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- Play the tape C5 for Ss to listen and write the numbers they listen - Call Ss to read the numbers they heard - Ask Ss to give the way to ask and answer about the time - Give modal sent[r]

(1)Week: Period: 25 Date of P: 21/10/2012 Date of T: 23/10/2012 UNIT 4: BIG OR SMALL Section C:Getting ready for school Lesson 5: C4.C5.C6.C7 I/ OBJECTIVES 1/ Educational aim 2/ Teaching aim By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to ask and answer about time and time of daily activities II/ PREPARATIONS Textbook, tape, pictures, cassette, chalk III/ PROCEDURES Teacher’s activities Student’s activities 1/ Warm - up (5’) - Give questions to ask ss + What you every morning? + What does she every morning? - Aswer + I get up, then I ………… + She gets up, then she ……… 2/ Presentation (12’) * Activity - Have Ss listen to the tape C4 and repeat know how to ask and answer about the time - Call Ss to take roles reading the dialogues - Present new words + late + time + o’clock + half - Have Ss listen and repeat * Activity - Play the tape C5 for Ss to listen and write the numbers they listen - Call Ss to read the numbers they heard - Ask Ss to give the way to ask and answer about the time - Give modal sentences + What time is it?  It’s eight o’clock  It’s ten fifteen  It’s half past ten - Call some pairs to ask and answer C5 3/ Practice (16’) * Activity - Listen to the tape - Take roles reading S1: What time is it, Ba? S2: It’s eight o’clock We are late for school - Listen and repeat - Listen and write down - Read the numbers - Give questions + What time is it? - Pair work S1: What time is it? S2: It’s ten o’clock (2) - Write some questions on the board for ss to guess the answer What time does Ba get up? What time does he have breakfast? What time does he go to school? - Request Ss to find the answers in C6 - Introduce the function of the questions - Call some pairs to ask and answer with the sentences presented * Activity - Use o’clock, asking Ss to ask and answer about the time (controlled by teacher) 2.10 / 6.00 / 1.30 / 8.25 / 3.15 / 9.45 / 12.40 - Ask some pairs ask and answer * Activity - Have ss work in pairs asking and answering what time they something - What time you get up? have breakfast? go to school? - Call some pairs to ask and answer 4/ Production (10’) - Guess the meaning nad to give answer - Listen and take notes - Ask and answer S1: What time does Ba get up? S2: He gets up at six o’clock - Pair work Ex: S1: What time is it? S2: It’s two ten - Ask and answer - Work in pairs S1: What time you get up? S2: I get up at six o’clock - Practice in front of class * Activity - Have Ss play game “noughts and crosses” on the time 6.30 7.30 9.45 7.00 11.12 12.30 8.50 4.20 6.5 * Activity - Ask Ss write a paragraph about what time they something - Call some ss to read their paragraph - Play game - Write a paragraph Ex: I get up at………… I have breakfast at ……… I go to school at …………… 5/ Homework (2’) - Tell Ss to write a paragraph about themselves on daily morning activities - Write homework - Do exercises C3.4 (Ex book) - Prepare unit 5, Section A1.A2 IV/ COMMENTS ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… Week: Date of P: 22/10/2012 Period: 26 Date of T: 24/10/2012 UNIT 5: THINGS I DO Lesson 1: A My day (A1.2) (3) I/ OBJECTIVES 1/ Educational aim Ss should know what to in a day 2/ Teaching aim By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about daily activities and ask and answer about daily activities II/ PREPARATIONS Textbook, tape, chalk, pictures, cassette III/ PROCEDURES Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1/ Warm up.(5’) Guessing game - Ss complete the sentences with the suitable time * Example I have breakfast at [7.30] S1: Is it o’clock ? S2: No, It’s 7: 30 - Ss look at the table and complete them 2/ Presentation (13’) * Activity -Introduce new words + (do) your homework + (to) play game * Play game : Slap the board Go to school Get up - Listen and repeat (chorally –individually) Do my homework Wash my face - Play game ( Work in groups ) Play game * Activity -Have Ss look at the pictures and identify activities Nga does - Look at the pictures and identify activities Nga does - Have SS listen to the tape and repeat 3/ Practice (15’) * Activity - Introduce new structures * What does Nga every day? She gets up at six - Listen to the tape and repeat (4) - Have Ss practice asking and answering about Nga’s daily routine (A 2/ p53) * What does Nga every day ? every morning? every afternoon ? every evening ? - Call some pairs to ask and answer in front of the class - Call some Ss to write the answers on the board * Activity *Substitution Teacher Students Everyday, I get up at six Nga gets up at six Every morning, I go to school She goes to school Every afternoon, I play games She plays games Every evening, I my homework She does her homework 4/ Production (10’) * Interview - Have Ss ask their partners to fill in the table Name Every Every Every morning afternoon evening Lan goto school play games homework Hoa Trang Nguyen - Say again the structures 5/ Homework (2’) - Tell ss learn by heart new words - Write a paragraph to tell what they everyday in their notebook - Do exercises A1.2 (Ex book) - Prepare A3.4 Week: Period: 27 - Pay attention to the structures - Pair works Example: S1:What does Nga everyday ? S2: She gets up at six -Pair works - Write the answers on the board - Ss substitute them ( chorally- individually ) - Retell the activities their friends Every morning, Lan goes to school at six fifteen Every afternoon, Hoa plays games Every evening, Trang does her homework - Ss remember the structures - Write homework Date of P: 23/10/2012 Date of T: 25/10/2012 UNIT 5: THINGS I DO Section A: My day Lesson 2: A3.A4 I/ OBJECTIVES 1/ Educational aims 2/ Teaching aims By the end of the lesson, Ss can talk about other people’s daily routines II/ PREPARATIONS Textbook, tape, pictures, cassette, chalk III/ PROCEDURES (5) Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1/ Warm up.(5’) - Play game -Work in groups + Listento music + Do the homework + Read books + Play games Play game “Networks” -Have Ss give activities after school (Ss can say in Vietnamese) Watching TV Listening to music After school activities Reading playing games 2/ Presentation (13’) * Activity - Have Ss look at the pictures and introduce new - Listen and repeat words (chorally – individually) (to)watch (television) (to) (the housework) (to) listen (to music) (to) read - Have Ss listen and repeat - Call Ss to read individually * Activity - Have Ss listen to the tape (A 3) - Introduce structures  What you after school? I watch television  What does Lan after school? She watches television 3/ Practice (17’) * Activity -Have Ss read these sentences silently -Listen and repeat - Listen to the tape -Ss pay attention to the structures (6) -Call some Ss to read them in front of the class -Have SS practice the model sentence  What you after school? I watch television the housework listen to music read -Call some pairs to ask and answer them in front of the class -Correct mistakes * Activity - Have SS answer the questions (A 4) -Let them cross-check the answers with their partners -Call some SS read and write the answers on the board -Make correction -Silent reading - Read them in front of the class (individually) -Work in pairs -Question and answer drill (Pair works) -Work in groups / pairs - Cross-check - Read and write the answers on the board * Keys -Call some pairs to ask and answer them in front of a) Lan does the housework b) Ba watches television the class c) Thu reads d) Nam listens to music -Pair works  Example S1:What does[Ba/ Lan / Nam / Thu] after school? 4/ Production (8’) S2: [He watches TV] [She does -Have SS match the column A with the column B the housework] A B Get a) my teeth Do b) games - Work in groups Listen c) up Watch d) books Play e) my face Wash f) to music Brush g) breakfast Go h) television Have I) the housework 10 Read j) to school -Call some Ss of each group to give the answers in front of the class - Give the answers in front of the class * Keys 1-c 6- e (7) -Say again the structures 2- i 7- a 3–f 8–j 5/ Homework (2’) 4- h 9–g 10 – d - Tell Ss to revise the lesson and exercise A3 (Ex 5-b - Listen and remember book) - Preapare A5.6 - Write homework IV/ COMMENTS …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… ******************************************** (8)

Ngày đăng: 08/06/2021, 10:14

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