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Qua bài kiểm tra bản thân nhận thấy đã truyền đạt những kiến thức trọng tâm đến học sinh, đa số các em nắm được trọng tâm của bài, tuy nhiên một số em chưa làm tốt phần sắp xếp câu và ph[r]

(1)Week: 15 Period: 43 Date of P: 01/12/2012 Date of T: 03/12/2012 TEST CORRECTION No2 I/ Objectives Help ss realize the mistakes they had when doing the test Teacher can consolidate the knowledge for ss II/ General assessment Học sinh làm bài tương đạt mức trung bình khá khoảng 76 % học sinh đạt điểm từ trung bình trở lên, khoảng 37 % học sinh đạt điểm khá giỏi Đề kiểm tra phù hợp với lực học học sinh, đề bám sát chuẩn kiến thức kĩ Qua bài kiểm tra thân nhận thấy đã truyền đạt kiến thức trọng tâm đến học sinh, đa số các em nắm trọng tâm bài, nhiên số em chưa làm tốt phần xếp câu và phần chuyển đổi câu, nguyên nhân số em chưa chú tâm vào việc học, phần có thể chưa có nhiều thời gian cho các em thực hành dạng bài tập này Học sinh cần đầu tư nhiều thời gian cho việc học Giáo viên cần dành nhiều thời gian cho học sinh thực hành phần xếp câu và chuyển đổi câu III/ Steps Teacher takes out the test Ss revise the test Ss discuss with their friends Teacher corrects the test and comments IV/ Evaluation of result Class Total Mark ≥6.5 Mark≥5 Mark<5 Mark<3.5 6a3 36 6a4 36 6a5 31 IV/ Homework - Prepare Unit 7, Section C: C1.C3 V/ Comments ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………  (2) Week:15 Period: 44 Date of P:02/12/2012 Date of T:04/12/2012 UNIT 7: YOUR HOUSE Section C: On the move Lesson 4: C1.C3 I/ Objectives 1/ Educational aim Ss should choose a suitable means of transportation for themselves when going to school 2/ Teaching aim By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about means of transportation, ask and answer about the others’ means of transport II/ Preparations Textbook, pictures, cassette, tape, chalk III/ Procedures Teacher’s activities 1/ WARM – UP (5’) - Have Ss play game “jumbled letters” ohw => how og => go csholo => school ikeb => bike - Ask Ss to name some means os transport Student’s activities - Play game - Name some means of transport Ex: car, motorbike, bike, train… 2/ PRESENTATION (17’) * Activity - Have Ss look at the pictures to find out means of - Look at the pictures transport in each picture - Present some new words + bike (n) - Listen and take note (3) + car (n) + train (n) + plane (n) + motorbike (n) + bus (n) + walk (v) + travel (v) + by (prep) - Have Ss listen and repeat - Call some Ss to read individually * Activity - Have ss play game “Slap the board” bike motorbik e car - Listen and repeat - Individual work - Play game plane train walk bus * Activity - Have Ss guess the meaning of the sentences * How you go to school?  I go to school by bike * How does she go to school?  She goes to school by bike - Present model sentences - Guess meaning - Listen and take notes + you / they How + V…….? does + she / he  I / We / They V ……… + + by …… She / He V (es, s) - Ask some ss how they go to school - Answer the questions Ex: I go to school by bike S1: How you go to school? S2: I walk to school 3/ PRACTICE (13’) * Activity - Pair work - Have Ss work in pairs asking and answering S1: How does Lan go to school? basing on the pictures (p78) S2: She goes by bike S1: How does Thu go to school? S2: She goes by motorbike - Practice in front of class - Call some pairs to ask and answer in front of class (4) by playing game “lucky numbers” => By bike How does Lien go to school? => By motorbike How does Thu go to school? Lucky number => By bus How does Tuan go to school? => By car How does Hoa go to school? Lusky number => By walks / Walk to school How does Huong go to school? * Activity - Work in pairs - Ask ss to practice asking and answering the question How you go to school? Ex: S1: How you go to school? S2: I walk to school * Activity - Listen and match - Ask ss listen and match each name with a mean of transportation a) Ba by bus b) Lan by train c) Nam by motorbike d) Nga by walks e) Tuan by plane f) Mrs Huong by bike g) Mr Ha by car h) Miss Chi - Give answers - Call ss to give answers - Take notes - Make corrections a) Ba by bus b) Lan by train c) Nam by motorbike d) Nga by walks e) Tuan by plane f) Mrs Huong by bike g) Mr Ha by car h) Miss Chi 4/ PRODUCTION (8’) - Have Ss play game “ Take a survey” Name How you go to school? Mai By bike Ba By motorbike Nhi By walks ………… - Call ss report their answer Ex: Mai goes to school by bike Ba goes to school by motorbike Nhi goes to school by walks - Play game - Report in front of class (5) 5/ HOMEWORK (2’) - Write homework - Tell Ss learn by heart new words and structures - Do exercises C1.C3 (Ex book) - Prepare C4 IV/ Comments ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………….………  Date of P: 04/12/2012 Date of T: 06/12/2012 Week:15 Period: 45 UNIT 7: YOUR HOUSE Section C: On the move Lesson 5:C4 (6) I/ Objectives 1/ Educational aim Ss should go to school on time 2/ Teaching aim By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand a passage about Hoang’s daily activites, Talk about Hoang’s daily activities and their daily activities II/ Preparations Textbook, picture, tape, cassette III/ Procedures Teacher’s activities Student’s activities 1/ WARM – UP (5’) - Have Ss play game “network” on “means of - Play game transport” - Have Ss repeat all the words on the board - Repeat 2/ PRESENTATION (10’) * Activity - Set the scene for the reading text - Revise some words + take a shower + leave the house + start + end + so + then * Activity - - Show a grid of sentences on the board for Ss to decide which sentence is true or false Hoang is a student He gets up at six He goes to school at six thirty His house is not next to his school He goes to school by bike His classes start at 7.00 Ater school he walks home and has lunch at 11.45 - Get feedback 3/ PRACTICE (15’) * Activity - Play the tape C4 for Ss to listen - Have Ss read the text individually - Call some Ss read the text individually - Tell Ss to work in pairs to decide if the sentences given are true or false - Give feedback - Make corrections T F F F F T T - Listen to T - Listen and take notes - Guess T - F - Listen to the tape - Read individually - Work in pairs - Give answers - Take notes (7) * Activity - Have Ss work in pairs asking and answering the questions (C4) - Call some pairs to ask and answer - Make corrections a He gets up at 5.30 b He goes to school at 6.30 c No, he doesn’t d Yes, he does e Classes start at 7.00 f They end at 11.30 4/ PRODUCTION (15’) * Activity - Ask ss to talk about Hoang’s daily activity again * Activity - Have Ss work in pairs talking about themselves * Ex: - Pair work - Ask and answer - Take notes Ex: His name is Hoang, He is a student ……………………………… - Talk freely Hi, my name is Hoa I’m a student I get up………… - Comment 5/ HOMEWORK (2’) - Tell Ss to write a text about daily activities - Write homework - Do exercises C4 (Ex book) - Prepare A1.A2 (Unit 8) IV/ Comments …………………………………………………………………………………………………… … ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… …  (8)

Ngày đăng: 13/06/2021, 13:16

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