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Tài liệu Oxford Collocations Dictionary for students of English_ Chương 2.19 doc

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Qq qualification noun 1skill/knowledge needed for ajob, etc. • ADJ. formal, paper, recognized I basic, minimum I entry I further I appropriate, necessary I special, spe- cialist I management, professional, vocational I aca- demic, educational, postgraduate I technical I legal, medical, secretarial, teaching, etc. • VERB + QUALIFICATION acquire, gain, obtain I have, hold Only two of the applicants had the necessary qualifications. • QUALIFICATION + NOUN course, programme a qua- lification programme in business management I period Thejob usually has a three-year qualification period. • PREP. -for the minimum entry qualificationfor admis- sion - in He held noformal qualification in law. 2weakening of a statement • ADJ. important • VERB + QUALIFICATION add I need, require The ierm 'population' as used here requires qualification. • PREP. with -s I agree with his view, with afeui qualifica- tions. without - The committee supported her proposal, without qualification. qualified adj. 1having completed a course of study • VERBS be I become, get • ADV. highly, well The teaching staff are all highly qualified. I fully, properly a fully qualified electrician I newly, recently newly qualified doctors I appropriately, duly, suitably Applications are invited from suitably qualified individuals. I sufficiently I legally, medically, professionally She is a professionally qualified social worker. • PREP. as She is now qualified as a teacher. 2 having the skill needed to do sth • VERBS be, feel Elainedid notfeel qualified to comment. • ADV. eminently, ideally, well My father was well quali- fied to act thepart of a head teacher. 3limited in some way • VERBS be • ADV. heavily The proposals received heavily qualified approval. qualify verb 1have/give sb the right to sth • ADV. automatically • PREP. for You will automatically qualify for apension. • PHRASES qualify on the grounds of sth people who qualify for the grant on the grounds of disability 2for a sports competition • ADV. easily I duly South Korea duly qualified for the finals when they beat Italy 6-1. • VERB + QUALIFY fail to • PREP. for England failed to qualify for thefinal. 3fit a description • ADV. hardly • PREP. as A three-week course hardly qualifies as suffi- cient training. quality noun 1how good/bad sth is • ADJ. excellent, good, high, outstanding, superior, top All our cakes are made with top quality ingredients. I inferior, low, poor I variable I product, service I re- cording, sound I air, water I artistic, technical • VERB + QUALITY maintain I enhance, improve, raise I affect, impair, reduce I assess, determine, evaluate, monitor, test • QUALITY + VERB improve I suffer When costs are cut product quality suffers. • QUALITY + NOUN control I assurance I standards • PREP. of . - Thephotos are of variable quality. • PHRASES quality of life Advances in technology would, it was hoped, improve the quality of life. 2 characteristic • ADJ. admirable, desirable, fine, good, great, positive, valuable I negative I redeeming Ifound him thorough- ly unpleasant, with no redeeming qualities whatsoever. I individual. personal I inborn, inherent, innate, intrinsic I distinctive, particular, special, unique I elusive, rare a singer with that elusive quality that sells records I essen- tial, important I aesthetic, artistic, literary I moral I mental, psychological I feminine, masculine I leader- ship, managerial I aphrodisiac, medicinal • VERB + QUALITY have I display, show quantity noun • ADJ. appreciable, considerable, enormous, fair, great, huge, large, massive, prodigious, sheer, sub- stantial, vast I minute, modest, small I maximum, min- imum I increasing I average I sufficient Gas was de- tected in sufficient quantity to warrant careful monitoring. • PREP. in - There is a discount for goods bought in quan- tity. I - of A quantity of jewellery was taken during the burglary. quarantine noun • ADJ. strict • VERB + QUARANTINE keep sb/sth in, put sb/sth in • QUARANTINE + NOUN period I regulations • PREP. in - The animals are still in quarantine at the port. quarrel noun • ADJ. bitter, fierce, serious, violent I family, internal, lovers', private I long-standing, old • VERB + QUARREL have I pick I don't want to pick a quarrel with her. I be/become/get involved in I make up, patch up, settle • QUARREL + VERB break out, ensue • PREP. - about a quarrel about money - between a quarrel between family members - over a quarrel over the ownership of a piece of land -wlth Our quarrel is not with thepeople, but with their leader. • PHRASES have no quarrel with sb/sth We have no quarrel with their plans, tnfact we support them. quarrel verb • ADV. bitterly, fiercely, violently • PREP. about, over What did you two quarrel about? with He wished he hadn't quarrelled with Tania. quarter noun 1one of four equal parts into which sth is divided • VERB + QUARTER break/cut/divide/fold sth into-s • PREP. -ofa quarter of a century/mile/million 0 a quar- ter of an hour 0 a quarter of all potential customers Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. queen 2 period of three months • ADJ. first, second, third, fourth/lastProfitsfell during the third quarter. I current, previous • PREP. during the- 3 part of a town • ADJ. old I Arab, Chinese, Latin, etc. I diplomatic, historic, industrial, residential 4 quarters place to live in • ADJ. comfortable, spacious I confined, cramped, modest I private the president's private quarters I liv- ing, sleeping I officers', servants', soldiers' I married The corporal and hisfamily lived in married quarters. • VERB + QUARTERS be confined to He was confined to quarters as a punishment. queen noun 1female ruler/wife of a king • ADJ. rightful I crowned I future • VERB + QUEEN become I crown (sb), make sb, pro- claim sb She was crowned queen at the age of fifteen. I de- pose, put aside • QUEEN + VERB reign, rule, rule (over) sb/sth I abdi- cate the queen's decision to abdicate • PREP. under a/the- England under Queen Elizabeth I I - of the Queen of France • PHRASES queen consort(= the wife ofa king) 2 playing card q Note at CARD query noun • VERB + QUERY have If you have any queries regard- ing this offer, simply call our helpline. I raise I send in, write in with I put rve a query to put to the last speaker. I answer, deal with, reply to, respond to • PREP. - about/as to/concerning/on/regarding/relat- ing to Have you any queries about what you're supposed to do? 0 We regret that we cannot deal with queries on indi- vidual cases. - from We had queries from people all over the country. quest noun • ADJ. continuing, endless, eternal, relentless I reli- gious, spiritual • VERB + QUEST begin, embark on, go on, set off on I continue, pursue The team will continue its quest for Olympic gold this afternoon. I abandon • QUEST + VERB end It is possible that his quest will end in Geneua. • PREP. in a/the - an important stage in their quest for truth in - of We set off in quest of the perfect wedding dress. I -for her quest for a better life question noun 1sentence, etc. that asks sth • ADJ. pointed, probing, searching He became embar- rassed when a journalist asked him pointed questions about his finances. I awkward, difficult, embarrassing, tricky I personal I academic, hypothetical, rhetorical I leading, loaded Thejudge told him not to ask the witness leading questions. I good, pertinent, relevant I simple I daft, inane, silly, stupid I direct, straightIwantedtofind out how old he was without asking him a direct question. I exam, multiple choice, quiz, test • VERB + QUESTION ask (sb) I have Have any of the audience got questions for our speaker? I address, put I'd like to put a question to the first speaker. I bombard sb with, fire The children bombarded us with questions. 0 The interview panelfired questions at mefrom all angles. I frame, phrase I need to phrase my question rather careful- ly. I face I answer, reply to, respond to I do (used only about written questions) I couldn't do Question 6. I field 612 The chairperson fielded technical questions that she could not answer herself. I evade, parry He skilfully parried all the interviewer's most probing questions. • PREP. - about She refused to answer questions about her private life. - as to Don't be afraid to ask questions as to why things are done in the way they are. - concern- ing/regarding/relating to The former minister faced ques- tions concerning his role in the affair. 2 issue • ADJ. burning, challenging, controversial, difficult, unanswerable, vexed We come now to the vexed question of pension rights. I crucial, fundamental, important, key I delicate, sensitive I economic, ethical, political, etc. • VERB + QUESTION bring up, pose, raise The new play poses some challenging questions. I consider, dis- cuss, examine I address, deal with, face, tackle I an- swer, decide, find a solution to I come to • QUESTION + VERB arise I remain unanswered Only one question remains unanswered. • PREP. - about fundamental questions about the nature of our society -for one of the crucial questions for the jury - of questions of national security 0 Now it's just a ques- tion of getting the wording of the statement right. 3doubt • VERB + QUESTION come into I call into It does call into question the decision to send troops into the area. I be open to The government's handling of the whole affair re- mains open to question. • PREP. beyond - Her loyalty is beyond question. in - His sincerity is not in question. without- It was, without ques- tion, the worst day of my life. I - about There is no ques- tion about her enthusiasm for the job. - as to I did have some questions as to his motive in coming. question verb • ADV. closely, further • PREP. about She was closely questioned about her whereabouts on the night of the murder. in connection with A man is being questioned in connection with the rob- bery. on He was questioned on his role in the affair. questionable adj. • VERBS be I become I remain • ADV highly, very Their motives for undertaking this study are highly questionable. I rather, somewhat questioning noun • ADJ. careful, close I direct She decided to confront her boss about the situation with direct questioning. I inten- sive I hostile, tough I gentle I fundamental • VERB + QUESTIONING face I be wanted for I be de- tained for, be held for Four suspects have been detained for questioning in connection with the incident. • PREP. on - On closer questioning, I discovered that his whole story had been a lie. under- The suspect remained silent under questioning. I - about/on/over The prime minister faced tough questioning about his plans. - by The man was released after questioning by detectives. - from The group chairman faced hostile questioning from. angry shareholders. question mark noun • ADJ. big, huge, serious • VERB + QUESTION MARK put His arrival clearly puts a huge question mark against the future of the present team captain. • QUESTION MARK + VERB hang over sth, remain A big question mark hangs over the wisdom of the move. • PREP. - against A slight question mark against her character remains. - over There is now a serious question mark over his leadership ability. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. questionnaire noun • ADJ. short, simple I detailed, lengthy I postal • VERB + QUESTIONNAIRE design, draw up, prepare I circulate, distribute, send (out) I receive I complete, fill in/out I reply to, respond to, return, send in Most of the staff who responded to the questionnaire were support- ive. I analyse The college is now analysing thousands of questionnaires. • PREP. - about Local companies were asked to complete a questionnaire about their exports. - concerning ques- tionnaires concerning people's leisure preferences - on a questionnaire on the environment queue noun • ADJ. endless, long I growing, lengthening I orderly Please form an orderly queue. I bus, checkout, cinema, etc. I bread, dinner, food the country's soaring prices and growing food queues I traffic I dole More un- employed people arejoining the dole queue each week. • VERB + QUEUE form, line up in I join, stand in, wait in He had to join the queue for the toilets. I jump Don't jump the queue-take your turn like everyone else! • QUEUE + VERB form I build up, grow Long queues are building up on most of Britain's motorways. I move The queue's not moving at all. I stretch The queue stretched for more than a mile. • PREP. in a/the-thepeople in the queue I -for the queue for tickets - of a long queue of shoppers • PHRASES the back/end of the queue, the front/head of the queue queue verb • ADV. patiently I up People queued up outside. • VERB + QUEUE have to • PREP. for Wehad toqueuefor tickets. quick adj. • VERBS be, seem We'd better bequick. I become. get • ADV. extremely, particularly, really, veryareallyquick worker I fairly, pretty, quite, reasonably, relatively I amazingly, remarkably, surprisingly I mercifully It was a mercifully quick endfor those condemned to die. • PREP. at! was getting quite quick at putting upfences. • PHRASES quick and easy meals that are quick and easy toprepare quiet noun • ADJ. comparative. relative a period of comparative quiet I sudden • VERB + QUIET call for A man's voice was calling for quiet. I shatter A machine gun shattered the quiet. • QUIET + VERB follow in the sudden quiet that follotoed the gunshot • PHRASES peace and quiet I'm going home for a bit of peace and quiet! a place/time of quiet She made sure she had times of quiet in which to write. quiet adj. 1with little or no noise; not talking • VERBS be I become, fall, go. grow I lie, keep, re- main, sit, stay Just sit quiet for a moment, there's a good boy. I keep sb/sth Keep that dog quiet, will you! • ADV all, extraordinarily, extremely, really, remark- ably, unusually, very Suddenly the room went all quiet. I absolutely, completely, perfectly I fairly, pretty, rather I enough I blissfully I deathly, eerily The house was eerily quiet. I dangerously, ominously His voice was dangerously quiet as he asked the question. I oddly, strangely. unnaturally She went back to a strangely quiet house. I uncharacteristically 613 quotation • PREP. about! knew I had to keep quiet about it. • PHRASES nice (and) quiet I was looking forward to a nice quiet afternoon. 2without much activity • VERBS be, look, seem I become I lie, remain, sit Lie quietfor an hour and you'll feel better. I keep sb/sth Keep thepatient as quiet as possible. • ADV. extremely, very I comparatively, fairly, pretty, quite, rather, reasonably, relatively I enough Things seemed quiet enough, but it was an uneasy calm. quirk noun • ADJ. curious. odd, peculiar, strange I little • VERB + QUIRK have The system has some odd little quirks. • PREP. by a- of By a strange quirk offate, she later mar- ried thefirst boyfriend she'd ever had. I - in as a result of some quirk in the social order • PHRASES a quirk of fate quit verb • VERB + QUIT try to I'm still trying to quit smoking. I decide to I threaten to I be forced to, have to • PREP. as He was forced to quit as the team's manager. over Their longest-seroing employee is threatening to quit overpay. • PHRASES give/issue notice to quit Landlords are nor- mally required togive 28 days' written notice to quit. quiz noun • ADJ. film, general knowledge, sports, etc. • VERB + QUIZ compile I hold, organize I enter, take part in I win • QUIZ + NOUN competition, game, programme, show I evening, night The pub has a quiz night every Wednes· day. I question • PREP. -about a quiz aboutthe week's news quota noun • ADJ. full He never takes hisfull quota of holidays. I an- nual, daily, monthly, weekly I national I fishing, milk, etc. the introduction of EU milk quotas I export, import, production • VERB + QUOTA agree, determine, establish, set I al- locate, impose, introduce I increase I reduce I achieve, fill, fulfil, reach Wehad to increase our output to fill the quota by the end of the year. I exceed Many coun- tries are still exceeding their quotas. • QUOTA + NOUN system • PREP. - for quotas for oil production - on national quotas on imports of cars quotation noun 1words taken from a book, etc. • ADJ. famous, memorable I direct, verbatim a direct quotation from a recent speech by the prime minister I il- lustrative I biblical • VERB + QUOTATION take My quotation is taken from 'Hamlet'. • QUOTATION + VERB come from sth Where does that quotation comefrom? • QUOTATION + NOUN dictionary • PREP. -from It's a quotationfrom apoem by Keats. 2 price that will be charged for a piece of work • ADJ. written I free I detailed • VERB + QOOTATION give (sb), provide (sb with), supply (sb with) Most builders will give you afree quota- tion. I get, obtain I accept • PREP. -for Alwaysget several quotationsfor thejob. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. quote quote noun 1words taken from a book, etc. • ADJ. famous, memorable, quotable I direct, verba- tim a direct quotefrom. this morning's paper • VERB + QUOTE take quotes taken from various life- style magazines • QUOTE + VERB come from sth The quote of the week comesfram Mae West. • PREP. -from a quotefromAlbertEinstein 2 price that will be charged for a piece of work • ADJ. written I free • VERB + QUOTE give (sb) I get, obtain Always get a written quote beforeproceeding with work. I accept • PREP. -fora quotefor the hire of the equipment 614 quote verb 1repeat exactly what sb has said/written • ADV. at length, extensively She quotes extensively from the author's diaries. I in full Thepassage is quoted infull. I accurately, exactly I directly I approvingly, with ap- proval I above, below, earlier, here, previously The new text of Article 92, quoted above, gives member states more discretion on this issue. • PREP. as She is wrongly quoted as saying 'Play it again, Sam.' from quoting from Shakespeare/'Hamlet' 2 give sth as an example • ADV. frequently, often • PREP. as an example that is often quoted as evidence of mismanagement on Don't quote me on this but I think the figure is in excess of £2 billion. • PHRASES widely quoted the most widely quoted and influential study in thisfield Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. . the nature of our society -for one of the crucial questions for the jury - of questions of national security 0 Now it's just a ques- tion of getting. an important stage in their quest for truth in - of We set off in quest of the perfect wedding dress. I -for her quest for a better life question noun 1sentence,

Ngày đăng: 21/12/2013, 04:16

