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Tác giả Kiều Thị Lệ
Người hướng dẫn Dr. Nguyễn Thị Minh Tâm
Trường học Vietnam National University, Hanoi University of Languages and International Studies
Chuyên ngành English Linguistics
Thể loại Luận văn thạc sĩ
Năm xuất bản 2019
Thành phố Hanoi
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VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST GRADUATE STUDIES KIỀU THỊ LỆ INVESTIGATING THE GENERIC STRUCTURE POTENTIAL OF ENGLISH AND VIETNAMESE BLOG POSTS IN CONTENT MARKETING IN THE LIGHT OF SYSTEMIC FUNCTIONAL LINGUISTICS (SFL) (Khảo sát tiềm cấu trúc thể loại nhật ký cá nhân quảng cáo tiếp thị nội dung tiếng Anh tiếng Việt theo quan điểm chức hệ thống) MASTER’S THESIS PROGRAM I Major: English Linguistics Code: 8220201.01 Hanoi – 2019 VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST GRADUATE STUDIES KIỀU THỊ LỆ INVESTIGATING THE GENERIC STRUCTURE POTENTIAL OF ENGLISH AND VIETNAMESE BLOG POSTS IN CONTENT MARKETING IN THE LIGHT OF SYSTEMIC FUNCTIONAL LINGUISTICS (SFL) (Khảo sát tiềm cấu trúc thể loại nhật ký cá nhân quảng cáo tiếp thị nội dung tiếng Anh tiếng Việt theo quan điểm chức hệ thống) MASTER’S THESIS PROGRAM I Major: English Linguistics Code: 8220201.01 Supervisor: Dr Nguyễn Thị Minh Tâm Hanoi - 2019 DECLARATION OF WORK I solemnly and sincerely declare that: (1) I am the sole author/writer of this work; (2) This work is original; (3) Any use of any work in which copyright exists was done by way of fair dealing and for permitted purposes and any excerpt or extract from, or reference to or reproduction of any copyright work has been disclosed expressly and sufficiently and the title of the work and its authorship have been acknowledged in this Work; (4) I not have any actual knowledge nor I ought reasonably to know that the making of this work constitutes an infringement of any copyright work; (5) I hereby assign all and every rights in the copyright to this work to the University of Languages and International Studies (ULIS), who henceforth shall be owner of the copyright in this work and that any reproduction or use in any form or by any means whatsoever is prohibited without the written consent of ULIS having been first had and obtained; (6) I am fully aware that if in the course of making this work I have infringed any copyright whether intentionally or otherwise, I may be subject to legal action or any other action as may be determined by ULIS Date: June 22nd, 2019 Candidate‘s Signature Kiều Thị Lệ i ABSTRACT Blog posts have been widely considered to be an effective tool in content marketing as they not only get the products exposed to the customers but also provoke reasonable and appealing motives for them to click buy Among various types of blog posts, instructional blog post is the most popular type since they can create demand and bring many values to customers Instructional blog posts provide insights and directly address readers‘ problems or concerns This study aims at finding the Generic Structure Potential (GSP) of English and Vietnamese instructional blog posts, based on the framework of Hasan (1985) The corpus consists of ten English and ten Vietnamese blog posts which were collected from blogs whose views per month surpass 150,000 Moreover, this research also seeks to find the similarities and differences between the two categories The analysis reveals that 36 types of potential elements might occur in the instructional blog posts Based on the obligatory, optional and iterative elements found in the data, the GSP of English and Vietnamese instructional blog posts is proposed In conclusion, While English instructional blog posts accomplish the mission of advertising, instructing and increasing leads; Vietnamese posts serve the purpose of instructing and increasing traffic to the page The result of the study can be employed to evaluate the necessity and reasonability of the elements in the instructional blog posts and propose the most efficient factors to compose successful instructional blog posts Key words: generic structure potential (GSP), blog post, content marketing ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This is a great pleasure for me to thank the people who had some contribution in the process of completing the present study I wish to say thanks to all the staff in the Faculty of Postgraduate, University of Languages and International Studies, especially doctor Huynh Anh Tuan, the dean of our faculty that made this research possible and gave me the chance and the trust to work on this area of research despite the obstacles I‘m grateful to my dear supervisor professor Dr Nguyen Thi Minh Tam for all her valuable guidance and encouragement She always supported me with valuable suggestions and positive criticism I‘m thankful for all the help and the flexibility she had with me despite being busy I have a great joy thanking my dear friend Vu Thi Thu Huong who has been very generous in her friendship with me I wish to show my gratitude to her for introducing this field of study to me and helping me to learn it Thank you for all the academic and moral support during the years of our friendship My deepest gratitude goes to my dearest mother for all the love and sacrifices to grow me up Thank you for being patient with me in my down times and tolerating my absence at home as well as encouraging me to pursue all my dreams since my childhood iii TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION OF WORK i ABSTRACT ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iii TABLE OF CONTENTS iv LIST OF TABLES vi LIST OF FIGURES vii CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1 Rationale of the study Aims and objectives of the study Research methodology Scope of the study The significance of the study Structure of the thesis CHAPTER 2: THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK AND REVIEW OF LITERATURE 2.1 Generic Structure Potential (GSP) in SFL 2.1.1 Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) 2.1.2 Genre and genre analysis in SFL 2.1.3 Macrostructure analysis and GSP 12 2.2 Blog posts as a special kind of genre 17 2.2.1 Overview about content marketing and blogging 20 2.2.2 Internet/ web Genres 24 2.3 Previous Studies 26 CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY 31 3.1 The data corpus 31 iv 3.2 Methods of the study 31 3.3 Analytical framework 32 3.4 Data analyzing procedure 33 CHAPTER 4: RESULT AND DISCUSSION 34 4.1 General findings 34 4.2 Qualitative findings 40 4.2.1 Generic structure potential of instructional blog posts in English 40 4.2.2 Generic structure potential of instructional blog posts in Vietnamese 52 4.3 Discussions: Answers to the research questions 62 4.3.1 Answer to RQ1: What is the generic structure potential of instructional blog posts in English? 62 4.3.2 RQ2: What is the generic structure potential of instructional blog posts in Vietnamese? 64 4.3.3 Answer to RQ3: What are the similarities and differences between instructional blog posts in English and Vietnamese in terms of generic structure potential? 65 CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION 67 Recapitulation 67 Implications 68 Limitations and suggestions for further studies 68 REFERENCES 70 APPENDICES I APPENDIX A I APPENDIX B II v LIST OF TABLES Table The data corpus 31 Table Analytical framework 32 Table Newly found elements 34 Table Occurrences and Frequencies of the elements 37 Table Average number of the elements 39 Table Number of obligatory, optional and reiterative elements 40 Table GSP of instructional blog posts in English 63 Table GSP of instructional blog posts in Vietnamese 64 Table English and Vietnamese blog posts GSP in comparison 65 vi LIST OF FIGURES Figure Categorization of genre (Knapp & Watkins, 1994, p.22) Figure Swales‘ (1990) model of research article genre 14 Figure Instructional blog post sample 23 vii CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION This introductory section presents a broad outline of this thesis regarding the rationale of study, research objectives, research methodology, scope of study, importance of the research article and structure of the study Rationale of the study In recent years, more interest is placed on advertising and marketing as tools to bring value and attract target audiences People not simply use advertisements to introduce and describe their products but to draw audience‘s attraction and enhance their loyalty The challenge here is to create a text that bridges the gap between the intended audiences and the writer, or particularly the target customers and the copy writers The text which is not able to make the intended relationship within a specific discourse community will not be capable of engaging the readers as insiders and cannot be comprehensible enough within that specific genre However, this aim is satisfied by recognizing the textual variations within specific genres and to see how texts resemble or vary in accordance with their discourse organizations and the linguistic features applied Many materials and writings about how to write an effective blog are tremendously accessible on the internet, but to the best of my knowledge, little has been done on the specific structure of a blog, the factors that make it successful, and the factors that bore the readers Given such a gap, this study attempts to investigate generic structure and typical features of blogs to see whether there is the a specific formula for a successful blog post and how a blog is written to attract target audiences, boost customers‘ loyalty and finally create more traffic for the products or services The results can have good implications for the members of this discourse community such as copywriters and blog writers as well as advertisers GSP of a blog post is constructed from the head, body and foot GSP of instructional blog posts in English is presented in the following Table 7: Table GSP of instructional blog posts in English Head T^(CI)^(AU)^(TP)^(Sh•) Body [(I)^(TC)] [H^(ET)]^(N)^[VC^(ATg)^(VCE)]^BC^(E•)^(KW)^(ES) ^ (CTA)^(GAC)^AF•LSI ^(S•)^(L)^(RR•)^AT•^Ad ^(OAd•)^(FAQ•)^C Foot (CTA•)^(GAC)^RP•^(Ca)^(Tg)^(AA)^(RLs)^CS In general, based on 36 potential elements which are examined, it can be seen that the English instructional blog posts can provide readers with the most important information and steps on How-to content by obligatory elements, always including title in the head, heading, visual content, blogger’s commentary, additional facts/information, latent semantic indexing keywords, anchor texts and advertisement in the body, and related/previous posts and comment section in the foot Considering purpose of the post (whether to give instruction, to advertise, or both), each English instructional blog posts will select other optional elements The head of English posts contains only one obligatory element, showing that the head is used for informing readers of the underneath content; no marketing attempt is targeted here The obligatory elements in the body of English posts include both elements providing instruction and elements for marketing purposes, so the body of English post is successful in providing information, advertising the product/service/course/book of the blog owner and increasing traffic to the post LSI and Ad are identically repeated to show that the body of English posts plays the most essential role in fulfilling the marketing purposes Iteration of LSI increases the click rate by boosting SEO, and exactly repetition of Ad stimulates profitable action from readers The foot of the English blog posts contains two elements which focus on marketing, attempt to provide information is not presented in this part In conclusion, English instructional blog posts accomplish the mission of advertising, instructing and increasing leads 63 4.3.2 RQ2: What is the generic structure potential of instructional blog posts in Vietnamese? GSP of instructional blog posts in English is presented in Table below: Table GSP of instructional blog posts in Vietnamese Head Body T^(CI)^(AU)^TP^(Sh•)^(Ca)^(NV)^(RLs) [(I)^(TC)] [H^(ET)]^(CTA)[(VC)^(ATg)]^BC^(KW)^(ES)^(E) ^AF•LSI ^(S•)^(L)^(RR•)^AT•^(Ad•)^(C) Foot CTA•^RP•^(Tg)^(AA) ^(RLs)^(Sh)^(CS) By analyzing 36 potential elements, it is shown that Vietnamese instructional blog posts is fairly successful in informing readers of the information on How-to content by obligatory elements, consistently containing title and time of publication in the head; heading, blogger’s commentary, additional facts/information, latent semantic indexing keyword and anchor text in the body; and related/previous posts in the foot Other elements will also select to complete different purposes of different Vietnamese instructional blog posts That the head contains two obligatory elements enables it to achieve two purposes: the title informs readers of the overall content of the post, while the time of publication provides readers with freshness of the post which will stimulate or diminish viewers‘ desire to keep reading The obligatory elements found in the body of Vietnamese instructional blog posts mostly serve the purpose of instructing or informing LSI playing the role of iterative element helps to increase traffic to the post by promoting SEO This shows that Vietnamese instructional blog posts focusing on increasing leads rather than advertising Two obligatory elements in the foot serve the purpose of marketing, while call to action improves the commitment of readers, the related/previous posts improve traffics to others posts and promote advertisement Ultimately, Vietnamese instructional blog posts serve the purpose of instructing, increasing traffic to the posts 64 4.3.3 Answer to RQ3: What are the similarities and differences between instructional blog posts in English and Vietnamese in terms of generic structure potential? The comparison of English and Vietnamese instructional blog posts is presented in Table below: Table English and Vietnamese blog posts GSP in comparison English Vietnamese Head T^(CI)^(AU)^(TP)^(Sh•) T^(CI)^(AU)^TP^(Sh•)^(Ca)^(NV)^(RLs) Body [(I)^(TC)] [H^(ET)]^(N)^[VC^(ATg)^(VCE)] [(I)^(TC)] [H^(ET)]^(CTA)[(VC)^(ATg)]^BC^ ^BC^(E•)^(KW)^(ES)^(CTA)^(GAC)^AF• (KW) ^(ES)^(E)^AF•LSI ^(S•)^(L) ^(RR•) LSI ^(S•)^(L)^(RR•)^AT•^Ad ^(OAd•) ^AT•^(Ad•) ^(C) ^(FAQ•)^C Foot (CTA•)^(GAC)^RP•^(Ca)^(Tg)^(AA)^(RLs)^CS CTA•^RP•^(Tg)^(AA) ^(RLs)^(Sh•)^(CS) Regarding the head, neither English nor Vietnamese instructional blog posts contains iterative elements; and they both share the title as an obligatory element However, the Vietnamese instructional blog posts contain more elements and obligatory elements than the English ones While the head of the English posts focuses on informing the topic, that of Vietnamese posts with time of publication serves both purposes of informing and stimulating click rate The occurrence of number of view and rate/like section in the head of Vietnamese posts helps readers evaluate the quality of the post, based on other‘s opinions Considering the body, while there are obligatory elements in English posts, obligatory elements occur in the Vietnamese ones Furthermore, the overall elements of English posts (24 elements) outperform those of Vietnamese posts (19 elements) These show that the English posts‘ body provides readers with more details than that of its counterpart They both share one iterative element (LSI), indicating they both aim at enhancing SEO to increase traffic to the posts However, the presence of Ad as an iterative element in English instructional blog posts indicates that the English ones 65 focus more on product/service/course/book advertising and marketing than the Vietnamese ones As to the foot, obligatory elements in the foot of the two categories both serve the marketing purpose, especially related/previous posts which appear and share the same purpose in both categories, i.e increasing traffic to and promoting advertisement in other posts The other obligatory element in English posts is comment section, which serves the purpose of increasing interaction between readers and author to boost commitment The other obligatory element in Vietnamese posts is call to action, which is used to please customers with a bonus or enhance commitment by asking them to click like the media It is notable to mention that the two elements: CTA and GAC appear in both the body and the foot of the English posts This indicates that English instructional blog posts appreciate the commitment of the viewers and wants to attract loyal readers Vietnamese posts also share this feature with CTA appearing in both the body and the foot Besides the share button can be considered iterative should the Vietnamese instructional blog post be analysed as the whole This emphasizes the fact that Vietnamese posts aim at increasing traffic to the posts In conclusion, the English instructional blog posts accomplish purposes of instructing, marketing and increasing traffic, while the Vietnamese instructional blog posts mainly achieve the purposes of instructing and increasing traffic Based on above discussion, it is recommended that Vietnamese instructional blog post writer might need to consider putting more advertisements into the post and make them an iterative element in a delicate way 66 CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION Recapitulation The study aims to explore the generic structure potential (GSP) of a kind of content marketing blog posts – instructional blog posts - in English and Vietnamese Corpus of 20 instructional blog posts is categorized into two groups: 10 English instructional blog posts and 10 Vietnamese instructional blog posts The study is grounded on the premise of genre analysis, proposed by Halliday and Hasan (1985) Generic structure potential model (Hasan, 1985), was adopted to render the results of the study The researcher employed mostly qualitative method and quantitative one to reveal the generic structure of each instructional blog post, then reported the statistics contributing the conclusions of this study The answer to each of the study‘s question was discovered by detecting the proposed schematic elements inherent in each instructional blog post, their frequency of occurrence as well as common positions in the texts The GSP of English instructional blog posts contains 36 elements, 11 of which are obligatory and there are two iterative elements The dominant function of English instructional blog posts is to market, instruct and increase leads The GSP of Vietnamese instructional blog posts consists of 31 elements, in which elements are obligatory and one element is iterative Vietnamese instructional blog posts primly serve the purpose of instructing, increasing traffic to the posts English and Vietnamese instructional blog posts show conspicuous differences in number of elements, obligatory and iterative elements, besides instructing and increasing leads like the Vietnamese ones, English instructional blog posts outperform in fulfilling the marketing function 67 Implications The present study examined the generic structure potential of English and Vietnamese instructional blog posts The result asserts the flexibility of Hasan‘s model (1985) over Swale‘s model (1990) Furthermore, the present study could have some implications on teaching writing Teachers can provide learners with various aspects of instructional writing and illustrate how this kind of writing differs from general English The present study also adds to the amount of literature on genre analysis of various disciplines and SFL analysis applied on various contexts Hence it can be beneficial for researchers to draw on and make comparisons with their own studies and to enrich this trend of studies Limitations and suggestions for further studies The present study is considered limited in the following aspects As this minor thesis is a qualitative study conducted under time constraints and written within word limit, this study investigated only a small data corpus The extension of the data corpus might bring more interesting findings about other optional elements that potentially appear in English and Vietnamese instructional blog posts Also, the scope of the data for this research is merely limited to instructional blog posts in English and Vietnamese, so it should not be generalized into the GSP of the blog posts in content marketing in general Consequently, there is still much room remained to be investigated on other type of blog posts or blog posts in general As for the framework of this study which has applied the genre analysis of Halliday‘s and Hasan‘s framework, further studies can make use of other models of genre analysis such as that of Bhatia‘s or Swales‘ model By the same token, research on macroctructure could be undertaken as well in order to expand on the body of research with the same nature While the analysis of the current study is examined in time intervals and detailed discussions on how thorough and careful the analysis is, was 68 made with a specialist informant who is an expert and further consultations with a professional researcher in order to minimize the impressionistic ideas, is conducted yet it would be a good idea to consult with several informants on the choice of labels and the content assign to each label and to verify the inter- raters reliability accordingly 69 REFERENCES Adspresso (2016) What is a blog Retrieved from:https://adespresso.com/blog/main-different-types-content-use/ Barrett, C (1999) More About Weblogs Retrieved from: http://www.camworld.com/journal/rants/99/05/11.html Bawarshi, N & Reif, M I (2010) Genre: An introduction to history, research, and pedagogy Indiana, US: Parlor Press and the WAC Clearing House Bearman, D (1994) Electronic Evidence: Strategies for Managing Records in Contemporary Organizations Archives and Museum Informatics: Pittsburgh Bhatia VK (1997) Applied genre analysis and ESP, in T.Miller (Ed.) 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LIGHT OF SYSTEMIC FUNCTIONAL LINGUISTICS (SFL) (Khảo sát tiềm cấu trúc thể loại nhật ký cá nhân quảng cáo tiếp thị nội dung tiếng Anh tiếng Việt theo quan điểm chức hệ thống) MASTER’S THESIS PROGRAM... KIỀU THỊ LỆ INVESTIGATING THE GENERIC STRUCTURE POTENTIAL OF ENGLISH AND VIETNAMESE BLOG POSTS IN CONTENT MARKETING IN THE LIGHT OF SYSTEMIC FUNCTIONAL LINGUISTICS (SFL) (Khảo sát tiềm cấu trúc thể. .. thống) MASTER’S THESIS PROGRAM I Major: English Linguistics Code: 8220201.01 Supervisor: Dr Nguyễn Thị Minh Tâm Hanoi - 2019 DECLARATION OF WORK I solemnly and sincerely declare that: (1) I am the

Ngày đăng: 20/05/2021, 14:16


