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chuyen de day pronunciation

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Exercise Arrange these verbs in correct column helped, wanted, cleaned, raised, kissed, ended, waited, needed, treated, danced, pleased, experienced, finished, practised, painted, lived,[r]

(1)(2) (3) Can you pronounce this ? English (4) Make out the answer quickly ! (5) on She sells sells She shells shore onthe theshells shore [ ∫i: selz ∫elz ɔn ðə ∫ ɔ:(r) ] Arrange these words in correct orders (6) buy He He decided knives todecided buy ninenine nicetoknives nice [ hi: di’saidid to bai nain nais naivz ] (7) a i c n u n o r P n o ti Pr u n o i c n ia c n u n o Pr ia t io n io t a n n o ti Pr on un ci at io n n it o a i c n u n o r P ti o n on un c c n u n o r P Pr on un ci a Pr on un ci at io n Pr n it o ia (8) Consolidation Which sound would you like to choose ? /θ/ /∫/ /ɔ:/ /s/ /I/ /æ/ (9) /θ/ or /ð/ ? thing /θ/ clothing /ð/ with /ð/ width /θ/ (10) /∫/ , /k/ or /t∫/ ? champagne /∫/ character /k/ chore /t∫/ chorus /k/ (11) /ɔ:/ or /a:/ ? starfish warm /a:/ harbour / ɔ:/ /a:/ far /a:/ (12) /k/ or /s/ ? celebrate /s/ curtain /k/ certain /s/ camara /k/ (13) /I / or /aI / ? bitter /I / title /aI / driven /I/ kite /aI / (14) /æ/ or /ə/ ? American /ə/ landlord /æ/ family /æ/ homeland /ə/ (15) Verb + ed (16) Pronunciation Verb + ed / Id / /t/ & /d/ /t/ /k/, /p/, /f/, /s/, /∫/, /t∫/ planted looked decided laughed missed washed watched stopped /d/ The left sounds learned changed played (17) Notes Some adjectives, adverbs or nouns ending in ‘ed’ are pronounced /id/ eg (adj) wicked [ 'wikid ] : xấu xa; độc ác (adj) beloved [ bi'lʌvid ]: được yêu mến (adj) naked [ 'neikid ] : trần, trơ trụi (adj) learned ['lɛ:(r)nid]:có học thức (adv) supposedly [sə'pəuzidli]: giả sử la (adv) deservedly [di'zɛ:vidli]: xứng đáng (n) hatred [ 'heitrid ] : lòng căm thu (18) Exercise Arrange these verbs in correct column helped, wanted, cleaned, raised, kissed, ended, waited, needed, treated, danced, pleased, experienced, finished, practised, painted, lived, performed, mended, talked, released, offered, moved, prevented, discovered, liked / Id / /t/ /d/ wanted ended helped kissed cleaned raised waited needed danced experienced pleased lived treated painted finished practised performed offered moved mended prevented talked released discovered liked (19) Exercise Choose the correct answer A packed B punched C pleased D pushed A painted B landed C suited D picked A ended B decided C cooked D wanted A killed B cured C crashed D waved A called B released C rained D followed A earned B passed C talked D washed A landed B needed C opened D wicked A worked B stopped C played D packed A hacked B travelled C lived D contained B pulled C shocked D copied 10 A formed (20) N / V+ s es (21) s Noun / verb + /S/ es /IZ/ /Z/ /k/, /p/, /t/, /f/, /θ/ /s/, /∫/, /t∫/,/dʒ/,/z/,/ʒ/ The left sounds books maps hats laughs months misses washes churches oranges buzzes garages walls chairs plays bags (22) Exercise Arrange these words in correct column helps, wants, cleans, raises, kisses, ends, waits, needs, treats, dances, students, experiences, finishes, practises, paints, lives, performs, mends, talks , releases, moves, prevents, likes / S/ helps wants waits treats students paints talks prevents likes / IZ / /Z / raises kisses cleans ends dances needs lives experiences performs finishes practises mends releases moves (23) Exercise Choose the correct answer A kites B oranges C changes D bushes A shirts B bosses C books D taps A ends B plans C schools D maths A hills B rivers C folks D streams A news B C cows D holes A likes B passages C churches D watches A hands B needs C teachers D wants A jobs B buses C plays D toys A trucks B cars C tables D cookers B jeans C socks D trainers 10 A farms loses (24) Vowels (25) N0 ‘e’ develop 10 me enable answer open complete depend these sense sister /I:/ /e/ /I/ /ə/ (26) Match the words with the same sounds polite wonder none holiday fond purpose nose introduce monkey soldier production honey (27) Consonants (28) th /θ/ /ð/ Arrange these words in correct column thought, thus, theory, brother, theme, then, with , clothes, there, northern , three , thatch , thank /θ/ thought theory theme three thatch thank /ð/ thus then there brother with clothes northern (29) Write the correct sound for ‘th’ in the following words author /θ/ death /θ/ another /ð/ thus /ð/ thrilling /θ/ cloth /θ/ feather /ð/ clothing /ð/ path /θ/ 10 breathe /ð/ (30) Exercise Choose the correct answer A than B there A theory B mother C thaw A through B maths C thus C then D thin D thick D warmth A both B clothes C with D these A thesis B width D weather C theme (31) Exercise Choose the correct answer A than B there A theory B mother C thaw A through B maths C thus C then D thin D thick D warmth A both B clothes C with D these A thesis B width D weather C theme (32) ch /k/ /t∫/ Arrange these words in correct column chemist, chimney, chorus, character, scholarship, change, chill, chicken, challenge, charity, chemical , choir /k/ chemist chorus character scholarship chemical choir /t∫/ chimney change chill chicken challenge charity (33) Notes ‘ch’ is also pronounced /∫/ eg machine [ mə'∫i:n ]: máy móc, giới chef [ ∫ef ] : bếp trưởng mustache [ 'mʌstæ∫ ] : râu mép moustache [ mə'stɑ:∫ ] parachute [ 'pærə∫u:t ] :cái du Chicago [ ∫i'ka:gou ] : a city in the USA (34) Write the correct sound for ‘ch’ in the following words beach /t∫/ machine /∫/ toothache /k/ bench /t∫/ choke /t∫/ chaos /k/ scheme /k/ chef /∫/ chorus /k/ 10 chocolate /t∫/ (35) Write the correct sound for ‘ch’ in the following words beach machine toothache bench choke chaos scheme chef chorus 10 chocolate (36) Choose the correct sound N0 Words with ‘ch’ chef choke machine toothache scheme chorus chaos monarch charity 10 Christ /t∫/ /k/ /∫/ (37) Choose the correct sound N0 Words with ‘ch’ chef choke machine toothache scheme chorus chaos monarch charity 10 Christ /t∫/ /k/ /∫/ (38) Exercise Choose the correct answer A character B chin C cheap D choice A chew B chorus C chiefly D chase A chance B child C choir D church A chemist B scholar C charity D chaos A chapter B charm C chest D Christmas (39) c /s/ /k/ Arrange these words in correct column century, cook, cell, cancer, centre, curtain, carnation, comedy, cave, cover, celebrate, city , cinema / s/ century cell centre celebrate city cinema / k/ cook cancer curtain carnation comedy cave cover (40) Exercise Choose the correct answer A comet B cash C corn D cinema A case B century C cancer D cat A cool B casino D cup A circle B correct C comedy D carton A coke B camera C cape C citizen D certain (41) (42)

Ngày đăng: 10/06/2021, 11:26

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