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Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities Content - Introduce the situation.. - Give Ss some questionaires.[r]



I/ Aims

- Compentences :

+ Ss can be able to write a letter while they are having a trip to another places - Focus on : Writing skill

II/ Teaching aids

- Large paper, extraboards and pictures III/ Procedures :

1 Class organization - Greeting

- Checking the attendance 2 Review of previous lesson

- T asks Ss some questions about Malaysia + Where is Kuala lumper?

+ What’s the weather like in Malaysia?

+ Have you ever written a letter to any your relatives or friends? - Ss answer the questions

3 New lesson :

Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities Content - Introduce the situation

- Give Ss some questionaires - T guides Ss to write each paragraph

- T notes Ss to use tenses: past simple present perfect and future

- T remarks Ss some difficult structures

*.While-Writing :

- Ask Ss to work in group - T goes around and help if necessary

- Check the letters

- Listen - Answer the questions - Take notes

- Groupworks

- Where did you go last summer vacation?

- Who did you go with? - How did you get there?

- Where did you stay? (hotel or relatives’house)

- What places did you visit? - What food did you try? - What things did you buy? - How did you feel on the trip? - What interested you most?

*SUGGESTED IDEAS + First paragraph

I arrived at Ho Chi Minh bus station at pm /8 am on Tuesday/ Sunday

Nam/ My Uncle met me here, then he took me home by car/ motorbike

+Second paragraph I’ve visited many beautiful places such as Dam Sen Park, Suoi Tien, the water Park…

I’ve tried different foods

I’ll visit Vung Tau beach tomorrow /on Sunday morning…

+ Third paragraph

I feel so happy and enjoy myself so much The people are kind and friendly The foods are delicious and the sights are beautiful


* Post-Writing:

- Ask Ss to read their letters aloud before the class

- Read the letters aloud before the class

5 Homework:

- Copy down the correct letters into the notebooks - Prepare Language Focus pages 11,12

IV/ Feedback

……… ………

Week: 03 Unit A VISIT FROM A PENPALLanguage focus Period: 06

I/ Aims

- Compentences : + Use the past simple

+Use the past simple with “Wish” II/ Teaching aids

Pictures in exercise , extra boards III/ Procedures :

1 Class organization - Greeting

- Checking the attendance 2 Review of previous lesson

Ask Ss some questions about themselves 3 New lesson

Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities Content 1.Activity :

-Have Ss read the model dialogue

-Review the usage of the simple past and have Ss recall it by using the dialogue

-Have Ss work in pair ask and answer about the activities in the table

-Ask Ss to read the answers aloud

-Give feedback

-Read the model dialogue in pair -Say the form of the simple past


-Read the answers

1.Practice the dialogue. A:What did Ba on the weekend

B:He went to see a movie called “Ghost and Monsters”

A:When did he see it ? B:He saw it on Saturday afternoon at two o’clock * S + V(past form) ………… * Did + S + V(bare inf)

………… ?

* S + did not + V(bare inf) …………


Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities Content 2.Activity :

-Introduce the topic and stick the pictures on the board -Set up the situation, explain how to the exercise

-Do exercise model -Have Ss work in group

(matching the pictures with the above phrases )

-Ask Ss to give the answers -Give feedback

3.Activity :

-Introduce the topic and new structure

-Have Ss read the sentence pattern and read the situation a) , then model

-Have Ss the exercise and compare the result with the partner

-Ask Ss to read their answers aloud

-Check and give feedback

-Look at the pictures -Listen to the

teacher -Groupwork -Give the answers -Take note

-Read and model -Work individualy -Read the answers

2.* Answer key : 1.A make a cake

2.B colorful lamps on the wall / in the room

3.C bought flowers

4.D painted a picture of Ha Noi 5.E and F went shopping

3.* Structure :

S + Wish + That-clause (S + V(past form)

+ Past form (be: Were; other verbs: past form)

*Answer key :

b.I wish I were in the swimming pool now

c.I wish I had a coputer

d.I wish I lived close to school e.I wish I had a sister

f.I wish I drew well

g.I wish I had my friend’s phone number

h.I wish I knew many friends i.I wish there were rivers and lake in my hometown

4 Consolidation

Ask Ss to make sentences with “wish” 5 Homework:

- Copy down the in activities 1), 2), 3) into the notebooks

- Prepare Unit part “Getting started + listen and read’’ page 13 IV/ Feedback:

……… ………


Week ………

Ngày đăng: 03/06/2021, 00:32


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