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English 8

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Nội dung

Pre- teach vocab: - T elicits some new words: - apperance n: đặc điểm, diện mạo translation - humorous a: hài hước explanation - helpful a: có ích, giúp ích translation - generous a: hà[r]

(1)Date of preparing:………………………… Period UNIT 1: MY FRIENDS Lesson 4: Write (P 15) A Aims: By the of the lesson, students will be able: Knowledge: To know how to write a paragraph about their personal information and their partners Skills: To develop writing skill Attitude: To be more friendly with their friends B Teaching aids: - Teacher’s preparation: Textbook, lesson plan, poster - Ss’ preparation: books , notebooks , workbooks C Techniquies: Kim’s game, slap the board, group work D Procedures: I Organization:( (1m) Class Date of teaching Absent students 8C1 ……………… ……………… 8C2 8C3 Teacher’s activities Time Ss’ activities II Warm up: Kim’s game - T asks ss to look at the picture on page 17 in twenty seconds and then asks them to answer two 5’ - Individually questions: a How many people are there in the picture? b What is each person wearing? III New lesson: Activity 1: Pre- writing: Pre- teach vocab: - T elicits some new words: - apperance (n): đặc điểm, diện mạo (translation) - humorous (a): hài hước (explanation) - helpful ( a): có ích, giúp ích (translation) - generous (a): hào phóng (translation) - slender (a): mảnh mai (explanation) + Check: slap the board 8’ - Listen & repeat in chorusindividual - Copy down - Rewrite words 10’ - Read individually - Listen & answer (2) Comprehension questions: - T asks ss to read some information about Tam and then answer some questions: a) What is his/ her name ? b) How old is he/ she ? c) What does he/ she look like ? d) What is he/ she like ? e) Where does he/ she live ? f) Who does he/ she live with ? g) Who are his/ her friends ? - T gets feedback +Answer key: a Le Van Tam b 14 c tall & thin d sociable, humorous e 26 Tran Phu Street, Hanoi f his father g Ba and Bao Activity 2: While writing: Fill a similar form for your partner - T asks ss to write some information about one of their friends Name : Age : Apperance : Characters : Address : Family : Friends : - Then T calls on one student to read out their information - T asks ss to write a paragraph about their partner by using the form above to write 12’ - Work individually to fill the form 5’ - Work individually - Listen & speak Activity 3: Post writing: - T moves around the class and help ss then T asks some ss to speak in front of the class about their partner IV Consolidation : (2’) - T asks ss what they have learnt today V Homework: (2’) - Remind ss to learn by heart vocabulary - Ask ss to exercises (p 11-12 – W.B); exercise 1( p.8-N.B) (3) - Ask ss to prepare the next lesson VI Evaluation: …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………… (4)

Ngày đăng: 13/06/2021, 05:49

