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-T: ask ss to answer the questions - Ask ss to work in invidually - Ss answer in front of the class *Further practice : Read aloud - Ss: read your writing. - T corrects and let Ss [r]


Date of preparing : 03/3/2021 WEEK 24 - Period 91 UNIT 14: WHAT HAPPENED IN THE STORY?

Lesson 2: Part 1, 2,3

I Objectives 1.Knowledge:

- At the end of the lesson Ss will be able to ask and answer question about someone’s opinions of a book/ story/ character.;

Sentence patterns:What you think of… ? I think………….

Vocabulary:intelligent,greedy 2.Skill:

- Practice listening, speaking skills 3.Attitude:

- Help ss to have good consciousness in order to practice about what happaened in the storry

II Teaching- aids

- Student’s book, recording, fresh cards, posters III Methods:

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work,group work - Some techniques can be used: Slap the board, survey

IV Procedure:

A Organization: ( 1’)

- Greeting: Good morning!/ Good afternoon! - Who’s absent today?

Class Date of teaching Absent Ss

5B 06/3/2021

5C 06/3/2021

Teacher and Ss’s activitives Contents

B Warm up (5’)

* Activity : Slap the board - T devides Ss into 2teams

- T explains how to play this game -T lets teams play together

- T monitors and praise the winner

C New lesson:

kind brave



*Activity 1: Look, listen and repeat (10’) -T ask Ss to look at the pictures

T: How many people are there? Ss: there are two

T: What are their names? Ss: Quan and Linda

T: What are they talking about?

Ss: They are talking about The Golden Starfruit Tree

-T asks Ss to open their books to page 26 Ss: open their books to page 26

- T opens the cassette -Ss: listen and point

- T opens the cassette again

-Ss: listen and read in chorus( times) -T - Ss role play

T-Ss, Ss- T, half- half, open pairs

-T checks Ss’s understanding about the dialogue *Activity2 : Point and say (10’)

-T introduce some words by eliciting a.Vocabulary

intelligent:( explanation) greedy: ( explanation) - T models

-Ss: listen and repeat (chorally then individually)

-T writes down on the board -Ss: copy

- *Check Vocab* Matching

- T devides Ss in to teams (Blue – White) - T explains how to play this game

- T lets teams play together - T monitor and praise the winner

b Model sentences.

-T introduce stucture:

Set the sence: T asks to look at their book on page 26

T: when Quan want to know Linda What you think about the main character How does Quan ask?

Ss:What you think of An Tiêm ? T: How does Peter say ?

1.Look, listen and repeat

2.Point and say a.Vocabulary.

intelligent:thông minh greedy: tham lam

b Model sentences.


Ss: I think he’s hardworking -T model

-Ss repeat chorally then individually -T wirtes down on the board

-T checks: form, use, intonation *Picture cues (CNTT)

-T lets Ss run through the pictures -T models

-Ss repeat chorally

- T-Ss, Ss- T, half-half, open pairs, close pairs *Further practice : Bean bag circle - T: asks Ss to make a cicle

T: ask ss to listen music and ask and answer the questions What you think of …

- Ss: Ask and answer when stop the music - T monitors and correct their mistakes *Activity : Let’s talk(9’)

- Ask ss to practice further by asking and ansering questions about a book, a story or a character

- Ask ss work in pairs

- Give minutes to practice

-Ask some pairs to perform in front of the class -T give feedback

V Summary (1)

- Ask and answer about the book, story or character VI Homework ( 1’)

-Learn new words and structure by your heart VII Evaluation:


Date of preparing: 03/3/2021 WEEK 24 - Period 92 UNIT 14: WHAT HAPPENED IN THE STORY?

Lesson 2: Part 4, 5,6 I Objectives


- - At the end of the lesson Ss will be able to ask and answer question about someone’s opinions of a book/ story/ character

Sentence patterns:Review Vocabulary:Review 2.Skill:

- Practice listening, speaking and writing skills 3.Attitude:

- Help ss to have good consciousness in order to practice about activities in the past II Teaching- aids

- Student’s book, recording, fresh cards, posters III Methods:

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work,group work - Some techniques can be used: Slap the board, survey

IV Procedure:

A Organization: ( 1’)

- Greeting: Good morning!/ Good afternoon! - Who’s absent today?

Class Date of teaching Absent Ss

5B 06/3/2021

5C 06/3/2021

Teacher and Ss’s activitives Contents

B Warm up and Review (5’) * What and where

- Circle the words on the board - Divide the class into teams

- Choose students from each team stand in lines

- Teacher speaks the Vietnamese words , - Ss slap the words in English

- Let Ss play the game - Praise the winners C New lesson:

Kind greedy




* Activity 1: Listen and tick (9’)

Set the scence: Ask Ss to open their book on page 27 and tells them that they are going to listen to the recording and tick the correct answer

- T plays the recording for Ss to listen 1st time - T plays the recording again for Ss to listen and complete the correct answer

- Asks Ss to exchange their answer with partners before reporting them to the class

- T asks Ss to read out the answer

- T plays the recording again for Ss to check their answer

Further practice: Chinese wishper T: divides class in groups

T: wishper with the first student , the first tell to the second ……the last one say aloud the sentence that you hear

-Ss: play in groups T: Praise the winners

*Activity2 : Write about your favourite book (10’)

*Set the sence.

- Asks Ss to open their book on page 27 and tell them they are going to write about your favourite book

T : How many sentences are there? Ss :answer

-T: ask ss to answer the questions - Ask ss to work in invidually - Ss answer in front of the class *Further practice (Mythware ) Reorder the sentences

T: give some sentences 1.is/ the / elder brother/greedy An Tiêm / hard working / is intelligent / the / is/ mouse / T: Ask ss to work in groups of - T gives Ss minutes to the task - Ss: read your writing

- T corrects and let Ss to copy down on their notebook

* Activity 3:Let’s play.

- T divide the class into two teams

4.Listen and tick

Key: c 2 a 3 a

5.Write about you


1.The elder brother is greedy 2 AnTiem is hardworking 3 The mouse is intelligent


- Give each team sheets with the same set of phrases from a

story Each member ofthe teams should have one sheet Say a sentence from the story

- The fist team that shows the correct sentence wins a point The gamecontinues until the teacher fiishes the story The team which has the most points wins the


V Summary (1’)

-What skills have you practiced? VI Homework ( 1’)

- T asks Ss to find down many words about character in the story VII Evaluation:

……… ………


Date of preparing : 04/3/2021 WEEK 24 – Period 93

UNIT 14: WHAT HAPPENED IN THE STORY? Lesson 3: Part 1, 2,3

I Objectives

1.Knowledge: At the end of the lesson Ss will be able to practice about intonation Sentences parttems: Review

Vocabulary: Review 2.Skill:

- Practice listening, speaking ,reading, writng skills 3.Attitude:

- Educate ss to love the main character II Teaching- aids

- Student’s book, recording, fresh cards, posters III Methods:

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work,group work IV Procedure:

A Organization: ( 1’)


Class Date of teaching Absent Ss

5B 07/3/2021

5C 07/3/2021

Teacher's and Student’s activitives Contents

1 Warm up and Review(5’) Slap the board

-T asks Ss to play in two teams -S plays game

- T monitors and pride the winer 2.New lesson:

*Activity1: Listen and repeat.(10’) T ask Ss to read the title

-Ss: read

-T: what does it mean? -Ss: Nghe nhắc lại

-T : Ask ss to listen the tape or video -Ss: Listen and repeat to the tape -T: model

What you in your free time ? I surf the Internet

-Ss : repeat inchrorus , invidualy (4ss) -T :Where to put the intonation? It’s Falling or raising

-T: Give the sentence

-Ss: repeat chrorus ,invidually

- T : ask ss to find the word that they have learned with the first syllable

- Ss anwer

- T the same these sentences -T ask ss to read words and sentences - T: ask ss to read all two times - T:How to put the intonation? - Ss : Falling

* Furthe practice : Mark the intonation - T : writes some word on the snake and ask ss to read the sentences aloud

- T Ask to work in four groups - Ss; Say bingo when they finish

4. Listen and repeat apples

watermellon family


-T minitor and give feedback

Activity2: Listen and circle a or b Then say the sentences aloud (10’)

-T ask Ss to read the title -Ss: read

-T: what does it mean?

-Ss: nghe khoanh tròn a or b -T : how many sentences


-T lets SS run through -T asksSs to tell the task

-Ask Ss to open the books on page 10 -Ask ss to listen1st time

-Ss listen

Ask ss to listen2nd time -Ss listen

-Ask ss to tell the answers

-Ask Ss to compare with their partners

-Ask ss to listen the 3rd time( Listen and check) * Further practice : Chinese whisper -T devides Ss in to groups

-Ss: make aline and one of them take one sentence

-T: Read aloud

-Ss: stick it on board and read aloud -T minitor and give feedback

* Activity 3:Listen to the story



T: ask ss to look at the board - What are they ?

Ss: answer

T: What are they doing ? Ss: Answer

-T opens the tape -Ss : listen to the tape -T read the story

-Ss repeat after the teacher -T teach them some new words -T opens the tape again

-Ss repeat line by line

-Ask ss to read the story aloud -T devides Ss into groups

T calls somes groups perform before the class

5.Listen and circle a or b Then say the sentences aloud

Key: b 2 b 3 a 4 a


-T listen and give feedback V Summary (1)

- Ask ss to repeat the intonation VI Homework ( 1’)

VII Evaluation:

……… ………

Date of preparing: 04/3/2021 WEEK 24 – PERIOD 94 UNIT 14: WHAT HAPPENED IN THE STORY?

Lesson 3: Part 4, 5,6 I Objectives

1.Knowledge: At the end of the lesson Ss will be able to read the text and write about favourite story

Sentences parttems: Review Vocabulary: Review


- Practice listening, speaking ,reading, writng skills 3.Attitude:

- - Help ss to have good consciousness in order to practice reading for details II Teaching- aids

- Student’s book, recording, fresh cards, posters III Methods:

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work,group work IV Procedure:

A Organization: ( 1’)

- Greeting: Good morning!/ Good afternoon! - Who’s absent today?

Class Date of teaching Absent Ss

5B 07/3/2021

5C 07/3/2021

Teacher's and Student’s activitives Contents

1.Warm up and Review(5’) *Kim game

- T give the lines of some words and tell them


that the words are about toys and food - T divide the class in to two teams and ask them to remember the words in munutes - T: Ask ss to write the words

- T monitors and pride the winer 2.New lesson:

*Activity1:Read and write (8’) Pre-teach.

- T :asks Ss to open their book on page 29 asks them that they are going to read and answer the questions

- Asks Ss to read the text and questions -Ss: read the text

T: How many questions are there? Ss: Answer

- Ss discuss and answer the questions - Compare with your partner

-Ss read their answer to the class - T monitors and correct their mistake *Further practice : Read aloud T: Ask three ss to read aloud Ss: Read the text

T : monitors and correct their mistakes Activity Write about the characters in your favourite story

Set the sence

- Asks Ss to open their book on page 29 to write about your birthday party

T : How many sentences are there? Ss :answer

T : Are they completed ? Ss: No

-T: ask ss to answer the questions - Ask ss to work in invidually - Ss answer in front of the class *Further practice : Read aloud - Ss: read your writing

- T corrects and let Ss to copy down on their notebook

Activity 3: Project (10’)

- T :asks Ss to tell a story and say what they think of the characters

- T: Asks ss to in vidually


4.Read and write

folk tales : chuyện dân gian surprise: ngạc nhiên

honest: thật wise: thông minh stupid: ngớ ngẩn

Key: She likes reading

folk tales

2 She thinks they are usually short and interesting

3 She thinks the characters are sometimes honest, sometimes greedy, sometimes

wise, sometimes stupid 4 She thinks the fox was clever and the crow was not 5 Because each of them gives her a lesson in life

5.Write about the

characters in your favourite story

My favourite story is


The main characters are

I Iike because


-Ss: work invidually

_T: gives Ss minute to the task

- T :asks some gs to present the charater in the story

- Ss: perform in front of class - T monitors and correct their mistakes Activity 4: Colour the stars (3’)

-T: Asks ss to read the statements and check their comprehension

-T:Gives the time for ss to colour the stars -Ask some ss to read the statement

- T:Gives further support to pupils who find it diffilty to achieve certain objectives


7.Colour the stars

V Summary (1)

- Ask ss to practice questions about the main character in the favourite story VI Homework ( 1’)

VII Evaluation:

Ngày đăng: 26/05/2021, 10:40
