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Tài liệu Oxford Collocations Dictionary for students of English_ Chương 2.2 docx

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Bb baby noun • ADJ new, newborn, tiny I low birthweight, small, tiny Smoking in pregnancy increases the risk of producing a low birthweight baby I big I full-term I pre-term, premature I stillborn I unborn I little, young I three-dayold, six-week-old, ten-month-old, etc I beautiful, bonny, lovely I bouncing (informal), healthy, normal A bonny, bouncing baby, Freddie was her heart's desire and joy I contented, good, perfect I colicky, crying, screaming I sleeping I growing He took an interest in the growing baby even before it was born I bottle-fed, breast-fed I illegitimate I test-tube I abandoned, un-' wanted I war(=bornduringthewar) • VERB + BABY have I wantto have a baby I conceive, make babies (informah Darling, I just want to stay with you and make babies! I carry, expect She's not sure yet how many babies she's carrying She's expecting a baby in July I give birth to, produce I deliver The baby was delivered by a midwife I lose She lost her baby (= had a miscarriage) three months into her pregnancy I care for, look after I feed I bottle-feed I breastfeed, nurse I burp The baby needed burping after every bottle I wean You can start weaning your baby when it's four months old I change You should change your baby about six times a day I bath I comfort, cradle, cuddle, hold, pick up, rock, take She rocked the baby to sleep in her arms o Could you take the baby? I need to bring in the washing I swaddle I play with I adopt They would like to adopt a newborn baby I have adopted, put up for adoption She decided to put her baby up for adoption I abandon I sleep like He was so tired after all his exertions, he slept like a baby • BABY + VERB be due The baby is due in October I arrive, be born Their first baby arrived exactly nine months after the wedding I bawl, cry, scream I babble, coo The baby cooed happily on the rug I be sick, dribble, drool Babies drool a lot when they are teething I be teething I crawl, sit up, take his/her first steps, toddle, walk I kick, move I could feel the baby moving inside me I sleep • BABY + NOUN boy, girl I brother, daughter, sister, son I bird, rabbit, etc I clothes I food I buggy, carrier I alarm, monitor I bath I talk I didn't use baby talk with my children, but used proper words right from the start I unit the hospital's special care baby unit I boom (= a period when many more babies are born than usual) back verb move backwards • ADV hastily, hurriedly She backed away hurriedly I away, in, off, up If you can't drive inforuiards, try backing it in o Back off! There's no need to yell at me Can you back your car up so that I can get through? • VERB + BACK try to He tried to back away • PREP across She backed across the room away from The children backed away from him in fear into She backed into the garage out of He backed out of the drive support sb/sth • ADV firmly, strongly Teachers are strongly backing the new educational policies I fully I overwhelmingly I unanimously I openly, publicly I financially his elec- tion bid was financially backed by a soft drinks company I upfll backyou up if they don't believeyou bachelor noun • ADJ confirmed He was 38, and a confirmed bachelor eligible one of the country's most eligible bachelors • BACHELOR + NOUN days, life I flat, pad I status hands behind his back o (figurative) People say bad things about him behind his back, but never to his face flat on your- I wasjlat on my back for six weeks when I broke my leg on your - He was carrying a small child on his back She was lying on her back on the sofa in the/yourI'ue got a nagging pain in my lower back I - to He was standing with his back to thefire • PHRASES sb's back is turned (figurative) The boss was certain that the staff would stop working as soon as his back was turned back to back The children sat back to back so they couldn't see each others' drawings a pat/slap on the back He smiled and gave me a hearty slap on the back (figurative) She deserves apat on the back for her efforts the small of your back She felt a sharp pain in the small (= the lowest part of) her back turn your back (on sb/sth) Actors should never turn their backs on the audience (figurative) She decided to turn her back on Paris and return to her home town part furthest from the front • PREP around/round the - If you'd like to come round the back (= to the area behind the house), I'll show you the garden at the - We could only get seats at the back down the- My money's allfalleri down the back of the cushion in the- Tuio passengers sat in the back of the car to the- The man was refusing to go to the back of the queue towards the - The arts page is usually towards the back of the newspaper • PHRASES back to front I had my pullover on back to front (= with the back where the front should be) I back noun part of the body • ADJ broad I lean, slender I muscled, muscular, powerfUl, strong I bent I erect, straight I lower, upper I bad, stiff He's off work with a bad back • VERB + BACK bend, stiffen, straighten I stretch He yawned and stretched his back as he got out of bed I break, hurt, injure I arch The cat arched its back and hissed at the dog I support I knead, massage I scratch • BACK + VERB arch I stiffen His back stiffened as he saw the photographers waiting I ache • BACK + NOUN injury, pain, trouble I muscles I support a seat with good back support • PREP behind your- They blindfolded him and tied his PHRASAL VERB back down • VERB + BACK DOWN refuse to I be forced to, be obliged to • PREP from The government was forced to back down from implementing these proposals on She refused to back down on a point of principle over The committee finally backed down over the issue of spending cuts backdrop noun • ADJ dramatic, magnificent, perfect, picturesque, romantic I economic, historical, political • VERB + BACKDROP have I provide • PREP against a/the - of The conference begins this week against a backdrop of unmitigated gloom I - for The Alps provided the perfect backdrop for a romantic holiday - of The large bay has a superb backdrop of Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark bad-tempered 51 mountains - to War is more than just a dramatic backdrop to the novel backfire verb • ADV badly, disastrously • PREP on The surprise I had planned backfired on me background noun type of family/social class sb comes from • ADJ broad, narrow It is important to have a broad educational background I mixed I privileged, wealthy I deprived, disadvantaged, poor I middle class, upper class, working class I academic, class, cultural, educational, ethnic, family, military, professional, religious, social, socio-economic • VERB + BACKGROUND come from, have He came from a very privileged background I be drawn from The students are draumfrom very mixed social backgrounds • BACKGROUND + VERB be in sth Her background was in biology and medicine • PREP from a - children from deprived backgrounds with a - an economist with a background in business I - in • PHRASES a range/variety of backgrounds facts connected with a situation/event • ADJ general I factual I cultural, economic, historical, political, technical • VERB + BACKGROUND describe, give (sb), outline, provide (sb with) The book provides the background to the revolution I form Those discussions formed the back- ground to the decision • BACKGROUND+ NOUN information, knowledge, reading background information on the country • PREP against the - Against that general background I shall give you a more detailed view of current medical practice I -to the technical background to the report part of a view/picture behind the main parts • PREP against a/the - The areas of water stood out against the dark background in the - The mountains in the background were capped with snow on althe - bright blue on a red background position in which sb/sth is not important/noticed • VERB + BACKGROUND blend into, fade into, melt/merge into, recede/retreat into, slip into The dis- pute over the new contract allowed her other problems to fade into the background He had learnt how to melt invisibly into the background I keep/remain/stay in He prefers to remain in the background and let his assistant deal with the press I hover in I could see my secretary hovering in the background • BACKGROUND + NOUN music, noise, radiation • PREP in the - There was a radio on in the background backing noun • ADJ strong I full, unanimous, whole-hearted The teachers have thefull backing of the school governors I financial, legal I government, official, popular • VERB + BACKING have I gain, get, receive, secure, win They have won financial backing from the EU I need, seek I give sb, provide (sb with) Who's going to provide the backing? • BACKING + VERB come from sb/sth The backing will comefrom the government • PREP with/without the- They brought the legal action with the backing of their MP J - for They want backing for more research -frorn backing from management backlash noun • ADJ conservative a conservative backlash against the feminism of the 80s I political I public • VERB + BACKLASH cause, produce, provoke Such a decision may provoke a backlash from their supporters I expect, fear I face • PREP - against a backlash against any future reforms -from They face a backlash front shareholders backlog noun • ADJ big, considerable, enormous, huge, large • VERB + BACKLOG be faced with, have We are faced with a backlog of orders we can't deal with I catch up on, clear, deal with, reduce • BACKLOG + VERB accumulate, build up A huge back- log of work had built up backpack noun q SeeRUCKSACK backstroke noun qNoteatsTROKE backward adj • VERBS be, seem • ADY very I rather, somewhat a rather child I economically, educationally backward bacon noun • ADJ lean I streaky I back I crisp/crispy Fry the bacon until crisp I smoked, unsmoked • QUANT bit, piece, rasher, slice II have two rashers of bacon and a fried egg I side A whole side of bacon was r hanglng from a hook on the ceiling • VERB + BACON eat, have I cook, fry, grill I cure • BACON + NOUN fat, rind I butty, sandwich q Special page at FOOD bacteria noun • ADJ harmful I beneficial • VERB + BACTERIA attack, destroy, fight, kill Neither chilling nor freezing kills all bacteria • PHRASES a strain of bacteria bad adj not good; serious • VERBS be, look, sound I become, get The weather got very bad later in the day • ADY extremely, really, very I enough Things are bad enough without our own guns shelling us I fairly, pretty, quite, rather John's in a pretty bad mood this morning • PREP at He's really bad at maths for Smoking is very btulfor you, not safe to eat • VERBS be, look, smell, taste The sausages tasted bad I go, turn This meat has gone bad guiity/sorry • VERBS feel • ADV really, very I enough I feel bad enough without you constantly telling me how it was all my fault! I fairly, pretty, quite, rather • PREP about Shefelt pretty bad about leaving him badge noun • • • • ADJ blazer, cap, lapel I club I name I button VERB + BADGE wear BADGE + NOUN holder PHRASES a badge of office His badge of office, a large gold key, round his neck bad-tempered adj • VERBS be, look, seem, sound I become, grow make sb It is his illness that makes him bad-tempered I Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark baffled 52 • ADV extremely, very I increasingly, more and more He grew more and more bad-tempered as the afternoon wore on I rather baffled adj • VERBS be, feel, look, sound I remain • ADV completely, totally, utterly I rather I clearly I frankly • PREP about Officials say they're baffled about the cause of the gas explosion as to The referee remains baffled as to why his decision caused so much anger by The doctors are completely baffled by her illness bag noun • ADJ strong I heavy I canvas, leather, paper, plastic, polythene, string I carrier, shopping I bin, dustbin, rubbish I clutch, shoulder Her crocodile skin clutch bag matched her shoes I drawstring, duffel I evening I overnight, weekend, travel/travelling I sponge, toilet, wash I changing a baby changing bag I school I beach, camera, golf, sports I kit (also kitbag) I medical I crisp I sandwich I body The dead soldiers were put on the plane in body bags I sick (= a paper bag for a person to be sick into on a plane, boat, etc.) I doggie (= for taking uneaten food home from a restaurant) I goody {> a bag given as a gift with a variety of things in) We'regiving away afreegoody bag with every children's meal I sleeping I pannier, saddle (also saddlebag) I money (figura- tive) He could not convince those who held the money bags that his idea was viable I diplomatic (= an official government container that may not be opened by customs officials) I mail (also mailbag), post (also postbag) • VERB + BAG open, unfasten, unzip I close, zip up I pack I empty, unpack I seal sth in The mushrooms are sealed in a bag for freshness I cram/push sth in/into, put sth in/into, shove sth in/into, slip sth in/into, stuff/thrust sth in/into The camera caught him slipping a CD into his bag I draw sth out of, produce sth from, pull/take sth from/out of I delve in/into, dive into, ferret (around) in, fumble in, reach into, rummage in, scrabble in I rummaged in my bag for a pen I Clutch, hold I carry, drag, haul, lug There was no lift so I had to lug my bags up the stairs I heave, lift I shoulder He shouldered his bag and left I drop, dump, put down I deposit, drop off, leave Wedropped our bags off at the hotel and went straight out I grab, snatch She grabbed her bag and ran out of the door Two youths snatched her bag as she was walking home I swing He was walking along swinging his school bag I look in, search I gather They were gathering their bags, preparing to leave • BAG + VERB bulge (with sth) The bag bulged with papers and letters I contain sth, hold sth I be crammed with sth, be (stuffed) full of sth • PREP in a/the -, inside a/the- I -ofabagofgroceries • PHRASES the contents of a bag The customs officer asked him to empty out the contents of his bag sling your bag over your shoulder She stepped down off the bus with her bag slung over her shoulder baggage noun bail noun • ADJ conditional, unconditional I police • VERB + BAIL apply for I allow sb, give sb, grant (sb) She has been granted conditional bail I set The judge set bail at £50000 I get She couldn't get bail and now she's lost those 20 months she spent on remand I oppose The police were successful in opposing bail I refuse (sb) I post, put up, stand A wealthy businessman has stood bail for him I free sb on, release sb on, remand sb on They were released on police bail pending further enquiries I jump, skip (= not return for your trial after bail has been granted) • BAIL + NOUN application I conditions I hostel He was sent to a bail hostel until the case came to court • PREP (out) on - He committed another robbery while out on bail without - The accused were held without bail • PHRASES an application for bail bailiff noun • ADJ court I private • VERB + BAILIFF send in Their landlord has threat- ened to send in the bailiffs if they don't pay their rent • BAILIFF + VERB seize sth The bailiffs seized the car and house bait noun • ADJ fresh, live He used maggots as live bait • VERB + BAIT put out, set out We'll put out the bait and see what happens I use sth as I nibble (at), rise to, take (all often figurative) Wehope that potential investors will take the bait bake verb baked The house was filled with the scent offreshly baked bread • PHRASES freshly/newly balance noun even combination/distribution • ADJ correct, equal, even, exact, ideal, necessary, optimum, perfect, proper, right With children, it is import- ant to achieve the right balance between love and discipline I comfortable, equitable, excellent, good, happy, harmonious, healthy a healthy balance of foods I acceptable, adequate, appropriate, fair, reasonable, sensible How you find an acceptable balance between closeness and distance in a relationship? I careful, delicate, fine, subtle Being a good boss requires a fine balance between kindness and authority I fragile, precarious, uneasy I overall It is the overall balance of the diet that is important I ecological, natural Pulling up all the plants will disturb the natural balance of the pond I hormonal, nutritional I ethnic, gender, social There is an even gender balance amongst staff and students (= equal numbers of men and women) • VERB + BALANCE require I seek I achieve, create, find, strike We need to strike a balance between these conflicting interests I keep, maintain, sustain You have to maintain a balance in your life or else you'll go crazy I disturb, upset Tourists often disturb the delicate balance of nature on the island I redress, restore I affect I • ADJ carry-on, hand I excess At the airport I found that I had 100kg of excess baggage I emotional, spiritual (figurative) She's still carrying all that emotional baggage from her first marriage alter, change, shift • BALANCE + VERB change, shift • PREP on - (= after considering all the information) On balance, the company has had a successful year in - It is • QUANT item, piece • VERB + BAGGAGE carry I go through, search I check in Where we check in our baggage? I claim, reclaim Let's claim our baggage first • BAGGAGE + NOUN allowance I trolley I handler I claim, reclaim the baggage reclaim hall I train Extensive baggage trains follouied the troops important to keep the different aspects of your life in balance I - between the balance between academic and practical work - of the balance of animals and plants in the environment • PHRASES the balance of nature division of power/influence • ADJ changing, shifting I military, political Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark balloon 53 • VERB + BALANCE holdtoholdthebalanceofpower(= to be in a position where your support would be just enough to give overall power to one group or another) , affect I change, shift I swing, tilt, tip (= to influence a result/decision) In an interview, smart presentation can tip the balance in your favour change, shift • PHRASES the balance of advantage The balance of advantage has shifted front the unions to employers the balance of forces/power the changing balance of power between the working and middle class checks and balances + VERB • BALANCE Democracy depends on a system of checks and balances of the body excellent, good I poor + BALANCE have Gymnasts ance I affect Tightness in one set of your whole balance I keep I struggled on my new skates I lose She lost her recover, regain I knock sb off, throw • ADJ • VERB have excellent balmuscles will affect to keep my balance balance and fell I sb off The sudden movement threw him off balance off- • PREP a sense of balance Cats have a very good • PHRASES sense of balance money account, bank I cash, money I credit, favourable, healthy, positive I debit, negative I cleared, net • ADJ Interest is calculated on the daily cleared balance and paid direct to your account , opening' final, outstanding , trade + BALANCE have Everyone likes to have a healthy bank balance , ask for, request He asked the cashier for the balance of his current account I check r II need to check my bank balance before I spend so much money I show I achieve I be due The final balance is due six weeks before departure I pay r II pay the balance later I use The balance of the proceeds will be used for new equipment I bring forward, carry forward the balance brought foruxirdfrom the preuious year • BALANCE + NOUN sheet the company's balance sheet • PHRASES the balance of payments (= the difference between the amount of money coming into and going out of a country), the balance of trade (= the difference in value between imports and exports) • VERB balance verb keep steady • ADV • PREP carefully, precariously on He balanced the glasses carefully on the tray compare two things; give them equal value • VERB + BALANCE have to, need to I seek to, try to The plan seeks to balance two important objectives I manage to against We have to balance the risks of the new strategy against the possibie benefits with She tries to bal• PREP completely, quite, totally' almost, nearly maturely young men who go prematurely bald • ADV balding • VERBS • ADV I pre- adj be He's in his twenties but already balding already, prematurely ball noun round object in games billiard, cricket, golf, rugby, tennis, etc , beach match, practice • VERB + BALL play with I bat, blast, bounce, bowl, chip, dribble, head, hit, kick, roll, strike, throw The kids love to kick a ball against my wall I clear, cross, pass I catch, stop He caught the ball I control, trap I chase She chased the ball all over the pitch I retrieve, run down I return The fielders try to retrieve the ball quickly and return it to the bowler , miss The goalkeeper missed the ball , drop, let go of Oh no! He's dropped the ball I handle' give away, lose' win I retain • BALL + VERB fly, go, roll, sail The ball flew over the • ADJ I bar into the sea of Middlesbrough fans The ball's gone over the fence , hit, land The ball hit the wall and rolled along the road , bounce, rebound • BALL + NOUN game I control, skills His ball control was excellent c;: Special page at SPORT kick/hit of a ball • ADJ good, great, superb I bad, loose I high, low He sentoverahighball 'long, short I quick, slow I cross, through a superb through ballfrom Johti SCott I hand He was penalized for hand ball + BALL play, send I pick up, pounce on, punish He pounced on a loose ball and scored • VERB • PREP -fromagreatballfromBeckham round object like a ball • ADJ tight I fiery The sun was a fiery ball, low on the hills I crystal (= used for telling fortunes) Without a crystal ball it's impossible to say where we'll be next year I cannon, musket + BALL curl/roll (up) into The little girl curled up into a ball in her mother's arms , form/make sth into, roll/screw sth (up) into, shape sth into He screwed the letter up into a tight ball • PHRASES a ball of firelflame, a ball of string/wool • PHRASES a ball and chain (figurative) The responsibility was a ball and chain around my ankle party • VERB college, charity, hunt I costume, fancy dress, masked We'regoing to a masked ball • VERB + BALL have, hold, organize We're organizing a charity ball I attend, go to • BALL + NOUN gown • ADJ at a/the - She met him at the college ball • ADJ ance the needs of her children with those of her employer ballet noun balanced adj be , remain properly, well The report was accurate and well balanced a properly balanced diet , completely, perfectlyaperfectlybalanceddesign I equally, evenly I fairly, reasonably, sufficiently I carefully, closely, delicately, finely, nicely The issues are finely balanced and there is no simple answer to the question I beautifully a beautifully balanced orchestra I precariously • PREP between The parliament was evenly balanced • VERBS • ADV between the two parties classical, modern + BALLET study He's studying classical ballet • BALLET + NOUN music I dancer I company I shoe I class, lesson, school I teacher • ADJ • VERB performance of a ballet • ADJ • VERB classical, modern, romantic + BALLET compose, write I choreograph c;: Note at PERFORMANCE (for more verbs) balloon noun 1toy bald adi • VERBS style of dance be I • ADJ go He started to go bald in his twenties • VERB helium helium balloons for thechildren'sparty + BALLOON blow up, inflate I burst, pop Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark ballot 54 • BALLOON + VERB burst, pop 2in the sky • ADJ barrage, hot-air • VERB + BALLOON go up in We went up in a balloon • BALLOON + NOUN flight I race • PREP by - She crossed the Atlantic by hot-air balloon ballot noun secret I open I postal I national I first, second I leadership I strike • VERB + BALLOT carry out, hold I organize I cast Only 40% of eligible voters cast their ballots • BALLOT + NOUN box I paper I rigging • PREP at althe - They voted against him at the second ballot by - The jury cast their vote by secret ballot in a/the - The club members decided in a ballot to suspend the captain on althe- Ivotedfor heron thefirst ballot I -for a ballotfor the Conservative leadership -on a ballot on the new contracts - over a ballot over strike action • ADJ ban noun • ADJ blanket, complete, total I partial I temporary I overtime I advertising a blanket advertising ban on tobacco I driving I test a nuclear test ban treaty • VERB + BAN impose, introduce, place, put The EU has imposed a ban on the import of seal skins I lift, overturn, remove I tighten I ease The ban on exports has now been eased I call for, demand I oppose, reject I comply with I defy The students took to the streets, defying a ban on political gatherings • BAN + VERB come into force, start I apply to sth, cover sth The ban only covers tropical hardwood • PREP -on a ban on traffic in the town centre ban verb effectively I formally, officially + BAN attempt to, seek to, try to I vote to MPs voted to ban hunting with dogs • PREP from He has been banned from driuing for a year • PHRASES an attempt/a move to ban sth a move to ban cigarette adverts a decision to ban sth • ADV • VERB banana noun ripe I green I mashed • QUANT bunch I bought a small bunch of bananas • VERB + BANANA eat, have I pick I peel • BANANA + NOUN skin !figurative) The company has acquired an unhappy knack of slipping on banana skins (= being led into making mistakes that make it look stupid) I plant, tree I leaf I grove, plantation q Special page at FRUIT • ADJ band noun group of musicians big I brass, string, wind I blues, dance, jazz, rock I marching, military, regimental I school I live the excitement of seeing a live band lone-man (often figurative) He runs the business as a one-man band (= does everything himself) • VERB + BAND form I join, play in, sing in She plays in a rock band I conduct, lead • BAND + VERB perform, play I strike up We heard a band strike up in the park • BAND + NOUN leader, member • PREP in a/the - a singer in a rock band with althe - a drummer with ajazz band • PHRASES a member of the band • ADJ group of people • ADJ players select, small He is one of a select band of top class I dwindling I growing join Special page at SPORT bass noun lowest part in music • ADJ boomy, loud, pounding I solid The bass clarinet forms a solid bass for the woodwind group , ground The church organist may improvise on a ground bass , fig- ured (= a bass line in which the chords are represented by figures, not written out in full) the abandonment in the late 18th century of jigured bass in favour of completely written out orchestral scores • VERB + BASS sing He sings bass in our local choir I turn down/up He always plays his stereo with the bass turned right up • BASS + NOUN note, sound I Iineapounding bass line , clef sing Don has agreed to sing bass (= sing the bass part) voice I part in a - He answered my question in a surpris- + NOUN • BASS ingly deep bass bass guitar • ADJ electric I wooden I police + BATON carry, hold f draw, use The police were ordered to draw their batons and disperse the crowd • BATON + NOUN charge Fivepeople were injured in the baton charge used by a conductor • VERB raise, wave under the - of The orchestra made the recording + BATON under the baton of a young German conductor used in a relay race • ADJ hand, pass Each runner passes the baton to the next I take (up) I drop used by a drum majorette + BATON swing, twirl adj battery noun dead, flat The car won't start-the battery's flat f rechargeable I car, torch I alkaline, lithium • VERB + BATTERY charge, recharge I change, replace f connect Is the battery connected correctly? I be powered by, run on, use, work on The machine can also • ADJ baseball, cricket, table tennis • VERB + BAT grip, hold' carry I swing • ADJ small flying animal • ADJ I squeak bat verb + BAT go in to Hick went in to bat after Hussain put sb in to India won the toss and put England in to bat • PREP for Smith uiasfirst to bat for Warwickshire • VERB baton noun used by police/soldiers 1for electricity in games fruit, pipistrelle, vampire flutter, fly, roost • PHRASES a species of bat steamy I large, spacious' tiny f luxurious, luxury , fitted' tiled' adjoining, en suite, communal, shared' private I downstairs, upstairs • VERB + BATHROOM goto,use(=gotothetotiet) • BATHROOM + NOUN cabinet, cupboard I accessories, equipment, fittings, suite I mirror I scales I weigh myself on the bathroom scales every day , facilities • ADJ be, feel, look I become, get • ADY badly, very' a bit, a little, rather, slightly' emotionally Shejelt emotionally battered • PHRASE S battered old She wore a battered old robe bat noun + VERB I mat, • VERBS Special page at MUSIC • BAT bathwater) bathroom noun battered bassoon noun cc:> in, soak in , need tap, water (also towel'timelt'sthechildren'sbathtime • PREP in the- Please answer the phone I'm in the bath! • VERB electric I fretless • VERB + BASS tune (up) • BASS + NOUN guitar cc:> Special page at vusrc • ADJ I lie + NOUN • PREP deep, low • PREP • ADJ hot, warm I cold I long I quick I bubble lying in a hat bubble bath' baby, bird • VERB + BATH fill,runCouldyourunthebathforme? I • VERB lowest male singing voice + BASS bath noun • BATH • ADJ • VERB queue have, take basketball noun • ADJ • ADJ large, small I whole A whole batch of original drawings will be on sale , fresh, new He baked afresh batch of rolls o Each summer a new batch of students tries tofind work I latest the latest batch of opinion polls • PREP in the - How many books are there in each batch? Wedeliver the goods in batches I - of a batch of letters in computing • BATCH + NOUN job to process a batch job I file, program' processing' mode to run in batch mode I run on batteries + VERB give out, go dead, run down, run out After about six hours, the battery will run down • BATTERY + NOUN power' life With our product you get longer battery life I failure I charger • PHRASES battery-operated, battery-powered a small • BATTERY battery-powered car large group of similar things Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark bean 59 • ADJ full, whole • PREP -of I had to answer a whole battery of questions • PHRASES a battery of tests battle noun between armies • ADJ bloody, fierce I pitched The two armies fought a pitched battle on the plain I decisive I great, important, major I famous, historic I land, naval, sea • VERB + BATTLE fight (in) I win I lose I do, give, go into, join Charles V refused to give battle The two armies joined battle I send sb into Many young men were sent into battle without proper training • BATTLE + VERB begin, take place I rage I continue I be over, end • PREP at a/the - Napoleon was defeated at the Battle of Waterloo in (a/the)- He died in battle violent fight between two groups • ADJ fierce I pitched I running I gun • VERB + BATTLE fight • PREP - against Police fought a pitched battle against demonstrators - between a gun battle between police and drug smugglers - with Scores of people have been hurt in running battles with police struggle • ADJ bitter, fierce I real There'snowa real battle at the top of the First Division I constant, continuing, long, long-running, ongoing, prolonged I losing, uphill We seem to befighting a losing battle I successful I court, legal • VERB + BATTLE be engaged in, do, fightAreyoupre- pared to battle with your insurance company over the claim? I face I win I lose • BATTLE + VERB begin I be over, end • PREP - against his long battle against cancer - between afierce battle between developers and the local community - for the battle for human rights - over The government now faces a new battle over tax increases - with They are engaged in a long-running legal battle with their neighbours • PHRASES a battle of ideas/words, a battle of wills/wits, a battle royal (= a major battle in which all available forces take part), fight your own battles My parents believed in leaving me tofight my own battles battle verb • ADY hard I bravely The child battled bravely for her life I in vain Doctors battled in vain to save his life I constantly I away We'll keep battling away and hope that the goals start to come • PREP against Rescuers battled against torrential rain and high winds for battling for control of the party over Residents are battling over plans for a new supermarket through We battled through the snowstorm with Riot police battled with 000students battling with leukaemia • PHRASES battle it out Competitors battled it out against the clock battle your way He battled his way to the bar bay noun 1part of a coast • ADJ sheltered I wide I sandy • VERB + BAY overlook holiday flats overlooking the bay • PREP across the - Lights twinkled across the bay area used for a particular purpose • ADJ docking, landing, loading bayonet noun • ADJ fixed troops uiith.fixed bayonets • VERB + BAYONET fix I thrust A bayonet had been thrust through his belly beach noun • ADJ beautiful, fine, lovely, magnificent, palmfringed, sun-drenched I golden, sandy, white I pebble, shingle I bathing, pleasure I deserted, empty, private, secluded • BEACH + VERB stretch a beautiful golden beach stretchingfor miles • PREP along a/the - He walked along the beach at althe - They met at the beach on althe - She lay on the beach and read her book bead noun 1small piece of glass, wood, etc • ADJ amber, glass, wooden, etc I prayer, rosary • QUANT strand, string a string of wooden beads • VERB + BEAD wear I fasten, put on I take off, undo, unfasten I thread She threaded the beads carefully • BEAD + VERB hang A strand of coral beads round her neck • BEAD + NOUN curtain small drop of liquid • PHRASES a bead of moisture/perspiration/sweat beak noun • ADJ short, small I large, long I curved, pointed, sharp I powerful I black, yellow • VERB + BEAK open I close hooked, beaker noun • ADJ glass, plastic a glass beaker containing copper sulphate solution She drankfrom a plastic beaker • VERB + BEAKER fill, refill I drain, empty I lift, pick up, raise I place, put down, replace, set down I drink from/out of • BEAKER + VERB contain sth beam noun ray of light • ADJ bright, intense, piercing, powerful I narrow, thin I electron, laser, searchlight, torch • VERB + BEAM direct, point, send, shine I play He played the beam of his torch over the wall of the cave I catch sb/sth in He was suddenly caught in thefull beam of a searchlight • BEAM + VERB shine I illuminate sth, light sth up • PREP -from the beam from the lighthouse-of A beam of sunlight shone in through the window • PHRASES on full beam car headlights onfull beam 210n9 piece of wood/metal • ADJ timber, wooden I oak I iron, metal, steel I old, original a cottage with original beams and a thatched roof I exposed a cosy pub with exposed oak beams I horizontal, vertical • BEAM + VERB support sth beam verb • ADV broadly He beamed broadly at them, clearly very pleased to see them I positively She positively beamed with satisfaction I cheerfully, happily, proudly • PREP at She beamed happily at Maxim with His face beamed with pleasure bean noun 1vegetable • ADJ black-eyed, broad, butter, chilli, French, green, haricot, kidney, runner, soya, string I canned, dried, refried I baked baked beans on toast Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark ... be forced to, have to for We went to him to beg for forgiveness of (for- + BEG • PREP of behaviour a new study looking at the behaviour and attitudes of young men mal) Do not that, I beg of you... bankruptcy I be close to, be on the brink/verge of I be driven/forced/thrown into, go into I file for, petition for The company has been forced tofile for bankruptcy I declare It is the only country... harness tinkled softly • BELL The church bells tolledfor Evensong tower I pull, rope a chime of bells the faint chime of bells a peal of bells She heard a peal of church bells a sound of • BELL bells

Ngày đăng: 10/12/2013, 13:15