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Tài liệu Oxford Collocations Dictionary for students of English_ Chương 2.17 docx

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00 oar noun • VERB + OAR take We each took an oar. I pull. on We pulled hard on the oars. I ship Weshipped the oars toget through the narrow opening. oath noun 1formal promise • ADJ. sacred, solemn I Hippocratic a doctor's Hippocratic oath • VERB + OATH swear, take He took an oath of alle- giance to his adopted country. I break, violate • PREP. -of an oath of allegiance/ loyalty 2 in a court of law • VERB + OATH administer Only a judge is allowed to administer the oath. • PREP on - He swore on oath that he had never seen me before. under- Witnesses must testify under oath. 3swear word • ADJ. obscene • QUANT. stream, string He muttered a stream of oaths. • VERB + OATH mutter, utter oats noun • ADJ. rolled I porridge • QUANT. field • VERB + OATS grow I sow I cut, harvest • OATS + VERB grow obedience noun • ADJ. absolute, complete, total He demands absolute obediencefrom. his men. I blind, passive, unquestioning • VERB + OBEDIENCE demand, exact, expect I owe All clergy owed obedience to their superior. I pledge, swear • PREP. in-to She acted in passiue obedience to her boss's directions. I - to The slaves had to swear obedience to their masters. obey verb • ADV. immediately, instantly She was used to having her orders instantly obeyed. I automatically, blindly, meekly, unquestioningly I eagerly I reluctantly • VERB + OBEY have to, must I refuse to He refuses to obey the school rules. I fail to I be willing to I promise to • PHRASES be only obeying orders At the trial the sol- diers made the excuse that they were only obeying orders. a duty/an obligation to obey People have a moral duty to obey the law. sth has to be/must be obeyed Rules are rules and they must beobeyed. obituary noun • VERB + OBITUARY write I print, publish I read • OBITUARY + NOUN column, page object noun 1solid thing • ADJ. solid I inanimate I everyday, household Her paintings are of ordinary everyday objects. 2 purpose • ADJ. main, primary, principal I sole My sole object is toget to the bottom of this mystery. • OBJECT + NOUN lesson The plans are an object lesson in how to ruin a city centre. • PHRASES the object of the exercise The object of the exercise is toscoreas many points aspossible. object verb • ADV. strenuously, strongly, vehemently • VERB + OBJECT can/could hardly It was your own idea in the first place, so you can hardly object now. I be entitled to, have a/the right to • PREP. to apetition objecting to the scheme • PHRASES object on the grounds that . I objected on thegrounds that it was unkind to the animals. objection noun • ADJ. serious, strenuous, strong I valid I main, major, principal I fundamental I common • VERB + OBJECTION lodge, make, raise, state I have I'd like to open a window, unless anyone has any objec- tions. I meet, overcome I withdraw • PREP. over the -s of She was appointed over the objec- tions of certain members of the board. I - against a com- mon objection against nuclear power - to The committee has raised serious objections to theplans. objective noun • ADJ. key, main, major, primary, prime, principal I broad, overall, overriding, ultimate I limited, narrow I long-term, short-term I clear, specific I stated The le- gislation has failed to achieve its stated objectives. I com- mon The two groups are pursuing a common objective. I economic, educational, environmental, military, polit- ical, strategic I business, policy • VERB + OBJECTIVE accomplish, achieve, attain, ful- fil, meet, reach, satisfy, succeed in The department needs more money tofulfil its objectives. I fail in I agree, define, establish, formulate, identify, set, specify We need to establish a clear objective. I declare, state I pro- mote, pursue • PREP. in an/the- The party is radical in its objectives. - of Wesucceeded in our prime objective of cutting costs. objective adj. • VERBS be, seem I remain • ADV. truly, very I completely, purely, totally, Wholly It is impossible to be completely objective. I fairly, quite, reasonably I apparently I supposedly obligation noun • ADJ. contractual, legal, statutory I moral, social I fi- nancial I family I can't travel next month because offam- ilv obligations. I professional I mutual • VERB + OBLIGATION discharge, fulfil, meet The builders failed to meet their contractual obligations. I comply with, honour I have We have a moral obligation to help. I feel I owe I assume, incur, take on I impose • OBLIGATION + VERB arise from sth obligations aris- ingfrom your contract of employment • PREP. under an - I am under no obligation to teli you my name. without - Our mortgage advice is gitien free and without obligation. I - to A lawyer owes an obligation of confidence to the client. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. obligatory adj. • VERBS be I become I remain I make sth The college authorities have now made these classes obligatory. • ADV. almost, practically I legally • PREP.'for It is obligatory for vets to be registered. oblige verb • ADV duly The fans were looking for another goal and Owenduly obliged(= scored). I kindly • VERB + OBLIGE be delighted to, be glad to, be (only too) happy to, be pleased to, be willing to The staff are always happy to oblige. I hasten to • PREP. by Will you oblige by filling in this form? with Would you be willing to oblige us with some information? obliged adj. 1forced to do sth • VERBS be, feel • ADV. virtually Libel plaintiffs are virtually obliged to go into the witness box. I by law, contractually, legally Par- ents are obliged by law to send their children to school. I morally Ifelt morally obliged to do the best I couldfor her. 2grateful • VERBS be, feel • ADV. much • PREP. for, to I'm much obliged toyou for helping us. obliterate verb • ADV completely, entirely, totally The village was total- ly obliterated by the bomb. I almost, virtually oblivion noun • ADJ. political • VERB + OBLIVION fade into, fall into, pass into, sink into, slide into I be rescued from, be saved from a minor masterpiece savedfrom oblivion I consign to Most of his work has now been consigned tooblivion. • PREP. in - He died in oblivion in a remote village. oblivious adj. • VERBS appear, be, seem Chiko appeared oblivious to the uproar. I become I remain I make sb His own arro- gance made him oblivious to the criticisms of others. • ADV. completely, quite, totally I almost I apparently, seemingly I clearly • PREP. of oblivious of the stares of the whole town to She seemed almost oblivious to the crowds of reporters. oboe noun q Special page at MUSIC obscene adj. • VERBS be, look I declare sth, deem sth, judge sth The book was declared obscene. • ADV. really I utterly I almost I allegedly obscenity noun • Q.UANT. stream, string • VERB + OBSCENITY mutter, scream, shout He shout- eda stream of obscenities. obscure verb • ADV completely, totally I almost I largely I half, partially, partly, slightly, somewhat I deliberately All trace of his working-class background was deliberately ob- scured. I easily Solo passages in this register are very eas- ily obscured by other instruments. • VERB + OBSCURE serve to, tend to The emphasis on 531 observe social integration often served to obscure the real differ- ences within the community. I allow sth to • PREP. behind/beneath The moon was obscured behind a wall of cloud. • PHRASES obscure the fact that . These figures ob- scure thefact that a lot of older people live in great poverty. obscure sth from view The house wasobscuredfrom view by a high hedge. obscure adj. • VERBS be, seem I become The origins of the tradition have become obscure. I remain The motives behind this decision remain somewhat obscure. • ADV extremely, very I completely, totally I largely I fairly, rather, relatively, somewhat obscurity noun • ADJ. total I comparative, relative I political, profes- sional I impenetrable poems of impenetrable obscurity • VERB + OBSCURITY fade into, sink into, slip into I be plucked from, emerge from After many years, his sci- entific work emerged from obscurity. I be consigned to, be relegated to • PREP. in - Hespent his early life in relative obscurity. observant adj. • VERBS be, seem I become • ADV. acutely, highly, very She was intelligent and highly observant. I fairly, quite observation noun 1examination • ADJ. careful, close, detailed I direct I systematic I casual I empirical, scientific I clinical I astronomical • PREP. for - She was admitted to hospital for observa- tion. under - The police have had him under observation for several weeks. I - of The survey was based on direct ob- servation of over 500schools. • PHRASES powers of observation an artist with acute powers of observation 2 remark • ADJ. general I astute, keen, shrewd I interesting • VERB + OBSERVATION make • PREP. - about He smiled, and made some observation about the weather. - on her witty observations on life observe verb 1notice/watch • ADV carefully, closely I precisely I directly It is not possible to observe this phenomenon directly, but its effects can be seen in the rise inglobal temperatures. I actually It is the parents who actually observe these behavioural problems in their children. I just, simply You can learn a lot by simply observing. I generally, normally I quietly She stood there, quietly observing the domestic scene. I se- cretly I experimentally This phenomenon has been ob- served experimentally. • VERB + OBSERVE be able to I be possible I be diffi- cult to I be interesting to It is interesting to observe the reaction of the children to these changes. • PREP. from unaware that she was being observed from the window • PHRASES be commonly/frequently/widely observed This behaviour is commonly observed among several spe- ciesoffinch. be easily/readily observed, an opportunity to observe sb/sth 2 make a remark • ADV. correctly, justly, rightly, shrewdly She correctly observed that there was very little difference between the two parties on domestic policies. I drily, sardonically, wryly I tartly I coldly, coolly 'You took your time,' he Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. observer observed coolly. I conversationally I mildly, quietly I sadly • PREP. to 'It's easyfor him tosay that, 'she observed tart- ly toMichael, 'but can heprove it?' 3obey rules • ADV correctly, faithfully, scrupulously, strictly This procedure must be correctly observed. • VERB + OBSERVE fail to • PHRASES failure to observe sth Failure to observe club rules may result in expulsion. observer noun • ADJ. casual To the casual observer, it would have looked like any other domestic argument. I informed I accurate, acute, astute, careful, experienced, keen, sea- soned, shrewd I sceptical I sympathetic I detached, impartial, neutral I external, independent, outside Inde- pendent observers will monitor the elections. I foreign, international I American, Western, etc. I industry, military Some military obseruers fear the US could get en- tangled in another war. I human • VERB + OBSERVER send sending observers to check the conduct of the elections I attend sth as I impress, puzzle, strike, surprise The suddenness of this move sur- prised many observers. • OBSERVER + VERB attend sth The talks were attend- ed by observers from eight Arab countries and Israel. I monitorsth • OBSERVER + NOUN status The country was granted observer status at the summit. • PREP. as an - I attended the conference as an observer. obsession noun • ADJ. dangerous, unhealthy I current • VERB + OBSESSION become Don't let this interest of yours become an obsession. • PREP. - with I don't understand television's current ob- session with cookery programmes. • PHRASES in the grip of an obsession He was in the grip of an obsession and would not listen toreason. obsolete adj. • VERBS be I become I make sth, render sth Their work is now rendered obsolete by machines. • ADV. totally I increasingly I largely I almost, prac- tically, virtually obstacle noun • ADJ. big, chief, main, major I enormous, formidable, serious The attitude of the unions is a serious obstacle. I impossible, insuperable, insurmountable Lack of money has proved an almost insurmountable obstacle. • VERB + OBSTACLE pose, prove, remain I come across, encounter I overcome, remove, surmount He was determined to overcome all obstacles in his way. • PREP. - for Lack of childcare provision can be a major obstacle for women wishing to work. - to The huge dis- tances involved have proved an obstacle to communication between villages. • PHRASES an obstacle in the path/way (of sb/sth) The release of prisoners remains an obstacle in the path of a peace agreement. obstruct verb • ADV deliberately, wilfully (law) wilfully obstructing a police officer in the execution of his duty • PREP. in obstruction noun • ADJ. physical I unlawful, wilful (law) I bureaucratic 532 The asylum seekers had to contend with continued bureau- cratic obstruction. • VERB + OBSTRUCTION cause, create The lorry had been parked on the pavement, causing an obstruction. I clear, remove She had to have surgery to remove an ob- structionfrom her throat. obstructive adj. • VERBS be I become • ADV. positively I quite I deliberately Hedoesn't really have an alternative suggestion; he'sjust being deliberately obstructive. obtain verb • ADV fraudulently, unlawfully (law) • VERB + OBTAIN be able/unable to I attempt to, endeavour to I fail to I assist sb to, enable sb to The local authority may assist you toobtain alternative accom- modation. I be easy to, be possible to I be difficult to, be impossible to goods which are difficult to obtain I be necessary to, be required to, need to It is necessary toob- tain thepatients' consent. • PREP. from Anglers are required to obtain prior author- izationfrom. the park keeper. • PHRASES be easily obtained Such information is eas- ily obtained from the Internet. sth can/may be obtained Details of this offer can be obtained from. any of our stores. a means/method/way of obtaining sth obtainable adj. • VERBS be I become • ADV. easily, readily I commercially obvious adj. • VERBS appear, be, look, seem, sound I become It soon became obvious that the machine did not work. I make sth His manner made it obvious he didn't like her. • ADV blatantly, blindingly, extremely, glaringly, pa- tently, transparently, very I completely, perfectly, quite The answer is perfectly obvious! I increasingly I by no means, far from, less than, not at all, not entirely It was far from obvious how they weregoing to get off the island. I a bit, fairly, pretty, rather I'm not going to tellJim about this.forfairly obuious reasons. I apparently, seemingly I immediately It was immediately obvious that the bag was too heavy. I intuitively Avoid making intuitively obvious but unfounded assertions. I depressingly, distressingly, painfully It was becoming painfully obvious that the two of them had nothing in common. • PREP. to It is obvious to me that you're unhappy in your job. occasion noun 1time when sth happens • ADJ. many, numerous It was thefirst of many such oc- casions. I rare I previous I separate • VERB + OCCASION recall, remember • PREP. on an/the - The police were called out on 24 separ- ate occasions. on -ts) He has even been known to go shop- ping himself on occasion. • PHRASES a number of occasions I have stayed there on a number of occasions. on one occasion On one occa- sion he even rang me in the middle of the night. on that/this- On this occasion, as it happens, the engine start- ed immediately. 2suitable time • ADJ. right, suitable • OCCASION + VERB arise F II speak to him if the occa· sion arises. • PREP. -for Itshould have been an occasionfor rejoicing. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. • PHRASES have occasion to do sth Last year we had oc- casion to visit relatives in Cornwall. 3special event • ADJ. auspicious, big, great, important, memorable, momentous, special I festive, happy, joyous I formal, sad, solemn I social I ceremonial, state The Queen's coach is only usedfor state occasions. • VERB + OCCASION celebrate, mark a party to mark the occasion of their daughter's graduation I rise to The choir rase to the occasion and sang beautifully. • PHRASES for all occasions, for every occasion Wesell cards and notepaper for all occasions. a sense of occa- sion On the day of the wedding there was a real sense of oc- casion. occupant noun • ADJ. current, former, next, original, present, previous I sole The sole occupant of the car was an elderly man. occupation noun 1job • ADJ. full-time I dangerous, hazardous I female, male Agricultural work is traditionally seen as a male oc- cupation. I low-paid, well-paid I high-status, low- status I sedentary I managerial, professional, tech- nical I skilled, unskilled I manual, non-manual I blue- collar, white-collar I industrial, service service occupa- tions such as cleaning and catering • VERB + OCCUPATION choose, find I take up I fol- low The people interviewed followed a variety of occupa- tions I give up He gave up his occupation as afarmer and became a teacher. I resume I provide (sb with) • PHRASES a range of occupations The collegeprovides training in a wide range of occupations. 2control of another country • ADJ. continuing I military • VERB + OCCUPATION begin, take up I be/remain in I give up The invaders have given up occupation of large parts of the territories. I resume • OCCUPATION + VERB begin, end • OCCUPATION + NOUN force, power I zone • PREP. during the - During the occupation, the church was used as a mosque. under- Large parts of Britain were under Roman occupation. 3 living in a room, house, etc. • ADJ. exclusive I joint, multiple the conversion of big old buildings to multiple occupation I peaceful the right topeacefuloccupationoftheproperty I land I illegal, un- lawful illegal occupation of thepremises • VERB + OCCUPATION take up Youcan only take up oc- cupation once the tenancy has been signed. I be/remain in, enjoy I share I give up I resume • PREP. in - of He intends to remain in occupation of the building for as long as possible. • PHRASES ready for occupation Theflats will be ready for occupation by March. unfit for occupation The houses werejudged to be unfit for human occupation. occupied adj. 1being used by sb • VERBS be • ADV densely the most densely occupied areas of the country I entirely The sofa was entirely occupied by two large cats. I permanently I illegally 2 busy • VERBS be I become I keep sb We need something to keep the children occupied. • ADV. fully I chiefly, mainly I busily I happily • PREP. in You will be mainly occupied in checking sales records. with She was happily occupied with reading. 533 odour occur verb • ADV. commonly, frequently I infrequently, rarely I sporadically I naturally These chemical changes occur quite naturally. I spontaneously Opportunities for learning occur spontaneously every day. • VERB + OCCUR be likely to, tend to I be unlikely to occurrence noun • ADJ. common, everyday, widespread I daily, fre- quent, regular I rare, uncommon I isolated I strange, unexpected, unusual • VERB + OCCURRENCE prevent I predict • PREP. - in These mild fits are quite a common occur- rence in babies. • PHRASES frequency of occurrence words with a high frequency of occurrence in language ocean noun • ADJ. deep I vast I great exploring the depths of the three great oceans I open A storm started up once we got out into the open ocean. I tropical, warm I southern pen- guins of the southern oceans • VERB + OCEAN cross, sail I explore • OCEAN + NOUN depths the darkness of the ocean depths I surface I bed, floor I basin I water I wave a life on the ocean wave (= at sea) I current I voyage I liner • PREP. across the - trade across the Atlantic Ocean in the - Various toxic substances have been dumped in the ocean. • PHRASES the bottom/depths/middle/surface of the ocean, the oceans of the world great ships that sailed the oceans of the world October noun c;> Note at MONTH odd adj. • VERBS be, feel, look, seem, smell, sound, taste I consider sth, find sth, think sth Ifind it odd that she takes so long to do that job. 0 I didn't think it odd at the time. • ADV. decidedly, distinctly, extremely, really, very There's something distinctly odd about her. I a bit, a little, pretty, quite, rather, slightly, somewhat odds noun • ADJ. considerable, great, high, impossible, insuper- able, overwhelming, terrible She struggled against ter- rible odds to overcome her illness. I long, short Some- times an outsider will win at long odds, but not often. 0 The bookmakers are offering only short odds on thefauourite. • VERB + ODDS offer, quote I lay r lllay odds we never seehim again. I reduce, shorten I beat, defy, overcome She defied the odds to beat the clearfavourite. • ODDS + VERB shorten I lengthen • PREP. against the- Thefilm is a heart-warming tale of triumph against the odds. I - against The odds against their survival have lengthened. - of They were offering odds often to one. -on The odds on the outsider were 100-1. • PHRASES against all (the) odds Against all the odds, wemanaged toget through to thefinal. odour noun • ADJ. foul, obnoxious, offensive, unpleasant I musty, stale I heavy, pungent, strong I faint I sweet I char- acteristic, distinctive, familiar, unmistakable I body • VERB + ODOUR emit, give off • ODOUR + VERB emanate from sth • PREP. -from odoursfrom the local brewery Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. offence offence noun 1 illegal act • ADJ. grave, heinous, major, serious I lesser, minor, petty, trivial I alleged I statutory I arrestable, book- able, imprisonable, indictable, punishable, sackable The offence ispunishable by up to three months' imprison- ment. I criminal, disciplinary I driving, political, sex- ual, terrorist Motorists may befined on the spotfor driving offences such as speeding. I violent I drug-related • PREP. - against offences against public decency c:> Note at CRIME (for verbs) 2 hurt feelings • VERB + OFFENCE cause, give I take • PREP. - at He takes offence at the slightest joke against him. -jo I didn't mean togive offence to anyone. • PHRASES no offence (intended/meant) No offence in- tended, but areyou sure your calculations are right? offend verb • ADV. deeply, gravely, greatly He knew that he had of- fended her deeply. I mortally I slightly I easily He was very sensitive and easily offended. • VERB + OFFEND be likely to Omit anything that is likely tooffend people. I be anxious not to, be careful not to, not mean to, take care not to She stopped mid- sentence, anxious not tooffend him. • PREP. against Viewers complained that the programme offended against good taste. • PHRASES feel/look/sound offended She sounded of- fended when she replied. offender noun 1 person who commits a crime • ADJ. alleged I convicted I first As a first offender, he received a lenient sentence. I persistent I adult, juvenile, young I sex • VERB + OFFENDER sentence 2sb/sth that causes trouble • ADJ. main, worst As regards pollution, old diesel- engined vehicles are the worst offenders. offensive noun • ADJ. all-out, full-scale, major I army, guerrilla, mili- tary, terrorist I air, bombing I ground I diplomatic, government • VERB + OFFENSIVE launch, mount I be on, go on, take She took the offensive, challenging her critics toprove their allegations. • PREP. - against The government is launching an all- out offensive against the drug cartels offensive adj. • VERBS appear, be, seem I become I consider sth, deem sth, find sth, think sth He's always making rude re- marks about women. Ifind that deeply offensive. • ADV. deeply, downright, extremely, grossly, highly, very I quite, rather I deliberately • PREP. to This sort of attitude is very offensive to black people. offer noun 1 of help or sth that is needed • ADJ. generous, kind I conditional, unconditional I job I peace • VERB + OFFER make (sb) He made mean offer Isimp- ly couldn't refuse I withdraw I accept, take up I de- cline, refuse, turn down • PREP. on - the range of goods on offer I- from I had to turn down ajob offer from a theatre because the pay was too low. -of They refused our offer of help. 534 2 special price/deal • ADJ. special I cheap I free I got the conditioner in a free offer with my shampoo. I introductory Your first order is deliueredfree as an introductory offer. • PREP. on - Wehave a number of bargains on offer. 3 amount of money • ADJ. acceptable, attractive, fair, favourable, reason- able I tempting I high, low Werealized we would not get a higher offer. I final, initial I firm, formal Several people have made enquiries but no one has made afirm. offer. I lu- crative I pay I takeover I cash • VERB + OFFER make (sb), put in I withdraw I get, receive I listen to r lllisten to any reasonable offer. I ac- cept I reject, turn down I increase, up They just kept upping their offer until I had tosay yes. • OFFER + NOUN price • PREP. under- The property is currently under offer to a client. I- for Several people put in an offerfor the house. - of They accepted our offer of £80000. • PHRASES be open to offers The asking price is £500 but I'm open to offers. or near offer They are selling their carfor £2 500or near offer. offer verb 1 give/provide sth; ask if sb would like sth • ADV. generously, kindly I helpfully I impulsively 'Do you need any help?' he offered impulsively. • VERB + OFFER be able/unable to, can/could the pro- tection that life insurance can offer I appear to, seem to The plan seemed to offer real advantages. I fail to I be pleased to !formal), would like to Irefer toyour recent ap- plication and interview and am pleased to offer you the post of editor. I aim to, seek to I claim to They claim to offer a more comprehensive service than other firms. I be expected to, be likely to This investment is likely tooffer a higher return. I be/feel compelled to, be forced to, be/feel obliged to Shefelt obliged to offer him a bedfor the night. I have little/a lot/nothing, etc. to, have sth to This player has proved that he still has a lot to offer (= can still play well). o The open evening is a chance to see what the college has to offer students. • PREP. to She offered drinks to her guests. 2 say that you will pay a certain amount • VERB + OFFER be able/unable to, can/could I be prepared to, be ready to, be willing to Would they bepre- pared to offer any more? • PREP. for They have offered over £500ODOforthe house. offering noun • ADJ. latest I peace I think the present she sent you was intended as apeace offering. I burnt, sacrificial, votive • VERB + OFFERING make I accept • PREP. -from The latest offering front this young band is their best album yet. - of offerings of food and drink - to They made sacrificial offerings to the gods. office noun 1 room/building where written work is done • ADJ. big, huge, large, spacious I cramped, small, tiny I plush I high-rise I five-storey, ten-storey, etc. I glass-fronted, glass-walled I busy, noisy I open-plan I air-conditioned I electronic, paperless I permanent, temporary The company set up itsfirst permanent offices in the city centre. I private The prime minister arranged a meeting in his private office. I central, head, main I area, branch, district, local, overseas, regional, subsidiary I administrative, editorial, press, sales, etc. I council, government, newspaper, etc. • VERB + OFFICE manage, run, supervise I come/go into, come/go to I sometimes go into the office on Satur- days when we're busy. I arrive at, get to I leave What time do you usually leave the office? Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. • OFFICE + NOUN job, work I hours Call this number outside normal office hours. I colleague, staff, worker I life I gossip, politics I party We have an office party every Christmas. I administrator, assistant, cleaner, clerk, manager I boy, girl, junior (all old-fashionedy I desk, door, equipment, furniture, safe, shredder, soft- ware, stationery I system, technology I environment Working in a busy office environment can be stressful. I accommodation, block, building, complex, develop- ment, premises, space, suite The old warehouses have been redeveloped for office accommodation. I facilities, services The conference centre provides office facilities such as computers and foxes. I expenses, overheads I administration, management I skills I procedures, routine • PREP. at the - I sometimes have to stay late at the office. in the - I'm sorry, Mr Anders is not in the office today. 2official position • ADJ. exalted, great, high, important I minor I lucra- tive, prestigious I hereditary I national, public I eccle- siastical,judicial, ministerial, political • VERB + OFFICE run for, stand for He ran for office in the last presidential election. I hold, remain in, retain, stay in Thepresident holds officefor aperiod offour years. I be appointed to, be elected to I be re-elected to, be re- turned to The government was returned to office by a large majority. I assume, be sworn into, come into, come to, enter, take, take up Martin was sworn into office as prime minister in March. 0 The Labour Party took office in 1997. I give up, leave, lose, relinquish, resign from, retire from, vacate I be driven from, be forced from, be re- moved from, be suspended from, be turned out of • OFFICE + NOUN holder • PREP. in - The government seemed likely to remain in officefor the next five years. out of - breaking promises made when out of office • PHRASES a candidate for office, duties of the office, a term of office to be re-electedfor a second term of office officer noun 1in the army, navy, etc. • ADJ. air force, army, military, naval I commanding, high-ranking, ranking, senior, superior The decision rests with the ranking officer (= the most senior officer present). I junior, petty I commissioned, non-commis- sioned I recruiting I duty He telephoned the duty officer at regimental headquarters. I uniformed I retired • VERB + OFFICER salute to salute a superior officer • OFFICER + VERB command sth the officer command- ing the infantry • OFFICER + NOUN cadet, corps q Note at RANK 2 in the government or other organization • ADJ. chief, principal, senior I full-time, part-time I presiding, responsible, supervising Report the incident to the responsible officer. 0 the officer responsible for imple- menting the scheme I regional I administrative, cus- toms, environmental health, financial, liaison, medical, press, trading standards, training, welfare • VERB + OFFICER be, work as I be appointed (as), become I have The charity has a full-time press officer working with the national newspapers. 3 policeman/policewoman • ADJ. police I chief, senior, superior I junior I inves- tigating I duty We spoke to the duty officer at the police station. I uniformed I plain-clothes I undercover • OFFICER + VERB investigate sth officers investigat- ing the murder I patrol sth I raid sth, swoop on sth (in- formal) Officers raided an address in south London, seiz- ing bomb-making equipment. I seize sth I arrest sb q See POLICEMAN 535 oily official noun • ADJ. high-ranking, prominent, senior, top I junior, minor I local, provincial, regional I departmental I public I full-time, part-time I elected I permanent I retired I responsible Report the incident to the respon- sible official. 0 the official responsible for handling the case I corrupt I bank, company, corporate, council, court, customs, government, judicial, military, minis- try, party, royal, state, (trade) union • VERB + OFFICIAL appoint (sb), appoint sb as I con- sult, meet I bribe attempting to bribe local officials off-putting adj. • VERBS be I find sth I find it very off-putting when people don't look me in the eye. • ADV. distinctly, very I a bit, a little, rather, slightly The noise was rather off-putting. offset verb • ADV. largely, substantially I completely, exactly I more than The company's losses in the USA were more than offset by gains everywhere else. I partially, partly • VERB + OFFSET help (to) The money will help offset big medical bills. • PREP. against Your donations to charity can be offset against tax. offside adj. • VERBS be, look I catch sb, rule sb an attempt to catch an opponent offside 0 He was ruled offside by the referee. oil noun 1used as fuel/to make machines work smoothly • ADJ. heavy I light I crude I refined I offshore I en- gine, fuel, heating, lubricating, motor I linseed, paraf- fin Usea rag soaked in linseed oil. • QUANT. barrel I film a rod coated with a film of oil I drop • VERB + OIL extract, obtain, produce I drill for The company is drilling for oil in the North Sea. I discover, find, hit, strike I pump I export, import I burn, use I change (in a car, etc.) I soak sth in I smell of The place smelled ofpaint and oil. • OIL + NOUN company, producer I industry, produc- tion I drilling, exploration I field, rig, well I drum I tanker I refinery I prices, revenue I slick, spill, spill- age a seven-mile-long oil slick off the Scottish coast 2 used in cooking • ADJ. cooking I polyunsaturated I rancid I coconut, cod liver, fish, groundnut, olive, sesame, sunflower, vegetable a bottle of extra virgin olive oil I salad • VERB + OIL heat I boil sb/sth in, cook sth in, fry sth in I drizzle, pour Toast the bread, rub with garlic and drizzle over a little olive oil. • PREP. in - Fry the potato in a little sunflower oil. q Special page at FOOD 3 used as a cosmetic/medicine • ADJ. aromatic, fragrant, scented I essential extract- ing essential oilsfrom flotoers I body, hair I baby, bath I aromatherapy, massage I castor, evening primrose, lavender, etc. • VERB + OIL massage/rub into, massage/rub sth with She rubbed a scented oil into her hair. I anoint sb/sth with The sick were anointed with oil. I extract • PREP. -of oil of rosemary Oilyadj. • VERBS be, look I become • ADV. very I rather, slightly He had rather oily hands. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. ointment naturally Lank or naturally oil hair is often difficult to carefor: ointment noun • QUANT. tube • VERB + OINTMENT apply, put on, rub on Heput some ointment on the cut. OK (a/so okay) adj., adv. • VERBS be, feel, look, seem, smell, sound, taste I do, go I think I did OK in the exam. 0 I hope the meeting goes OK. • ADV. perfectly, quite I'm quite OKnow, thanks. • PREP. - by sb John has suggested meeting at six, and that's OK by me. -with sbls it OKwithyou if I come about six? old adj. 1 age • VERBS be, feel, look, seem You are as old as youfeel. • ADV. enough He's old enough by now to manage his own affairs. • PHRASES six months, ten years, etc. old 2not young • VERBS be, feel, look, seem, sound The way the young people rushed about made herfeel old. 0 He was beginning to look old. I become, get, grow We're all getting older. 0 As they grow older,they develop new interests. • ADV. extremely, terribly, very I fairly, quite She was quite old when she got married. 3 not new • VERBS be • ADV. extremely, really, terribly, very It's a very old tradition. I fairly, quite • PHRASES oldest known These are some of the oldest knoumfossil remains. oldest remaining It's one of the old- est remaining parts of the church. oldest surviving It's the world's oldest surviving ship. 4 shows affection/lack of respect • PHRASES boring/silly old boring old history books 0 She's a silly old cow! dear/good old Good old Dad! funny old It's a funny old world. poor old You poor old thing! same old always the same oldfaces old age noun • ADJ. advanced, extreme I good He attained a good old age and died content. I happy She can lookforumrd to a happy old age. I lonely fears about a lonely old age • VERB + OLD AGE attain, live to, reach, survive into All my grandparents survived into advanced old age. I approach I look forward to I dread • OLD AGE + NOUN pension, pensioner • PREP. in (your)- Loss of hearing often occurs in old age. o He took up golf in his old age. into - She was now well into old age. • PHRASES the grand/ripe old age of sth She lived to the ripe old age of 98. old-fashioned adj. • VERBS be, look, seem I become I consider sth, re- gard sth as, see sth as Wearing a hat is regarded as ra- ther old-fashioned nowadays. • ADV. terribly, very I plain It was plain old-fashioned instinct, the gutfeeling that something was wrong. I a bit, a little, rather, slightly, somewhat I curiously His clothes were curiously old-fashioned. • PREP. in She's somewhat old-fashioned in her attitudes. • PHRASES call me old-fashioned Call me old- fashioned, but I still believe in good manners. 536 ombudsman noun • ADJ. consumer, insurance, local government, pen- sions A pensions ombudsman has been appointed. • VERB + OMBUDSMAN appoint omen noun • ADJ. good I bad, evil, ill They took the storm as a bad omen. • VERB + OMEN take sth as • PREP. -fer The sunny weather was agood omenfor the holiday. - of an omen of death omission noun • ADJ. important, major, serious I complete I glaring, notable, obvious I curious, strange, surprising I delib- erate I inadvertent • VERB + OMISSION correct, rectify, remedy • PREP. by - Several offences such as manslaughter may be committed by omission. I -jrom her omission from. the guest list • PHRASES an act or omission The accident was not caused by any act or omission of the transport company. errors and/or omissions, a sin of omission omit verb • ADV. altogether, completely, totally I accidentally, inadvertently I deliberately I conspicuously I contro- versially He was controversially omitted from the World Cup side. I wrongly • PREP from Some important details were deliberately omittedfrom the report. one-sided adj. • VERBS be, seem • ADV. very I totally, wholly I far from The violence was far front one-sided (= both people, teams, etc. were violent). I a little, rather, somewhat Their relationship seems rather one-sided. onion noun • ADJ. raw I pickled I spring, red, Spanish • VERB + ONION chop, peel, slice I brown, soften I cook, fry, saute I garnish sth with Garnish with a little chopped spring onion. I grow • ONION + NOUN ring I soup I skin I set I dome • PHRASES cheese and onion cheese and onion fla- voured crisps sage and onion sage and onion stuffing q Special page at FOOD onset noun • ADJ. rapid, sudden the sudden onset of the disease I slow I early I delayed, late • VERB + ONSET delay I mark His first hit record marked the onset of an astonishing career. • PREP. after the - after the onset of sleep at the - at the onset of the war before/prior to the -, since the- onslaught noun • ADJ. sudden She could not withstand such a sudden onslaught. I first, initial I latest I renewed I verbal • VERB + ONSLAUGHT face toface the verbal onslaught of an angry teenager I resist, survive, withstand I launch, mount • PREP. - against/on a renewed onslaught against the proposed bill-from the latest onslaughtfrom. the Russian team ooze verb • ADY. slowly lout Cream oozed out at the sides. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. • PREP. from Blood oozed slowly from his wound. out of, with (figurative) He was oozing with contempt for us. opaque adj. 1not clear enough to see through • VERBS be, look I become Add the rice to the pan and cook until it becomes opaque. • ADV. very I completely I almost, nearly I relatively, slightly The glasses looked slightly opaque. • PREP. with The windows were nearly opaque with grime. 2difficult to understand • VERBS be I become I render sth The complex admin- istrative arrangements render the decision-making pro- cesssomewhat opaque. • ADV. extremely, very I completely I relatively, slightly, somewhat open verb 1door, window, box, etc. • ADV. wide She opened all the windows wide to let some fresh air in. I slowly I gingerly Fred opened it gingerly and peered inside. I automatically Theglass doors opened automatically for him. lout, up Iopened out the map and laid it on the table. 0' Open up!' He hammered on the door. • VERB + OPEN try to I manage to I fail to Her para- chutefailed to open. 2 building, road, etc. • ADV. formally, officially I up opening up new markets • VERB + OPEN be due to, be expected to, be sched- uled to The museum is due toopen next year. I hope to, in- tend to, plan to, wantto, wish to • PHRASES newly/recently opened the newly opened gallery of Western decorative art open adj. 1not closed • VERBS be, gape, lie, stand The book lay open infront of him. 0 The door stood open. I burst, clang, creak, fall, fly, judder, sag, swing The bag fell open. 0 Suddenly the door flew open. 0 The woman's mouth sagged open. 0 The gate swung open. I remain I fling sth, flip sth, get sth, prise sth, pull sth, push sth, tear sth, throw sth, wrench sth, yank sth She flung the door open and rushed in. 0 She flipped open Chris's diary. 0 He tore the letter open. I have sth, hold sth, keep sth, leave sth She held the door open for them. I find sth, see sth Ifound the door open. • ADV. fully, wide The door was wide open. I slightly 2 honest and willing to talk • VERBS be, seem • ADV extremely, very I absolutely, completely, quite • PREP about She's very open about her mistakes. with I don't think you've been completely open with me. 3available for people to use • VERBS be I remain, stay In spite of the snow, the roads remained open. 0 Some of the supermarkets stay open till ten. I keep sth Wewant to keep the village store open. • PREP. to The car park is only open to residents. 4 having begun • VERBS be I declare sth The Australian premier de- clared the Olympic Games open. • ADV. officially The bridge is officially open now. opening noun 1beginning • ADJ. successful I chess, conversational • OPENING + NOUN day, night I lines, pages I gambit • PREP. -fo thefamous opening to the novel 2 hole; way in/out • ADJ. large, wide I narrow, small I window 537 operation • VERB + OPENING cut I block, seal • PREP. -jn to cut an opening in thefence 3opportunity; job which is available • ADJ. new I possible I clear (used in the context of sport and games) He missed one of the clearest openings in the game. I career, political • VERB + OPENING create Cooper created the opening for Russell toshoot thefirst goal. I give sb I miss • PREP. - for, - in career openings for biologists in the Ministry of Health 4 ceremony • ADJ. grand I formal I official, royal, state the state opening of Parliament • VERB + OPENING attend • OPENING + NOUN ceremony openness noun • ADJ. greater, more There is a needfor greater openness in government. I complete • VERB + OPENNESS demonstrate, show • PREP. - about her openness about her marital problems -to/towards He demonstrated an openness to change. opera noun • ADJ. comic, grand, light • VERB + OPERA compose, write • OPERA + NOUN singer, star I company I house I season I buff, lover c> Note at PERFORMANCE (for more verbs) operate verb 1 machine • ADV. effectively, efficiently, reliably I continuously The machine can operatefor 15 hours continuously at full power. I electrically, electronically, hydraulically, manually, remotely (= by remote control) The doors can bemanually operated in the event offire. • VERB + OPERATE be designed to systems designed to operate at the highest speeds I be easy to The machinery is easy to operate. • PHRASES battery operated 2 business/system • ADV. effectively, efficiently, profitably, successfully I autonomously, independently I commercially The la- boratory is still owned by the government but is now commercially operated. • VERB + OPERATE be able to I be allowed to I con- tinueto • PREP. according to The government does not operate according tofixed rules. as Weoperate as an advisory ser- oicefor schools. within Local authorities operate within a wider political system. operation noun 1 medical • ADJ. major I minor, small I life-saving, vital I emer- gency I routine I delicate a delicate eye operation I ex- ploratory I surgical, transplant I heart, knee, etc. • VERB + OPERATION have, undergo He had an oper- ation to remove a tumour. I come through, survive She came through the operation very well. I carry out, per- form the surgeon performing the operation • PREP. during a/the - She woke during the operation. I - for an operation for a kidney problem - on a major oper- ation on his heart 2 organized activity • ADJ. big, large-scale, major, massive I covert. undercover I combined, joint I tricky a tricky rescue op- eration I intelligence, military, naval, police I guerrilla I clean-up, drilling, mining, mopping-up, offensive, peacekeeping, relief, rescue, salvage, security UN Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. operational troops supervised the relief operations. I banking, build- ing, business restrictions placed on business operations • VERB + OPERATION begin, launch, mount, under- take The authorities launched a massive security oper- ation in the city. I carry out, conduct I supervise • PREP. during a/the - during joint military operations • PHRASES a theatre of operations (= where military operations take place) 3fact of sth functioning • ADJ. effective, efficient, smooth I day-to-day the smooth day-to-day operation of the department • VERB + OPERATION come into A ceasefire came into operation in May. I bring/put sth into I cease The fac- tory will ceaseoperation at the end of the year. • PREP. during - The machine can get very hot during op- eration. in - The current tax system has been in operation for tenyears. • PHRASES in/into full operation the only reactor infull operation operational adj. • VERBS be I become I remain • ADV. fully The equipment is nouifully operational. operative adj. • VERBS be I become I remain • ADV. fully The new system will not becomefully opera- tive until next year. operator noun 1 person who connects telephone calls • ADJ. switchboard, telephone • OPERATOR + VERB connect sb, put sb through I asked the operator toput me through to her office. 2 person who works a machine, etc. • ADJ. experienced, skilled I unskille.d I machine, plant I computer, lathe, radio, word processor, etc. 3 person/company that does particular business • ADJ. big, small I private I holiday, tour, travel I cable (television), satellite, telecommunications, etc. I airline, bUS,coach, ferry 4sb who is skilful at getting what they want • ADJ. shrewd, slick, smooth opinion noun 1what you think about sb/sth • ADJ. good, high I low, poor I strong I conflicting, different, mixed Opinions are mixed regarding genetically-modified food. I honestIfyou want my honest opinion, I think the book is awful. I expert, informed, professional I considered I personal, subjective I ob- jective I contrary, dissenting I majority I minority I second If in doubt about your diagnosis, get a second opinion. • VERB + OPINION entertain, have, hold I air, ex- press, give (sb), offer (sb), pass, state, venture, voice The bishop spoke without passing any opinion on the scan- dal. I ask sb, seek He asked me for my opinion on the course. I get I form Lformed the opinion that he was not to be trusted. I change • OPINION + VERB change I differ, vary Opinions dif- fer as to when this wine should be drunk. • PREP. in your - In my opinion, golf is a dull sport. I - about/on She holds strong opinions on education. - as to opinions as to the merits of the scheme - of He has a very high opinion of your work. • PHRASES be of the opinion that . itcrmat; (= to be- lieve or think that), a difference of opinion a genuine dif- ference of opinion between the experts in my humble opin- ion (humorous), a matter of opinion 'London is wonder- ful.' 'That's a matter of opinion.' 538 2what people in general think about sth • ADJ. prevailing I general, popular, public Contrary to popular opinion, many adult cats dislike milk. I inter- national, local, national I expert, informed, profession- al I academic, legal, medical, political • QUANT. body This view is supported by agrowing body ofprofessional opinion. • VERB + OPINION mould, shape attempts to shape public opinion • OPINION + VERB be against sth, be in favour of sth Prevailing local opinion is against the new road pro- posals. I be divided Public opinion is divided on the sub- ject of capital punishment. • OPINION + NOUN poll I former, leader • PREP. - among Opinion among doctors is that the medi- cation is safe. • PHRASES climate of opinion in the present climate of opinion shades of opinion all shades ofpolitical opinion opium noun • VERB + OPIUM smoke • OPIUM + NOUN poppy I den q Note at DRUG (for more verbs and nouns) opponent noun 1person who plays against sb • ADJ. chief, main I dangerous, tough I worthy • VERB + OPPONENT attack, hit I beat, defeat I get past, outfox, outmanoeuvre, outwit I face Today she faces her toughest opponent on Centre Court. I mark I tackle I bring down, foul q Special page at SPORT 2 sb who disagrees with sb's actions/plans/beliefs • ADJ. chief, leading, main I bitter, fierce, formidable, strong, vigorous I outspoken, vocal, vociferous I worthy I political I government opportunity noun • ADJ. ample, considerable, plenty of We'll have plenty of opportunity to talk later. I limited, little, not much I excellent, favourable, golden, good, great, marvellous, tremendous, welcome, wonderful a golden opportunity to invest and export into new markets I exciting I ideal, perfect I suitable I reasonable We need to give them a reasonable opportunity to look at the display. I available I every Students should take every opportunity to widen their experience. I historic, once-in-a-lifetime, rare, unique, unparalleled, unprecedented, unrivalled I lost, missed, wasted I career, educational, employment, job, training I business, commercial, economic, invest- ment, market, sales a missed sales opportunity I photo (= an opportunity to take photographs of famous or im- portant people) I equal opportunities (= the principle of treating all people the same, regardless of sex. colour, etc.) an equal opportunities employer • VERB + OPPORTUNITY have I find, get We didn't get much opportunity to swim. I afford, create, give sb, offer (sb), open up, provide (sb with) to provide better educa- tional opportunities I grasp, seize, take (up), take ad- vantage of May I take this opportunity to congratulate Ruth on her promotion. I lose, miss He lost no opportun- ity to vent his anger on those around him. I pass up • OPPORTUNITY + VERB exist I arise, come, occur, offer When the opportunity came, I seized it with both hands. 0 (formal) The company aimed to expand as and when opportunity offered. • PREP. - for Thejob will offer you excellent opportunities for promotion. • PHRASES at the earliest/first (possible) opportunity, at every (available) opportunity, equality of opportun- ity, the opportunity of a lifetime, a window of opportun- Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. ity The ceasefire has created a window of opportunity to rescue thepeace process. oppose verb • ADV. adamantly, bitterly, fiercely, firmly, hotly, reso- lutely, strenuously, strongly, vehemently, vigorously, violently We would vigorously oppose such a policy. I tot- ally We totally oppose the use of gas to kill any animal. I actively I openly, publicly I successfully, unsuccess- fully Environmental lobby groups successfully opposed the plan. I initially The ban was initially opposed by the US. I consistently The minister has consistently opposed any relaxation in the law. • VERB + OPPOSE vote to I continue to opposed adj. 1opposed to disagreeing strongly with sth • VERBS be I remain • ADV. adamantly, bitterly, deeply, fiercely, firmly, fun- damentally, implacably, profoundly, resolutely, strong- ly, vehemently, very (much), violently I absolutely, cat- egorically, completely, directly, totally, utterly, wholly I largely I actively, openly, publicly the party most openly opposed to military rule 2 very different from sth • VERBS be, seem, stand I remain • ADV. completely, diametrically, directly, entirely, fun- damentally, utterly Our views are diametrically opposed on this issue. I mutually The two sets of values seemed mu- tually opposed. • PREP. to Thepath he saw himself taking in his research seemed directly opposed to the ethos of the department. opposite noun • ADJ. complete, direct, exact. precise, very I polar • OPPOSITE + VERB be the case, be true The oboe tends to losepower in the upper register, but with the clarinet the opposite is the case. • PREP the - of/to Doubt is not the opposite of faith- unbelief is. <) In temperament, she was the complete oppos- ite to her sister. • PHRASES exactly/just/quite the opposite The effect was exactly the opposite to what he intended. opposition noun 1disagreeing with sth/tryinq to change it • ADJ. bitter, considerable, determined, fierce, stiff, strong, vehement I violent I growing, mounting I ef- fective, powerful I direct a statement in direct opposition toparty policy I active I organized I political I public I widespread • VERB + OPPOSITION express I mount, put up They mounted an effective opposition to the bill. I arouse I crush, overcome, stifle, suppress, wear down I be/come/run up against, encounter, face, meet (with), run into He is up against stiff opposition from his col- leagues. I brook We will brook no opposition to the strat- egy. I strengthen I weaken • OPPOSITION + VERB come from sb Opposition came primarily from students. • OPPOSITION + NOUN force, group, movement • PREP. against/in the face of - She won against deter- mined opposition from last year's champion. despite/in spite of - The authorities succeeded despite bitter oppos- ition from teachers. in - to The warring factions had united in opposition to the common enemy. I - from The proposals met with violent opposition from the environ- mental lobby. -to There uiasfierce public opposition to the plan. 2 (usually the Opposition) parties not in government 539 option • OPPOSITION + NOUN party I candidate, leader, member, MP, politician, spokesman I bench • PREP. in - The Conservative Party is now in opposition. • PHRASES the Leader of the Opposition oppression noun • ADJ. class, economic, political, racial, sexual I black, colonial, gay, women's I male • VERB + OPPRESSION face, suffer ethnic minorities suffering oppression at the hands of occupyingforces optician noun • ADJ. dispensing, ophthalmic A dispensing optician supplies glasses, but doesn't test your eyes. • PHRASES at/to the optician's I'ue got to go to the opti- cian's tomorrow. <=> Note at DOCTOR (for verbs) optimism noun • ADJ. considerable, great, tremendous I some I cau- tious, guarded I false, misplaced Her optimism turned out to be misplaced. I early, initial By 1960,the initial opti- mism had evaporated. I renewed • QUANT. surge, wave The news caused a wave of opti- mism. I note There was a note of optimism in his voice. • VERB + OPTIMISM express I share I find it hard to share his optimism. • OPTIMISM + VERB prevail, reign Despite the crisis a cautious optimism prevailed. I evaporate • PREP. with - Wecan look to the future with considerable optimism. I - about/over The government expressed opti- mism about the success of the negotiations. - among renewed optimism among mortgage lenders -for great op- timismfor the future • PHRASES cause/grounds/reason for optimism There are now very real grouruls for optimism. full of optimism The 1970s began still full of optimism. a mood/sense/spirit of optimism optimist noun • ADJ. eternal, incurable • PHRASES ever the optimistPete, ever the optimist, said things were bound to improve. optimistic adj. • VERBS appear, be, feel, look, seem, sound I become I remain • ADV. extremely, highly, strongly, very He remained strongly optimistic that an agreement could be reached. I excessively, hopelessly, incredibly, overly, ridiculous- ly, unduly, wildly These estimates were wildly optimistic. I a bit, fairly, a little, quite, rather, reasonably, somewhat I basically, essentially, generally an essentially optimis- tic view of human nature I cautiously, guardedly, quiet- ly I don't want toexaggerate our chances, but I'm cautious- ly optimistic. I cheerfully • PREP. about He's very optimistic about his chances. option noun 1freedom to choose • VERB + OPTION have You have the option of taking your holiday early. I give sb • PREP. with/without the - of He was jailed without the option of afine. • PHRASES have little/no option but to Wehad no option but to leave without them. 2sth you choose/can choose • ADJ. available, possible, viable I real, realistic I at- tractive, good Deciding on your best option is not easy. I preferred I practical I easy, soft He thought General Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. [...]... specifically I immediately I personally The army's Chief of Staff had personally ordered the raid I formally I about, around Stop ordering me around! I back, home, off, out There were seven bookings • ADV and two players were ordered off • PREP off, out of Alljournalists of the country 2ask for sth have been ordered out direct/directly for Wecan order the book .for you, if you like from • ADV • PREP You can order... placed an order for the CD I cancel I receive, win The company won a £10 million order for oil-drilling equipment I have I fill, fulfil, meet trying tofill all the back orders I make sth to a cupboard made to order • ORDER + NOUN form • PREP on - Wehave ten boxes on order I - for Wehave a firm order for ten cases of uiine 7 request for food, etc in a restaurant, etc • ADJ side a side order of mixed salad... the formal rules ofthe meeting) • PREP in - (= allowed by the rules) Would it be in order for us to examine the manuscript? out of - (= not allowed by the rules) His objection was ruled out of order • PHRASES law and order, a point of order One of the 4 way a society is arranged • ADJ established, existing, old He was seen as a threat to the established order I new I natural the natural order of things... outbreak of World War I + VERB occur of A new outbreak of smallpox occurred in 1928 • PHRASES an outbreak of disease, an outbreak of rain, an outbreak of war/fighting/hostilities/violence • OUTBREAK • PREP - outburst noun • ADJ sudden I spontaneous I occasional her occasional outbursts of temper I angry, furious, violent I emotional, hysterical, passionate • PREP - against A player was cautioned for his... - of the outcome of the election • PHRASES whatever the outcome Whatever the final outcome of the talks, the war should end soon 2 most important facts/ideas about sth • ADJ bare, basic, brief, rough a brief outline of Polish history I broad, general I course • VERB + OUTLINE give (sb), provide (sb with), write (sb) Write an outline for your essay • PREP in - Here's the plan in outline I -for, -of. .. sells goods of a particular company/type • ADJ specialist I high-street, local I commercial, distribution, retail, sales I DIY, fast-food, etc • PREP -for a retail outlet for exotic plants 2 means of releasing energy/strong feeling/talents • ADJ emotional I creative • VERB + OUTLET have I find I provide (sb with) Sport provided an outlet for his energy I need • PREP -for She needs an outlet for her talents... become long These reforms are long overdue • PREP for This system is ouerduefor reform • PHRASES months/weeks/years overdue • PHRASES • VERBS • ADV overestimate verb considerably, greatly, grossly, seriously, vastly I consistently The Ministry of Finance consistently overestimated its budget deficits + OVERESTIMATE tend to I be easy to It is easy to overestimate the cost of this kind of research I be... from I be spared • PREP -by (often humorous) This is the fourtli time the prime minister has faced ordeal by egg (= had eggsthrown at him) - of They were spared the ordeal of giving evi• ADJ • VERB dence in court • PHRASES order committee members raised a potnt of order zest orange adj • ADJ cending chronological, an ordeal at the hands of sb their 20-hour ordeal at the hands of a gunman order noun 1 way... professional I non-governmental I grassroots I voluntary I charitable, philanthropic I nonprofit, not -for- profit I commercial, profit-making I environmental, human rights, labour, relief I student, women's, youth I terrorist I umbrella I front a front organizationfor drug trafficking • VERB + ORGANIZATION disband (For more verbs see • ADJ note.) in a/the - There are several talented people in that • PREP... poorly I minutely, neatly.f rigidly, tightly I loosely, weakly a loosely organized confederacy of allies I specially a specially organized programme of sightseeing and shopping I centrally, locally, nationally I faintly I separately I independently, privately I formally Often there is no formally organized system of childcare I tradition- Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this . officefor the next five years. out of - breaking promises made when out of office • PHRASES a candidate for office, duties of the office, a term of office. currently under offer to a client. I- for Several people put in an offerfor the house. - of They accepted our offer of £80000. • PHRASES be open to offers The

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