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Tài liệu Oxford Collocations Dictionary for students of English_ Chương 2.26 docx

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Xx X-ray noun • ADJ. chest, foot, etc. I routine • VERB + X-RAY have I do, take I examine • X-RAY + VERB reveal sth, show sth The X-ray showed a crack in onerib. • X-RAY + NOUN equipment, machine, plate I crystallography, diffraction I fluorescence, photog- raphy, picture I department, unit I eyes, vision Yy yacht noun • ADJ. luxury I private, royal I charter I cruising, ra- cing I motor, sailing, steam • VERB + YACHT cruise on, sail They are cruising on a large motor yacht. I moor, tie up • YACHT + VERB sail, set sail • YACHT + NOUN race I club I marina • PREP. aboard/on/on board a/the - yard noun q Note at MEASURE yardstick noun • ADJ. good, useful I common • VERB + YARDSTICK have We don't have a common yardstick by which to compare the two cases. I apply, use I give sb, provide (sb with), serve as I measure sth against/by • PREP. against a - The new test provides a yardstick against which to measure children's learning. by a - By any yardstick, that's a large amount of money. yarn noun 1thread • ADJ. fine, thick • QUANT. length, piece • VERB + YARN knit, spin, weave The yarn is woven into a coarsefabric. I thread The yarn has to be threaded through the needle. I dye I use • PREP. in althe-There'saknotintheyarn. 2 story • ADJ. amusing, good I adventure • VERB + YARN spin (sb), tell (sb) He tried to spin us some yarn about how he was collecting for the church. It was all lies. • PREP. -about yawn noun • ADJ. big, deep, huge I noisy I stifled • VERB + YAWN stifle, suppress He struggled to stifle a yawn. I give The little boy gave a huge yawn. I conceal He tried toconceal his yawn behind his hand. • PREP. with a- • PREP. - of The dentist took an X-ray of my jaw. - on I had to have an X-ray on my knee. • PHRASES the result/results of the X-ray The result of theX-ray gave nocausefor concern. xylophone noun q Special pageat MUSIC yawn verb • ADV. hugely, widely Hesat up and yawned hugely. • VERB + YAWN make sb I hear sb • PREP. at Hegotfed up ofpeople yawning at him when he talked about his job. year noun • ADJ. last, past The chart shows our performance over the past year. I past, preceding, previous, recent The event has not proved popular in past years. 0 They had met once theprevious year. I current I coming, following, fu- ture, next We have high hopes for the coming year. 0 She died thefollouiing year. 0 Weaim to do even better infuture years. I consecutive, successive She won the racefor the third successive year. I alternate I intervening He soon realized that a lot had changed in the intervening years. I early, later the early years of the tuienty-first century 0 In his later years, he drifted away from politics. I new We're going skiing early in the new year. I final final-year uni- versity students I golden, good, happy, memorable, mo- mentous the golden years of motoring I profitable I bad, hard, lean, poor I peak, record a peak year for exports I calendar I leap I academic, school I financial, fiscal, tax I light (oftenfigurative) The new range puts us light years ahead of the competition. I election I sabbatical He spent his sabbatical year doing research in Moscow. I inter-war, post-war, pre-war, war -s The children spent the war years abroad. I formative, tender -s She was born in Spain but spent herformative years in Italy. 0 chil- dren of tender years • VERB + YEAR spend He spent last year trying toget a new job. I take It took him ten years to qualify as a vet. I celebrate Next year they celebratefifty years of marriage. I put on His wife's death has put years on him (= made him look/feel much older). I take off Careful make-up and styling can take years off you (= make you look much younger). • YEAR + VERB begin, start I end, finish I elapse, go by, pass A year elapsed before I heard from him again. 0 The last year went by in flash. I run from/to sth The aca- demic year runsfrom. October to June. I see sth That year saw the explosion of the Internet. • PREP. by the- The reforms will befully implement- ed by the year 2007. during the - during the next academic year for a/the - profit for the current year to 31 December <> Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. We lived there for ten years. in a - I hope to retire in a year/in a year's time. in a/the - in the next tax year 0 Britain was invaded in theyear 1066. in -s It's thefirst time we've met in years (= for many years). over/under a - We've beenfriends for over twenty years. per - Over 10 000 people per year are injured in this type of accident. throughout the - The global economy means that all types offruit and vegetables are available throughout the year. I -s between and /from to the boom years from 1993 to 2000 - of The book represents three years of hard work. 0 That was in theyear of the greatjlood. • PHRASES all year long I'ue been waiting for this mo- ment all year long. all (the) year round The city tour runs all theyear round. the beginning/end/middle/start of the year, be six, etc. years old She's only ten years old. early/late in the year, a time of year It's usually much colder at this time of year. the turn of the year The team has suffered a loss ofform since the turn of theyear. yearn verb • ADV secretly I still • PREP. after He still yearned after her,even after all these years. for She yearned for children of her own. yearning noun • ADJ. deep, desperate, enormous, great, passionate I romantic • VERB + YEARNING feel, have I express • PREP. with (a) - He looked at her with yearning. I - after Hefelt a great yearning after his old job. - for They had a deepyearning for their homeland. yell verb • ADV. loudly I furiously, hysterically I almost I back, out She yelled back at me to mind my own business. • VERB + YELL hear sb • PREP. at Heyelled at mefuriously: for yelling for help in She yelled in pain as she touched the hot iron. with The children wereyelling with laughter. yellowadj. • ADV. very I rather, slightly Her teeth were rather yellow. • ADJ. dark, deep, rich, strong I creamy, light, pale, soft She wore a pale yellow dress. I bright, brilliant, vivid I dirty, dull, sickly I canary, chrome, golden, lemon, primrose, saffron, sunshine q Special page at COLOUR yelp noun • ADJ. little, small I sharp I muffled • VERB + YELP give, let out I hear • PREP. with a- I - of She jumped back with a little yelp of surprise. • PHRASES a yelp of pain qNoteatsouND yen noun q Note at CURRENCY yes noun, exclamation • ADJ. resounding, unequivocal, unqualified When the villagers were asked if they wanted thefactory to be built, the answer was a resounding yes. I simple • VERB + YES answer, say In reply to his question, most of them answered yes. 0 Please say yes! I vote • YES + NOUN vote • PREP. with a- He answered with ayes. I -fo They voted yes tostrike action. • PHRASES yes or no I need a simple yes or no. 891 youth yield noun • ADJ. good, high This method of cultivation produces higher yield. I low, poor Yields are quite poor this year. • VERB + YIELD produce yoga noun • ADJ. gentle I meditative • VERB + YOGA do, practise She doesyogafor an hour a day. I take up I go to I go toyoga on Thursdays. • YOGA + NOUN exercises, movements, positions, technique I class, session He attends regular yoga classes. I teacher I practice I centre yoghurt noun • ADJ. natural, plain I apricot, strawberry, etc. I fat- free, low-fat I live I set, thick • QUANT. carton, pot • YOGHURT + NOUN carton, pot q Special page at FOOD yogurt noun • ADJ. natural, plain I apricot, strawberry, etc. I fat- free, low-fat I live I set, thick • QUANT. carton, pot • YOGURT + NOUN carton, pot young adj. • VERBS be, feel, look, seem Ifeltyoung again. • ADV extremely, very She still looks very young. I com- paratively, fairly, quite, relatively He seemed quite young to have so much responsibility. I enough She looked young enough to behis daughter. youth noun 1 period of your life when you are young • ADJ. early I unhappy I lost nostalgia for her lost youth I misspent His lack of qualifications was taken as a sign of a misspent youth. • VERB + YOUTH spend She spent much of her youth in Hong Kong. I idle away, waste He wasted his youth in front of a computer screen. • PREP. during your- She contracted the disease during her youth. from - from youth to maturity in your - He started going to discos in his early youth. since your - I haven't danced since my youth! throughout your - He playedfootball throughout his youth. • PHRASES not in the first flush of youth Though no longer in thefirstfluslt ofyouth she's still remarkably ener- getic. scenes from/of sb's youth 2 being young • ADJ. extreme Her extreme youth was against her. I comparative I eternal in search ofeternal youth • VERB + YOUTH have Youstill haoeyour youth-s-that's the main thing. 3young person • ADJ. male I black, white I callow He was a callow youth when he joined the newspaper. I pimply, spotty She's going out with some spotty youth. I fresh-faced I gangling • QUANT. gang, group 4 young people • ADJ. modern the aspirations of modern youth I local I urban I working-class I delinquent, disaffected I un- employed I educated I gilded (figurative) a clubfor the gilded youth (= rich and spoilt young people) of London • YOUTH + NOUN culture I club, group, movement, organization, SUbculture, work I leader, worker I em- ployment, unemployment, training I court, crime, cus- tody a crackdown on youth crime • PHRASES the youth of today Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. Zz zeal noun • ADJ. great, true I excessive, fanatical I crusading, missionary, radical, reforming, religious, revolutionary a crusading zeal to eradicate drug abuse • VERB + ZEAL burn with, have He burned with a re· forming zeal. I demonstrate, show • PREP. with - She went about the task with the zeal of an enthusiast. I -for She had a true zealfor journalism. - in their zeal in the promotion of education • PHRASES a lack of zeal zest noun • ADJ. great I added, renewed, youthful Last month's victory has given him a renewed zestfor the game. • VERB + ZEST be full of, have He is 74years old but still full of zest. I add, give sb/sth The love affair added a little zest to her life. I lose • PREP. with-Hecampaignedwithzest. I -forazestjor battle • PHRASES azest for life zip noun • VERB + ZIP close, do up, fasten, pull (up), slide (up) I open, pull (down), slide (down), undo I get caught in Thefabric got caught in thezip and tore. • ZIP + VERB be/get stuck, stick The zip on my bag has stuck. I break I be open, be undone • ZIP + NOUN fastener • PREP. by a - The jacket was fastened by a zip at the front. with a-a bag with a zip I -on c:> Special page at CLOTHES zone noun • ADJ. broad, narrow I marginal, peripheral, transi- tion/transitional, twilight a transition zone between trop- ical and arid vegetations o the twilight zone between lio- ing and merely existing I border, frontier I neutral I battle, combat, military, war I buffer, demilitarized, ex- clusion, no-fly, no-go This area behind the station is a no- go zone for tourists. I occupation, occupied, security I autonomous I danger I emergency I disaster The re- gion has been declared an ecological disaster zone. I safe I safety She stood some distance away from him to main- tain a safety zone. I nuclear-free, smoke-free, traffic- free, weapons-free Most of the town centre isa traffic-free zone. I earthquake, fault, seismic I climatic, geograph- ical I alpine, arid, coastal, temperate the alpine and arid zones of Australia I economic, enterprise, fishing, free- trade, industrial an industrial zone of factories, ware· houses and shipyards I euro- (also eurozone) I north- ern, southern, etc. I pedestrian I time I erogenous I relegation The teamfinds itself in the relegation zone after a run ofpoor results. • VERB + ZONE control The rebels control the southern border zone. I create, declare sth, establish, impose, set up The area has been declared a closed military zone. I enforce Fighter planes are being sent to enforcethe UNno- fly zone. I violate An enemy plane was shot down after it violated the exclusion zone. I cross into, enter We were crossing into a new time zone. I leave Aid workers were advised to leave the danger zone. I divide sth into Europe isdivided into economic zones. • ZONE + NOUN boundary • PREP. in a/the - The plant grows only in the temperate zone. into althe We had accidentally strayed into the war zone. out of a/the r-, within a/the- Companies within en- terprise zones are given special help. I - between the neu· tral zone between the two countries zoo noun • VERB + ZOO go to, visit I escape from I run a badly- run zoo • ZOO + NOUN animals I keeper (also zookeeper) • PREP. at a/the- Wesaw a baby polar bear at the zoo. in a/the- These lions were born in the zoo. zoology noun c:> Note at SUBJECT Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. 893 KEY TO THE STUDY PAGES 52 ideas into words a constructive, positive b wacky c absurd, crackpot, crazy, mad, outlandish, ridiculous, wild d half-baked e grandiose 1 a come up with, dream up, hit on/upon, produce, think up b contribute, input, moot, put forward c promote, push (forward), sell d consider, entertain, flirt with, mull over, toy with, turn over e bounce around, bounce off sb, discuss, explore, talk about 3 a come into sb's head/mind, come to sb, flash acrosslinto sb's brain/mind, hit sb, occur to sb, pop into sb's head, strike sb b blossom, work (out) c come to nothing 4 the germ/ glimmering of an idea 53-5 using a noun entry adjectives I a bewildering array of goods, a biting wind, a burning ambition, a convincing win, driving rain, a fighting chance, a gaping chasm, a staggering sum of money, a blazing row over money, a crushing defeat, a haunting melody, a nagging pain, a piercing scream, raging inflation, a sprawling suburb, a sweeping statement quantifiers 2 a wisps of cloud b spate of attacks c bouts of depression d snatch of their conversation e stream of traffic f pack of stray dogs g dose of flu h cloves of garlic i outbursts of temper j pieces of jewellery verb + 3 a got tnto/ had an argument b clear/pay offhis debts c came up with/put forward the suggestion d arrive at/ draw any firm conclusions e agreed/ struck a deal f a meeting has been arranged/ scheduled g accept/shoulder the blame h drummed/tapped his fingers i took/went on a trip j shade/ shield my eyes + verb 4 the wine hadflowedfreely my head was throbbing my stomach was churning the wind howled the rain lashed against the window my nerves were on edge I heard the key turn/turning my heart began to hammer in my chest footsteps echoed on the stairs my mind was racing the bedroom door creaked open my eyes accustomed to the darkness the man's mouth dropped open + noun 5 a taxi rank b leg room c protest rally d traffic accident e famine relief f newspaper kiosk g shelf space h job prospects prepositions 6 a in agony b at a disadvantage c confusion over d over the noise e in writing f at speed g in self-defence h in this rain i at/ over Christmas j skill at/ in Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. 894 phrases 7 a Could I have a word in your ear? b I remember clearly the first time I set eyes on her. c If this report falls into the wrong hands, we're in trouble. d I vowed never to set foot in the place again. e The force of the impact broke/jarred every bone in his body. 56-7 using a verb entry adverbs a argued fiercely/heatedly bfiercely/hotly defend c grinned sheepishly/ wolfishly d ruefully/sheepishly confessed e contrasted markedly/starkly f brutally/starkly illustrates verb + 2 a was happy to accept bfailed to comply c serve to highlight d hasten to add e take steps to ensure f offered to resign g was determined to fight h can afford to pay prepositions 3 a backfired on me b protest against the decision c comment on their decision d mistaking me tor someone else e treated for sunstroke f prejudice the jury against him g plotting against him h collaborated on many projects i appealing against the ruling j appealed for calm phrases 4 a drink and drive b moaning and groaning c tossing and turning d mix and match e puffing and panting fbraked to a halt g crack under the strain h dawned bright and cold i grinning from ear to ear j pausing for breath collocations of phrasal verbs 5 I had been left to fend for myself in the desert. The sun beat down mercilessly. The water holes had dried up completely. I had to rely entirely on cactifor water. I tried to hang on to my sanity, clinging desperately to the hope that I would find my way out alive. 58-9 using an adjective entry verbs I I nearly fell asleep. His mistake proved costly. The house smells damp. The house stood empty. The crowd grew impatient. The roads run parallel. His mistake passed unnoticed. The driver emerged unscathed. 2 a drove me crazy b held captive c set ablaze d rendered powerless e deemed unsuitable f beat the shopkeeper senseless g regarded him as eccentric h jerked me awake adverbs 3 a painfully b dead c fiercely d distinctly e wildly f grossly 4 a unduly concerned b justly proud c blissfully unaware d conspicuously absent e oddly familiar f outwardly composed g eerily silenth notoriously fickle prepositions 5 a damaging to the government b late for school c acquainted with the new software d insistent on/upon secrecy e irresistible to women f limited to two per person g mean with his money h alarmed atl by the latest crime statistics Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. 895 phrases 6 a alive and well b safe and sound c quick and easy d ready and willing e neat and tidy f worried sick g wet through h thrilled to bits i scared out of my wits/ stiff/to death j bored out of our minds/rigid/silly/stiff/to death/ to distraction/ to tears SI 0-1 I collocations with common verbs The answers to the first three of these exercises are to some extent subjective. The aim is to get you/your students thinking about how these verbs work. If, after working through the exercises, you/they feel more confident about this area of collocation and more familiar with some of these particular collocations, then the exercise has been successful. do is the most usual verb for talking about tasks and duties, for example do the dishes, do thefood for a party, do the garden, doyour homework, do a photocopy, do research, do a translation, do the washing; exceptions could include make the bed, make a photocopy; have a meeting; take an exam; give sth a polish 2 damage, garden, photocopy, research, sketch, translate, wash, write; attempt, change, decide,fuss, guess, impress, progress, promise, sketch, speak, suggest; argue, bath/ bathe, break, breakfast, chat, drink,feel, guess, holiday, look, meet, party, nap, snack; act, bath/ bathe, bite, break, decide, breathe, holiday, look, nap, walk; answer, cry, help, kiss, perform, polish, prioritize, push, shock, sigh, speak, think, welcome 3 speaking make a guess, make a speech, make apromise, make a suggestion, have an argument, have a chat, have a guess, give your opinion, give a sigh, give a speech experiencing something have an accident, have cancer, have difficulty, have a cold, havefun, have a heart attack, have an operation, have problems, have a shock producing something using your hands, your mind or your skill do thefood for a party, do a sketch, do a translation, do some writing, make dinner, make a cake, make afilm, make a sketch, take a photo physical actions make notes, have a bath, have breakfast, have a drink, have a nap, have a Snack, take a bath, take a bite, take the bus, take a deep breath, take a look, take a nap, takenotes, take a tablet, take sb's temperature, take a walk, give sb a kiss, give sb a lift, give sth a polish, give sb apush 4 do/take an exam, do/make a photocopy, do/make a sketch, make/take a decision, make/ have/take a guess.rnake/take notes, make/give a speech, have/take a bath, have/take a break, have/take a holiday, have/take a look, have/give a party, have/take a nap 5/6 a have/take a close look b do/take a test c give us a warm welcome d have/take a siesta e doing odd jobs f giving top priority g have/take one more swim h gave a short laugh i took an instant dislike j make any rash promises k had/taken a keen interest I made her fortune m take (= a photo)/do (= a drawing, etc.) a picture n making a terrible racket 0 made a lasting impression p give the handle a sharp twist q have/make/take a wild guess r take the medicine 5 making/taking copious notes t do/make a programme Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. 896 natural disasters a The famine has already claimed thousands of victims. b The president visited the affected region in the immediate aftermath of the hurricane. c Rescue workers are still looking for survivors. d A massive relief effort is underway. e Several villages have been inundated by the severest floods in decades. f The city was struck by a massive earthquake shortly after midnight. g The forest fires,fanned by warm winds, raged out of control for weeks. h The volcano, which had been dormant for 50 years, began erupting late last night. criminal justice a ~ remanded in, taken into custody b Q*I made two arrests c ~found guilty d accused -wi#I- of e ~ carries a sentence f the judge SHHlHlElFi~S8 summed up g the jury ~ returned a verdict h the original verdict was SliHElSHS8 overturned, quashed, reversed, set aside education a He gotfUll/1'R9J€il'R!U~/top marks in the listening test. b We have to dO/1'R9'cef:bI!FUe a vocabulary test every Friday. c She's busy Fe/YieHlifl,§/revising/studying for her exam. d How many students have enrolled on/signed uPfor/b/".fieFi9'cel'l the course? e She was always Issifl,§/l'Rissil'l{ff slJ,ilskipping lessons - no wonder she ~/failed/jlunked the exam. f He suffers badly from exam nerves/ SiFBSSI!VSFFies, which affects his concentration ~/span/#ri:I'!e. g The teacher ~/setl~ a difficult exam but sqes'cefi/ssFresiefi/marked it leniently. h We were supposed to do/~/write the essay by Friday but I fieUl>el'BfiW gave it in/ handed it in late. driving a The taxi ~/screamed/screeched to a halt at the~/pedestrian/zebra crossing. b Ijil'lisRefi iqe/ran out of/lJ,sefi ~ iRe petrol and had to hitch/ Riisq qi'ce/thumb a lift to the nearest garage. c There's always busy/heavy/~ traffic on the motorway, so I usually take the back/minor//!I'I'!9l,l, roads. d I realized it was a Bl'lefiiFesiisl'I/ one-way/ sifl,§le !V8)' street, so I had to ~ ~/do/make a U-tut-n. e The demonstration broughtlFBfilJ,sefihllsb8efi traffic to a standstill, and some drivers began to hHi/sound/tooftheir horns in frustration. A car suddenly pulled out/si9Fisfi B!JUturned out in front of me and I had to hit/slam on/~ the brakes. g She was banned/ fiis911swss/ disqualified from driving for a year after failing €HO ~/ a breath/ a breathalyser test. h The stolen car hit 91'1 9fJfJFS9sqifl,§ 19 SSRiF9.f/Sb8/an oncoming vehicle and ~ i.I'!/ burst into/ ~ flames. politics elections a rigging, election b led, opinion polls c fought, campaign d stood, office government e fulfil, pledge f impose, ban g unveiled, plans h ruled out, possibility i hold, referendum j commission, report Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. 897 opposition k launched, attack Irenewed, call m facing, backlash international issues n honour, promise, 0 deploy, forces p issued, ultimatum q call, ceasefire jobs I 2 a a high-powered job b repetitive work c a competitive salary d flexible hours e her heavy workload f a short-term contract g a team meeting h a proven track record i in-service training j a skeleton staff a apply for the job b take early retirement c came out on, went on strike d boost, enhance, improve your job prospects e fulfilling; reaching, realizing her full potential, handed in her notice f cancel, end, rescind, terminate her contract, missed several important deadlines g earn, make her living, achieoed.fulfilled, realized her ambition h did a brief stint, do itfor a living a brief stint b full potential c job prospects d wealth of experience 3 money I a an auiful lot of money b doubled in value c go up in, increase in, rise in price dfacing financial ruin e bring, lead to, mean, spell economic ruin f on afixed, limited, low, shoestring, small, tight budget g incurred, made, suffered, sustained a loss on the deal h arranged, got, raised, took out a large bank loan, had great difficulty paying it off I exchange rate, excellent, good, great, outstanding value j lost, made a small fortune on the stock market 2 a small change b small fortune c healthy bank balance d take-home pay e false economy Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.com to remove this watermark. . statement quantifiers 2 a wisps of cloud b spate of attacks c bouts of depression d snatch of their conversation e stream of traffic f pack of stray dogs g dose of flu h cloves of. with the zeal of an enthusiast. I -for She had a true zealfor journalism. - in their zeal in the promotion of education • PHRASES a lack of zeal zest noun •

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