students Students work in groups of three to discuss the question as the teacher's requirements; experience in the situations then present in the class c) Products: Students show their ideas in the class d) Organization of implementation: Teacher's activities Students' activities Post –reading Cv 5512 ENGLISH 12 2020-2021 T asks Ss to work in groups to discuss the question T calls each groups to give their ideas in the class - Students work in groups to discuss the question - Each groups show their ideas in the class * Possible answers: - Put the garbage bins around the school yard - Pick up the rubbish/ garbage and throw it into the trash bins - Don’t throw the garbage on the ground - Clean the house/ the school yard/ the classroom everyday T corrects and remarks Ss listen * Guide students to learn by themselves (3') - Teacher guides and asks students how to learn the lesson at home, exercises and get ready for the next lesson - Students: learn the lesson, exercises and get ready for the next lesson ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Date of preparation: / /2021 Date of presentation: 9A: 9B: / /2021 / /2021 PERIOD 40: UNIT – THE ENVIRONMENT LESSON 4: WRITE I THE AIMS OF THE LESSON Knowledge - Students study of the form and learn how to write a complaint letter about the environment Ability: - Students are able to use the same text and sequence as in the original text to write a complaint letter about the environment - Students form and develop the competencies: the ability to autonomy and selfstudy, the ability to communicate and cooperate, to solve problems and to create Quality: - Students have a general understanding of the environment issues; has a serious and positive attitude toward subject and learning English energetically and actively participate in learning activities - Students' qualities are helped to develop such as: kindness, love for people, love, respect and protect the environment, have a sense of self-training, take responsibility for the environmental protection, their family and the country associated with the content of the lesson II TEACHING EQUIPMENT AND LEARNING MATERIALS Cv 5512 ENGLISH 13 2020-2021 - Teacher prepares the lesson plan, textbooks, teaching aids such as personal computers, projectors, speakers… - Students prepare textbooks, notebooks, studying tools,… ready for the lesson III TEACHING PROCESS Activity 1: Warm up: (6’) a) Objective: To create students' excitement to participate in the new the lesson b) Content: Teacher transfers the learning tasks to students Students work in individuals; answer and as the teacher's requirements Then, present in the class and join in the new lesson c) Products: Students have the excitement to join in the new lesson d) Organization of implementation: Teacher's activities Students' activities ? How many part of a letter? what are - Students answer they? There are part of a letter: + Heading + Opening + Body of the letter + Closing In today's lesson, we will know about complaint letter by practicing to write a complaint letter Activities 2: (10’) a) Objective: Help students identify, understand the situation and language materials of form of a complaint letter, new words b) Content: Teacher transfers the learning tasks to students Students work in individuals, in pairs or in groups to learn and use language materials; reorder the letter c) Products: Students know how to use the knowledge they’ve learned and show their answer in the class d) Organization of implementation: Teacher’s activities Students’s activities Pre – writing T asks Ss look at the box page 52 and Ss look at, liten and take note T introduces: this is five parts of a I Form of a complaint letter complaint letter Situation : state the reasons for writing Complication : mentions the problem Resolution : makes a suggestion Action : talks about future action Politeness : ends the letter politely T explains some new words in the Ss take note Cv 5512 ENGLISH 14 2020-2021 lesson II New words + complain (v ) -> complaint (n ) +(to) float (v): trôi +frog (n) : ếch +toad (n) : nhái +local authorities(n):c.quyền địa phư¬ng +(to) prohibit (v) : ngăn cấm +(to) fine (v) : phạt tiền + electric shock (n ) : cú điện giật Ss listen and order the letter III Sections of the letter 1.S: I am writing… to the north 2.C: When the trucks…and flies 3.R: I would suggest ….before leaving 4.A: I look forward to hearing….company 5.P: Your faithfully,… Tran Vu Nhat Ss give their answer in the class T introduces: Mr Nhat wrote a complain letter to the director of L&P Transport Company about some drivers of this company have left the garbage on the ground near his house on the way to the north But the letter isnot in order as the five sections you have learnt, so you must discuss with your groups to label them in order of a complain letter : SCRAP T calls some Ss to give their answer in the class T checks and corrects Ss take note Activities 3: (16’) a) Objective: Help students use the knowledge they have learn to practice writing a complaint letter b) Content: Teacher transfers the learning tasks to students Students work in work individual to write a letter to the head, of local authorities to complaint about the way of catching fish in the lake behind your house c) Products: Students know how to use the knowledge they’ve learned to write the letter d) Organization of implementation: Teacher’s activities Students’s activities While – writing IV Practice - Ask Ss to read the situation in the - Read the situation and the ideas cues text book and the ideas cues given given - Gets Ss to work individual write a Dear Mr President, letter to the head, of local authorities I am writing / you / the catching / fish/ to complaint about the way of many people/ the lake / behind/ house catching fish in the lake behind your I/ very worried / because /they/ use house follow SCRAP format while /electricity/ catch /fish After a short are writing time/ they/ leaves /lake/ a lot of/ small - T moves around the classroom and fish die / float/ water surface help Ss if necessary Other animals/ fogs/ toads/ even birds/ Cv 5512 ENGLISH 15 2020-2021 also die/ electric shock way I/ suggest /local authorities/ prohibit/ fine heavily anyone/ this way / catching fish./ I/ look /forward to hearing /from you/ seeing the protection /environment from / local authorities - Write a letter individual Activities 4:(10’) a) Objective: Impress on how to write a complait letter as the requirements of the lesson b) Content: Teacher transfers the learning tasks to students Students read aloud their letters Other Ss remarks and correct the mistakes c) Products: Students read aloud their letters and correct the mistakes d) Organization of implementation: Teacher’s activities Students’s activities Post – writing - Calls on some Ss to read aloud - Some Ss to read aloud their letters their letters Other Ss remarks and correct the - Ask for comments from other Ss mistakes if they can - Listen and remember - Corrects and remarks - Write down - Gives the suggested writing * Suggested writing: Dear Mr President, I am writing to you about the catching of fish of many people in the lake behind my house I am very worried because they use electricity to catch fish After a short time, they leaves the lake, a lot of small fish die and float on the water surface Other animals such as fogs, toads, and even birds have also die from electric shock waves I would suggest the local authorities should prohibit and fine heavily anyone using this way of catching fish I look forward to hearing from you and seeing the protection of environment from the local authorities Sincerely, * Guide students to learn by themselves (3') - Teacher guides and asks students how to learn the lesson at home, exercises and get ready for the next lesson Cv 5512 ENGLISH 16 2020-2021 - Students: + Rewrite their letter on the exercise notebooks + Do exercises: learn by heart vocabulary, + get ready for the next lesson: Language focus ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Date of preparation: / /2021 Date of presentation: 9A: 9B: / /2021 / /2021 PERIOD 41: UNIT 6: THE ENVIRONMENT LANGUAGE FOCUS I THE AIMS OF THE LESSON Knowledge - Students review and practice with: + Adjectives and adverbs + Adverb clauses of reason + Adj + that clause + Conditional sentence type Ability: - Students are able to use knowledge to complete the exercises, practice language skills in communicative situations - Students form and develop competencies: the ability to autonomy and selfstudy, the ability to communicate and cooperate, to solve problems and to create Quality: - Students have serious learning attitude; love learning English, energetically and actively participate in learning tasks - Students' qualities are helped to develop such as: kindness, love for people, love, respect and protect the environment, have a sense of self-training, take responsibility for the environmental protection, their family and the country associated with the content of the lesson II TEACHING EQUIPMENT AND LEARNING MATERIALS - Teacher prepares the lesson plan, textbooks, teaching aids such as personal computers, projectors, speakers… - Students prepare textbooks, notebooks, studying tools,… ready for the lesson III TEACHING PROCESS Activity 1: Warm up: (6’) a) Objective: To create students' excitement to take part in the new the lesson b) Content: Teacher transfers the learning tasks to students Students play game: “Jumbled words” in groups of reordering the letters to make the meaningful words and as the teacher's requirements Then, present in the class and join in the new lesson c) Products: Students have the excitement and be ready to participate in discovering the content of the new lesson d) Organization of implementation: Cv 5512 ENGLISH 17 2020-2021 Teacher’s activities Students’ activities - Guide students to play game: “Jumbled - Students play game: “Jumbled words” words” in groups of reordering wols  slow the letters to make the meaningful words asd  sad dogo  good pahapy  happy termexe  extreme - Check students' answers and decide the - Students show the answers winner Activities 2: (10’) a) Objective: Help students identify, understand the situation and language materials of changing adjectives into adverbs b) Content: Teacher transfers the learning tasks to students Students learn and use language materials c) Products: Students know how to change and use the adjectives into advers d) Organization of implementation: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities * Presentation and practice - Teacher guides and asks students to Change the adj /53 review about adv - Students listen and repeat in chorus - Students listen to the questions and answer + How are adverbs formed? + Adv = Adj + “ly” + What we use adv for? Adv used to supplied the meaning for the verb, normally standing after the main verb - Teacher asks students to exercise - Students exercise on page 53 on page 53 - Students show the answers on - Teacher calls students to show their board Compare and self- correct answers to check the answwers - Teacher asks students to exercise - Students exercise page 54 page 54 - Teacher asks students to compare and - Students compare and cross-check cross-check the answers the answers with a partner - Teacher calls a student to show the - Student show the answer and answer correct themselves Activities 3: (16’) a) Objective: Help students use the knowledge they have learn to practice in the situation of the lesson b) Content: Teacher transfers the learning tasks to students Students join the pairs of sentences; work in groups to practice using the the adverb clauses of Cv 5512 ENGLISH 18 2020-2021 reason and adjective + that clause to complete the exercises; experience in the situations c) Products: Students present the answers in class d) Organization of implementation: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities * Presentation and Practice - Teacher asks students to recall the * Adverb clauses of reason adverb clauses of reason - Students join the pairs of sentences on page 54 - Teacher shows adverb clauses of - Students answer: the reason reason He failed the exam He is too lazy - Teacher asks students to explain the relation between the sentences - Teacher explains: adverb clauses of - Students listen and write down on reason indicate the reason the notebook - Teacher asks students to exercise 2/54 “Matching the pairs of sentences using "because” (because = as = since) * Adj + that clause - Teacher asks students to recall the - Students listen and write down on adjective + that clause the notebook S + be + adj + that + clause eg: I’m pleased that you’re working hard - Teacher asks students to work in groups - Students work in groups to to practice using the the adverb clauses practice using the the adverb of reason to complete the exercise 2, clauses of reason and adjective + page 54 and 3, page 55 that clause to complete the exercises - Teacher calls students to present in and class - Students present the answers in class - Teacher comments and correct if it's - Students correct the answers necessay themselves if it's necessay Activities 4:(10’) a) Objective: Students use the knowledge to practice with the requirements of the lesson or the teacher's requirements b) Content: Teacher transfers the learning tasks to students Students work in individuals then in pairs to practice using the structure of the conditional sentence, type by completing the exercises; experience in the situations then present in the class c) Products: Students know how to use the conditional sentence, type to complete the exercises and show their answers d) Organization of implementation: Cv 5512 ENGLISH 19 2020-2021 Teacher’s activities * Presentation and practice - Teacher explains the tructure of the conditional sentence, type - Teacher gives example: Students’ activities * The conditional sentence, type If S + V(present simple)…, S + V(future simple) eg: If the rice paddies are polluted, the rice plants will die - Students complete the exercises 4,5, page 56 - Teacher asks students to practice using the structure of the conditional sentence, type by completing the exercises 4,5, page 56 - Teacher asks students to show the - Students show the answers to answers to check and correct if it's check and correct if it's necessay necessay * Guide students to learn by themselves (3') - Teacher guides and asks students how to learn the lesson at home, exercises and get ready for the next lesson - Students: + learn the lesson and exercises: 2, 3, ,5/p 54, p 55, p 56 + get ready for the next lesson ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ... ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Date of preparation: / /2021 Date of presentation: 9A: 9B: PERIOD 39: UNIT – THE ENVIRONMENT / /2021 / /2021 Cv 5512 ENGLISH 2020-2021 LESSON 3: READ I THE AIMS... Organization of implementation: Cv 5512 ENGLISH 2020-2021 Teacher's activities Students' activities Let students play a game - Students match the English words with “Matching” their... page 49 the following things to protect the Each Ss give their sentences in the environment class T gets each Ss to call out one of their Ss listen and remember sentences are finished *Ex a P 49 T

Ngày đăng: 27/08/2021, 11:00
